» Fantasy » Dawn of a Second Life, Kathrayne [the best e book reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dawn of a Second Life, Kathrayne [the best e book reader .TXT] 📗». Author Kathrayne

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I am stepping towards the edge with my left leg. The mother is screaming as loud as she can from above us and the visitors are looking towards the cliff in scared awe without making a single move to help. Step two with my right foot, Topaz is running towards her golden dragon, who is low to the ground on his muscled legs and bronze talons for his fearless rider. Rage’s darkening obsidian eyes are going between the black cliff and me. Clearly he knows what is going to happen, what it is that every instinct and nerve in my body is screaming at me to do. He is turning, his giant body rippling with strength and grace, like a poisonous snake getting ready to strike its prey dead. Three more large, quick steps and I spring myself with all my might over the edge, gravity sending me plummeting towards the volcanic rock below.
The hot wind is screaming past my ears and whipping over my body. I can barely hear the child, let alone Queen Topaz’s insulting yells to me of my insanity and recklessness as she circles Terror overhead. The only thing I know I hear for sure is Rage’s vibrating roar that echoes through the valley. I focus my utmost attention on the child, reaching down for her desperately. My fingers brush the tips of her dress, light as a baby dragon’s soft wings on your fingertips. I struggle to inch down more, gravity giving in because I weighted a little more than the kid.
“Rachel! C’mon baby! Come here, sweet pea!” I yell through the air. She looks up at me with terrified crimson eyes, and I see just how scared she is. The precious little thing is trying her damnedest not to scream her lungs out, but tears sting in her eyes and fear has a greater hold on her than her will. One of her tears flies up and hits me near the mouth, the saltiness entering on my tongue. I have to save her. With all the strength and power in my body, I force myself to grab her thin little wrist, yanking her to me with enough force I was sure that I had either broken it or pulled her arm from her socket. All that mattered right then was that the child was safe in my arms. I curl my body around hers, pressing her to my stomach. As I try to turn so that the impact of the volcanic rock will to more damage to me instead of her, a bright red light flashed before my eyes. With a great breath of fear, I see the River Pele below in all it’s flaming glory. It then registers in my mind that I cannot live in such a river, and the child in my arms cannot swim.

Chapter Three

I turn my back swiftly, knowing that the impact is coming soon. The dry air flies passed up, taking the black hair that is not sticking to my sweat drenched body and blowing it into my eyes. Rachel’s blonde curls pushes itself into my mouth as she seeks more safety from within my embrace. Sweat drips from my forehead, stinging my eyes as well as coating my neck. Out of the side of my eyes, I see the ground starting to slope towards us. We are closer to the hit. I know that it will hurt. Though volcanic rock is still a type of earth, it is originally from fire, not my talent. I know that my talents to wield earth will only cushion my impact somewhat, and I am right.
The first jolt nearly knocks Rachel from my grasp, but I hold on tighter to her, struggling not to turn, to stay on my back. At the very least, I wrap myself more securely around her, making sure she does not have her head, legs, or arms where they can be crushed. The black rock is more like glass, slicing into the skin on my right side. It is a deep, painful wound. When I bang my head against the ground, black dots dance before my eyes like stars in the sky. My vision is fading, getting darker, and I fight to stay awake. Barely visible is Rage, a dark green spectrum in the light blue sky. Farther up is Topaz and Terror, both bright as one of the shining suns. Barely visible is three bodies, leaning as far out as they dare on the shear side of the mountain wall, watching as I fall down farther, surely for my death.
Tears splash on my chest, making dirty streaks in my dust encrusted skin. Rachel is crying, her cherub face stained with tears. I brace myself for a hit in the face as I turn my head. I am looking for the edge of this damned cliff, our last touch of land before we take our plunge into molten lava. I see it, as well as a hand hold. Hope flares in my chest like an erupting volcano. Moving the Fireite child into my left arm and tightening my grip on her so that I do not lose her, I get ready to grab the rock. I am about four feet away now, and Rage’s deafening roar fills the air around us. I look up at him, watching as he folds his emerald, bird-like wings to his back and plummets down like a meteor. My hand grasps the rock, my body sending strength and my soul sending the will to hold on to it. The sudden stop rips Rachel from my arm. I reach frantically for something of her to grab, her hair, an arm, a leg. Anything to save this innocent toddler from falling and drowning. A screaming pain in my back travels throughout my body like fire in my veins and as quick as lightening. It is followed by a gentle tickling, inching its way down my side, leaving a trail that I can feel. I am bleeding.
There is a sound beneath me and I turn my head to see that I have my hand wrapped around Rachel’s. She looks up at me with crimson eyes rimmed with crystal clear tears. I can not hold on much longer, the wound in my side, as well as the much smaller ones, are draining my strength. I can feel with every nerve in my body as her small hand slips from mine, centimeter by centimeter. I was dropping her. I cling to her fingers, willing them to stay there, but my will is not strong enough. Her smooth baby fingers slide from mines, calloused with practice fights and weaponry. Involuntarily, I watch helplessly as she falls through the air. From above, I can hear the heartbreaking scream of her mother as she observes her daughter; it combines with my own, as well as Rachel’s. Her golden mass of curls frame her face, her cheeks flushed pink from both the exhaustion of crying and the fierce heat coming from the river. Her beautiful crimson eyes are wide with pure terror, locked on my face as if I am he last life line to this planet. I suppose I am, and you see that I have failed her. Tanned arms and legs are flailing about, like she is trying to teach herself how to fly. The dark burgundy dress is waving like a valiant banner in the wind. My own deep green eyes brim tears rarely shed, my throat burns with hot sobs bubbling from my chest. I could not save her, and now I am forced to watch as she drowns in the river below.
The muscles in my body are as tense aqs a bow string ready to snap. Feeling like a tortured soul, I ready myself to hear the sickening splash of her hitting the lava, but it does not come. Rage, as gallant as ever, flies underneath her. She lands on his back, gripping the saddle with all her capability. His brilliant scales gleam like the jewels they resemble, the sunlight on them dancing like green flames as he moves. With a turn of his powerful body and a change of elegant wings, he is flying up the mountain side, parallel to the straight rocky cliff. Within seconds his huge claws wrapped safely around my body, cradling me within his grasp. I can no nothing but lay there in his hold until he enters the hanger.
Topaz is beaming proudly at me and Rage, and then her gaze turns to the child. I climb out of my dragon’s claws so that he can lower himself, but I nearly lose my balance and fall over. Rage’s head snaps to me and I put a calming hand on his leg. Turning my back, I try and hide the wound from Topaz. The child my come first. I take a cautious step away, testing the weight on each foot. Nothing feels broken, thankfully. Still, my head spins as if Rage and I are doing barrel rolls. Nauseated and dizzy, I stumble away, letting down my guard.
“Emerald Jade, what in the hell did you do?” Topaz’s shrill but authoritative voice filled the air around me, making my head throb like someone was playing the drums on it. “Get to the infirmary, right this second, young lady.”
I sigh, breathing in and out slowly, hoping that it will help me catch my bearings. I take a step or two and then the ground seems to move beneath my feet. It pitches right, and I go left. Seconds before I hit the hard ground and black out, I feel a male’s strong, warm wrap around my torso.

Chapter Four

While two parents made the most important decision of their lives, war raged outside on their beloved land. The cries of the fighting and wounded echoed up to their room, drifting into every corner. The angelic mother was nervous, looking at every shadow for fear that someone would step out and take her child. They had to protect their daughter, for she was the only one who could save them all, the only one who is to end the war. The infant lying bundled in satin, silk, and velvet was destined for a life of hatred, war, bloodshed, and battle.
The darkness will not rest until the Earth Warrior is killed. They still believe it to be a male, but the birthmark on the back of the child’s neck confirms it. She is meant for greatness. The Earth Warrior is supposed to be nothing but legend, a myth. Someone who can control the element earth with just a thought or gesture. Power beyond anyone’s imagination. But with that power, comes great responsibility.
Afraid that fear would make her faint, she sat on the edge of the great bed in their chamber. Below them in the commons, a large sound erupted. The front door of the castle has been broken, and the enemy is coming through.
“Aedan, we have to hurry.” A woman said. Her knee length hair floated around her like ebony silk, draping her tiny frame. Her skin was the color of pure new fallen snow, her lips stained sunrise pink. Violet

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