» Fantasy » Dawn of a Second Life, Kathrayne [the best e book reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dawn of a Second Life, Kathrayne [the best e book reader .TXT] 📗». Author Kathrayne

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eyes peeked beneath heavily lidded lashes and she held a bundle in her long elegant arms.
“I know, Gemini. Believe me my love, of all the horrid things going on right now, I know.” The young king was a living wreck. He ran a hand through his blood red hair, disheveling it. His skin was tough, the color of ivory, and scared by times of war. The warrior marks on his neck stood out, the color of the green forest trees at night. Aedan paced back and forth, his velvet robes of royalty rushing about after him. “I know it is for her own good, but I can we not simply hide her away somewhere. Surely the darkness cannot go to every corner of the realm.”
The gentle wife took her raging husbands hands into her own. With the right, she placed upon their daughters heart and his left she brought to her cheek. Tears stained his fingers, and her sorrow brought him close. Their foreheads touching and their child between them, they stepped through the portal.
When they came through to the other side, the Fireites were waiting. All around them the warriors stood, some in respectful stances and others wary of the visitors. Queen Gemini held her dearest possession closer to her, afraid to give it up. Gallantly, a woman strode up, her long legs eating up the distance between them. Her brilliant blonde hair was pulled back in a waist length braid and a young teenagers shadowed her steps. This could be no one others than the warrior queen, Star, and her young daughter, Topaz. Around Topaz’s neck clung a baby dragon the color of polished gold.
“King Aedan.” The queen addressed. Aedan nodded his head in acknowledgment. “And you wife, Gemini?”
“Yes.” She too nodded at her name, her hair framing her elfish face. “Please, my lady, take our child.”
“I will do as agreed.” She held her arms out to the child. “Her name?”
“Emerald.” They held on to each other as they watched the Fireite hand over the child to Princess Topaz. “Her name is Emerald Jade.”

Those names are forever imprinted in my mind as is they images of how they belong to. Other than that, I have not other image of my parents. They gave me away just a few days after I was born, for fear that I would be attacked, and killed. They risked their lives to make sure I kept mine.
I jolt upright, clutching the sheets to my chest. My side hurts like hell, a burning pain that skewers through to my very core. My head throbs along with the beat of my heart. I sense another presence in the room with me, sending me into alert. With the little strength I can muster up, I leap from the table and land on the floor, the white sheet spread out around me. My fist keeps the top of it closed and the way I am kneeling keeps anything else private from showing. I glare at the boy standing over him. The torches around the room lit his hair, turning in a shimmering golden color closer to white. It was beautiful, just as his warm dark chocolate color eyes are. They stay glued to me as he makes his way forward. A low chuckle sounds from the corner and I looked over to see Topaz.
Topaz was only thirteen when I first arrived in her life, and she took to pretty much raising me herself. She was the one who raised me, who found the dragon egg in the Solar Cave at the peak of the mountains and then taught me to care for and ride Rage. She is a step mother to me, the only one I have ever known in my life.
“I would not go any closer to her if I was you, young man.” She pushes her lean body from the granite wall. “She has a the instincts of a dragon.”
“Dragon.” He laughed. “Females are not meant to be warriors, my lady.” He shrugs out of his cloak and hands it to me, adverting his eyes. I stand cautiously on shaky feet.
“Who are you?” Despite my physical demeanor, my voice is pure and strong. “Why are you here?”
He sighs. “Lady Emerald, please put this on.” I look to Topaz and she nods her head. I take it and wrap it around me, feeling the soft fabric against my skin. My hands brush against something at my side and I look down to see a white bandage across my torso. With much exaggeration, I groan.
“What have I gone and done now?” The queen laughs at me, throwing her head back to the ceiling. I laugh with her, my soft melody blending in with her high one.
“Come.” She hold her hand out to me, and I take it. I feel as if I was two again, walking the halls of the castle. “We have much to talk about.”

When I was dressed, we walked through the garden. Mainly there are cacti here and a lava fountain where small children play. Today, however, the commons was empty. Now, as I look over the area, I see ghosts of what used to me. Only visible in my mind, I see my parents standing together, tears blurring their vision as they give their one and only daughter to what is known to me heathens.
“It must have been hard for them.” I say, fingering the emerald stone at my throat.
“It was. I remember that day clearly, when you came to us. You were so little, and you looked so fragile, I thought that I might break you when I held you in my arms.” She looks at me now. “You are not so little, or so fragile. You are one of the strongest people I know.”
I look away from her. “Why are they here?”
She stops and faces me. “I love you, Emerald. You are family to me, but,” she looks into my eyes, her gold into my green, “your own family needs your help.”
“My family.” The image of my parents floods my mine. “Are they okay?”
A sad look crosses her face. “Your parent’s strong hold was attacked. I am sorry, but your mother did not make it. You father is fatally injured, and they do not expect him to last much longer.”
I was shocked speechless. Though I have never met my parents in person since I was brought here, the very knowledge that I was not to see my mother again filled my hear with sorrow.
“You father wants you to come home, Em.” She kisses my forehead. “It is time for the Earth Warrior to come home, to end this war.”

Chapter Five

I stood in my room, looking out the huge floor to ceiling window. Below me, the sudden cliffs and rolling streaks of lava spread out to the horizon. I had grown up here, this is the only true home I know. I turn my back to the view and grab my bag, a huge breath leaving me in one great huff. I do not want to leave, but I know in my heart that I need to.
Walking down the hallway, I feel like I am leaving a part of me behind. I see everything passing by, each with its own memories: where I first learned to walk, the room where I began my training, my very first bedroom. I stop outside the door, a hand on the wood. As I push it open, the familiar scent of sweet lavender wafting over me. I breathe it in, relishing in its soothing scent. It clears my mind of all the jumble, making one thing certainly clear. My destiny is laid out before me.
I make my way out and down the maze of corridors, walking down a flight of stairs, and then out onto the hanger. It seems as if everyone has turned out to watch my departure. I see Gage beside Topaz, his brown hair falling over his shoulders. I walk towards them, my chin held high, trying not to cry. Topaz rushes up, a wave of crimson robes and dresses.
“Are you sure that you have everything that you need?” Topaz asks. I laugh at her and roll my eyes. I can tell that she is genuinely worried about me, and she should not be. I am more than capable of handling myself; she taught me everything that I know.
“Yes ma‘am. I triple checked everything before I left my room.” I watch her as she begins to pace around, distraught. I pull her into a giant hug, wrapping my arms around her waist and spinning the woman around. Though she is a fair amount larger than me, I handle the task as simply as lifting a feather.
“You always were a strong one.” There is pride in Gage’s voice when I put her back onto the ground. He is standing behind me, dressed regally in a black pair of slacks and a golden shirt, making the lighter brown of his hair and eyes stand out.
I joke with him. “Not bad for a Terrainian, huh?” I hold my pale hand out to him.
“No, not bad at all.” He grasps my forearm, his brown eyes shining. I pull him into a hug, and our embrace is strong. Tears burn in the back of my throat, falling from my eyes. They land on his shirt, staining the brilliant color darker.
“We shall miss you, little earth.” He whispers in my ear.
“And I, you.” I say and we pull away from each other. Topaz comes around and grips his hand. Before more words are spoken, a sound comes from near the sky. Loud and fierce, the Fireites move out of Rage’s way.
You are not leaving without me. I walk up to him, staring up into his enraged eyes. I see the fury, loyalty, and love within them, bright as the morning sun.
I would never dream of it. He lets out a triumphant growl before lowering his head to mine. I wrap my arms around his jaw, not even making it the whole way around, it is so big. His green scales are warm from the suns, and I take comfort is the familiar feeling. Suddenly, from out of no where, I hear a voice.
“Hey, hurry, and you are not taking that beast with you!” It is the Lord and Lady from Terra. I give Topaz a meaningful look and she smiles. I run up for one more hug, throwing my arms around her.
“Never forget us, my sister.” She says, placing something in my hand. I pull away and look down, eyeing the garnet stone suspended by a black cord.
“But, Topaz, this is one of the royal jewels. I cannot v¾” She cuts me off.
“You can, and you will.” She says, taking the jewelry and putting it over my neck. As soon as the cord touches my skin, a hear

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