» Fantasy » Detora Book 1: Prophecy, Elanor Marie Oliver [best beach reads .txt] 📗

Book online «Detora Book 1: Prophecy, Elanor Marie Oliver [best beach reads .txt] 📗». Author Elanor Marie Oliver

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be going to a castle on the borderlands where annual parties are held between the two kingdoms, of which I haven’t attended since I was maybe 6 or 7 where I believe I punched some guy in the face because he threw me in the pond outside. I don’t make friends easy…
Ashlynn is my only friend really. We’ve been together since I was born. Ashlynn’s true duty is as my guardian. She watches over me. She protects me from danger until I’m ready to face it myself. I guess, in a way, that’s stressful too. I’m not an easy person to keep up with. Always running away, always fighting the guards outside the castle, always getting in trouble. But she’s not the type to run and tell. Instead she stays there and makes sure I’m ok. She’s there in case I dig too deep and need a way back out. She’s 4 years older than me, so she’s been watching me since I was old enough to get in trouble. Which as she reminds me, started that night when I punched the poor guy.
We entered my room and closed the passage doors, for what would be the last time in a long time. I’d be in the Borderlands until my 21st birthday. Okay, so two years. But that’s a long time for me anyway. Two years spent training my thoughts and harnessing my powers. Two years of preparing. At least Ashlynn will be there.
“Get some sleep kid, we have long day ahead of us.”
“Yea.” I said.
Ashlynn’s corridors are also in the castle. Her parents are a castle guard and a maid, so they have chambers near the castle as well. I didn’t think, but she would be away from home for two long years as well. Her father is the head of the guard. She trained with him when she was young to prepare for my arrival. She is an archer. She can create endless arrows of fire. It’s another rare talent that is passed down through certain families. So, needless to say, she can defend herself in any situation. She’s rather tough for a girl of our time. Guess that’s what makes us such good friends. Neither of us are normal by any degree.
I pulled on some pajamas and flopped on my bed. It would be another sleepless night. I don’t sleep well as it is. I constantly dream of things I wish I didn’t see. I don’t think its right to see a person’s future unconsciously. You get blamed for knowing, when in fact you didn’t want to know.
I stared at the ceiling for hours before a maid came to get me around 10am. I hopped up, bathed, and got dressed in my usual princess attire. The colors of our kingdom are red and black, so most everyone wears around the same type of clothing. For me, as the princess, it’s a long, floor-length red gown. The sleeves are ribbon-like that go somewhat off the shoulders and tie in a bow at my lower back. Paired with red high heels and my hair left down, and I’m ready for the day.
I set off for breakfast in the dining hall with my parents. Father is tall and chubby. He has a long beard and long hair all black with hints of grey. Mother is much shorter than him. She has long red hair kept in a braid down her back and she is fair-skinned and slender. Her eyes are a bright blue color, rare among our people. They are very kind people, though father can be a bit stern at times…especially when it comes to me and my ability to cause as much trouble as there are stars in the sky. I think I usually end up apologizing for something at least six times a day.
But for the past few days, I have caused as little trouble as possible. I was hoping that in doing so, I wouldn’t get sent away for so long. The castle on the borderlands is known as Dremagon. On the off season of fall it is where the new priests and priestesses are trained. In summer parties are held there. But for these next few years, it will hold me, Ashlynn, Eldoran, a few select others. According to Eldoran we must train there because it has been specially equipped for me and my abilities. Even though it is on the borderlands, it is approximately 4000 kilometers. It’s quite a ways away normally. But Eldoran posses the Sacred Fire Staff, capable of transporting us anywhere in the world. Lucky me. Only bringing me closer to my ultimate torment.
Breakfast went by in a flash and then I was off to study. My favorite books were the ancient scrolls on philosophy, astrology, and the history of our planet. I could name any constellation and could tell you the tales of the dragons. Ask me about math or literature on the other hand and I would just look at you like you’re stupid, not even attempting to waste either of our time by giving a response that will most likely be wrong anyway.
Today I was going to read about the ancient dragon Cassanthiel for the millionth time. The oldest and wisest dragon of all. It is said in the ancient scripts that even though she is so old, she still has much longer to live. It is said that when the time comes for Cassanthiel to die, so shall our world. It says that Cassanthiel was born with the planet, so only when the planet dies will she. Dragons are wise and if you can somehow find one, they will answer one question. Problem is, dragons don’t like people. They tend to hide out in the mountains to the west of our kingdom. It’s a long journey that many people won’t take for the harsh weathers of the desert, the rough terrain, or the fact that it’s simply halfway around the world and you’d die of starvation or whatnot before you actually reached the mountains.
I spent the rest of the morning reading tales of those who attempted the journey, and quite simply, failed. I spent the rest of the day doing my usual schedule. I ate lunch, read some more, ate dinner, went horseback riding, had snacks and went for a long walk saying hi to the commoners just to pass time before I left. Eventually I decided to read some more. By nightfall, I was well into the fifth volume of a fantasy novel called Dresdell the Nymph before Ashlynn interrupted me and pointed out that it was time to leave.
I left the scrolls on the table and headed towards the catacombs under the castle. That’s where the priests and priestesses reside. Hiding away was what they do best. I suppose it’s easier to “see” in the dimly lit tunnels. I slowly walked to the center of the underground, Ashlynn leading the way, to where Eldoran stood patiently awaiting me with mother and father.
With a simple goodbye and see you in a few years and such, Eldoran, Ashlynn, and I grabbed hold of the Sacred Staff with one hand, closed our eyes tight, and woke up in the catacombs of Dremagon.
Chapter 2

Chapter 02
“We are here,” Eldoran said casually.
“I think I’m going to be sick,” Ash said turning all different shades of green.
I slowly opened my eyes, afraid I might pass out if I did anything too quickly.
“That’s perfectly normally, in fact…” Eldoran trailed off as the sounds of Ashlynn’s vomiting cut him off.
“Gleehhh… Ok. So note to self. Next time, I’d rather walk! It doesn’t matter how far it is.”
“It does get easier Lady Ashlynn.” Eldoran tried to point out, with little success.
“I think we should get out of the catacombs. These dim lights are really starting to give me a headache.” I said, heading off into the nearest tunnel.
“Ehh. Not that way,” Eldoran said grabbing my arm. “You could very well end up lost forever if you’re not careful. Follow me.”
A few right turns, some left turns, and a few more right turns and we eventually made our way out of the catacombs and into the front parlor where 6 maids and 3 butlers were awaiting us. The Lord and Lady that kept watch on the castle during the off seasons were going to stay at their mansion for the next two years. So the place really was entirely ours.
We were shown to our rooms that were already prepared with new clothes and shoes in the closet and clean sheets on the bed. Doesn’t feel very home-like. But it will do.
The castle of Dremagon is very much like a smaller version of the castle of Graydon. It has towers and too many halls and tunnels to count. It’s nice though. And it has been well taken care of since my last visit. I stood outside on the balcony connected to my bedroom and looked out over the horizon.
Detora truly is a beautiful place. The grass is a burnt orange color and the sky is so very blue. The trees grow tall and their roots grow far. I hear that some trees in the Dreamweaver’s Forest are even taller than Graydon castle and one tree at the very center of the forest is the tallest ever. It is said to be 3 times the size of the castle. There are many beautiful plants that grow here as well. The tantacula plant grows only in Graydon prairie and is my favorite flower. Its root is used for curing most illnesses. It is a faint yellow color with petals as long as a grown man’s hand. It is amazing.
We have 3 suns in this world, but I hear that some worlds only have one and others have no sun at all. Our planet is so vast that it takes 72 hours before nightfall. And night lasts for only 12 hours. People usually take naps during the day and “morning” happens at each interval when the next sun is at its highest point in the sky and also after nightfall. It’s a bit confusing for outsiders, but eventually they all adjust.
Time flows differently in this world. It’s almost as if we are people who live outside of time. We age slower than just about any race in the universe. Our people have a lifespan of at least 400 years. Father is already 235 and mother is nearing 120. The previous king lived to be 540. That’s a long time to live in my opinion. I wonder if people with longer life spans, eventually, get tired of living, having seen so much of the world and so many “new things” becoming “old” things.

* * *

I thought it would be nice to explore the grounds since training wouldn’t start until tomorrow. There was a small stream that flowed behind the castle. I decided to follow it. The little stream ran between some large rocks, which I assumed was meant to be a rock garden, then it swayed right, between two large Sakura

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