» Fantasy » Detora Book 1: Prophecy, Elanor Marie Oliver [best beach reads .txt] 📗

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trees. The little stream continued to flow through the middle of the hedge maze and under the castle wall. I assumed after that it would join a river. By the time I got back to the castle it was tea time, and the maids were searching for me.
I never realized how peaceful it was in the country. There was no sound of dogs barking and children playing just beyond the walls. No sound of auctions being held and police whistles being blown. No sounds of the bazaar. Just peacefulness. Birds chirping and wind blowing.
I followed the maids into the front courtyard where a table had been prepared. I noticed that there were two extra place settings.
“Are we expecting someone?” I asked Ashlynn. She turned away and plucked a rose from the bush next to her, ignoring the question.
“What is going on here?” I thought.
Eldoran walked under the gazebo and joined us at the table.
“Raelon. I would like to introduce someone to you.” In walked two hooded people. I assumed by the way they walked that they were men. “They will be training here as well.”
The men pulled down there hoods and I immediately recognized them from the two nights ago. “You! You were at the pub the other night! What’s going on Eldoran?”
The white-haired male gave me a bewildered look and then turned to his partner. “She’s right you know. I’m confused as well. What is going on Darien?”
“I will be explaining everything after tea. There is much to discuss.” Eldoran stated pointing to the setup before us.
“Well you better have a damn good explanation for this one. And Ash, really? You knew?”
“I’m sorry Rae. There are things you don’t understand.” Ash sat next to the one called Darien and they got rather cozy. He kissed her and whispered something in her ear. She smiled at him and “tea time” progressed.
I sat quietly, glaring at Eldoran. I imagined all the ways I could murder him. I could do something simple. I could strangle him in his sleep. Or better yet, I could drown him in the duck pond. Maybe I’d use my sword and decapitate him…
I glanced over and realized that I didn’t even know the name of the guy staring back at me. I was thinking only of myself, but he seemed just as confused as I was. I put my arm up on the arm of the chair and leaned my head on my hand. There are so many secrets between the people at this table. I could see that even the man sitting across from me was hiding something from everyone. I glanced up at the birds flying in the sky and thought of how nice it would be, being a bird flying free.
Thirty minutes of silence and staring at the clouds and Eldoran finally spoke.
“Rae. Ian. Well, first of all, I’m surprised. All this time and neither of you asked the other’s name.”
“I was debating the many ways of killing you.” I stated still, glaring at him.
“Well. I give you credit for your honesty.” Ashlynn said.
“Ehem.” The white-haired guy held back a laugh.
“Right. So. Rae, this is Vershan Neverasca Iannesiotto Delcrose. Prince and only heir to the throne of Calldrom.” Eldoran said pointing at the white-haired guy.
“Pleased to meet you.” He said.
“Mmmm.” I didn’t really have anything to say. I guess I kind of figured he was someone of importance. But I didn’t expect him to be the same guy I punched in the face so long ago. I looked away.
Eldoran sighed. Maybe it was from my lack of manners. But he did deserve worse than that, considering. “Ian, this is Latuka Atori Raelon Hashakan. Surprisingly enough the princess of Graydon. Though she lacks manners and the sense of decency.”
“Still. It’s an honor to see you again your highness. I suppose…I should apologize for what happened between us so long ago.” He said. He seemed a bit too nice.
“Yeah. I suppose I shouldn’t of hit you that hard. I don’t exactly have control over my strength. Guess that’s part of why I’m stuck here.”
He smiled and I realized, he really is good looking… Damn. I looked at the sky again. Avoiding his gaze.
“Well. I believe it’s time I tell the two of you the truth.” Eldoran said, suddenly getting serious. He leaned back in his chair and folded his hands together. “There are many things that you don’t know about the history of our planet and its future.
“Rae. Ian. You both know the legend about how this planet is called the land of the gods. What you don’t know, is that the legend is true. Our people are descendants from gods. This being said, every so often there are children born with rare abilities. Ian, you have the ability to wield a sword of flame as well as an ability known as telekinesis. You can read minds and move things with your mind. That ability is rare in the lands. This is why you were sent here. It is an ability that is also hard to control.
“Rae. You’re abilities are much more...Odd. Your sword, the use of plasma, seeing the past and the future, things I’ve never even seen before. Most of your abilities can only be perfected by controlling your mind. If you can clear your thoughts and harness your energy, you can do just about anything.
“That is why you were both sent to me. As the High Priest of this world it is my duty to train the rare abilities. The two of will work together as our planets Guardians. “
I heard of the Guardians before. They were always male and female who protected the planet from Demon attacks. Demons have always targeted this planet in particular. They believe that if they have control of this planet, then darkness can spread throughout the universe.
But there haven’t been any demon attacks or Guardians even, in the past 600 years. I wonder. Why now. Why is it all starting now? And why does it have to be me?
“I don’t get it. Why were we chosen? Couldn’t it be someone else?” I said hesitantly.
“You know the answer to that Rae.” Eldoran stated.
“But I don’t understand. In the millions of years this planet has been around, the Guardians never once came from royalty. And yet, this time, both are from royalty. It doesn’t really make sense.” Ian noted.
“I agree.” I looked over at Eldoran who seemed lost in thoughts.
“I can’t really answer that. I don’t even know why. The Guardians have always come from peasant families. This time, will be different. I can assure you that.” Eldoran said. He didn’t seem to care how un-comforting that statement was.
There was silence for a few minutes while everyone pondered this statement. It seemed to me that Eldoran was hiding something. It wasn’t just that we were Guardians. What was going to happen? This time, will be different. What does that mean? Different how?
I could see Ian pondering these thoughts as well. Ashlynn glanced over at me, and I wondered. Does she know what’s happening? I decided I would ask her later, when no one else was around.
“So what will our training consist of?” I asked.
“Well. First of all, you will learn to control your thoughts. Yours are always wandering, Rae. You will need to clear your mind in order to control your gift or seeing.” Eldoran stated, somewhat matter-of-factly. He makes it sound as if I’m a moron.
“It’s not like I can’t control my imagination, I just choose not to. And thanks for the vote of confidence.” I mumbled.
I don’t want to “see” I’m happier in the dark. I don’t want to know the gruesome ways the knights of court will die in when they run off to battle. Or how painful someone’s past was. It’s none of my business. Or rather, even if you “see” someone’s future, you can’t change it. You can’t tell them when they will die. It is their destiny. “What happens was always meant to happen” and what- not.
“Perhaps this isn’t what you want out of your future, but this will happen. The sooner you accept your destiny, the better off you will be. It’s time you start living up to your potential, Rae. You can do magnificent things if you’re willing to put in the effort.” Eldoran said. Sometimes I wonder if he means to sound like my father or if he does it to annoy me.
“I’m sure that’s what the gods are waiting for. I’m not ready to jump into this Priestess crap yet. I’m not ready for the world to know how much of a freak their princess really is.” I stated. I just wanted some normalcy in my life. But destiny, destiny, destiny. That’s all I hear.
“I know you dislike all of it and the talk of destiny, but you need to grow up.” Eldoran said.
I got up and walked away from the table. I know what I need to do. I know. But I thought that I would have time to accept my destiny. Our people live for so long after all, so considering, I’m still just a kid. They make it sound as if it’s life or death. Like it’s the nearing the end of the world and such. It made me wonder.
I started thinking back to the scrolls I’d read in the library. The demons stopped attack on our planet a long time ago. But it never mentions the reason why. In fact, I’ve never even heard stories of what happened so long ago. It’s as if people are afraid to talk about it. Why is it some big secret I wonder?
Worrying about it won’t get me anywhere. I need to relax and do as I’m told for once. Get all this over with, and then worry about the future when it gets here.
I took my time wandering the maze in the back of the castle grounds. Without realizing it, I ran into Ian. He was walking the opposite direction, and we both ended up in the grass.
“I apologize princess.” He said formally.
“Oww… It’s ok. I wasn’t paying attention either.” I said, getting off him.
“We seem to meet in the strangest of places,” he laughed, standing up.
“Yea. “ I nodded.
We stood there, not talking, for a few minutes. There was a gentle breeze and the smell of roses brushed past. Just standing there I felt at ease.

Publication Date: 09-25-2011

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