» Fantasy » Dimensional TimeWarps, Noelle Anselmo [13 inch ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Dimensional TimeWarps, Noelle Anselmo [13 inch ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Noelle Anselmo

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"Because, I'm a wolf demon."

He said and I blinked in surprise for a minute before bursting out laughing.

"What's so funny?"

He asked as I doubled over and held my sides. He'd said that with such a straight face as if he really believed it.

"Sorry, but you expect me to believe that you're an actual demon?"

I asked in between my giggles.

"Hmph. I'll have you know I'm a very powerful wolf demon."

He said crossing his arms and looking away from me which only made me laugh harder.

"Aww come on, do I have to prove it to you?"

He asked and I stopped laughing long enough to look at him before bursting out laughing again.


He said before he got down on all fours. I stopped laughing when I felt the wind pick up and a wave of some sort of energy come from the boy before me. I watched in disbelief as his nails grew to claws, then his hair grew before wrapping around his body and his face lengthened to that of a snout. I watched as the boy before me turned into a wolf before my very eyes.

"Holy shit!"

I screamed as I fell back on my ass and stared wide eyed at the 5'4" black haired wolf before me.

"Told you."

He said and my jaw dropped.

"You can even talk."

I said and he cocked his head to the side and I couldn't help but think how cute that looked.

"Aww, that's adorable!"

I screamed before rushing forward and wrapping my arms around his neck. I'd always loved animals, wolves and panthers were my absolute favorite.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

He cried out, but I just hugged him and ran my hands through his fur. He suddenly jumped out of my reached and growled at me.

"Don't do that!"

He snapped at me and I blinked in surprise a moment before standing up.

"Sorry, I love wolves."

I said with a smile and he stopped growling at me for a minute before straightening back up. I watched as another wave of energy picked up, then he transformed back into the boy he'd been before.

"Alright, you've convinced me. You're a wolf demon. But that doesn't really explain what you and you're friends are doing here."

I said crossing my arms over my chest as he walked back towards me.

"We don't know either. Heck, we don't even know where here is."

He said and I blinked in surprise.

"Seriously? You don't know where Tokyo is?"

I asked and he cocked his head to the side like he'd done before.


He asked confused and I sighed.

"Tokyo, you know, in Japan."

I said and he just continued to look at me like I'd lost my mind.

"Japan. Asia. Earth!"

I said and noticed that once I said Earth his eyes got wide.

"Say what! We're on Earth!"

He yelled and I looked at him confused.

"Yeah, where else would you be? Mars?"

I asked and he didn't seem to hear me.

"Oh this is not good. This is not good."

He said talking to himself as he paced back and forth.

"What's not good? Hey, are you listening to me?"

I asked, but he just kept pacing.

"I've got to tell Daiki and Katsume. Ooh, Katsume's not gonna be happy about this."


I snapped as I grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him to look at me.

"Why is you being on Earth not good?"

I asked and he blinked before meeting my gaze.

"Because we're from a completely different Dimension and we have no idea how to get back."

He said and I blinked in surprise before letting him go.

"Oh, that is bad."

I said and he nodded.

"What did you mean when you said you had to tell the others?"

I asked and he smiled at me.

"The other two who came here with me, they're demons just like me."

He said and I smiled at the thought of more wolf demons.

"So they're wolf demons too?"

I asked excitedly, but frowned when he shook his head.


He said laughing.

"Daiki is a panther demon and Katsume is a phoenix demon."

He said and I jumped up and down at the thought of seeing a panther demon. I loved wolves sure, but panthers were just so majestic.

"Well what are you waiting for? Call them over."

I said and he looked at me surprised.

"Are you sure? I mean, they are demons after all."

He said and I sighed.

"Look, if I'm not afraid of you then I'm not going to be afraid of them alright?"

I asked and he looked at me for a minute before nodding.


He said before he turned around and cupped his hands around his mouth before taking a deep breath.


He screamed and I flinched at how loud he was, he even made the birds nesting in a nearby tree fly off.

"They'll be here in a minute."

He said with a smile turning back to me. I wiggled a finger in my ear to make sure I hadn't lost my hearing.

"You can be quite loud when you want to can't you?"

I asked and he just smiled at me.

I suddenly felt a change in the wind, but knew that nothing had really changed. I looked up and blinked in shock when I suddenly saw the gray haired boy and the red haired boy from earlier. They hadn't been there before.

"Hikaru, who's this?"

The red head asked and I could hear the distain in his voice.

"Oh, sorry. Daiki, Katsume, this is Cecelia. Cecelia, this is my friend Daiki and Katsume."

Hikaru said pointing to each in turn.

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

I said with a smile. I noticed that Daiki returned it and I gasped when I saw his fangs. Katsume simply glared at me.

"So, what did you find out?"

Katsume asked turning to Hikaru, completely ignoring me.


I thought with a frown. I noticed Daiki was looking intently at me and blushed a bit.

"You're not afraid of me."

He stated and I shook my head at him.

"No. Are you the phoenix or the panther?"

I asked and he looked at me in shock for a minute before laughing.

"I'm the panther demon. The redhead there is the phoenix demon."

He said as he wiped his visible eye.

"So, can you transform too?"

I asked and the two of them froze before I heard Katsume start to yell at Hikaru.

"You changed infront of a human! Are you stupid?"

He asked and I frowned when I saw Hikaru shrink away from Katsume.

"N-No, it's just she didn't believe me when I said I was a wolf demon so I showed her."

"What made you think it was a good idea to tell her you were a demon? Kami you're an idiot!"

Katsume yelled and I heard Hikaru whimper and my anger flared, which is never a good thing.


I yelled and they all turned to look at me.

"Don't yell at him like that you asshole! Just what gives you the right to call people names like that!"

I yelled and his golden eyes widened just a bit before narrowing and he walked over to me.

"You, little human, should learn your place."

He said through clenched teeth and that only pissed me off more.

"And what place is that? I'm not some low life piece of shit you can order around just because you feel like it. I haven't even known you for five fucking minutes and you're already pissing me the fuck off. Do you get off on picking on those younger than you? Is that why you're suck an ass!"

I yelled and heard Daiki try to cover up his laughter.

"Why you…"

Katsume said and I felt the air around him change and knew I'd done something I shouldn't have.

'Aw shit. Why did I have to go and open my big mouth?'

I wondered as I saw his eyes start to go red. I started to take a step back, but then remembered something I'd read about animals seeing that as a sign of weakness and when they saw weakness they striked. So I squared my shoulders and stared him straight in the eye.

"If you're going to do something do it, don't just stand there all pissed off in the middle of my fucking yard you big ass bird."

I said and his eyes returned to normal and he stared at me in shock before turning to glare at Daiki who was full out laughing his ass off while rolling around on the ground.

"Shut up!"

He snapped and Daiki instantly stood up and coughed a few times to get himself under control.

"At any rate, could you be so kind as to tell us where we are?"

He asked, all traces of humor gone.

"Right now? You're standing in my front yard after you fell several feet from the sky and created a giant ass crater in the middle of my garden which I'll have to fix later. But if you're looking for a less technical answer, you're in Tokyo Japan on the planet Earth."

I said and noticed that his and Katsume's eyes widened a bit.

I heard the phone ring from within the house and cursed under my breath before bending to pick up the bamboo broom that had been forgotten when Hikaru transformed and turned to go through the main gate to the house.

"Hey, where are you going?"

I heard Hikaru ask and stopped long enough to look back at him and the other two still staring blankly at the ground.

"To answer the phone. You guys can come inside if you promise to behave."

I said before walking through the gate and going into the house to answer the phone. I heard them walking inside as I was talking with my mother. I heard them go into the kitchen and tried to listen to what my mother was saying.

"Did you sweep the front yard like I asked?"

She asked and I almost laughed at how irrelevant that seemed right now.


"Did you finish the rest of your chores?"

She asked and I sighed as I leaned against the wall.


"Alright then, I was just calling to let you know we got here alright. I love you Cecelia."

She said and I sighed to myself.

"I love you too mom, bye."

I said before hanging up and walking into the kitchen. I stopped when I saw Daiki holding one of my mother's priceless fine china plates and looking at it, Katsume was sitting at the island looking bored, and Hikaru was literally sniffing at the fridge.

"What the hell are you all doing?"

I asked and they all looked up at me. Daiki dropped the plate in surprise and I screamed as I dived for it. I caught it, but slid across the

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