Β» Fantasy Β» Dimensional TimeWarps, Noelle Anselmo [13 inch ebook reader txt] πŸ“—

Book online Β«Dimensional TimeWarps, Noelle Anselmo [13 inch ebook reader txt] πŸ“—Β». Author Noelle Anselmo

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Hole In the Sky

I shivered slightly as the wind picked up and blew my hair about my face. I sighed as I realized it blew the leaves out of the trees as well. I watched silently as the Sakura petals gently floated to the ground before settling themselves across the yard of my family's shrine.

"Cecelia, will you be a dear and sweep the yard?"

I heard my mother ask and turned to see her and my father standing by the outer wall leading to the steps outside.

"You guys going somewhere?"

I asked and my father smiled at me.

"Yes. Muokoshi asked for me to help him at a diner party in four days. We'll be gone for about two weeks. You think you can look after the shrine till we get back?"

My dad asked and I glared at him.

"I'm not a little girl anymore dad, I'll be fine."

I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"I know, I just worry."

He said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Honey, if we don't leave soon we'll miss our flight."

My mom said getting my dad's attention. He looked at her before looking back at me.

"Don't talk to strangers, don't destroy the shrine, and-"

"Don't let any boys in the house, I know."

I said cutting him off and he opened his mouth to say something else when my mom placed her hand over his mouth and pulled him along with her towards the gate.

"Be sure to do your chores. Bye sweetie!"

I heard my mom yell over her shoulder as she all but dragged my father down the steps of the shrine to the taxi that was waiting for them. Sometimes my mom really scares me.

I turned to look back at the yard and sighed.

'Fat lot of good sweeping the yard's gonna do when the wind is just gonna blow more leaves to the ground, but if I don't I have a feeling that my mom will know.'

I thought and shivered at the thought as I grabbed the bamboo broom and started sweeping up the Sakura leaves from the stone walkways in the main yard.

'You know, sometimes I wish just once that something exciting would happen in my life.'

I thought as I swept all the petals up into a nice, neat pile. Suddenly the wind picked up and blew the petals everywhere.

"Fucking A-hey, what's that?"

I asked aloud as I saw what looked like a hole in the sky. I looked up at it and saw it was just that, a hole in the middle of the sky. I watched as three things fell from the hole down to the ground to my front yard.

'What the hell?'

I wondered as I watched the hole close up and disappear, then the wind died down and everything returned to normal like nothing even happened. That's when I remembered three things had just fallen out of the sky into my front yard. It was moments like this when I cursed my curiosity since I found myself walking through the main gate and down the small set of steps to the front yard. I looked around and saw that the bushes to my left seem to be broken and the ground around them was destroyed.

'Great, just great. I'm going to have to fix that.'

I thought as I made my way over to the bush. I pushed the leaves apart to see what had landed in my yard and froze at the three figures tangled up with each other sitting in the middle of a giant crater. My eyes widened when I realized they were three boys around my age. One had black hair cut to his neck with light, sun kissed skin and what looked to be bright yellow eyes. He was tangled up with a boy with grey colored hair cut the same way, but he was wearing a hat and part of his hair hung down into his face to hide his left eye. The other, visible one looked to be light brown and it looked like he had three cuts on each of his cheeks that looked like whiskers. They were both sitting ontop of a boy with rich, dark red hair to about his midback. He was facedown so I couldn't see what his face looked like.

"Will you two get the fuck off of me!"

I heard him yell as he pushed himself off of the ground, taking the two on top of him with him. They instantly jumped off of him and got to their feet.

"Hehe, sorry 'bout that Katsume."

The grey haired boy said as he scratched the back of his head. The red head stood up and dusted himself off. Now that they were all standing I could see what they were wearing. The one with grey hair covering one of his eyes was wearing just a light brown jacket with a tall collar, but it was open to reveal pale, toned skin beneath and he was ripped. He had on a pair of low hanging light blue jeans and I saw a necklace with a star hanging from his neck. I noticed a wrist band on his left wrist with a chain of black beads wrapped around it. And his hat was a mix of white and grey and it was overtop a red bandana tied in the back. The boy with black hair had on a crumpled white button up t-shirt with the top two buttons undone, revealing a bit of his upper body. He was wearing light blue jeans as well. I looked over at the red head that the grey haired one called Katsume. He had on a dark blue long sleeve shirt with a hood and pockets in the front and a pair of black jeans that had cuts along the thighs and legs. I could see his face and saw piercing golden colored eyes somewhat hidden by his red hair. All three of them were gorgeous, but they had trashed my yard and just fallen out of the sky and didn't have a scratch on them.

"What the fuck were you two doing in the palace anyways?"

Katsume asked the other two and I noticed they flinched at his tone, I would too he sounded pissed.

"Well, Hikaru here wanted to see what you were doing and I couldn't let him go by himself."

The gray haired boy said motioning towards the black haired boy.

"Whatever Daiki. I still can't believe that bastard resorted to this."

Katsume said motioning around him and the two others looked at him confused.

"Hey Katsume, where are we?"

The black haired boy, Hikaru, asked and that made the other two freeze.

"I don't know. I was sucked into that stupid vortex just like you two idiots."

Katsume snapped and Hikaru moved to stand behind Daiki as if looking for protection.

'Just who are

these guys?'

I wondered.

"Maybe we should look around. See if we can find anyone."

Daiki offered and it looked like Katsume was thinking it over before turning around.

"You two can do whatever you want, just don't drag me into it."

He said and Daiki smiled at him before turning to Hikaru.

"Come on Hika, let's see if we can't find someone."

Daiki said and Hikaru nodded before they jumped out of the six foot crater and landed lightly on their feet.

"You go that way and I'll go this way. Holler if you find something."

Daiki said before walking off in the opposite direction. Hikaru nodded to himself before walking in the direction that I was hiding.

'Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!'

I thought before scrambling backwards until my back hit the trunk of a tree and I had nowhere else to go. Hikaru looked over in my direction before walking towards me. He crouched down infront of the bush hiding me and pushed the leaves apart and stared at me in surprise. I didn't think, I just swung out with the bamboo broom in my hand with my eyes squeezed shut.

"Hey! What was that for?"

I heard him say and opened my eyes to see I had whacked him with the end of the broom.

"You just fell from the sky! And there's nothing wrong with you!"

I shouted at him and he flinched at the tone of my voice and covered his ears that I noticed were pointed.

"Alright, alright. Quit yelling."

He said and I instantly shut my mouth.

"Do you know where we are?"

He asked as he lowered his hands from his head. I just stared at him, how was I suppose to react? Simply tell him he's in my front yard after having seen him and the other two fall from the sky and act like there was absolutely nothing wrong with that? Yeah, that was gonna happen.

He moved closer to me and I whacked him with the broom again.

"Will you stop that!"

He snapped at me and I squeaked and got to my feet and backed away from him. He followed holding his hands up so I wouldn't hit him with the broom again.

"Hey, take it easy. I'm not going to hurt you."

He said and I glared at him.

'Why is it I don't believe that? Oh yeah, it's 'cuz he just fell from the sky and doesn't have a scratch on him!'

I thought as I watched his every move warily.

"Look, I just want to find out where me and my friends wound up."

He said as he walked closer. I swung out with the broom, but he caught it and smiled at me.


He said and I acted on instinct. I planted my feet, squared my shoulders and socked him right in the jaw. I hadn't expected him to react and attack back. I ducked when he swung the broom at me and swung out with my leg and knocked him off his feet. I was about to pull one of my friend Naka's favorite moves when I saw the black haired boy staring up at me in complete shock.

"Woah, I give."

He said and I looked at him confused, but relaxed my stance.

'Ha, and my dad said I'd never have to use my martial arts skills.'

I thought as the boy slowly got to his feet.

"That was unexpected."

He said as he rubbed his jaw.

"Let's try this again. My name's Hikaru Donoshii, what's yours?"

He asked and I looked at him confused before realizing he'd asked me a question.

"Cecelia Teez."

I said uncertainly and he smiled at me.

"Well Cecelia, those were some pretty good moves. You train a lot?"

He asked and I felt myself relaxing around him. If he looked like he was going to do something I could always just lay him out again.

"Yeah. Who are you and how did you survive that fall?"

I asked as I completely relaxed.

"Oh that little fall? That wouldn't hurt me."

He said and I looked at him confused.

"And why not?"

I asked, thought I wasn't so sure I wanted to know the answer.

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