» Fantasy » A life worth living, Annamere [warren buffett book recommendations .txt] 📗

Book online «A life worth living, Annamere [warren buffett book recommendations .txt] 📗». Author Annamere

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Chapter three

After school Connor and I went to a park and ate lunch. It was a half day so I was starving. "You truely are pretty." he said.
I blushed. "Thank you," I whispered taking another bite of my cheese burger.
He chuckled. "Why did people call you nerd and ugly and shit?" he asked then bit his hamburger.
"I dunno. But they're right."
He shook his head. "No they're not." he snapped making me jump.
I frowned. "Connor..."
"They only think they're better than you. In theory you're better than them. You're better than everyone." he said.
"Connor, dont. Please." I said.
We put our cheese burges down on the thingy and he stroked my cheek with his thumb. "That slut Katie, flirted with me today. She was gross and plastic and I love you." he blurted out.
"What?" I asked.
He nodded. "Ever since I met you I couldnt stop thinking about you. The way your icy eyes peirce into me. Your beautiful lucious lips. That body. Mmmm. It turns me on."
I blushed and got a tingly feeling. "You met me only yesterday, Connor." I whispered.
"And I will make you love me, Katarina. I will..." I stoped him by crushing my lips to his. It was amazing. Better than Liam. He was a little suprised but immediantly kissed back when he was aware of what was going on. His lips were so soft.
I pulled away. "I wont admit it yet," I whispered with tears of joy in my eyes. I mean no one has ever just come out and say they love me. Besides Johnny, Ashly, and Camron.
"I have to tell you something else," he whispered.
I smiled.
"Do you believe in hell and demons?"
"Well, Camron and I say there is a possibility it is real. We love demons." I said.
He grinned. "You're making this so much easier.... I'm a demon." he whispered.
A demon? Seariously? Cool! I'm not weird. Well I am but not that weird. Demon's just look cool. "Seariously?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Proove it," I demanded.
He showed me his perfect white teeth and they turned really sharp. I poked one and jumped. His teeth pricked my finger. I was bleeding.
"That is..." He looked at me waiting for me to freak out. "Really amazing, Connor."
"You're not freaked out?" he asked.
"No. But that hurt." I said
He took my finger and kissed it. It healed immediantly. I looked at him and smiled. "Promise you wont run away screaming if I get mad?" he asked.
I laughed. "I know a demon's temper. Camron made me stay up all night on his twelth birthday to study it. And I promise." I whispered.
He smiled. "I really love you. Tell me stuff about you." he demanded.
I giggled.
"You're so pretty." he said then put a fry in his mouth. I smiled.
"Are you just saying this stuff to get in my pants cause if so, it isn't working."
He glared. "I'm not a virgin, but I'm not a sex crazed lunitic. My step father is the devil." he said. "And he knows you quite well."
That piqued my intrest. "Who is your real father?" I asked.
He shrugged. "Beats me. He went up to heaven when he kept spraying gods work in our women. Not sex." he said.
We laughed.
My phone vibrated.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Are you ok? Did you get jumped?" Ashly asked.
"Nope. I'm at the park with Connor."
"Who's Connor?" she asked.
"A friend," I stated.
Silence. "Oh, Kat, that is wonderful. Why dont you invite him over to dinner?" she asked.
"Well, I dont know what he is doing tonight." I said.
She laughed. "Ok, honey, have fun. I just got a little worried. Amber called and said she was coming back from Hawii today so she will be over for dinner tonight."
I grinned. "Ok. Love you, sissy!" I said.
"I love you too, sweety." I hung up and smiled at Connor.
"I am not doing anything tonight." he said
"Do you wanna come over to my sister's house for dinnner?" I asked.
"I'd love too. You still have to tell me everything about you."
I laughed. We spent the whole afternoon getting to know each other. By five aclock I was in his arms while he stoked my hands. I looked at the time.
"Come on, we gotta go. Camron will kill me if I am late." I said.
"Camron?" he asked.
"My nephew," I told him.
We got to my house and Camron looked up from his vidio game and grinned. "Hi, Aunty." he said.
I kissed his head. "Hi, buddy." I said.
His friend Mike was staring at me.
I raised my eyebrow. "What?" I asked.
He snapped his head back to the game.
Connor laughed. "He has a little crush on you," he teased.
Mike whiped his head around and glared. Mike jumped over the couch and lunged at Connor. He punched Connor in the face and Connor started to get pissed.
"Michal," Camron screamed.
I grabbed Connor's hand and pulled him up to my bedroom. I stroked his hand until he calmed down. "Are you ok?" he asked.
I nodded. "You have a cut on your face." I told him. "Are you ok?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Come on, Ashly will clean your cut."
He laughed. "Ok. But it doesnt hurt." he said.
I opened my door and Johnny walked by. "Hey, squirt. Why was Cam yelling?"
"Mike beat up my friend and it made me mad." I said.
"Is your friend ok?"
I nodded. "Just a cut on his cheek." I said.
"Do you want me to get Ashly?" he asked.
"Please?" I asked.
He nodded.
I closed my door and made Connor sit on my bed. "Your room is really cool." he said staring at the picture of Liam and I. I grabbed it and ripped it to shreds. Connor put his index finger under my chin and lifted it to make me look at him.
He leaned forward and kissed my lips softly. The door opened and someoen gasped. I pulled away from Connor and looked at a shocked Ashly. I blushed and she smiled. "You're so adorable when you get caught, Katarina." she said.
I bit my lip and got up. "I have to pee," I announced then went into my bathroom. I heard them laugh before I turned the water on then went pee. After I was done I washed my hands then walked into my room.
"Kat, I approve of him. He doesnt start whining when I put paroxide on his wounds." she said.
I rolled my eyes and turned my tv on.
Camron came into my room and laughed as I stared wide eyed at my tv. "Camron, I said stay out of Kat's room. Go to your room and unhook all of your electronics."
I turned my tv off. "I'm scard for life." I murmmered then walked over to my computer. I turned it on and screamed. "There is naked girls everywhere." I screamed then chased after Camron. Once I had him pinned on the floor he was scared. "Why did you do that?" I asked.
"Cause. I was bored and you wern't home." he said shakily.
I shook my head then kissed his forehead. "Go get that shit out of my room. Now!" I said dangerously low.
"Yes, mam." he said.
I got off of him and he ran into my room. "Where did you get this anyway?" I asked.
"Mike's brother."
I rolled my eyes and looked at Ashly and Connor. She was talking to him about me. Greaat! "Camron, hurry up. I'm gonna start without you." Mike yelled from downstairs.
"I wanna play," I yelled.
Camron glared and I smiled. "You're grounded, so she can play." Ashly said.
"Yay!" I squealed then ran downstairs.
I jumped on the couch and smiled at Mike. Mike's older brother Keegan was talking on the phone. "Hi, Kat." Keegan whispered with a lustful look in his eye.
I rolled my eyes and Mike handed me the controler. "Get your porn out of my home." I said back.
Mike laughed then kissed my cheek. Ok. I admit, I have a huge crush on Keegan. "Kat, look." Mike said then smiled. Shiny.
"Gorgouse braces, bud." I said. "What are we playin?" I asked.
"MW3." Mike said smiling. I ruffled his hair before we started playing. "Damn! You're good at this." Mike commented after awhile.
Connor came down and sat on the couch next to me. "I live with a perverted Cammy." I said.
Keegan snatched the controler from Mike. "You're getting beat by a girl." he complained. "Move!"
Mike moved and Keegan sat down next to me. I smacked his arm. "Dont be mean to Mike." I snapped then kissed Connor's cheek.
"Fuck!" Keegan yelled.
Mike laughed. "You got beat by a girl," Mike teased.
"That's cause you had such a bad score." Keegan snapped. I put the controler down and leaned on Connor. Keegan turned to me. "So I heard about Liam calling you that and breaking up with you."
"I wont go out with you Keegan." I said.
"Why not give me a chance, babe?" he asked.
"I dont want to. And you have a girlfriend."
Connor laughed.
"I broke up with her earlier."
"Why not?" Connor asked.
I looked at him and pecked his lips. "Cause, I like you." I whispered.
He smiled. "Give Keegan a chance. I'll wait for you." he whispered.
I shook my head. "That's Camron's friend's brother." I argued.
He chuckled. Camron came down and glared. "Keegan, leave her alone. You have a girlfriend."
"I do not,"
"He's lying!" Connor, Mike, and Camron yelled.
"I know!" I yelled back as Amber and her older brother came through the door. I jumped up and hugged Amber and Jake.
"Ooh, Keegan!" she squealed before jumping into his arms. "Did you ask her?"
"She doesnt like me!" Keegan said with a frown.
"Well, you always look at her with a lustful look. Look at the way Jake is looking at her. He thinks she is the sexiest girl ever but he looks at

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