» Fantasy » A life worth living, Annamere [warren buffett book recommendations .txt] 📗

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her like a friend."
I kissed Jake's cheek then went to sit on Connor's lap. "You like me?" he asked.
"Yah." I said.
He smiled. "Do you like me enough to go out with me?" he asked.
I shrugged. "I supose later. But I have to know that you wont hurt me bad." I said then kissed him. I pulled away when I relized someone was watching us. I looked at them and everyone was watching us. I blushed and baried my face in Connor's chest.
Connor chuckled.
"Dont judge them," Ashly said. "I approve of this one. Come on, kids. Dinner is done."
Camron smiled and sat down. "We'll be in in a few mom." Cam said.
After everyone left Cam smiled. "I know what you are. I saw the way your eyes went all black. Does she know?" Cam said.
Connor nodded. "Yah. I told her earlier." he whispered. "My step father is the devil and he isn't to happy about me telling her. Keep this between the three of us."
"I swear on my death bed." Cam said.
We laughed. "Ok."
"Come on. Mom likes to pray before we eat. I have something to say tonight." Camron said.
We got up and went into the kitchen. Camron sat down next to Jake and I sat next to Camron and Connor sat next to me. We joined hands. "Ok. Who would like to pray?" Ashly asked.
"I do, momma, can I?" Camron asked.
"Yes, honey."
We closed our eyes and Connor squeezed my hand. I looked at him and smiled. We had our heads bowed. I dont really believe in god though. I do it for my sister. "Dear god, thanks for my mom and her sister. Mom is good at everything and I love her. Katarina is a wonderful girl and I hope you make the... mean people pay for hurting her. And thank you for her meeting Connor. I like him. He is beast. Oh and let grandma and grandpa rest in peace holding hands in the ground. We love you. Amen."
"Amen!" we all said.
"That was a good job, Cammy," I said ruffling his hair.
"Thanks," he whispered and let go of my hand.
Connor didnt let go of my hand though. "So, Connor, what grade are you in?" Johnny asked.
"Elevinth," he stated.
"Ooh. Me too." Amber said excitedly.
"Amber," Jake warned.
"Relax. I wont steal my bestie's property."
"I aint no one's property." Connor said angrily.
"He isn't anyone's propety." I said stroking his hand with mine.
After we were finished eating Connor and I went up to my room and layed on my bed. "What are you thinkin?" he asked.
"Mmm. How amazing you look." I said.
He laughed. "You're beautiful." he whispered in my ear.
I smiled then pecked his lips. He brought me in for a more longer rougher kiss.
Chapter four

A week later

I havent admitted how much I love Connor yet. I love him a lot. I think about him all the time. I've let him and Ashly change my wardrobe. Connor and I can barely keep our hands off each other when we see each other. Ashly said he was the one I was gonna marry. But she knows I have a problem with marrage. Questions gather into my mine like: What if I marry the wrong person? or What if he is a complete mess and beats me?
Connor and I are at his house more than we are at my house because Ashly is being a total god freak. Yesterday Connor and I were in my room making out and she did one of her random checks then lectured us about teen pregnancy. Then I reminded her she was sixteen when she got pregnant. And Connor told her he had no sperm.
He has sperm. He was just messin with Ashly.
"Hey, Kat." Liam said coming up to me. I was standing at my locker looking at a picture of me and Camron.
I looked at him.
"You look fuckin sexy today."
I remembered Connor picking my outfit today. Tight skinny jeans, plade button up shirt that hugged my curves, and my hightops.
"Cool. What do you want, dip shit?" I asked.
"You to take me back."
I looked at him. I didnt want him back. He's a fuckin jerk. "Suck my pussy," I said.
"I'd love too,"
"Figure of speech, dick." I said.
"Dont call me a dick, babe. I have one but I'm not one."
I was suprised at how calm I was. "Yes you are. You're a giant one." I said as Amber came over.
"He is a dick. A giant one." We laughed and Connor and Jake came over.
"What are you doin talkin to my sister?"
"I'm not talking to you sister." Liam said to Jake.
Connor kissed my temple.
"Yes you are. You're talkin to the sexy one. Amber, you're pretty not sexy."
"I understand, brother."
"So why are you talking to my sister?" Jake asked starting to get madder.
I closed my locker and grabbed Connor's hand then kissed Amber's cheek before dragging Connor out of the school. There was still half the day left but I didnt want to go. Connor picked me up and took me behind the school. He put me down and started kissing my neck and backing us up until I was against the wall.
When he got to my lips we were interupted. "Ahem," a voice said.
I pulled away from Connor but he pulled me back. "Dont worry about it. She can wait."
"Actually, she cant." the girl said.
"Go away, Jennifer." he growled.
"No. I'd rather not. Father has grown impatient, Connor."
Connor just pressed his lips to mine again.
"Connor," Jennifer whined
Connor pulled away and kissed my neck. "Just ignore her. She'll go away."
"Connor whatever your last name is, it's not nice to ignore people." I said.
He licked my neck before turning us around so he was leaning against the wall. "What do you want, Jenny?" he asked before kissing my neck again.
"Father would like to see you. And who is this? Another whore?"
Connor growled. "She is sexy but she is not a whore."
I smiled.
"Bring her too. I can smell the vampire on her."
My eyes widened.
"She is not ready for hell. And it's not vampire. It's my amazing demon scent."
"Connor," she growled.
"Fine, Jenn." he snapped.
Connor kissed my temple. "Stay by my side. Dont let go of my arm. No matter what he says to you."
"Ok." I whispered insainly scared.
"Dont be scared." he whispered.
He turned me around and made me grab his arm. Jennifer looked at me like something weird. "What is wrong with her?" I asked.
He looked at Jennifer. "Jenny, what is it?"
"Is this Katarina?" she asked in a whisper.
Connor nodded. Jennifer ran a hand through her black hair and pulled out a walki from her pocket. She muttered something before putting it away and grabbing my arm. On instinct I kicked her in the stomch. She fell to the ground and I clung to Connor. Coonnor laughed.
"Good job, babe. No one's ever done that to the princess of hell." He gasped. "Who was your father again?"
"Damen French." I said annoyed.
He looked at Jennifer. "Get up. Let's go." he snapped.

Later I was on Connor's back because it was to hot and I didnt wanna walk anymore. "Well, you have your mother's pure side." Jennifer muttered to herself.
"You're just jelouse cause I am pure." I said.
She scoffed.
Connor was enjoying this. "I would hate to be pure. Being pure means no sex."
"Slut," I muttered.
"What did you call me that for? You're a slut." she snapped at me.
"Sex is over rated. I'd rather sit on the couch and cuddle with my nephew." I said. "AT least he doesnt bitch." I said.
She riped me off Connor's back and I screeched as my butt his the hot ground. "Jennifer, damnit. What is wrong with you?" Connor snapped picked me up. "You ok, angel?" he asked me.
I nodded barrying my face in his chest. "I'm bored." I complained.
He chuckled before setting me on my feet. "I still have Cam's iPod. I put the songs on it for him." he said pulling Camron's blue and black iPod from his pocket. I grabbed it and plugged my ears. I turned it on.
Camron and I share some of the same music intrests. I jumped on Connor's back again and rested my head on his shoulder.
About two hours later Connor woke me up. I kissed his cheek before he opened a door. "Ah, my children. And.... Shit." the guy said.

Chapter five

In one swift movement, the devil was gone. Connor grabbed me and kissed my lips softly then darted out the door. My heart leaped and I suddenly couldnt breath. Then we were at his place. He kissed my forehead and layed me on the couch.

Later I woke up with a splitting head ach. Drew was standing over me. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away and I got up and ran to the bathroom. Connor was in the shower. I sat on the counter and

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