» Fantasy » The Demon Within, rose1699.books [motivational novels TXT] 📗

Book online «The Demon Within, rose1699.books [motivational novels TXT] 📗». Author rose1699.books

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When I saw Dakota leaving I couldn't help but cry because when he got this way it always reminded me of our dad. I know it isn't right to blame him for our father's death, but at the same time it was his fault because he wouldn't move that day when I was almost killed. My dad was always there for me when Dakota wasn't. Now I need Dakota more then ever, but I keep pushing him away like I did my friends. That's why I did what I did today, I was being bullied like I do everyday of my life, but the gang I was in they were always there for me. The leader of the gang was the one to tell our Principal about what I did and that's when I was pulled into the ER. My wrists were still stinging from how deep I cut them. I was about to close my eyes when I got a text message. So I picked up my phone. The text was from my leader Malika.

Malika: Jamie, when are you going to get out of the hospital? We are all very worried about you, just when you get this text please text me back so we know you're alright. We love you.

I smiled at the text. She will always be worried about her memebers. So I texted back.

Me: I am leaving now Malika . I will meet you at the front of the ER alright. Just make sure nobody sees you because my brother is next to my door so I have to sneck by him. I will be there when you get there alright.

I sent the message and got out of the bed and then my phone went off.

Malika: Alright Jamie, but you better be there when I get there or it won't be pretty."

I swallowed deeply and started to text her back.

"I will be there." I said and put my phone in my pocket.

I took the IV and tubes out of myself and I got out of the hospital clothes they gave me and I picked up my bag and went to the bathroom and shut and locked it. I took out my extras clothes I bring just in case something like this happens. I put my black and white bra on and snapped it into place and then I put my underwear on. I started to get into my pants when I hit my wrist and it stung like hell, but I ignored it. Next I put my shirt on that has my favorite band Flayleaf on it. Finally I put my hair up in a ponytail and I looked i nthe mirror and I saw that my eyes were black for some reason. When I blinked I looked in the mirror again and saw my Jade green eyes. I unlocked the bathroom door and I walked out as I was walking I went to my hospital room door and I cracked it opened a little and I saw Dakota passed out on the bench. So I opened my door and I kissed his cheek and I ran out ofthe hospital. I had to get the fuck out of this palce because I have to be with my gang because they are going to finsih the beating at Bronya's house. I put my hood over my head and I started to run away from where I was.

As I reached outside somebody grabbed me from behind and covered my eyes with a blinfold and threw me in the back of the car and started to drive away. I felt somebody put a niddle into my side and I scream with all my might, but nobody could hear me and I started to feel light headed nad everything. I started to close my eyes and I passed out. What was going on was the last thing I thought before I passed out.

The Ritual


When I opened my eyes I was in some sort of chair that my legs and arms were strapped into it and I couldn't move that much. Whatever they put inside my body was very painful. I tried to get free, but whenever I did I would scream. Where was I? I looked around the place and all I could see was darkness and shadows. My heart beat was racing and I was shaking but I didn't know why or what was going on with me but in my gut I know it's bad and at the same time good. I saw one of the shadows moving towards the light and when they stepped into the light I saw it was Bronya. I smiled, but something in her eyes told me not to and so I didn't. I felt myself being shocked. The pain was so intense that I yelled. I tried to open my eyes, but my pain was so bad that I didn't have the strength to open them until I felt the pain go away.

"Bronya, don't do that to her just yet! Damn you are worst then Kali, what am I going to do with you my sisters? Now leave us at peace so I can talk to her and tell her what's going on. Now get out of my sight!" Malika said peacefully.

Bronya looked pissed off and left. I felt something was wrong here and I couldn't get out of it now because I was in too deep. I started to cry because I didn't know what was going on and I was so scared that they were going to kill me. Malika came towards me and got to her knees and grabbed my hands and I swallowed slowly. She put a finger on the side of my face and wiped the tears off my face and she smiled.

"Shhhhh... Everything will be alright Jamie. Please don't be frighten my dear sister please... I am so sorry Bronya did that to you. I can tell you don’t want me near you, but you have to listen carefully... We are not going to hurt you and I am so sorry we've put you through this. I will make sure nobody will hurt you alright. Please just calm down. I am here to protect you.' * She held my hand tightly and I started to cry. 'Please let me go...I didn't sigh up for this Malika ... I don't want to be here anymore... I want to go home... Please let me go I beg you...' * I said crying and she just kept wiping away my tears and I couldn't stop shaking because my body was in pain.* 'Shhhhh... Just calm down and I will take your pain away. I won't let them hurt you my dearest sister. Now just relax and let me take care of you." She said.

She put her hand were my stumach was and I felt a slight warmness go into my body and everything was numb. I took a deep breath and all my pain was gone, then I looked into her eyes and smiled.

'Thank you,Malika . What is going on? I'm so afraid that I can't stop shaking. Wha tis happening to me? I want Dakota here so badly now, I want my brother Malika. Please let me go I have to go to my brother.' I said trying to get out of the chair, but she stopped me and held me close.* 'Shhhhh.... you have to be quite. What we are going to doing is finish your memebership and be a part of our clan. This beaten is going to be more painful then the one you had yesterday. So you have to bare with us or we can't finish it and you will be hurt badly. You have to stay focus and make sure you do not move an inch or Bronya will use her gift on you and you don't want that again do you?.* I shook my head head no and she held my hand tighter and i knew when she done this she was scared.* 'Why are you afraid, when I am the one to be afriad? Is everything alright?'*She had a frown on her face and it was scaring me.

She looked at me with fear in her eyes and I knew something was wrong, until Bronya, Kali and Annelise came into the room and I could tell they were ready to finish the job. Malika never let go of my hand until Kali came towards her and yanked her away from me and I knew this wasn't going to be good. Kali and Annelise had Malika from beihnd and making her go to her knees and she was fighting them, but she was not strong enough and she lost the fight. They knocked her out cold. I wanted to get up and save her, but I was tied up tight and Bronya started to come towards me. She put her hands over my chest and I felt her shocking me and I screamed. She smiled and told Annelise to come to her and so she did.

"Annelise, set her free and then put her in the chains above us and take her clothes of, because this beating has to go as plan. Now that Malika is taken care of we can start the ritual. Kali help her with Jamie because we have to stay on schedule and after we get done with her we will put

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