» Fantasy » Nohtay, Anton Hall [best ereader for pdf .txt] 📗

Book online «Nohtay, Anton Hall [best ereader for pdf .txt] 📗». Author Anton Hall

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fast he didn’t see her move. She landed a punch directly in his gut, sending him flying over a hundred yards. She rushes over to him again and smashes him into the ground. She jumped back and prepared for him to retaliate. He stood up and smiled. His black demonic teeth dripped black ooze that simulated blood. He opened his mouth and started to spray the ooze everywhere. Nohkaria managed to avoid it. She covered her demonic nose the smell was horrifying. He laughed and pointed at the ground. The ooze began to boil and create a thick black mist. Nohkaria began to lose sight of the black demon. Suddenly the black demon landed a blow directly to Nohkaria through the treacherous mist. She began to brace herself for the next attack. She kept trying to calm herself but the smell of the mist was too much. She tried to use her speed to escape but was met with a kick in the stomach. She fell back in and started to focus. Her sense of smell was disabled and so was her sight. That left only touch, taste, or hearing. The thought of tasting the ooze made the smell even worse. So she listened out for his movement. She heard a slight stepping sound in the distance and turned towards the sound. She braced for the attack and waited. The mist opened for the black demons attack. He was surprised to see Nohkaria there waiting for it. She took hold of his fist with her left hand and landed a devastating punch with her right breaking the grounds foundation. With the mist cleared Nohkaria caught her breath and started to walk towards the demons body.

“I have the fastest power in existence you can’t win demon!” she gloated. The demon stood up injured and breathing heavily.

“Well nicely done Nohkaria. But I’m not history yet though!” the demon said as he raised his arm up. Black smoke started to extend from his arm unsheathing an onyx blade.

“You may be the fastest but I’m the most evolved power in existence, you can’t win!” he shouted. In a slashing motion with his blade he sent a wave of black energy towards Nohkaria. The wave appeared to have skulls screaming from within. Nohkaria could hear the sounds of humans suffering. Surely his earlier victims Nohkaria thought. She tried to block it all on her own and was sent all the way back into the burning wreckage of her home, the Red Stone Castle of Adon. The demon smiled as he walked towards the destruction.

“Hey Nohkaria how long do you think you’ll last? I’m really asking?” the demon gloated. Nohkarias demonic skin was badly torn and bleeding but she still stood up to fight. From beneath the castle she shot green energy upwards. The black demon looked up at the green energy surprised.

“How can she even move after that?” the demon said.

“How long do you think you’ll last!?” Nohkaria responded. Using the energy like a blade she slashed down onto the black demon. The green energy flushed over him slashing, ripping, and tearing his adamantine skin. He tries to send another black energy wave through the tsunami of power but it’s drowned and backfires. In the aftermath Nohkaria walked out onto the scarred earth and started to use her green energy to heal herself. The black demon was laid out beaten in the open.

“I told you already, I hunt demons like you for the revolution. I’ve never lost.” Nohkaria said.

“I’m not some wild beast you wretch!! I’m your worst nightmare! The black creature that stalks the night and weaves death into the lives of hundreds! I am Elguntier of the Night!!!” the demon pleaded out. Nohkaria could tell he wasn’t as strong as she first thought.

“Well Elguntier I’ll give you one moment to run or flee to whoever sent you after my son. Tell them you failed and that the huntress will see them on the frontlines.” Nohkaria offered. Elguntier was clearly disgusted with her offer.

“I shall do no such thing. I was sent by the Red Guard in the Kings Capital. You will be slain and dragged before Hiemachy.” Elguntier said. His demonic form receded with no crystal.

“Hiemachy hired you!? After twelve years he takes an interest in his… no, Raikoes my son. You will go back to the Red Guard and you will tell Hiemachy that there’s no one here for him to return to!” Nohkaria demanded. She raised her right arm across her chest and a flash of green light revealed an emerald short sword. She directed it at Elguntier and said, “Or you’ll lose your wretched life today.” Elguntier lay silent.

“Answer me cretin!” Nohkaria said. Elguntier began smiling she glimpsed into her blade and saw the reflection of a blue blade falling towards her neck. She quickly ducked and evaded it.


The sword struck the ground in front of Elguntier. “Why’d you tell her who sent us? Now if we did have Raikoe in custody she’d know where to find him!” said a mysterious voice. A short young man appeared with a gust of wind.

“Hello mother. Where’s Raikoe? I heard from all your little rebels that you couldn’t even protect them from your own son. Let me guess, you gave him the last fire crystal you’ve been hiding from the world, he couldn’t handle it, and he went berserk.” He said.

“Typhon!? Of course he would send his own children to fight his battles for him. What is he giving you this time? Money!? Another cesspool of a city!? Whatever it is I’m warning you,” she said as she stepped forward readying her blade.

“You’ll never find Raikoe until it’s too late to brainwash him. Raikoe is of no importance to you! He didn’t use a fire crystal!” She pleaded.

“Your rebel buddies told me what happened. They clearly described a fire demon. Don’t lie to me!” Typhon shouted.

“There are no more fire crystals, we destroyed them long ago.” Nohkaria said. Typhon glimpsed over to Elguntier.

“I wonder why you haven’t killed him yet. He has an actual demon within. He’s not using some crystal father created. Don’t you want to help your devout friends by making sure they destroy us all?” Typhon said.

“She’s fast Typhon and also strong. You should not underestimate her.” Elguntier said as he lies on the ground still injured.

“You dare try to give me advice about her? You lost! I grew up with this woman I know her power and how it works. Humph, she calls herself the Huntress for a reason. But there’s one thing Nohkaria can’t destroy.” Typhon slowly moved closer to Nohkaria the wind around them got stronger with every step. Typhon pulled a crystal from his robes.

“You may be a Huntress but I don’t think you’ve ever hunted a storm!!!” Typhon said. Typhon was the Red Guards general. He always carries a sleek blue sword with a blade shaped like a saw. His hair was very short in human form. He always wore a heavy blue robe with big black boots. Hiemachy would always tell him to change his colors. The Red Guard always wore red robes with black trim. He would tell everyone he wanted to stand out. Most times he walked around castles and cities with a smirk on his face. Seeing him before me now he’s no different. He serves his father no matter what. And he’s also never lost a fight. Typhon crushed the crystal from his robes in his hand. A large burst of wind was released from the stone. The winds grew stronger and stronger surrounding Typhon. Nohkaria tried to stand her ground. She released as mush green energy as possible from within. She used the energy to create a large protective barrier around herself.

“Nohkaria, if I can’t bring Raikoe with me, you’ll be taken back dead or alive!!” The transformed Typhon shouted. The winds stopped and the dust cleared leaving a blue demon. Typhons demon hair was spun like small tornadoes on his head. His topaz blue skin and claws made him a fully realized demon. His eyes were something different. Nohkaria had never seen them before. His demonic eyes resembled storms inside of crystal balls.

“Did you master demonic power!?” You were never good at it.” Nohkaria asked.

“I spent two years on the battlefield in the Midnight Wars. I guess it just took a little incentive for me to master it.” Typhon explained.

“Incentive!!? Is that what your father called it when he got disappointed in you!? When his heir wasn’t performing the way he expected!? Was it really incentive Typhon!? Or was it his way of getting rid of you by using his foolish war to destroy you!!? Use your head Typhon please! Why else would he send you after Raikoe!!? Why does he need Raikoe!? He has an heir already doesn’t he!?” Nohkaria pleaded.

“I have the entire army under my command Raikoe would be just another soldier!!” Typhon shouted.

“Now really ask yourself what Hiemachy really wants with Raikoe.” Nohkaria said.

“Well after this is over, you can ask him yourself!!” Typhon shouted as he leaped forward taking hold of his sword next to Elguntier. He jumped up and slammed down with his saw-like blade. Nohkaria tries to deflect it but it was too strong. The power of Typhon strike forced Nohkarias demonic feet to tear into the ground. The sparks from the two blades clashing sent demonic energy into the surrounding areas causing it to combust. Nohkaria gathered energy in her left palm and pushed the back of her blade forcing Typhon back and a wave of green energy kept him flying backwards. Using her speed she rushes behind him and gathers more demonic energy in her sword and tries to slash Typhons back but his body turned to wind and reappeared behind her. Her energy wave was still approaching. She took hold of the energy and threw it at him. He cut it in half with his sword and jumped after her. Their swords clashed over and over. Neither of them has ever lost a fight. Their combat abilities were far above the normal. Typhon began to become frustrated. They both swung their swords again and knocked each other back. They came after one another again. Nohkaria used her speed and Typhon used the wind. Their swords clashed again. Sparks from the blades turned to energy. The green light from Nohkaria grew stronger. The wind from Typhon forced his blade forward. The relentless collision of power tore through whatever was left of the Red Stone castle. Typhon could no longer sustain the power. He used the wind to disappear behind Nohkaria once more. Her power continued forward and exploded into a river next to the castle. Nohkaria looked back at Typhon who was about to attack and threw her blade at him. Typhon wasn’t expecting it so he pulled his blade in front of him to protect himself. The blade deflected off of his sword and flew upwards. He pulled his sword down and looked for her but didn’t see her. Typhon looked up and saw Nohkaria falling towards him with her blade in a stabbing motion. Nohkaria then remembers Typhons first baby steps in her head.

“No stop showing me this demon, he’s just like his father!!” Nohkaria thinks to herself.

“It’s not too late for him Nohkaria! It’s not too late for your child! Don’t do this, not yet!” A soft and delicate voice speaks with Nohkaria from within. Instead of striking at Typhons heart she uses her elbow for the attack. When her elbow made contact Typhons body turned to wind again and she struck the ground.

“You’re pathetic Nohkaria!” Typhon yells.

“Don’t worry I’ll defend us!!” the voice from within Nohkaria says as the green energy forms over Nohkarias skin. Slash after slash from Typhons jagged edged sword cut into the demonic skin of Nohkarias back. Typhon then fell to the ground and one big swing of his sword sent Nohkaria flying upwards.


“You’ve failed your children mother! All the years

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