» Fantasy » Nohtay, Anton Hall [best ereader for pdf .txt] 📗

Book online «Nohtay, Anton Hall [best ereader for pdf .txt] 📗». Author Anton Hall

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you spent fighting and hunting your demons you weren’t there for us once!! Don’t you dare judge me or my father!! What about Annabelle, Januro, and Kaley!? Where were you when we all needed you most!!? You’re protecting Raikoe from Hiemachy!!? Well what should the rest of your children had done!!?” Typhon yelled while releasing his demonic wings and flying after Nohkaria. With the wind behind him he rises above Nohkarias limp body.

“Nohkaria, I’ll never forgive you!!” Typhon yelled. With another large swing of his sword, Typhon gathers all of his demonic energy turning him back into a human. He cuts down Nohkaria and a large tornado spawned from his blade sending her smashing into ground. With his energy spent Typhon falls back to the ground.

“I’m sorry Nohkaria but we’ve lost this fight. It’s my entire fault!” the soft voice from within Nohkaria explained. Her demon form vanished as she laid out cold. Elguntier reached over to where Typhon was falling and created a black cloud that carried him down.

“Is she dead sir?” Elguntier asked Typhon. “No, I left her exactly the way father wanted. She’s beaten, alone, and out cold. She’s an enemy of the Capital. Take her with us!” Typhon answered. Elguntiers black cloud lifted the three of them and began to fly away.

Within The Fires

“My memories?” I thought.

“Yes you asked me to help you and I did.” The voice in my head responded. I could see the memory the voice spoke of as if I was outside of my body. I no longer thought of this as a daydream. It seemed too real.

“Is that me? Whoa. Wait, wait what am I doing on the floor?” I asked.

“This is right after you asked for my help Raikoe. You lost consciousness when I gave you the power so… I tried to give you what you want on my own.” The voice inside the vision said.

“What do you mean on your own!?” I asked. When I asked, my body in the memory caught fire inside my room. The room became a box of flames and when I stood up my eyes had become a blood red color. Strands of my hair glows like embers from a recent flame. My skin darkened and started to change colors. The flames swirled around me giving me dark red armor like skin. I could hear the bones in my back crackling, breaking, and reforming. Bones shot out from my back making wings. The teeth I had were large and sharp.


The memory displayed itself bit by bit. The boned wings caught fire and began to vibrate the entire room, until I released a bloodcurdling howl that detonated the room and awoke everyone in the Red Stone castle.

“That’s my home why would I ever let you do something like this!? What are you!!?” I demanded.

“I am Nohtay!! The inferno that scorches the world and leaves only devoured and charred corpses! You are the weak little child I gave my soul to! Together we are the perfection, the blemish upon the world, the deficiency, the tainted blood, the stigma, and the contagion eradicating the world while it suffers within the fires!!!!” He proclaimed. The memory was a horror to be witnessed. In my demon form I floated above Adon and was soothed by the moons glow. My mother Nohkaria awoken by my monstrous form took action. I could hear the screams of the people in Adon. They all ran away frightened.

“Everyone, leave this place now!” mother demanded.

“You foul beast you will leave this place at once or lose your soul to…..” she halted her speech as her son Raikoe floated above her in a demon form.

“Raikoe!? What have you done?” she looked into my eyes and saw the blood red tint. The star shaped pupils of mine lit up and burning like cinders.

“I don’t even think he’s controlling it. That’s too much power for someone so young. No no no!!” she said as Elguntier the Red Guards spy came smashing into me in his demon form, crashing the two of us into the castle. Nohkaria started to glow green and she quickly went into her demon form. Using her speed, she came to me.

“You need to change back Raikoe!” she tried to warn me but I wasn’t in control. Another howl from me made the castle tremble. Elguntier stood behind me waiting to strike. My demon body dematerialized in a fiery flash and reappeared behind Elguntier. With my childish demon fist I jabbed Elguntier and sent him flying through the castle and into the river behind the castle.


Mother looked up at my demonic grin. I seemed overjoyed with satisfaction after the punch.

“This is no longer Raikoe, I must…. Stop him by any means necessary!!” she said with tears in her eyes. The memory ended, I awoke from the daydream. I was back in the woods with the older woman.

“No!” I said with deep sorrow.

“What have I done?” I said.

“What’s the matter child? Did your mother even tell you who I was? I’m Priscilla; the one your mother seems to think is a babysitter!” she said.

“Take me to Adon!” I demanded.

“A please would be welcomed.” Priscilla responded.

“You have no idea what’s going on do you? My mother is in trouble!” I shouted.

“So are everyone else’s mothers, brothers, sisters, and cousins. I would say fathers as well, but you might not know what your father is. That or you don’t care.” Priscilla responded as she turned to walk away.

“I know exactly what my father is he’s an evil tyrant that left my mother to die thirteen years ago.” I angrily responded. I started walking after her. She kept walking while the people I saw before were following us in the trees above. Priscilla laughed at me.

“What did I just say kid? You have no idea what your father is.” She mockingly responded.

“I know when someone’s mocking me lady. I’m not a fool.” I said.

“I believe Raikoe was your name? Look, you don’t want to learn anything then fine. I’ll just continue to teach all the rest of the stranded children sent here.” She said.

“What could you possibly be teaching kids in a forest?” I asked.

“I teach them how to use their crystals properly. So they can protect themselves from your father’s foolish war.” She responded. I was appalled by her answer.

“You teach kids how to use savagery to defend themselves!? Well if only you could look at yourself! You’re no better than the rest of them. The only difference is the places you people hide in!” I exclaimed.


“For an ignorant child you actually seem to know something about the wars. But what do you know about the misery these people go through everyday hoping they get to see their families again one day.” She said. I looked up at their faces as they followed.

“You don’t know anything about it Raikoe. You just want someone to take you to a battlefield just so you can hopefully find your mother, if that’s your wish than you surely are a fool. Your father has put so many people in harm’s way. Leaving your mother for dead is I’m sorry to say, but the least of his evil deeds. Your mother sent you here for the same reason every other child has been sent here, to learn how to use the power given to you. So Raikoe you’re either with us learning how to protect yourself or you’re on your own.” Priscilla presented a dilemma to me that I had no idea how to solve. I stopped walking to think and she stopped and looked back at me to see what I would say. The others in the trees waited as well. I wanted to find my mother. But if I found her and she was still in danger what could I do. Am I to trust this woman and learn to fight.


“Priscilla.” I called to her.

“Yes?” she responded.

“How can I use the same power that burned down my home and haunts my memories? I don’t think I can use something that destroyed my life.” I said as I turned to walk away.

“What!?” Priscilla asked. Before she could come after me a girl stopped her. She was small but not smaller than I was. She had long black hair in pigtails and she wore clothes that were slim and easy to move in.

“Hey Raikoe what makes you think you’ll find what you want anywhere else? Priscilla’s right. You’ve been sent here not let your mother go it alone but to make sure she doesn’t have to. I’m Malory my brother Kane and I were sent here by our older sister two years ago. We're eager to fight back same as you. But if you go before you’re ready, you’ll die or just….. Get in the way.” She said with grief in her voice.

“It wasn’t your fault Malory just let it go” her brother Kane said from up above.

“Is it easy?” I asked Priscilla.

“No but you’ll be the better for it.” She responded.

“What’s first?” I asked.

“First we figure out what stone to give you. Then whichever stone you feel strongest with you keep. Lastly we find you some different clothing.” She explained.

“Well what’s wrong with my clothes?” I asked. She smiled and responded, “You’re wearing royal robes in a forest.” I looked around at what everyone else was wearing. Everyone had very loose fitting clothes that freed movement. Priscilla wore a very slim pair of boots and leathery armor.

“Okay I see your point” I said. Malory smiled walked over and took my hand.

“Well let’s go then!” she said happily as we all continued through the forest. Priscilla’s people were all so agile. They jumped and leaped through the trees with much ease. The forest smelled a lot different from home. It was a lot dirtier too though my robes were already dirtier than they’ve ever been. Everyone started to pick up speed. Malory looked back at me and I started to feel….. I don’t know happy.


I picked up my speed as well. I ran beside Malory and looked up and saw her brother Kane as he jumped through the trees better than everyone else including Priscilla.

“Let’s go!” Priscilla commanded. Everyone began to take hold of their crystals. All of them changing into demons and their speed dramatically increased. I was worried about how so many of them looked exactly the way mother described but I was also interested.

“Oh wait I don’t have a crystal!” I said to Malory.

“It’s okay I know.” She responded. She took her green crystal and a bright green light shined around her. The way the green light reacted reminded me of mother but I never saw mother change into something else. I closed my eyes because of the light. I felt my body lift upwards. I opened my eyes and I was floating above the forest with Malory’s green light carrying me. I could see so much of the forest. It was a very large forest with a giant boulder in the center. It was like a small mountain surrounded by forest.

“My power is the only one capable of sustaining flight besides Priscilla’s!” she explained as she flew beside me in her demon form. I was speechless. How could a demon be so pretty? Mother

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