» Fantasy » Guardians, B.Huber [digital e reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Guardians, B.Huber [digital e reader .txt] 📗». Author B.Huber

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I just stared at him and he just stared back, but finally his lips moved and I heard his voice for the first time.
“Erm..hi.” he said with a lower voice.
That was all? I continued staring at him. That was all he could say? After I had entered this place that seemed so lifeless and met another human. This was ALL? I shook my head and lifted my head. It hurt, because I hadn't moved it for such a long time. But finally ,I forced my lips to form a few words.
“Who are you?”
That was my response. Not better than his 'hi' , but in this strange situation it was ..okay, I guessed.
“My name is Alex.” he then answered and took a few steps forward. Now I could see his eyes and what he wore. His eyes were a beautiful green, with a yellow spot inside it, it seemed like a small sparkling flame that wanted to enclose the colder green. To my surprise, he only wore a normal pair of jeans , a t-shirt and a thin jacket over it. That was all? It seemed as he hadn't prepared for this either. Maybe he had also randomly entered that world? Maybe I was not alone with this!
“My name is Scarlett. Did you also randomly enter” I finally said, my voice sounding a bit frightened and raw. What should I name this world? Or place? I quickly searched for an answer in my brain, but failed. I had never learned about this place in geography and never seen it on any map.
He stared at the marshy ground and then nodded.
So he had also entered this world, maybe also through a small door with a silver doorknob? I had so many questions, but I held them all back. The most important thing was to survive in this cruel place, or whatever I should call it.
“Do you think there are more of us?” this was the question that begged me the most to be asked. I shook my feet, and noticed how frozen I was by now.
“Maybe? Let's search for a warm place and food, you seem pretty much frozen.” he said and laughed. His laughing sounded strange to me, but it had something wonderful in it, something unique. However, it felt good to hear a laugh, it seemed to warm the cold air.
I just nodded and went near him, but then my lips formed a slight smile. I had only met him, but when you are confused and just want to survive , then you clearly forget about strangers or smaller issues.
It was good to know that there are other people that have to deal with the same things as you. You make a special connection with them, without knowing it at first. Moreover, it just feels good.
He took my hand and together we explored that strange place, our first goal was to find some water and maybe a place , where we could spent the night.
We both just went forwards silently, without speaking. I knew nothing about this world. Neither what creatures lived here, nor how dangerous it was or how we were going to survive. I was just hoping to find someone else. The more we were, the better we could keep us alive and survive.
Soon I felt guilt coming up in me and I regret that I hadn't listened to the advice of my mother. I bit my lip and tried to forget these things. I was now here and I would fight. What would it bring to think about how it could have been? When I would have held it back, maybe I would have never met Alex. I breathed in and came to the conclusion that it had to be my destiny. I was special that I could see this world. I had never believed in any 'magical' things, but now I deeply believed in them. I looked at Alex and went forward. I wouldn't give up.

Chapter 3

We had been going for hours, without finding anything new. By now I was really giving up and not knowing what to do. I was half frozen to death, hungry and thirsty. I looked up at the dark gray sky and sighed. This couldn't go on like this.
“Alex.. how long have you been here?” I finally asked, not fully aware of myself. My voice sounded raw and cold, not like myself. I blinked and looked at him. The soft breeze was ruffling up his dark hair and I smiled.
“Some.. time.” he then answered and shook his head and smiled back at me.
“Come on! I will show you a better place than this one.”
Before I could argue (or better my aching muscles could argue) he grabbed my hand and began to run. Soon everything around me vanished in a blur and I laughed. Dawn was coming and a few birds began to chirp. Maybe this place wasn't as bad as it looked? Maybe the running would warm me up and make me less hungry? I mean, I didn't believe myself and my babbling in my head, but I had to be optimistic, right? Besides, Alex's hand was warming me. But there was one thing my head couldn't stop wondering about and that was his strange answer to my question.
He finally stopped and I panted. I looked around. We had run up a hill and we were now staring down at pine trees and the sun as it was rising. The landscape looked beautiful and soothing at the same time in the soft dawn light.
“Wow.” ,I breathed and smiled at him.
He smiled back , but then his eyes darkened and his face took on a weird expression.
“What?” , I asked, startled by the sudden coldness in his green eyes.
“We're not safe here. Better come with me, now that it is light we can search for some food, I know a place!” His hand enclosed my wrist and I stared at him with a typical 'Why' glance before I actually asked: “Why?”
“No time for explaining. Do you even know what you have entered Scarlett?” he shook his head and turned around. Suddenly he didn't sound comforting anymore and I began to wonder why I was listening and following a stranger. At least my mum would have been totally freaked out if she could see me. I sighed and shook my head.
“No, I have no clue” I whispered, my voice cracked and tears filled my eyes. I realized what all I had left back and I missed my mum already like crap. What if I would never see her again? Or die? No, I couldn't even think of that, I had to go on and just trust him. He was my only chance.
“Well, you will soon find out.” his answer stopped the babbling in my head and I looked at him. He had faced me and had managed a weak smile.
“You're special Scarlett, I believe in you and I hope you can trust me.”
I bit my lip and tried to smile back, but obviously failed at it. Ah, crap.
“Eh. 'Kay then, lets go..?”was all I could say, when I heard an unusual rustling behind me. Sure, I still had so many questions in my head, but the rustling had distracted me.
“What's that Alex?”my voice sounded high and it was more a squeak than a question, but he just silenced me with his hand and fell to the ground. I instantly copied him, before I would freeze on the spot where I stood. Yes, I was scared to death and yes, this could be anything from a bird to I don't know what, but I assumed it was something dangerous because Alex acted as we would have to die. And yes, this didn't really comfort me either.
“Keep down” he whispered, his lips were barley moving. I just managed a nod and followed him to a rock. We hid just as the rustling grew louder and louder.
“We are too late, I told you so.” he whispered into my ear and for the first time I could see the fear in his green eyes. Sure, his face was expressionless but his eyes told something else.
“What do you me-” I wanted to ask, but my question was drowned by a loud hissing sound. He shook his head and motioned with his hand to keep down. I didn't see what it was, but by the sudden heat I felt around me I could say it was something strange, something I didn't know until now. I felt how near it came and I hold my breath.
“A Dragon” Alex murmured and I had to force myself not to scream. So in this strange country/place/whatever were dragons? I just couldn't believe it. Had I reached a strange land from a fairy or something?
Suddenly the heat vanished and I felt coldness creeping up my arms.
“Quick, we have to run, as fast as we can before the coldness will drown us” he shouted now and I assumed the dragon was gone. But I didn't understand why we had to run, good thing I figured out it was not the time to ask questions but just follow him. You know, I often ask questions before I think. Anyways, I just nodded( because that was all I managed) and followed him as quick as my exhausted legs would carry me. The coldness was unbearable by now and I thought I would freeze while running. Even breathing was hard and I wondered what was happening. Then suddenly, when I thought I would seriously die and freeze to death, it stopped. Panting, I came to a stop and let myself sink to my knees.
Okay, I once said I wanted adventures, but that was too much, even for me.

Chapter 4

Still panting I looked up to see Alex standing above me, his eyes now showed nothing of the fear I had seen earlier in them, but they now showed the warmth I had first seen when I had met him yesterday.
He kneed down in front of me and before I could think what was happening , I was in his arms and crying the crap out of me. He comforted me by saying that all would be okay and then he just stopped talking and just held me in his arms.
“You will learn how to deal with it. Now, just come with me and then we can get something to eat and drink.” he then said after a while with a soft voice.
I blinked the last tears out of my eyes and managed a weak smile.
“Okay”, I rasped and for once I was glad that we were somewhere in the nature and not in a house where I could see myself in a mirror. I honestly didn't want to know what I looked like, but I assumed I looked horrible because I felt horrible.
He helped me standing up and gently took my right hand. I looked around in the forest and was overwhelmed at how breathtaking it looked. It seemed like the light had changed everything, it was not misty or cold, the trees looked friendly and there was grass nearly everywhere, no dark brown pools which smelled bad. Maybe this place wasn't so bad after all? Then I thought about the experience with the dragon we just had and shivered.
“Alex, why dragons?”, I whispered , still clearly afraid of what just happened.
“They are common here, they are death itself when you understand what I mean” he answered, looking away from me.
“You mean the coldness?”
“Yes.” was his only answer.
“But why coldness after a
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