» Fantasy » Guardians, B.Huber [digital e reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Guardians, B.Huber [digital e reader .txt] 📗». Author B.Huber

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Chapter 1

Boredom lets you make various things. Neither if they are good or bad, funny or dangerous. I think it is never good to be bored like this, like I was on this Friday. Nothing to do, no homework, too lazy to study for the next test. Just a normal teenager, bored to death. I always liked adventures, explore some things. But somehow, I didn't explore anything in the last time, why should a 16-year old anyways go explore things? I still don't know what was happening with me, yet I went down to the cellar not sure what to do there. Why anyways? Confused, still not sure what do to here I wanted to just shake my head and go back to my room. Then I laughed, stupid me. Something was wrong, I felt it. Deep in there ,I knew it. The damp air down here amplified the feeling of something being wrong. But wasn't it always like this down here? Why then did I feel sweat slowly running down my face? It was bitter cold, cold as always down here. I tried to tell me this, to go back to my room, but something held me back. Anxiously I made my way further on, expecting all, something deep in me still finding the whole thing ridiculous. In my cellar? Why should anything be wrong with here? My inner voice repeated the whole thing all the time..until I believed it. I lifted my arm and stroke back my red-brown hair. I could hardly see anything now, it was too dark. I went further on, tripping over various things from my dad and one time, I nearly tripped over an apple, an old withered apple and took a few steps back again, clearly disgusted.
Looked like our normal cellar, nothing wrong with it. My inner voice was speaking again. Stop! My inner voice again,screaming , I didn't want to hear to it and the next thing I realized was me lying on the cold cellar floor. In front of me was a small wooden door, half the size of a normal door. It seemed strange, full of decoration and a small silver doorknob. One small diamond was decorating the knob and I lifted my head to get a better view of the door. Strange, I had never noticed it before, never seen anything like this. Maybe I had just never payed enough attention to it? Curious as ever, the anxious feeling vanished, and I lifted my hand towards the small doorknob, the diamond shimmering and blending my blue eyes. Slowly I came the knob nearer and nearer, my eyes focused on the small shimmering diamond. The world around me had vanished, the only thing I still realized was that I was still half-lying , half-sitting on the cold floor. My breath was coming out in small clouds and something clung to my hand. The more I came nearer to the doorknob, the more the world around me vanished. Finally, my frosted hand enclosed the silver doorknob. It felt cold and slippy, but I enclosed it with all my strength. I didn't want to loose the hold of it. It felt too good to describe, too mysterious. It was like an eddying that whispered: “Come here, come to me, touch me.” I clearly didn't want to let it go, I wanted to get hold of it, to open it. It was there, it wanted me, I was now ready, ready to open it. But then something let it all vanish.
“Scarlett!”, a voice shouted.
It was my mother.
“Scarlett, where are you? Dinner's ready!”
I shook my head and blinked, my hand, my fingers let go the doorknob and I turned around. The cellar suddenly lightened up, my mother was standing at the entrance staring down at me. She had the light turned up. How weird did I look? Lying in the dust on the floor, half frozen to death, still confused. “Oh honey!Are you okay?”, she asked and came a few stairs down. I wanted to nod, to roll my eyes, but I was stiff. How much time had passed? It felt like a few moments, yet how long had I already laid down here, staring at the door?
I turned my head and wanted to stare at the door again, but it was gone. What? I wondered. How could this door vanish? Slowly my mind got more clear again and I decided to not tell my mother about the door. She would think I have gone insane. I finally managed to nod and move my lips. “Yes, I only tripped over that...thing” I said and pointed at the apple.
My mother narrowed her eyes and kneed down in front of me.
“How late is it?”, was the next thing I asked. Still unsure of how much time had passed down here.
“I think it's about half past six..are you okay? Oh my god, you're half frozen to death, come out of here!”
“Alright” I tried to assimilate what just happened, but failed somehow. My limbs were shaking and suddenly I felt dizzy. My mother carefully helped me up and then we went upstairs. My mother was a nurse and today she came home earlier than usual.
Then it hit me. When it was half past six, then I had laid there over three hours . I froze where I stood and wondered how three hours could feel like 30 seconds.
“What the heck did you do down there? Come here, I made a bath for you.”
I just nodded, too perplex to answer her and followed her into the bathroom. I was still cold and the hot water felt so relaxing. Slowly, I began to recover from my strange experience, yet the door couldn't vanish from my mind.
My red-brown hair had soft waves and it gently touched the foam of the bath. So relaxing, I finally closed my eyes and decided to not try to think of what happened. I resolved that I fell asleep down there and dreamed of the door. That was the most acceptable explanation for what happened. Yet my inner voice said something else, again. It screamed and tried to convince me it really happened. Again, I just blocked it all out and laid in the bath for over an hour.
Then my mother came again and helped me out. My limbs were now back to normal again.
“Oh kid, I guess you caught a cold down there. Did you fall asleep?”
“Yes, I think so.” this was just the only acceptable answer.
“Better stay in bed tomorrow!”, she shouted while I was on the way to my room.
Two days had passed since the strange thing had happened to me. Luckily I didn't fetch a cold, but the door with the silver doorknob just couldn't vanish from my mind. It was there, always, making me doubtful and my inner voice was screaming and begging me to go to the cellar again. My hands wanted to touch the doorknob again, it was whispering: “Come here, come to me, touch me.”
I shook my head. It was Sunday evening and I was sitting in front of my computer, clearly not knowing what to do. It was so strong, every minute I waited the feeling grew stronger, the longing to touch the doorknob and see what lies behind the door. My normal common sense told me to stay in my room and refuse to go to the cellar. But my inner voice was still begging and wouldn't give up.
I was in a weird situation. Struggling against my own..mind?
That simply couldn't be the reality. Was I dreaming again? No, it didn't seem like a dream. I felt my body moving, going to the the cellar door. I didn't want to go there, or did I? I was confused again, the strange feeling was returning.
I opened the door carefully and went down the staircase, without having the light turned on. My mother shouldn't know. She had told me to sleep in my bed the next time and not on the cellar floor. She hated the cellar floor, since there were things of my dad lying around. My dad,who was dead for about three years now. Usually I also hated the cellar, but something else was calling for me. And I definitely couldn't refuse anymore.
I now stood on the last stair of and then I saw it again. The door on the other side of the cellar, the silver doorknob blending my eyes and the shimmering diamond. Before I knew what I was doing I went towards it, slowly then faster, until I stood right in front of it.
There it was. My hands were longing for the doorknob and this time I tried to react faster and tried to enclose the doorknob faster.
It felt so good and cold, so mysterious. Again the world around me was vanishing, getting unclear. But this time I wasn't scared, only full of curiosity.
I smiled and turned it. It gave a clicking sound and suddenly a strong breeze was hitting me. It was so strong, all whirled around me and suddenly the cellar was vanishing. I screamed, as loud as I could, the fear was returning, adrenalin pulsing through my body. But it seemed as nobody was hearing me. Not my mother and not anyone else.

Chapter 2

It felt strange, struggling against something you can never beat. It makes you feel weak, exhausted and sad. Coldness was crawling up my hands, my back and my feet. All seemed frozen again. I opened my eyes, only seeing dark brown earth. Where was I? Where is the cellar?
I didn't understand what had happened, but I didn't question anything. I just silently lifted my head and stared around. Mist was hanging over the dark pine trees. Here and there were small pools with dark brown water. It was freezing cold, but there was no snow and there was no frost on the earth or on the trees. What dark place had I entered? Great. Such a thing could only happen to me, right?
I slowly stood up and looked around. Suddenly I heard a rustling and I spun round, fear and adrenalin pulsing through my body.
Something was hunting me, something was there. This dark world seemed so lifeless, yet there were living creatures, I was sure now.
As I turned around to see what was lurking on me, I realized how much my fingers and feet were shaking. A soft and cold breeze swept over me and let my long red-brown hair go up and down. I was shaking, my whole body was shaking with fear and coldness. It seemed as all of my curiousity had vanished and I wished I would be back in my room, lying on my bed or sitting in front of the computer. Even speaking with my mother, but not standing here all alone and confused.
The rustling grew louder and I finally turned around to face the thing behind me.
I stood there, like a cold stone and found myself staring at a human, a real human, like me , with hair, eyes and feet. My eyes grew wide and my mouth opened as if it wanted to shout something. The human was obviously a boy, at the age of 17 or older. He had dark brown hair that was not long, but also not too short. I found myself staring at him and I guess he did the same with me.
It was clear that someone had to break the silence, the big wall of silence. I don't know how long

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