» Fantasy » The Five Pieces of Miles, Nick Venom [english novels for beginners .txt] 📗

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Episode Five "Training Request"



Marcus and his siblings make it to Hellspit, right outside the capital. While touring the small town a Hellbear appears and starts to wreak havoc.


“Who are you?” asked Holt. “No, scrap that. We’ll figure that info out later. Help us with this Hellbear.”

“Got it,” Ezra stood in a swordsman pose. He then charged at the bear and went flew passed it. He got behind the bear. The bear didn’t have the agility that Ezra had. Ezra sliced the bear’s back up. The bear roared in agony. It turned around and faced Ezra. Holt used this moment as his only chance. He thrust the spear he held into the bear. It didn’t even dent the bear. The bear turned its head towards Holt. Ezra did the same as Holt and use the chance to slice into the bear. The bear let out another roar of agony. Its skin started bubbling and stripped off. The skin looked similar to that of a robot. It slowly heated up becoming blood-red in color. It was now in its hell mode. Hell mode was when a hellbeast shed all humanity and become that close to a devil from hell. It roared. It swung around in hopes of hitting any of the protectors. Unfortunately, the bear was right. It hit two of the protectors wounding them. They fell back and snuggled in pain. Ezra and Holt worked simultaneously to take jabs at the bear. The hellbear yelled in agony and crumbled under its own weight. Ezra and Holt had put too many wounds into the bear. The bear couldn’t carry its weight with its wounded body.  It fell to the ground limply. The hellbear was now dead.



Marcus chatted with Ezra. After defeating the bear he returned to the local bar. Marcus and his siblings followed him. “If you don’t mind me asking, can you tell me how did you master your sword skills?” asked Marcus.

“I was sorta born with this skill. All I needed to do was train with a sword until I could meet my full potential.” Ezra told him. He tapped his sword. “Even for those without talent for a sword can still use it. All they need to do is train. Train to use a sword by swinging it. Don’t forget to understand your weapon.” Ezra ranted. 

“That’s all?”

“That’s everything.”

“If you don’t mind me asking me this of you. Can you train my siblings?” Marcus asked him.

Ezra sighed. “How about this,” He took out his sword and laid it on the bar table. “I’ll be leaving in a week. I’ll train you and your siblings until then.” Marcus nodded and thanked him.

Episode Six "Ezra vs. Marcus"



Ezra defeats the hellbear. Once he defeats the hellbear, he is then asked to help Marcus and his siblings with their sword skills.


Ezra drew his sword and pointed it at Marcus. Marcus took out his weapon. A club made out of wolfskin and a rare type of wood called ‘Icewood’. Eden and Anna stayed on the sidelines. “Are you sure about this?” Ezra asked. He was dressed in white. Heaven white. He stood in a swordsman pose with his sword pointed towards the sky. He kept his sword in his left hand leaving his right hand free. He stood on both legs but kept them close to each other as if they were siblings that didn’t like each other but were forced to stay next to each other. On the other hand, Marcus stood in a more loose stance. His legs were spread apart and he wielded the club in his right hand. He didn’t stand up straight like Ezra, instead opting to crouch over. Eden was given the opportunity to call the fight. He got up from his seat on the sidelines and walked over to the middle of the small circular area the two fighters were trapped in. He raised his hand and with a quick glance at both Ezra and Marcus, he dropped his hand and jumped out of the way. Marcus charged at Ezra with the club already in motion. It was going for Ezra’s legs. Ezra noticed the trajectory of the swing and dodged it by throwing himself into the air using a wind skill known as ‘Wind Charge’. He flew over the club and landed behind him. Marcus turned around and charged for another swing, but this time he had another plan in motion. Ezra used the same skill and dodged the attack. Ezra landed behind Marcus and turned around. He was figuratively kicked in the face by Marcus’ fire affinity. Marcus was skilled at blunt weapons and not anything else, but he did have access to basic fire magic. While charging at Ezra he activated a basic fire skill ‘Fireball’. He threw the fireball behind him in hopes that it will catch Ezra off guard. He was right as Ezra hasn’t acquired the wind skill ‘Wind Tracker’ that would have let him know of the incoming attack. Ezra fell to the ground. He sat up and looked around him. He was on the edge of the circle. He got back up and picked up his sword. He pointed the blade at Marcus. Instead of waiting for another attack, Ezra charged at Marcus using his ‘Wind Charge’ skill to boost him. Once he got close enough, Ezra utilized a different skill ‘Wind Slash’. Four blades of wind flew at Marcus, wounding him terribly. Marcus had a low magic tolerance but had a  high pain tolerance. He had acquired the pain tolerance from the constant fighting against monsters and painful hours of working at the fields or mines. Marcus stood unwavering. He roared and activated his trump card. The highest basic fire skill he had. ‘Lowest Grade Fire Meteors’.




Hey, guys, this is Nick Venom and I’m here to thank you for reading the first part of this season of ‘The Five Pieces of Miles’. The second part of the season (Episode seven - twelve) will continue after its one-week mid-season break. If you wish to read the other series from Generation III then see the ones listed below:


‘Archer & Disciple - Season One’

‘Jeff: The Kind Hero - Season One’

‘Legend - Season Two’

‘Terror Hell - Season Two’

‘The Enslaved Son of the Sun God - Season One’


Twitter: @Nick_Venom_

Snapchat: NUProductions

Facebook Messenger: NickVenom(z)


Bookrix: Lost In Paradise Production & Maniac Production (Other Bookrix accounts)


Episode Seven "Aftermath"



Ezra and Marcus engage in a battle to the death. The battle continues as they pull out all the stops.


Marcus dropped his ‘Lowest Grade Fire Meteors’ on Ezra. He dropped the meteors towards Ezra. Ezra wasn’t given enough time to dodge the attack. The meteor crashed into Ezra.  Marcus summoned another meteor and threw it at Ezra. He summoned his third meteor and threw it at Ezra. All three meteors made contact with Ezra. Marcus’ mana pool was close to empty. He decided to try to summon a fourth meteor, but his mana pool was empty. The meteor failed to summon and Marcus fell to the ground empty. He used all his mana---which wasn’t large---into the attack. He was now suffering mana deficient. The mist created by the meteor started to fade. Ezra appeared from the mist slightly wounded. He had cuts on his face and deeper wounds on his body. “I win by default.” He stated.

“Is he okay?” Anna asked worriedly. 

“He is fine. He needs to rest.” Ezra told Marcus’ siblings.

“Can you help us?” Eden asked. He motioned towards Marcus. “We can’t carry him. We also don’t have an inn to return to.”

“I can help with that. He has shown me something incredible. I’m impressed that a man born with no talent in magic was able to use a high basic skill.” Ezra told them. He grabbed Marcus and carried him to the nearby inn. Eden and Anna followed behind them.

“Where are you guys going after this?”

“The capital,” Eden answered.

“What are you guys gonna do over there?”

“Training. That’s all we know,” Anna answered.

“Interesting,” Ezra said. He got to the inn and rented them a room. He dropped Marcus off and left the kids behind in the inn. He left and headed to the bar. There he would sit while drinking his money away.

Episode Eight "The Capital"



Ezra helped put the unconscious Marcus into a bed and left to drink. Marcus’ siblings, Eden and Anna remained behind waiting for their brother to wake up.


Two days passed before Marcus woke up. When he did wake up, Ezra was long gone. Disappointing as it was, Marcus did learn that Ezra trained Eden and Anna's basic sword skills. Ezra never talked about his destination. After a huge amount of apologizing to his siblings, the three-headed to the capital in search of a new life. They made it to the capital within a two-day trip. Once there they got through the gate and entered the enormous city.

“Wow,” Eden thought aloud. He marveled at the amazing sights of buildings that reached an incredible height and food stands lined up as far as the eye could see.

“Can we try some food?” asked Anna.

Marcus nodded. “As long as

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