» Fantasy » The Five Pieces of Miles, Nick Venom [english novels for beginners .txt] 📗

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you don’t spend too much.” Anna nodded. She raced off towards a food stand. Eden noticed this and followed behind her. Marcus stood nearby smiling. He waited for them to purchase noodle soups before they made their way to the adventurers guild. They were greeted by the receptionist. 

She smiled at the three. “Good morning, are you new here?” She asked from her desk. 

“Yeah, we are,” Marcus responded. The receptionist got up from her desk and walked over to Marcus.

“My name is Chloe. It’s nice to meet you. I’m guessing you’re here to register right?”

“Yeah, I want to register my siblings and I.” 

“No worries,” Chloe said. “Step right up and I’ll sign you guys up.” She walked back to her desk and sat in her chair. She did this all effortlessly. “What are your names and ages?”

“I’m Marcus and 17. My younger brother is Eden and he’s fourteen years old. My youngest sister is Anna and she’s thirteen.” 

“17, 14, and 13,” Chloe noted. “I’m assuming all humans.” Marcus nodded. “All I need from you now is a small drop of blood to complete the process. She took out a small sharp object similar to a pin. Marcus pricked his finger on the pin. Eden and Anna followed after him. “Now you’re done. You will all start at rank F. You’ll need to complete a certain amount of quests to go up in ranks. Once you reach rank C a test is needed to ensure you are worthy of being a rank C.” She explained. “To advance to a rank E you’ll need to complete twenty quests.” 

"Thank you,” He told her. “Do you mind if we start on a quest?” He asked.

“No, you’re fine. Go ahead.” She said with a smile. Marcus walked over to the quest board. Eden followed after him while Anna stayed behind.

She looked at Chloe and smiled at her. “Thank you,” She told Chloe. 

Chloe hesitated before replying with: “No problem, honey.” She smiled at Anna. Anna smiled back before heading to Marcus. Chloe watched them.

“Too bad you’ll be dead by the end of the day,” Chloe remarked.

Episode Nine "Wounded Girl"



Marcus took his siblings and himself to the capital. There they decided to enroll in the adventurers guild where they meet the receptionist Chloe. They don’t hear her terrifying words.


Marcus picked out a relatively simple quest. A quest to gather ten medicinal herbs. Marcus showed his siblings the quest. They approved of it. Marcus then headed to the receptionist's desk and handed Chloe the quest. She gave him a fake smile and approved of the quest. She handed the quest back. Marcus thanked her and he left the building with his siblings in tow. They headed to the forest nearby. The medicinal herb they were looking for is known as ‘Blue Lilies’. They are found closer to the edges of the forest where the weaker monsters stay. This was a simple task but was also a repetitive job. That’s why only low ranking adventurers took this job.

They got to the forest and started plucking out the lilies. They only needed ten, but if they gathered more than they could receive a bonus. Marcus and his siblings separated to find more lilies. “Brother, I hear something in the forest,” Anna said.

Marcus popped his head up from searching for the lilies. “What did you hear?”

“It sounded like a big monster. Sounds like goblins.” She noted.

“Goblins?” he questioned. “I’ll check it out.” He looked into the forest. He couldn’t see far due to the vegetation that was in his way. He heard the groans of a human in pain as well as a platoon of goblins. It was a faint sound that could have easily have been ignored. “Eden! Anna! Take the lilies and head to the gate. I’ll meet you there as soon as I can.” He ordered.

“What’s wrong?” Eden asked.

“Goblins! I think somebody is injured so I need you to get to safety. I can’t be worrying about you guys.” Eden and Anna nodded. They took off carrying the lilies. Marcus ventured into the forest focusing on the voices of the wounded human and goblins. 

He came across a bloodied girl with short black hair being chased by a pack of goblins. I need to help her, but I can’t use fire magic or else I’ll burn the forest down, he thought. He needed to help her using his only weapons available. His fist. He charged at the goblins and started pounding their brains out. He bashed the goblins’ heads in. Their brain matter splattered all over the ground and forest. The girl stopped running and collapsed. Marcus finished bashing the goblins’ heads and walked over to the girl. He picked the girl up princess style and took her out of the forest. His hands were covered in blood and so was the girl. She was soaked in blood from head to toe. He got to the gate and gave the girl over to the gatekeepers. They took the girl away and to the church to get her healed. Marcus---now satisfied with the girl getting treatment---reunited with his siblings. 

A girl with long blue hair appeared at the church. She went to the bed of the girl Marcus found earlier. The girl started tearing up. She started bawling her eyes out. The black-haired girl woke up and laid her hand on the blue-haired girl reassuring her. The two girls cried together.

Episode Ten "Wounded Girl (2)"



Marcus took his siblings to the forest to complete a quest when he finds a wounded girl. He sends them to safety ad saved the girl. He takes her back to the Capital and gets her treatment.


The blue-haired girl followed the black-haired girl to the adventurers guild. “Grace! Do you even know what he looks like?” The blue-haired girl asked.

Grace shook her head. “We’ll see who went to the forest yesterday.” She barged into the guild and walked up to the receptionist’s desk.

“Hello, how may I help you?” Chloe asked.

“Who went to the forest yesterday?” Grace asked. 

Chloe looked dumbfounded. “Oh! Are you that girl they found in the forest wounded?” Grace nodded. “I’m guessing that you’re looking for the adventurer that saved you?” Chloe grabbed a slimy creature from under her desk. She killed it silently without alerting the girls in front of her. She made it seem like she was looking for a paper. “His name is Marcus, a rank F adventurer.”

“Where can I find him?” 

Chloe smiled. “He should be at an inn nearby.” She grabbed a piece of paper from under her desk. She smeared the slime onto the paper. It was transparent and left no residue. The only thing that was left on the paper from the slime she smeared was the smell. The slime left a citrus-like smell. She wrote the inn’s address and handed the paper over to the girls. Grace took it. She smelled the citrus but wasn’t where it was coming from.

“Thanks,” Grace said. She rushed off. Her friend thanked Chloe before following Grace. They made it to the inn. They rushed in and went to the receptionist’s desk. They asked for Marcus and the receptionist directed them to Marcus’ room. 53A. Grace knocked on the door. A few seconds later the door opened to reveal Marcus.

He looked confused as he only could see Grace. “Hello,”

“Are you Marcus?”

“Yes,” Eden and Anna stayed silent behind him.

“I’m the girl you saved in the forest.”

“Oh! How are your wounds?” He asked.

“Thanks to you, my wounds were healed.” 

Grace’s friend popped her head. “Marcus?” She asked.

It took him a couple of seconds to recognize her. “Elsa?”

The smell from the paper drifted into the air. It filled the air quickly. It attracted monsters that lurked in the alleyways. Undead creatures that barked at the smell. They were slowly moving towards the smell.



Episode Eleven "Wounded Girl (3)"



A girl that Marcus recognized appeared along with the girl he saved earlier.  


“You know him?” Grace asked clearly confused.

“Yeah, I met him while visiting towns on my father’s orders,” Elsa stated.

“What are you doing here? I didn’t expect you to be here.” Marcus said. He shifted his weight on his left leg. Anna and Eden hid behind him.

“I came here to find you...and thank you for your help,” Grace said. She bowed her head at Marcus. Marcus took a step back shocked. Elsa stood next to Grace confused.

Marcus waved her action away. “Don’t worry about it. I saw you in trouble and decided to help you. I don’t need a reward for it,” He told her. Grace shook her head. She handed him a bracelet. Marcus tried denying it but a stare from Elsa and his siblings forced him to accept it. He thanked the girls and sent them off. He closed the door and breathe in a sigh. He didn’t think he would meet Elsa so soon. He wished to have talked to her, but he was busy. He was teaching his siblings how to read and write.…The beasts lurking in the alleyways confirmed their targets. Two ladies walked past the alleyway. Hints of a familiar smell got trapped in their noses. They started barking alerting passersby. The beasts slowly crept towards the end of the alleyway that entered the main street. They got to the end of the alleyway and spilled out onto the streets. The ladies that passed the alleyway earlier were attacked first. After taking out their targets---by knocking them unconscious and not killing her---they continued to attack other passerby's. The order quickly went into chaos with screams for help coming from everywhere. Bodies littered the floor… 



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