» Fantasy » Meant Together, Lina Wells [i love reading books TXT] 📗

Book online «Meant Together, Lina Wells [i love reading books TXT] 📗». Author Lina Wells

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you had nothing? Mom's dead, the house you grew up in was taken by the bank; there's nothing there. I couldn't help a tear from leaking out at the thought of everything I had lost in such a short time. It just wasn't fair!
Taking deep, shaky breaths I reached for the handle. Ginger was bending up from the bed of the truck, my suit case in hand. I hurried towards her. "No wait Ginger, I'll get that. You don't need to and they're mine anyways." I tried to grab the bag, but Ginger just laughed, shook her head and took it back. "You need to know one thing Collete dear. I may be old in body, but what matters is the age of one's soul. And mine is still pretty young.” Smiling, she turned on her heel and disappeared inside. I stood in the snow and felt the heat of embarassment crawl up my face. Well, I didn’t mean to disrespect her my first day living with her. Retrieving the only other bag of possesions I owned, I followed behind my grandmother.

Emment Leon Donner
The sun was nearly gone from the sky, its last rays barely giving enough light to see the ax I was holding. Sweat soaked my thermol to my body and I sighed in relief as the day was finally over. Taylor, Jackyl and myself had been chopping wood since 7:30 that morning and in all that time, I did not see the girl again, though not from lack of looking. I had come close to losing a body part from the distraction, but I couldn't seem to help it. I didn’t tell my family about her appearance this morning and this strangely made me feel as if she were all mine. No one knew about her yet ,she was my secret. Running a hand through my hair I had to admit that I was bordering on stalker and I haven’t even met her yet.
Jackyl set his own ax aside, his old joints popping as he stretched. Surveying the piles of wood around them he smiled wide. “Well done boys! I think it’s about time we called it quits for the day. We have plenty to load up in the trailor for town tomarrow and this old man needs some rest.” With that, he made his way through the snow to his cottage. I looked at Taylor and when our eyes met, both looked to our hut, then back. Taylor bent a knee and leaned foward in a running stance. “Ready...” I smiled knowingly and bent in the same position. “Get set...” Taylor smiled wide. “Goooooo!” We took off in a flurry of snow. Being quicker, I took the lead and was a few feet ahead of Taylor. Swinging the door open I prepared to launch myself into the bathroom, and then I stopped, frozen.
Taylor, startled by the abrupt halt, barely had time to stop himself. “Hey, why’de you stop?” He looked past me into the room and got his answer. Gord was lying in the middle of the room, his green and grey plaid comforter tangled around him. His shirt was off revealing his thin, ghostly chest covered in a layer of sweat. But that wasn’t what made Taylor and I look on in horror. Gord was covered in a mixture of blood and vomit. He must have been feeling sick after breakfast and thats why he came back to the hut. He must have started throwing up, but when he couldn’t stop, had tried to crawl to the door for help because there was a trail from his bed to where he lay now. My stomach clenched as my knees buckled. Oh God Gordy!!!
“Gordan!” Taylor had recovered first and was pushing past me into the room. “No wait Tay, go get mother and Jackyl. Now!” I could finally feel my feet again and was moving into the bathroom. Grabbing a handtowel out of the small cabinet under the sink, I soaked it in hot water. I fell to my knees by Gord, not caring that his vomit was all over me, and rolled him onto his back. I rung the rag above his face, cleaning off the puke and the blood. I noted that it came from his nose but had stopped bleeding. I thanked god for that. My mother would have died at the site of so much blood streaming from her youngest son. I’de made two trips before Taylor was back with mother and Jackyl in tow.
Putting a cool, slightly shaking hand on her youngest sons forehead, Harmony Raeann Donner took control. “Emmet, good work honey. Now fill a bucket, water as hot as you can get. Put some soap and bleach in it. I want you two to clean up the room. Strip Gordans bed as well.” We hopped to it. She turned baby blue eyes to Jackyl. “Father, help me get him into the shower!”
By the time Taylor and I had the puke and blood cleaned up, mother and Jackyl had Gord clean and in fresh sweats. When he was tucked into clean sheets, mother sat beside him. She gently caressed her sons face, tears leaking from her already red eyes. “Gordan, honey? It’s me, mama. Open your eyes love.” Her voice was gentle, calm, coaxing.“Gordy, baby, please?! You need to come back to us. Wake up!" Now scared, worried, pleading. Unable to watch as my mother begged her baby, my brother, to wake up, I started to back out of the room, ready to run into the cold winter night. Screw the coat, I'de bare the cold to forget the pain. Nearly to the door, I stopped dead when I heard his soft voice, so much weaker now than it had been this morning.
“Mama...I saw her mama! Oh...she was so...beautiful! She was...colors..blood and...death. But she...was bright too!..oh mama...she glowed like..the moonlight!” None of us said anything. I couldn’t even begin to understand what Gord had just said. His pale hand reached to cup our mothers cheeks, which were by now rivers. Brow furled as he watched our mothers tears fall, he turned black eyes on us all, voice full of confusion. “ mine. We do this..together.” With that, he let exaustion take him, eyelids falling closed.
I didn’t know what to think except that what ever Gord had just said was completly crazy. I looked down and wasn’t too suprised to see that goose bumps had formed on my arms. I looked to my mother, worry consuming me. Harmony had birthed three boys, lived through the desertion of their father, and had worked endlessly to provide a home and life for her sons. She was still as beautiful and strong as I could ever remember her being. Except now.
With a look of utter despair in her eyes, she stood and walked very slowly to the door. Stopping, she put a hand to the frame as if to hold her up. “Emmet...” I was by her side in a flash. “I can handle it mother, go rest.” She turned to say someting more, but collapsed as her legs gave out. Luckily Jackyl had jumped down first and was there to catch her. I watched as my grandfather carried his daughter away from the nightmare that was his grandson.
I shut the door and looked around the room. Taylor was in the bathroom, the sound of the water calling me to it. I preyed he would be quick. I looked in the mirror on the back of the bathroom door. My jeans and thermol were covered in mud and sweat, vomit and blood. All i wanted was to get clean and go to sleep. I didn’t even try to work out what Gordy said. There was no way I could figure it out, my brain was barely functioning as it was. I finally heard the shower turn off and sighed deeply, thankful the day was nearly over.

Collete Aurella Hemp
What the hell is going on!? The question kept screaming in my head, over and over as I thought I would die. The pain, oh god, the pain was unbearable. It made thousand of white dots fill my eyes to the point where I could see nothing but throbbing whiteness. I was numb to everything except the pain. It pulsed in my stomach with every frantic heart beat. I couldn’t feel the tears that I knew were streaming down my face. Ginger ran into the kitchen at the sound of glass breaking and almost had a heart attack as she saw her grandaughter lying on the floor, the orange shards from her cup cutting her as she writhed in utter agony. “Collete, oh god!”
She dropped to her knees and took her grandaughters head in her lap. “What is it, what hurts? Oh, please stop moving baby, the glass!” I was now on my stomach the pain ripping down my spine, making me spasm and arch uncontrollably. I felt the nasty, burning taste of vomit as it shot up my throat and out of my mouth. The coppery taste of blood mingled with the acid and I just kept puking. It felt as if needles were shooting through my veins instead of blood. Ginger tried to talk through her own tears , but I was deaf to everything except my pain. Finally, it began to ease and the white dots faded. Gingers face was the last thing I saw before I passed out.
"Run! Please, we have to run!" I didn't know who I was following, it sounded like a boy, maybe my age. It didn't matter though, I knew he was right. Something large, dark and threatening was after us. I could feel the hot breath on the back of my neck, the smell of blood and rotted flesh invading my nostrils. It wanted to catch us, to devour us. "Selene, keep up! We can't let him have us, ill die first!" Understanding nothing but the need to listen to this boy, I urged my legs to pump faster, but it wasn't enough. I felt sharp teeth sink into my left leg, stinging pain shooting from the wound to fill my body. Screaming, I felt myself being jerked to a stop. I looked down at my wounded leg and screamed again as I saw four fury limbs, the back left gushing hot, red blood.
My eyes flew open and I shot up, still screaming. It was dark and for a moment I thought I was still in the dream, looking around frantically for the monster that would rip me to pieces. The relief that washed over me could not be spoken in words. I was in my room at Gingers, the cresent moon giving the dark of the room an earie glow. Sighing, I lay against my pillows, willing the images of the nightmare to the back of my mind. This wasn't new for me. I'de had weird nightmares since I was eight, but ever since I turned sixteen a few weeks ago, they'de gotten worse. Same with the pain.
I tried to sit up again, but a ripple of pain had me slamming back on the bed. It felt as if hot coals were being pressed under my skin. Pulling my t shirt up, I saw that from my hips to the bottom of my breasts were wrapped in bandages, going all the way around. My left arm was also wrapped in white and there was a strong taste of mint and vomit in my mouth. Moving slowly this time, I sat up and gingerly crawled out of the bed. As I gently walked from the room and down the long hallway, I tried to remember what had happened before the pain. Nothing, my mind was way too thick and foggy for any kind of contemplation right now. I felt my
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