» Fantasy » Meant Together, Lina Wells [i love reading books TXT] 📗

Book online «Meant Together, Lina Wells [i love reading books TXT] 📗». Author Lina Wells

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way along the wall, anger brewing fast. I can't stand the pain anymore, the disorientation. It's gonna end up killing me! A shiver ran up my spine at the truth in the thought.
Finally finding a light switch at the end of the hall, I flipped it on and then just stared, mouth hanging open. The living room was an array of purples; dark purple carpet, light purple drapes, neon purple couch, bright fake purple flowers in purple vases. Every possible surface had candles covering them, all in different sizes, shapes and shades of purple. Moving on into the kitchen, I flicked the light switch and had the same reaction. Everything was orange; dark orange cabinets, light orange counter tops and linolium. The kitchen table was wood, but had pumpkin colored matts and a vase of fake orange peonies resting in the middle. The fridge was the worst, a bright russet orange. It looked like a rainbow puked in this place.
Shaking my head, I walked to the fridge and looked around. Milk or tea. Great, where was a coke full of caffeine when you needed one? I settled on tea and sat down at the table, trying to think through my tortured mind. Ok, what happened? I remembered walking through the door and having the exact same reaction as I just had. The hallway had been done in greens and the bathroom in pink. Ginger skipped her door and took me to the room at the end of the hall, chattering happily as we went.
I'de absolutely loved my room; Cream colored carpet, gold walls, white dresser, matching bed side tables, and a queen sized bed with a canopy. The sheer curtans hanging around the bed were light and feathery to the touch and glimmered like gold dust in the diluted sun shining through the plastic covered windows. I'de seperated the curtains and laid on the golden comforter. It was so silky and thick and comfortable and I had been so completely drained that I'de thrown back the covers and nestled in. When I woke up, it wasn't from rejuvination, but from pain.
I knew I was sick, had been for a long time. It started when I was four and seemed to get worse every four years. Nightmares, cold sweats, pain, but none of that was worse than the day i'd opened my eyes and everyone saw me as different. That was when my eyes turned souless. They used to be a vibrant green. Yeah that was the worst...until now.
Sighing, I stood slowly and poured the remainder of the tea in the sink. Back in my room, I shut the door, but didn't bother with the lights. Dark was good right now. Pulling the curtains apart, I lay on the bed right in a patch of moon light streaming from the window above. A calm, peaceful feeling took over me, starting in my belly to spread through out my whole body. I wish I could stay like this, in the silver light and peace where everything felt right, forever. Yet I had a strong feeling of being trapped beneath my skin, as if I could stay here, but not quite yet. I wasn't right yet. My skin tingled and felt like it was spread taught, as if it were holding all of me in, barely managing. The moon light though, for some reason, it seemed to calm me down, made me feel better. Then I had an idea.

Emmet Leon Donnor
I flopped back onto my pillow with an agitated growl. The glowing numbers of Taylors alarm said it was five till one and I still couldn't sleep. It was as if the days events hadn't made me worn and tired, but jittery and awake. Rolling onto my stomach, I rested my chin on my arms and looked at the trailor across the road. Thoughts of the girl had me leading into thoughts of Gord. The day had been a good one until my little brothers scare. What was wrong with him? How could I ever possibly help him if not even the doctors knew what was wrong? But I won't let him die. Never!
A light at the end of the trailor made a patch of gold in the snow. The girl. I pushed Gord to the back of my mind and focused on the light. I couldn't see into the room thanks to the stupid plastic and the light soon went out. A few moments later, she was walking out the front door and around, disappearing behind the trailor. I was already on my feet, tugging on boots as I hopped to the door. Barely remembering my coat, I flung it open and hopped down into the snow, nearly running in the direction of the girl.
As I made my way through the snow, the crunch of my boots were loud, like they were trying to echo through the woods, trying to give me away. I didn't want the girl to know I was following her. I couldn't even really believe it myself, actually. She would probably think I was some kind of freak. Then what chance would I get to know her? Yeah, I was completly insane and should be back in bed, sleeping. Instead, I found myself inching closer and closer.
She was in site now, moving forward at a slight gait, as if just walking was painful. She hadn't moved like that this morning. We came upon a field and she stopped, facing away from me looking out at the blank white canvus. There was a single Blue Spruce in the middle, tall and thick, it stood alone proudly. The moon in the clear sky made the snow of the field glow with an ethereal beauty, the tree looking black against it.
The girl looked around and moved toward a fallen trunk. Sitting on it, she hiked her knees up and used them for a table as she bent over what looked like a pad of paper. Her right arm moved feverishly, her head not once looking down at what she was drawing, staying focused instead on the field. As silently as I could, I moved behind a tall evergreen and watched, as intently on her as she was on the field. I couldn't believe what I was doing, but I knew I was glad that i'de come just for this little peek at who this girl was, what she liked.
After what felt like hours, but was probably only fourty minutes or so, she stopped and stood, leaving the pad on the trunk. Lifting her arms, she pulled two sticks out of her hair, letting it fall. I was entranced. It went to the small of her back, curly and exotic. Next she removed her coat and gloves. Standing in the snow, hair flowing slightly in the light breeze, skin glowing from the kiss of moonlight, I had never seen anything so hauntingly beautiful. I didn't know whether to be delighted or scared.
Just then, only God knows why, I heard a crack and the branches mixed with snow above my head came crashing down. Letting out a yelp, I attempted to cover my head and dodge, but a large branch whacked me, hard, right on top. Stumbling, I fell into the cold snow, right in front of a pair of black boots.

Collete Aurella Hemp
"Hey, are you ok?" I stared down at a boy that looked to be a couple of years older than myself, maybe 18. "Uh, yeah. Sorry, i'm fine." His voice was deep and husky, more of a mans voice than a boy. The stranger scrambled to his feet and towered over me, bare chest right in my face. Oh lord, he was extremely well built; broad, tanned chest leading to a six pack and narrow hips that disappeared into dark, grey sweat pants. Whoa! Catching myself I stepped back and looked up towards his face, but kept my head at such an angle so my hair would fall and hide my eyes. His face was young, yet strong with a defined chin and kind, crystal blue eyes. I felt my heart begin to pound.
He smiled. "My names Emmet. My family and I live across the street from you." I couldn't help but notice that his smile was a bit crooked or that his teeth were as white as the snow on the ground. My heart pounded just a little harder. Gathering myself, I mentally forced my mind to stop noticing every little detail and offered my hand. "Collete Hemp. But everyone calls me Lettie." Emmet laughed and when his hand touched mine, I couldn't help the gasp from escaping. The feel of his cool fingers on my skin made me feel as if I had been dry and then mercifully dunked into a pool of icy cool water. It was refreshing, revitalizing, right.
I realized I was staring, again, and holding a complete strangers hand and dropped it as if the touch burned me. "I...uh...sorry." Blood rushed to my face and I quickly looked down. "It's alright." Emmets voice was amused and for some reason that made me angry. Planting both hands on my hips, I stood as tall as I could and used the haughtiest voice I could manage. "What are you doing out here anyways, Emmet? Stalking me? Thats not exactly welcome-me-to-the-neigborhood behavior." My words made his smile a bit dimmer, but didn't erase it. " Well, Selene, it's about 12 degrees out here and your new to the neigborhood not to mention the fact that it's past 1 in the morning. I couldn't sleep, saw you. I just don't want you to get lost out here and freeze to death."
"Oh." Now I just felt plain stupid. Of course he was out here to keep an eye on me. He probably knew Ginger seeing as how she's lived here all her life. The burn of embarassment crawled up my face, yet again. "Besides, I haven't had a chance to meet you yet." Huh? Where the hell did that come from? Noone ever wants to meet me. Kids would keep at least three feets distance from me in my old school. I couldn't help it, Emmets comment had my head snapping up to look at him, right into his eyes. His smile slipped the moment I looked into those blue orbs.
Immediatley they turned cold and dark, his mouth set in a hard line. He looked angry, worse than angry, pissed. I had definitely never gotten that reaction before. Grabbing me roughly by my arms, he glared down at me. "Who the hell are you?" Emmets voice was harsh, no warmth left. "Your eyes?!" I was completely stunned, but as he gripped my bandaged arm harder I couldn't help a scream of pain from escaping. The sound of my voice had him loosening his hold and me coming back to myself. The fact that I had come out here to be alone with my much needed peace and this stranger follows me, then acts irrationally and freaks out on me was just a little too much. Anger quickly boiled to the surface.
Yanking my arms from his grip, I put both hands on his hard, naked chest and shoved with all of my 110 pounds. He actually stumbled back and fell in the snow. Turning the full force of my black, depthless eyes on his of ice blue, I stood proudly. "I don't know who the hell you think you are, but I came here because I have no where to go. I will not let you or anyone else make me feel bad for something I have no control over." I stomped back to the fallen trunk i'de used as a seat and threw my coat on. Grabbing my sketch pad, I didn't bother with gloves and just stuffed them
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