» Fantasy » A life without my love, pumpkin1997 [fb2 epub reader txt] 📗

Book online «A life without my love, pumpkin1997 [fb2 epub reader txt] 📗». Author pumpkin1997

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humans so the volturi want to destroy me,im a vampire and i killed pauls mate."
"youre not the only vampire,"
"i will train you to fight my kind,but i cannot help you with the vampires."we all nodded in unison,including jacob.
training will start at 6 ocklock.we all wondered off to do our own thing.i decided to go and see emily.she was curled up on her sofa.if she could cry then she would of been.i walked over and sat beside her.
"whats up?"
"im gonna die arent i."
"no of couse not,"
"bella i dont know how to fight.ive never even been in a war."
"me neither not one like this.dont worry ill protect you."she nodded.
"so how old are you?"she asked changing the subject.
"52,but i look"
"16 and a few weeks,"i stoked her hair.
"what happened?im sure you know my story,"
"yeah.i was chasing my little brother through the woods when something moved behind me.i went to investigate thinking it was thomas.well it thing i knew carlisle was talking to me.but i ran off to find my brother.i found him and carried him home.then came the hardest part saying see my parents were useless.they left me to look after thomas.i put him down and promised to come back soon but it will be at least a year."
"how do you know my story?"i asked
"its kinda my gift,"
"what seeing how people changed."
"seeing peoples pasts,i can remember everything about my human life."

esme called us down at 8 oclock.carlisle had emptied the garage so nothing would get broken in the living room.we were put against and opponent.carlisle and jacob,esme and rosalie,jasper and emmett,me and renesmee.emily didnt want to join in for a bit.after the first round only me,jasper,rosalie and jacob were still in.then rosalie and jacob were out and i had to fight jasper.he was so quick and within a matter of minutes he had me pinned down on the floor teeth at my throat.jasper laughed and helped me up.
"not fair,"
"well i never cheated."he laughed again.we kept practising all night.jacob fell asleep in emmetts jeep.despite the upcoming danger this was the happiest we'd been in a long and jasper even managed to get emily fighting.partly tot do with the fact that we were winding her up.she wasnt very fast but she was strong.stronger than emmett.but me and jasper had skill on our side.then i realised something.i was falling in love with jasper.i ran out of the room.
about ten minutes later alisha came to find me.
"what would edward think of me now?im in llove with his brother.and alice jasper is her husband."
"alice and edward dont mind long as your both happy.
"how can you be so sure?"
"i can talk to them.move between different dimensions."
"can i-"
"no.if you had been trained to use your powers from birth they you would be able to."
"teach me something please."
"ok but only something small."she sat dowm next to me."now close you eyes and feel for the enrgy.they when youve found it push it out.try and aim it at a certain part of your body like your hand."as she spoke i found the energy and i focused on pushing it out.
"bella,"alisha whispered"look,"i opened my eyes and hand now held a blue ball of swirly energy.
"every hunters is a different colour.they change considering on how good or bad you are.yours is a good one."
"what colours yours?"i asked.
"whats the scale?"
"they go pink,blue,orange,green,red and black.most hunters are green.except-"
"there is a legend that one day a hunter will go completely bad."

there was a growl from the next room.i ran to see.jacob was a wolf and everyone was crouch ready to attack a human looking boy in the doorway.alisha ran in front of him.
"everyone calm down,this is mt little brother ben."everyone seemed to relax at once.jacob went out of the room to change and everyone else spread out across the room.ben walked up to me
"so your isabella,thought i could smell magic."
alisha turned to be"when will they arrive?"
"tomorrow as planned."
emmett walked over and ruffled my hair."so wha you doing?"
"cant you hear us?"
"nope neither of you three have said a word.
"WHAT!"i shouted.everyone turned to me
"well heard that."emmett said
"we were talking telepathically."alisha explained speaking outloud.
"so what we you talking about?"
"we fight tomorrow evening,"i informed him."they will arrived at about the same time.
"whos the strongest volturi?"
"jane,shes not the strongest but the most deadly.only i will be able to fight her,"i whispered.she nodded her head and began another conversation with her brother.i blocked it.talking like this gave me a headache.carlisle stood in the centre of the room.
"i think we should all be prepared for the worst.there will be casualties and possibly deaths."we all moved round the room saying goodbye to each other.emmett bear hugged me.esme and carlisle gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.rosalie hugged me tighty like emmett.jacob walked over and put his hand out.i knocked it away and hugged hi."dont be so formal."emily kissed my forehead and then renesmee ran over to me."i love you mum,"
"i love you too."then everyone wandered off.spending the last few hours with their soul mates.i went off with jasper.he sat me on his lap.i sighed and he leaned in a kissed me on the lips.his kiss brought with it passion.when we drew back he tucked a stray hair behind my ear.
"i think im in love with you bella."
"me too,"iwhispered,pulling his body closer to mine.our lips met again and i felt no regret for what i was doing.his scent was even stronger than edwards had never been this close to jasper to notice before.i stroked his cheek with the back of my thumb.he looked down
"whats the matter?"
"thinking about tomorrow,"
"you'lle be okay.youre a good fighter jasper."
"but what if you dont survive?"
"it'll be alright,"i whispered,dodging the question.he looked up.his golden eyes full of desperation.i layed my head on his chest.he played with a strand of my hair.
"we should tell the others."i told him
"after the fight."i been doing that a lot lately.
"how can you love me when im not really anything,"i mumbled
"you are.youre just unique.i stroked his cheek.
"jasper will you do something for me?"
"if i die before the end of the battle,protect emily.shes scared jasper and shes still just a child,"he just nodded

the morning came too quicly,bringing back with it the reality that some of us will die in the family were going to die for something i did and for what i was.we all lined up outside the and jasper were in the front line with jacob just behind us.i could hear them all coming,the volturi,the hunters,and paul with his coven.there was no way we could win this.about 126 creatures longed for our deaths.i looked at emily,if she could cry then she would of been.

the volturi ran up first.we charged at them taking some of the easier ones down without breaking stride.then i faced jane.she was smilng at me.i didnt know why.she knew that her gift didnt work on me.something hit me from head hit the floor.demetri dragged me up and held me infront of him.jacob appeared out of nowhere and killed jane and demetri instantly.
"thanks jake,"he nodded his head.i hadnt relised before but we were surrounded by the hunters and pauls coven.half of them were newborns obviously created for this purpose and this purpose alone.i felt sorry for them.even if they survived the battle they would be destroyed.they had no choice on the matter,die in battle or die after.emily screamed.i looked round and paul was biting her repeatedly on the arm.i ran over and pushed him away from her,sliding into a crouch.
"protective are we,"he laughed
"since you killed my husbend,yes extremely."
"i had no choice on the matter,it was himor on the other hand didnt have to kill tebina."
"you didnt have to kill alice,"
"suppose not.guess she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time."
i growled at him."how can you see killing as fun?"
"not fun,necessary,"i lunged at him and he dodged my attack,i swung him round.i bit into his neck and ripped him apart.setting him on fire as i walked away.

i looked across the battle field.we were losing.everyone was fighting more than they could.we were fighting an unwinnable battle.but there was a way.alisha and ben were too weak to use their powers but i wasnt.i ran over to ben and alisha.
"give me the power,"
"no bella,its too could die."
"and my whole family is going to die if i dont do this."
"are you sure bella?"ben asked
"utterly sure.please,"
alisha and ben held there glowing power balls.they blew them at me and i could feel the power.

death is the gift of life
i turned to face the battle.i summoned my power,but it was no longer had gone completely black.
"FOUL CREATURES WHO FREATEN MY FAMILY I SEND YOU BACK TO WERE YOU CAME FROM.YOU CAN NEVER RETURN OR I WILL SHOW YOU NO MERCY.THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING!"everything spun and i fell against the cool grass.i was dying and i welcomed more would i feel the torture of edward and alices deaths.i would be with them.the rest of my family would be alright,they had each other.jasper had promised to look affter emily.esme and rosallie had there soul mates and renesmee had jacob.theybwould survive and one day be happy again.

people were calling my name over and over again.someone was holding my hand.i knew that i wasnt on the grass anymore because it wasnt damp.all the voices were mixed up so i listened more carefully.
"please wake up bella,please.carlisle whats wrong with her?"
"i dont know.theres no physical injuries,"
"of course not the power ccomes from her mind,"
someone stroked my cheek and someone else was crying.i heard jasper stand up and then there was a loud crash.then i realised family needed me.i let my eyes flutter open and esme was immedialtley at my side.
"bella honey,are you alright?"
i nodded,taking in the scene around me.renesmee was in jacobs arms sobbing.esme and carlisle had the same upset expression,rosalie crushed herself against emmetts chest.jasper had his head against the wall and alisha and ben stood in the corner of the room,there faces filled with concern.i sat head hurt.what was going on?im a vampire.
"yes but your a hunter too.and hunters can get hurt."alisha said
"what you can hear my thoughts!"
"weve always been able to read your thoughts bella."
emmett walked over to me and gasped."youre eyes are black!"
"do you need to hunt?"
"no,"i shook my head"what happened?"
"you were floating,surrounded in this swirly black were shouting in some weird sick language."emmett laughed
"but i was speaking in english,"
"we didnt hear any english bella."
"its the lost language of the hunter."ben whispered.even alisha looked confused
"in the legend of the council of hunters it was said that they only ever spoke one launguage.when vampires destroyed them the language was lost.they were the only ones who knew it,"
"lay off the history,"alisha mumbled
"so how did i speak it when the language died out?"
"have no idea."
renesmee walked over to me and i hugged her.she was truly scared.she put her hand on my cheek in order for me to read her thoughts.she showed me floating with the magic and power floaing around me.i was shouting in a different language just as emmett said i had been.i shivered and the image stopped.
i brought my power out and it was blue again.i held it in my had staring at it.renesmee reached out and touched it,then recoiled her hand back.
"ouch,thats hot bella,how can you keep that on your hand?"
"it dosent hurt
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