» Fantasy » A life without my love, pumpkin1997 [fb2 epub reader txt] 📗

Book online «A life without my love, pumpkin1997 [fb2 epub reader txt] 📗». Author pumpkin1997

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A life without my love

saying goodbye
alice screamed and i turned around.paul had just finished burning edward.then alices screams were cut off.i ran over to the pile of ashes and knelt down.paul bolted and emmett ran after him.i looked round.carlisle was hugging esme against his chest,rosalie was looking down at the floor and jasper had his eyes closed.ebhind him,pauls mate tina stood laughing.i ran over and broke her neck.rosalie threw a lighted match onto tina.i bloted into the trees.i didnt know where i was going but i ended up in mine and edwards,just edwards room.we moved away a week after i was changed and the two weeks ago we had moved back.edwards room was arranged exactly the same way as it had been when hed first brought me in here.i ran round the room,tipping everything onto the floor before sitting in the corner of the room crying dry tears.

later when the others got home i tidied everything back up,careful not to break anything.they were edwards belongings and the only thing i had left of my true head whipped up as i smelt was coming from alice and jasper room.jasper was throwing everyhting of alices into the fire.carlisle ran in and put the fire out with a fire extinguisher.
"its your fault were standing right next to could of stopped paul,coul of saved alice.didnt she mean anything to you atual?"
"of course she did jasper.they both meant the world to me.she was my sister,my friend.but dont forget i lost edward too."
"you did on wanted them to die!"jasper shouted.
i growled at him"sometimes youre so stupid you really tink i wanted them dead.that i want to live without them!"i slapped him.his head didnt even move.he pushed me back and we both went ove the top of the upstairs back hit the floor.jasper pinned me down.
"your a liar isabella swan."
i kicked him off of me and threw him into the wall.carlise and esme were at my sides pulling me back.roslaie and emmett were doing the same with jasper.i gave up and let carlise and esme pull me into the kitchen.i sat on a chair and put my head against the worktop.
"im sorry,"esme was stroking my hair and carlisle gave me a false smile.too worried and upset for it to be a real one.his family was falling apart around him and he couldnt do anything to stop it.
i ra upstairs to edwards been married to him for only thirty years which isnt very long for vampires.i promised to love him and protect him.i couldnt even do that.when he thiught that id died he went to the volturi.thtas what i shall do.go to the volturi and ask to die.if they shall refuse me then i will show myself to the humans.i cant live in a wrold where he dosent exist so i will be with him again.for better or for worse.
i wrote a letter to the cullens

my dearest family,
i can see what me staying is doing to all of you.esmes upset,carlisles the angriest that ive ever seen him.rosalie just sits and does nothing,emmetts lost his spark and jasper hates just starting fights.your better off without me.
ive gone to the the time you read this it will probably be too late.dont come looking for me,you know what aro will do if you try and stop him.tell jake goodbye and renesmee sorry and that i love can all move on with your lives now,without me.goodbye and sorry.

the volturi
i left it on the sofa.they would get it but by then it will be too late.i jumped out of the upstairs window and ran.i caught two planes to itlay.taking the exact route that alice and i had taken years ago in our attempt to save edward.we had succeded.

jane was the first one that i saw.she stared at me with her red eyes.
"it wont work jane."
"what are you doing her bella?and withou edward or the cullens.
"id like to consort with aro."jane led me into the jall where all of the main volturi were waiting,along with the guard.aro put his hand out and he took it,allowing him to read my thoughts.
"oh such as shame,"he said letting me go.
"now you know what i have come for."
"and your answer is?"
"your gift is too valuble to destory.however the offer of joining us is still there."
"i have to decline the offer,"
"oh perhaps your daughter will be intrested."
"no.we have proven that she is no threat.renesmee is happy and in love."
"the matter remians the same we wont destroy you."
"you know it will happen anyway,"
"not without cause,"said demetri
i nodded and walked away.

all afternon i thought of ways to provoke the volturi and why it wasnt a good idea.i made a list:

1)feed on a human-no would let carlisle and edward down

2)kill a human-take a innoccent human

3)lift a car over my head-no to obvious.the cullens would hear about it and rush to stop me.

4)attack the volturi-no they might go after my family instead of me

5)walk out into the sun

i couldnt think of a reason not to do number 5.its simple and what edward had tried doing.i quickly changed into a sleeve-less top and shorts.i ran outside and sat on the ground.all i had to do was wait till mid-day.the sun would make my skin shine like diamonds and the humans would surely notice.the volturi would have to act fast and would have no choice but to destroy me.
then the smell of fresh blood caught my attention.
i cant go,i thought.its been three weeks since i hunted,ill kill the girl.but her heartbeat was getting without even thinking about it i ran to her.she was about 12 years old and dying.i scooped her up in my arms and ran to the hospital.i checked her in
"take her to room 547,"i aid her on the bed and wlaked out.the smell was burning my throat and i didnt know how much longer i could resist.i walked round the corner at human speed and saw carlisle.he was wearing his doctors uniform with a stethascope round his neck.he turned around
i ran over too him,a little bit too quickly and threw my arms around him.
"carlisle,im sorry."he pulled me off of him and looked at me.
"what are you doing here carlisle?"
"we moved here two weeks ago and this is my new job wee old job but.what are you doing here?i thought you went to the volturi to di-"
"they said no,so i was going to provokethem when i smelt blood."carlisle face turned to concern"i didnt hurt her carlisle."
he noddecd and walked into the room where id left the girl.
"this is an animal attack,"he said.i knew what he meant by animal,a vampire.
"whats her name?"carlisle aked looking at me.
"i dont know,"
"its paige."the girl said opening her eyes.then she fell back asleep and carlisle said that we should let her sleep.
"can i see esme.its been a while."
he nodded."its been three weeks.the whole atmosphere has been different without you."he drove me out of the main city and down a hidden road.there were trees either side of us.i gasped when i saw the reminded me of a cottage,but bigger.carlisle went inside the house first.
"esme,emmett,rosalie,emily,youlle never guess whos back,"
emily who is emily?but before i had time to voice my question emmett swung me up into a hug.
"its nice to have you back little sis,"
when he put me back on the ground esme hugged me,delicateley like i was human.even rosalie hugged me.then i noticed the girl sitting on the stairs.she was wearing jeans and a blue shoulder top.her hair was straight,balck and went just past her shoulders.she looked young,young enough even to still be called a child.
"bella this is emily the new addition to the family."
"mum!"renesmee shouted from up the stairs.she ran down and flung her arms round my neck.jacob came down after her at human speed.
"hey jake,"
a look of anger came across his face.
"im sorry."he hugged me.
"dont you ever run off again."

more complicated
i noticed that jasper wasnt when it was just me and emmett in the living room i asked."wheeres jazz?"
"upstairs.second door on the left.make sure you count them cause the firsts mine and roses,"
"is he still mad?"
"hard to say.he never comes out.he hasnt hunted in 4 weeks now."
i knocked on the door.there was no reply so i went in.jasper was sitting on the sofa with his back to me.his room was only half full from all of the things he had burnt.on the floor infront of him were the torn up pictures of alice.which gave me an idea.i ran downstairs.
"esme,did you move my photo album?"
"yes we moved everything of yours and edwards."she went over to a cupboard and pulled out my photo album.i layed it on the table and opened it,searching for the picture.i didnt have many pictures of alice but jasper needed the meomory more than me now.i took it out of the album and ran back up the stairs.i held it out for jasper to take but he didnt so i layed it on the sofa next to him.he picked it up.
"why are you giving me this after ive been so mean to you?"he asked.he still sounded a bit angry and his southern accent came through.
"i least you didnt go to the volturi."i looked at the floor.
"youre so sad.whats wrong?"
i quickly put my shield up."the vloturi are gonna come after me,arent they."
jasper nodded"we'll protect you,"
"im not worried about worried about evryone else.jake,renesmee,my family,emily,she cant be that old and cant fight."
"youre right,"a voice murmured.jasper and me both looked up at the same time.a girl was standing in the corner of the room.her red hair tied back into a neat bun.she looked like a vampire.
"hello bella, alisha and the vloturi are the least of our problems.

we were all in the living room.even i could feel the tention so i could imagine what it was like for jasper.
"who are you and what do you maen?"
"my name is Alisha family are called the hunters.many years ago we lived happily until the vampire wars.then my kind have sworn not to stop klling until every vampire on earth has benn destroyed.only some of us didnt think this was right.we hid.we call ourselves the good hunters much like you call yourselves vegeterians."
"how many good hunters are there."esme asked
"there were six of us origionally but now only two of us are able to fight."
"what happened to the others?"i couldnt help but ask
"my father is holding me here,so i remain undetected to the other mother aunt has been and my brother are the only true ones left."
"but you said there were six of you."
"there are but the last one remains hidded.she is half hunter half human.well half mother died changing her.we hoped that we would never have to call.we wanted her to live like a human and die like one.we swore thta she would only be used as a last hope for both or species."
jasper came over and put his hand om my shoulder."you mean bella dont you."alisha nodded.
"so whos coming after us?"emmett aked a grin back on his face.
"the volturi,hunters and paul."
"ok how do we fight them?"jasper asked
"no.none of you are fighting them."
"why not theyre after us,"
"i nearly revealved myself to the

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