» Fantasy » Passion, Jadyenne Remkes [best motivational books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Passion, Jadyenne Remkes [best motivational books .TXT] 📗». Author Jadyenne Remkes

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I glance around the room. Her closet was nearly bare and her bed was made. The only thing on her nightstand was a book, it was leather bound and looked really old. I recognized it was momma’s heir loom from Grams. I opened it. It was full of recipes, but not for food, for charms, like the one momma had put on her ring. I recognized them. Momma had taught me from this book. But not some. Not until you’re older. The memory of her voice echoed through my head. I nodded to myself, as though in agreement. Not until I was older. I had to leave now, but as I was leaving, I saw something, lain across momma’s bed. It was her silk dress. I had never seen her wear it, I had asked her about it once. Oh that old thing, I would never fit in it. She had said with a laugh, she wasn’t fat, but she was tall, and I knew that was what she meant. I never asked about it again. But now, I looked at it in amazement. It was a deep fiery red, and I had an urge to put it on. I did, the shoes too. It wasn’t bulky, but it was thin and slim, I loved it. It was sleeveless, and made my chest look much larger that it was. That’s it. I decided. I have to get out of here. And with that I gathered my books, and my other clothes. On my way out to the garage, I put my books and my other clothes in the bag. I grabbed momma’s purse, and slung the bag over my shoulder. The only thing left was momma’s note, I grab that too. I put all the stuff in the car and enter the house one more time. I grabbed the garage opener and the house keys, in case I ever came back. The last things I grab are my sunglasses, and my black jacket, and I say good bye to my old home, my old family, my old life 2)

After driving aimlessly for around three hours, I finally stumbled onto the old Train car garage. It was an old rusty building that had been there for ages, and looked like it was about to collapse. I pull up and step out of the car, I feel so stupid in my momma’s dress, but I really didn’t care. It had been a shitty week, and I didn’t care what I was wearing. I look around and go up to the only door not out of seeing range from my car. I knock, and wait, nothing. I knock again, and a voice calls to me.
‘Name?’ a female voice asks.
‘Radella.’ I reply. The door swings open, and her waves of energy hit me so hard I could have passed out. Even before I saw her I knew what she looked like. She was taller than me, by a little, and her black hair flowed down to her waist. Her silver eyes matched mine, as well as her pale skin. Wow. I smile at her. And she smiles at me.
‘Riley.” She says and holds out her hand to me. ‘Radella’
I say and take her hand. A spark blows between us, and all sorts of memories, flow into me. Her memories. It was just her and her dad, but he wasn’t around much. He loved, her, but he had a job that kept him away. Her school life was the same as mine, after she got her powers, wow we were a lot alike. Her father left, just like my mom. Leaving a note, and some knives. She was very sad, I could sense it. But she was hiding it well. The spark went out as fast as it started.
‘I’m sorry.’ She said, she had seen my memories too. I nod and tell her the same.
‘Must have been that spark thing.’ I say, she smiles, and nods in agreement. She turns behind her and digs in her bag. She pulls out a silver black throwing knife, she hands it to me.
‘He said this one was for you. In the note.’ Riley tells me.
‘He was a thoughtful man.’ I reply not knowing what I meant by it.
‘So are they boys here?’ I ask curiously.
‘Nope, not yet.’ She says shaking her head so her silky hair trembles.
‘Pizza?’ Riley offers me.
‘You ordered pizza?’ I ask appalled.
‘Yea, why not?’ My eyes go wide.
‘Aren’t we supposed to be like under cover and such?’ I ask, amused.
‘Yea.’ Riley replies. I was going to really like her, in truth I almost ordered pizza, but resisted, thank god, for her lack of self control. I smile, at her.
‘I have a cooler full of food in the car, and money up the butt, but I didn’t think it was safe ordering pizza.’ I say, and took a slice, it was fresh, it must have gotten here just before I did.
‘Really? Where did you get the money?’ She asks.
‘My mom left it for me, I have no idea where she got it from, and she bought me a car.’ I say resisting the urge to call my mom momma, even though I knew she wouldn’t care.
‘My dad left me the knives and bought me a car.’ She says with a grin, she was proud of her dad, she should be.
‘What kind of car?’ I ask, trying to start conversation.
‘Mustang GT, midnight blue. Like I always wanted.’ she says, wow, mustangs were nice.
‘Nice, I got a black corvette, just like I always wanted its outside.’ I say, and that reminded me. My car. ‘That reminds me. Is there somewhere safe I can park it?’ I ask.
‘Sure, in here, it’s where mine is.’ Riley says, motioning with a hand toward a part of the warehouse I hadn’t looked at, and sure as night, there was a midnight blue mustang, looking beautiful.
‘Ok, ill be right back. Open the garage door for me?’ I ask. She nods and head up a set of metal stairs to push a button. A huge rusting metal garage door creaks open, to reveal, my Corvette. Riley looked stunned, amazed, I guessed she had the same expression on her face as I did when I sat her car. I go out to my car, and click the unlock button two times. It unlocks, and I slip into the car. I start the engine and listen to it purr for a moment, and then pull into the garage, next to the mustang. I turn off the car and step out. Riley closed the garage. ‘Now we wait, for the boys.’ I say, and take a seat next to Riley and the pizza. As if summoned there are two knocks, one from the door closest to me, and one from the door closest to Riley. I look at her and she holds up three fingers, counting down. At one we both call out.
‘Name?’ our voices echo off the metal walls.
‘David.’ Says the door by Riley.
‘Ian.’ Says the door by me. Riley looks at me and nods, these were the guys. I walk to the door, reaching it just before it falls to the ground. The sight in front of me was not what I expected. The boy in front of me was maybe a head taller than me, with silver eyes, and a pale complexion, wow. His hair was dark blonde almost auburn. It was cut short in a punkemo hair cut. I was nearly stunned to silence. His eyes were wide as he looked at me. Oh, he doesn’t know who I am I thought, silly me. I extend my hand like Riley had.
‘Radella.’ I say, but the shocked look was still plain on his face.
‘What?’ I ask. ‘Never seen a girl before?’ I ask. Teasing of course. He nods.
‘I have seen many girls, but none I can say, like you.” He says with a sexy playboy smile that matched his voice so perfectly. Wow he had a way with words. I laugh, and shake my head.
‘The girl you are looking for is over there.’ I say motioning with my extended hand. He shakes head in reply. I turn my head to its side and peer up at him.
‘You going to shake my hand?’ I ask playfully. He smiles at me again and takes my hand. As soon as our fingers touch, electricity a million times stronger that Riley’s spark rushes through me. The force blows us both backwards. I slam into a metal sliding panel, and all Ians memories rush through me. He didn’t have a mom, or a dad. Just his older sister. They had been alone for almost as long as he could remember. I felt a rush of sympathy for him. I’m sure it shows on my face. One word rushes through my mind more than any of his memories. Soul mate it whispered to me over and over again, you found your soul mate it tells me, and I knew it was true. I groan and life my body up off the concrete floor. Ian is already up, and running over to me. ‘Are you okay?’ he asks, his voice genuinely concerned. His arms are around me, I nod, still unable of speech. I knew him. From somewhere. Ian, Ian. I run the name through my memory, nothing came up. But there was something. I could feel it. I took me a moment to realize, I was saying his name out loud. I could feel the eat rushing up to my face but he wasn’t looking at my face, he was looking into my eyes. We were connected now, I could feel it. The connection was stronger, that mine and Riley’s. I don’t know how long we looked at each other like that, it could have been hours, I wouldn’t have noticed. I didn’t come back to reality until I felt his lips warm over mine. Soft and sweet. We could have kissed forever, but I had to breathe unfortunately. I gasped for air, and looked back into his eyes. We belonged together. I knew it, and by the look in his eyes, he knew it too. ‘What the…?’ I heard Riley say, I hadn’t noticed, but the same thing had happened to her too, with the guy I presumed was David. I shrug, and stand weakly; my bones were tingling from the electricity.
‘So we are soul mates?’ I asked Ian, feeling so stupid that I had to ask, but he just looked adoringly at me. He didn’t make me feel stupid, not in the least.
‘Looks like that babe.’ He replied. Making me smile. This was such a weird day, I had cried today more that I ever had, and I had smiled today more that I have in a long time. This was the worst and best day of my life. We can’t stay here for long. I know that.
‘Ian, Riley, David, we have to leave soon.’ I tell them they nod in agreement. David extends a hand to me

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