» Fantasy » Passion, Jadyenne Remkes [best motivational books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Passion, Jadyenne Remkes [best motivational books .TXT] 📗». Author Jadyenne Remkes

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my back muscles ached for movement. As I walked up to the house I begin to recognize it was the one in Riley’s drawing. I push open the heavy wood door. It opened into a large kitchen where you could see the living room. It was fairly ordinary except for the flat screen, and touch screen stove. Amazing. In the living room there was a large couch that was facing away from me and a large bean bag like chair. I had an urge to go sit in it, but I wanted to explore the house first, and apparently so did the others. I walked into a room that was very distinctly labeled: RADELLA & IAN: I almost laughed, with the capital letters and all. I opened the door to reveal a, a small room, with a window, that the sun didn’t quite shine through. There was a large bed in the far left corner of the room with a bed stand beside it on the right side. It had a radio, just like the one I had at my mom’s house. I cringed at the thought of her. I wondered if I would ever see her again, her or Ava. That was uncertain. No one knew. Right now all we knew was someone was following us, fortunately we had thrown them off for a while at least. I touched the large comforter that was spread across the bed, and the sheets. Egyptian cotton. I could tell immediately, they were so soft, I felt as though I could lie here, and sleep forever, and with my lack of sleep lately, I was almost sure I could, now that I was safe that was. I almost laughed at our situation. Not quite, Ian follows me into the room; we weren’t sure what we were supposed to do now. I decided on a nap, and quickly undressed, and slid into the warm bed. 5)

When the early morning sun came up, usually I would still be in bed, but this morning seemed different. It was week three away from home and it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. I turn to see my lover, and soul mate, Ian asleep next to me. He looked so much younger in sleep. I slide out of bed, and glance at the clock much like any other morning, although it was rare for me to get up before eleven ever, and it was proven that I am useless until noon. I sigh and drag myself sleepily to the bathroom. My hair was a mess and my face looked young with tiredness.
I was quite pale, all four of us-my house mates, my family, the only people like me-were. It was a beautiful pale, I thought. It seemed to work out perfectly, Ian was my soul mate, and David was Riley’s. Riley was like a sister to me, and David was like a brother. So we were in ways like a family. We did look a lot alike, and act a lot alike. But we knew we weren’t related, in ways of blood of course.
I splash my face with water and glance up at the mirror; my deep silver eyes stare back at me. I have always admired my eyes. Yet another thing I had in common with my ‘family’. I grab my brush and run it through my color filled hair, making it neatly messy, if there is such a thing. I exit the bathroom and head down the hall, trying to be quiet enough not to wake the household. I enter the kitchen and open the fridge, what to eat, what to eat. I grab the milk, and cereal out of the cupboard. I have the sudden urge to turn on the radio, but I always seem to have it to loud for anyone but Riley’s taste, and definitely not at this hour. I look at the clock on the microwave; it has been seven minutes since I got up. The clock now read 6:38; I definitely was never out of bed much less cooking at this time. Not that a bowl of cereal counted as cooking. Riley was the early bird, she would be up soon, she always was. I downed my breakfast quickly. Leaving nothing in the bowl. I place it into the sink and glance around for something to do. I could run down to the store, but we didn’t need anything. I purse my full lips, and walk sluggishly into the living room. My eyes turn to the couch and to the Play Station. I shake my head. I had too much on my mind. One there was some creepy guy following us with the darkest energy I have ever tasted. Riley had a photo of my locket. Ian, Ian, Ian. Things with Ian had been heating up over the past few weeks. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of me, and well, the same goes for me. He was irresistible, Dark blonde hair, tightly toned chest that looked amazing despite his pale complexion. His deep eyes that looked almost black. I had known him only weeks, but I was ready to be with him forever. I could feel that the voice in my head the day we met was right. He was my soul mate, and I was his. People always ask what true love is. It is indescribable, its emotion, feeling, chemistry, it’s amazing. Normally humans throw the word ‘love around’ like it means nothing. I only used the word when referring to my mom or my sister, now love isn’t a big enough a word to describe my feelings, my attraction, to Ian. It is something that is irreversible and unchangeable.
“Hey.” Riley’s voice awakens me from my trance. I smile up at her staring at the tangled mess of black hair clouded around her head. She sits on the couch. Motioning beside her for me to sit. I fall into the seat. “You’re up early.” She says, surprise coating her voice. I shrug.
“I don’t know why.” I say, and it was the truth. It was probably more confusing to me than to the rest of the world.
“I do.” A smile spread across her face.
“Excuse me?” I demand. She knew, and I didn’t.
“Happy birthday Radella!” She bellows. I press my index finger to my lips, a grimace spreading across my face.
“Quiet, everyone’s asleep, and it can’t be my birthday.” It couldn’t be my birthday. I start counting back days, slowly in my head.
“No ones asleep Radella. We have been up for hours.” Ian’s voice surprises me, and I turn to see him standing beside David who was holding a pale pink box.
“No, no presents. I refuse.” My voice sounded un-budgeable to me, but apparently not to the rest of them. Ian and David join us on the couch and David thrusts the box into my hands. It was tied with ribbon and it took me a minute or two to untie it. Ian murmured something to David, but he just shook his head. Apparently Ian didn’t know what it was either. I lift the surprisingly heavy lid and look into the box. Inside were piles and piles of red lace. That was all, how odd. I didn’t get it until I lifted a pile up. Lingerie. I stare at the lace, and then turn my eyes to Riley who was laughing so hard I thoughts she was going to die. I shake my head at her and David, deliberately avoiding Ian’s eyes. I couldn’t forever though, so I look up at his dark eyes. They were serene and without humor. I knew I was blushing feverishly, but he didn’t seem to notice. David reaches into the box, distracting me from Ian’s gaze.
“These are for me.” He says and shows me a large box of earplugs. I smack him, still not laughing. I put the box down. “I would say thank you, but I’m not going to.” I say, heading into the kitchen. There were balloons taped all over and a cake in the center of the table. A large eighteen printed on top of it with icing. I never wanted to be eighteen, and now against all wishes I was Another birthday…Ever since I was little my birthdays have been terrible. Like a strangers shadow following me everywhere I go. Something terrible always happened on March 9th. When I was five, my cat died, six, mass homicide in my neighborhood, seven, a nuclear heat wave drives three civilians insane causing a catastrophic hostage situation. The first few years went unnoticed, then the pattern started showing up. The word spread and I started hiding my birthday, but in a small town, your business is everyone’s business. People started whispering behind my back, and pointing fingers, it got worse until most of the town avoided my gaze, muttering things like hell spawn and devil child when they thought I was out of ear shot. The birthday horrors gradually got worse until I turned fifteen, and my best and only friend shot himself. That day I received a letter that said he knew about my powers, and that he was in love with me, but he just found out that day, that he had cancer. I found Jonathan lain across our favorite bench in the park ten minutes after I read the letter. That was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. It still is. I was never in love with him, but he seemed to have feelings for me. “So do you like it?” She asks, referring to my cake. I smile and nod, pushing all my faults and problems into my subconscious. “Of course I loved it.” I spend the next hour talking and opening more embarrassing packages while Ian watches me with a look in his eye of pure admiration. I can’t tell where it comes from though. I sneak into my bedroom, and gather things to get into the shower where I wont be bothered to have more cake. I place my small pile of clothes and a towel on the bed before laying there my face sinking into the cushions. If only I can get through the next seventeen hours….wait. I look at the clock, It says nine thirty.
“Ian. I know you are standing there, and I know you let me sleep until six o clock in the afternoon.” I tell him, although I could barely believe it. “I knew you were tired.” He says simply. “Indeed.” I reply, leaving the rest of my thoughts in my head. “I’m getting in the shower.” I say simply, getting straight to the point before exiting the room. I close the door and turn my I-pod as loud as it would go on the doc, throwing myself into the world of Chopin, which I only do on my birthday, when I get out I will be my old self again, perhaps a little strung up, but myself entirely.
I run a warm bath, throwing in some lavender and tea leaf oil to calm my senses. I slide into the hot water, letting the steam fill my nostrils. Letting the stress leave my

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