» Fantasy » The Wolves Saga, Maria Huber [easy to read books for adults list TXT] 📗

Book online «The Wolves Saga, Maria Huber [easy to read books for adults list TXT] 📗». Author Maria Huber

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him. Why was he like that? She would never understand this!
She looked around and realized that Lumi wasn't here.
“Hey Lill, come you can also come outside if you want to!”,Wing called from outside.
Excited Lill stood up and ran towards the tunnel.
This would be the first time ever to see the world outside. She climbed out of the dark cave and gleaming light disturbed her eyes. Quickly she shut them.
She hadn't expected so much light. And it was cold, maybe too cold for her. She liked the warmth of her mother.
Then someone pushed behind her.
“Hey go away!I also want to go outside!”, it was Taim. Lill glared at him angrily but went forward in the marshy snow.
She looked around. It was a place where all the wolves gathered. How many there were!, she thought and her eyes widened. She hadn't expected so much of them.
There sat Lumi and Wing. They were playing with a small ball of snow. For a short time, Lill thought of joining them, but then she decided that she wanted to explore this more.
She looked out for her mother, but couldn't find her. Then Lill saw her. Her mother Valgus sat on a broken tree with several other female wolves around her. She was the alpha animal and one day she had to be respectful to her. It was hard for Lill, because she was their nice mother!
Slowly, not sure if she was allowed she padded towards them. They stared at her, but didn't say anything. They waited for Valgus to say yes.
Then she slowly bent her head towards a big snowy white female wolf. Lill guessed that she was allowed to talk now.
“So you are Lill right! The pride welcome you, you save our pride with your absence!”, she laughed and narrowed her eyes.
Then another smaller female came towards her and began to lick her. She smelled not like Valgus. She was different, but Lill tried to stay relaxed. This was her family, she hadn't to be scared.
“So Lill, please go away then and play a little bit with the others, I will soon come and tell you when you should come back into the cave!”,Valgus barked. Now louder, she was the alpha wolf, she was the loudest and proudest. But Lill knew that she was another way, when she was alone.
She bent her head and nodded and then turned round to explore the rest.
She padded on and almost fell over a little pile of bones. Food, I will also be able to taste it!; Lill thought.
She couldn't wait to taste it. She thought that it tasted really good. She hated the milk of their mother. Maybe because of this she was so little.
“Stay away, young wolf, don't go towards them!”,a deep voice interrupted her and she turned round.
A big creamy and dirty-white wolf stood in front of her and stared at her with his big green eyes.
“My name is Puu, I am the oldest male wolf here, older than your father! I lost the battle, he is now leader!”,he added and looked more careful at Lill.
Quick she bent her head but she felt his big green eyes on her pelt.
“M-my name is Lill, I am sorry that I interrupted you, really!”,she quickly said.
“No, I wanted to talk with you, there is nothing bad on talking, I said something to you first, so it's okay!”,he answered and smiled.
Lill was confused now. He is the oldest one, why should he like to talk to me?,she thought.
“It's your first time out here, right? I often remember me of my first time! Lible and Maa, you first talked to them are my litter mates. But I haven't so much to do with them though!”, he barked and lashed his tail.
How old he must be and how big he was, bigger then Vesi?
“Oh yes, they are really nice, yes...!”,she answered. She had never talked to such an old wolf and didn't really know what to say now.
“I can tell you about the battle with Vesi, it was a hard one, but in the end he won, because he was younger and stronger then. I have been very old then!”, he sighed and crouched down on the cold earth.
Lill nodded and looked around for the first time.
Snow was still covering the earth, but not really much and here and there the earth with grass came out. There were also a few trees. One big one sheltered the place where the wolves always gathered.
She liked the place and the cold weather. She didn't know how it was to live with warm hot air.
“Didn't you hear your mother? She is the alpha wolf! You should better go and hear to her!”,Puu barked and ended Lill's thougths.
“Sure, I am sorry!”,she quickly squeezed and ran off towards her mother.
“You have to come when I tell you! The others go hunting now and there are animals who take you away and want to eat and kill you! So better come when I tell you, especially you, because you are so tiny!”,she hissed very angrily.
Lilly only collected her tail and bent her head. She was ashamed now. She had been so deep dreaming, that she hadn't heard the call of her mother and the alpha wolf.
Still ashamed she crept back into the cave and crouched down on the floor there.

Chapter 3

The months had passed. Lumi streched and licked his snowy white pelt. Now it was Autumn and the long arctic winter was waiting outside. He was about four months now, but still a kit. The wolves were full pride members with six months. So still a long time to wait for.
Lumi now lived on the big gathering place , witch was also called camp and slept under a big bush, which sheltered him from the icy wind and the first snowfalls.
He stood up and let the icy breeze swap over him. His pelt glimmered in the soft light. He relaxed and then padded on.
Maa,Lind and Puu had been hunting and now came back with a big white rabbit in their jaws. Not enough to feed them all, but the winter here was hard and nobody was full-fed.
“Hey Lumi, want to go outside and explore a little bit?”,Wing came running over to him and skidded to a halt in front of him.
“Äh....yes, maybe, why not?”,he barked and then padded beside her, out of the camp.
“Young wolves! Where are you going? You are not allowed to leave or go hunting, you don't even know how to make this! See, a storm is coming soon!”Lible shouted after them and they turned round.
“But-”, Wing wanted to say, but Pilv cut her off.”Back to camp! This is an order and you have to follow it!”,he hissed.
Wing bent her head and stepped back as the betha wolf emerged in front of her, but Lumi stayed, his tail and head held high.
“Young wolf!,you have to learn more respect!”,he then hissed and padded off.
I learn more respect?--What is this here?Rarley any rules, and the only rules are to be respectful to the Betha and Alpha wolf!?,Lumi thought angrily.
“Lumi, we should better go back then, when a storm is coming!”,Wing said, a lot more quietly now.
“Yes, come on and don't be so scared!”,he answered her and rubbed his head on her soft pelt. How soft and good it was!
“What will Vesi do to us now?I am sure Pilv will report this!We weren't allowed to leave without permittion!”,she barked and then went off towards the camp.
Lumi didn't answer her, instead he padded on and also back towards the camp.
There he tried to find shelter from the coming storm. He looked around. There was nearly no snow, but it was very cold and he knew that tomorrow there would be a big snow blanket on the frosty floor. A few birds flew their last circles in the air. It was too cold for the most of them in winter here, Lumi knew that.
He wanted to go to Taim, but he couldn't find him.
“Hey Lill! Do you know where Taim is?”, he asked his sister as he met her.
“No, I also haven't seen him?!”,she barked back through the strong wind.
Now the strong storm began and the first snowflakes fell.

Lumi knew that Taim was very jealous, why ,he never understand, but that didn't matter now to him. Taim was his brother and he had to find him. He was sure now, that he was out there in the coming up storm and without any shelter he would die.
“Hey, Lill, please come with me, we have to look for Taim, I think he is out there! We have to find him, quickly!”,he whispered into her ear and she nodded.
“I will come with you! Come quickly now!”,she replied him and slowly padded on.
Quickly Lumi followed her. The others wouldn't care, when someone died.
Then they would say that this was their own fault. But either Lumi or Lill didn't understand this, so they crept out of the camp, careful to don't be seen.
Lumi blinked the snowflakes out of his eyes. The storm was strong now and more and more snow was falling. The wind was so strong now, that Lumi had big problems with coming forwards in the snow.
Lill was still tiny and hat more problems than him. Now he understood why Pilv said they should stay and not go out.
Too late,Lumi thought. He imagined Taim, lying there, half dead. A shiver ran down his spine and he fought even harder against the strong and icy wind.
Quickly he pushed the bad thougths away and concentrated on the sent and the howl of his brother.
But the wind was blowing so strong that he hardly heard anything.
“Lumi,Lumi, here, I smell something!”,Lill said excited.
Yes, now Lumi smelled it too. “Quick, we have to follow it!”,he shouted back and tracked after the faint sent of his brother.
Suddenly he lost it and skidded to a halt.
“Lill, I have lost it! We are lost!”,he howled out and looked straight into her small face.
“Yes my dear, don't be sad, I am sure he is okay!”,she whispered and licked Lumi's head. Suddenly they both heard a noise in the far distance.
“Lumi, hear, hear now, this is the howling of Taim! He must have heard you, as you howled!”,she barked excited and began to ran towards the direction were the noise had come from.
The storm was still strong ,but now weaker than before.
Lumi relaxed. They would find him and he was still alive. He quickly ran after her, to don't loose her.
The noise grew louder and louder and Lumi heard now, that it was more a cry.
Was he so alone? But this was a painful cry! What had happened to Taim?, Lumi thought in horror.
“Shhhh....Lumi, lets be careful first!”,Lill whispered. Lumi bent his head and crept after her.
The storm was better now, especially the wind. It was still icy and cold, but not so strong and the snowflakes fell more quietly and peaceful now.
They quickly hid behind a small bush and Lumi had to stretch to see his brother.
There he lied, unable to move. Lumi could see that he was badly injuried and shocked of the cold.
Without thinking, he shot out from his hiding place and ran towards his brother.
He didn't answer, but he could see, that he was still alive. His flank was going up and down, but Lumi had to concentrate very hard to see and feel it.
“Taim--”,Lill's voice broke off as she saw him.
Humans?, no they never do such
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