Arbithea, Nicole K. Garrett [e book reader TXT] 📗

- Author: Nicole K. Garrett
Book online «Arbithea, Nicole K. Garrett [e book reader TXT] 📗». Author Nicole K. Garrett
"I thought your eyes were green just a minute ago." Travon said hesitantly.
"No I have no idea what you’re talking about." I said innocently smiling. He shook his head and went back to texting cursing under his breath. 'Kyle I know you can hear me, and I am having the worst time of my life right now.' I thought to Kyle.
I ended up day dreaming the rest of science and didn't realize the bell had rung until someone tapped me on my shoulder. "Alexander, right?" Asked a tall skinny girl with golden locks that flowed down her back in waves.
"Um yea, but please just call me Kenya." I said. She smiled and held out her hand.
"I'm Amy, head cheerleader of Jackson high." Great a preppy, Barbie doll cheerleader. Why must I be so pretty that I attract this kind of attention? My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that I had gotten a text from Kyle.
'You should be nice even though she might look like a life size Barbie doll lol'
'Awe come on Kyle why must you listen to my thoughts' I texted back.
'It's not my fault you think loudly'
'That was a lame joke or whatever you wanna call it.' I put my phone back in my pocket, not waiting on him to reply.
"Who was that?" Amy asked. Nosy much miss head cheerleader.
"It was just my brother" I said a little annoyed.
She smiled. "You mean your twin brother right?" Well duh, he is the only brother that goes to this school and that you've actually seen.
"Yepp, that's him." I said picking up my books ready to get out of her annoying presence. Have I mentioned that I don't do well with people, most people.
"Well anyways I'm going show you and your brother around school tomorrow, but until then what's your next class?" She asked. I looked down at my schedule.
"Um my next class is Geography then study hall." She grabbed my arm and pulled me behind her out of the classroom. "That's my next class. You can sit beside me." She said.
We walked in the classroom together getting stares from everyone in there. "Hey Amy, who's this?" A hot guy with dark brown hair asked Amy once we sat down. He kind of had that same look me and Kyle have, irresistible. We were seated by a group of look-alike Barbie’s and jocks. "Hey guys this is my new friend Kenya." New friend.....first of all I really don't like you so right now you aren't considered my friend at all.
"What's up Kenya I had your brother in my last class." The irresistible boy with brown hair said smiling. I smirked and sat my books down.
"That's cool. What's your name by the way?" I asked him. He smiled and opened his mouth to say his name but was cut off by the teacher walking into the room. "Okay class, take out your books and turn to page 159." The teacher said. I reached down to pick up my geography book when something nudged me on my arm. I looked up to find a note on my desk that read 'My names Bryce....can I show you around school since your new and all?'
'Hmm that sound pretty cool but you’re not the first person that's gave me that offer.' I wrote then passed it back to him. I looked at him and he smiled a gorgeous crooked smile at me for some reason making my insides melt. I blushed then turned to page 159 and put my head on my hand and started to daydream.
When the bell rung I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the classroom, hoping Amy wouldn't catch up to me. She not really the type of people i use to hang out with at my school in Arbithea. I walked down the crowded hallway then stopped realizing I didn't know where I was going. "Where on earth is the study hall even at?" I asked myself harshly."
"Do you talk to yourself often?" A deep voice asked from behind me. I spun around to find Bryce with that heart winning smile across his face. "Do you sneak up on people often?" I asked sarcastically. I turned back around and walked up the stairs like I knew where I was going. Bryce ran up beside me.
"Do you even know where you’re headed?" He asked smirking. I looked out the corner of my eye.
"Of course I do...not." I added. Stopping at the top of the stairs I frown and looked at him.
"Where's the study hall, Bryce?" I asked not really wanting his help or anyone's help for that matter. He laughed and walked back down the stairs then looked over his shoulder and said, "Well, you coming or not?"
I sighed and ran down the stairs to his side. "You better enjoy this time while it lasted." I said. He must have become really fond of me over that last period because surprisingly he draped his arm over my shoulder like we've know each other forever.
"Gladly." He said smiling then we walked off towards the library. Chapter 3
Right when we got in the library I saw a group of people all around one table and Bryce was leading us right to it. “Ok we’re in the study hall you can let me go now.” I said wiggling out of his grip. He shrugged but didn’t go anywhere. I just rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone to text Kyle.
‘Kyle where are you I’m in the study hall.’ I texted.
‘I’m here sitting at the table like in the middle.’ He texted.
I put my phone back in my pocket and started looking around the library. “Who you looking for?” I jumped forgetting that Bryce was still standing beside me.
“My brother.” I said still searching for Kyle.
“Isn’t that him over there in the middle of all those people?” I looked to where he was pointing and yes, that was him in the middle of that huge group. I walked over and pushed through the group getting a lot of death stares from most of them.
“Hey Kenya I didn’t think you would ever find in the middle of this massive group.” Kyle said smiling. He was sitting at the table with three other guys I recognized as the ones that were hanging out with Amy.
“Um yea can I talk to you for a second?” I asked. He nodded then got up and followed me over to the other side of the library.
“Kay sis what’s up?” He asked. I frowned. “You sure are getting along pretty fast around here.” I said looking at the group again.
“Well yea, I mean I’m not going to walk around being all antisocial.” He said smirking.
“Anyways there’s this guy named Bryce that wants to show me around town after school so I guess he’ll be driving me home so don’t wait up for me at the car.” I said. Kyle stared at me then lifted his eyebrow. “So what you’re saying is that Bryce wants to take my little sister on a date.” He said smirking.
I held up my hands. “No, it’s not a date. I don’t even really like him, I’m just trying to make some friends.” I said.
“That’s not what I was hearing when Amy was talking to you.” He said.
“Okay whatever so yea, remember don’t wait up for me.” I said walking back to the library entrance.
“Don’t you want me to introduce you to my friends?” He asked. I stopped then turned around. “Actually I’d rather be antisocial, sorry.” I said sarcastically and walked back to the doors, where Bryce was still waiting.
"It seems your brother gets around pretty quickly." Bryce said laughing to himself.
I smiled and walked down the hallway to the front of the school.
Bryce ran in front of me and opened the door. "So where do you want to go first." he said.
"Well since I haven't been here before why don't you just choose a place." He smiled and looked away.
"Yea your right I guess I just got a little... well I don't know." I laughed and walked behind him to a black and red Camaro. "This, is your car?" I asked a shocked. "Yup, I got this baby last month for my birthday." Bryce smiled at his car as if he were sharing a secret joke with it.
"Hmm, so how old are you anyway?" I asked as he unlocked the car and we got in. He looked over at me and stared the engine.
"I just turned 17. Hope that's not a problem." I laughed.
"Only if me being 16 isn't a problem with you." I said.
"Not at all and before we get stared with that awesome tour I'm about to give you, we need to go to the football field first." He said smiling.
"Kay." I said as Bruce drove his car around to the back of the school.
He parked his car beside what looked like a locker room. Almost everything on earth is the same as it is where I came from surprisingly. Bruce gets out the car and gestures me to come with him. I shook my head my hands up.
"I'm kind of feeling a little lazy right now." I shrugged smiling. Bruce chuckled at me and just locked the door walking into the building.
"He acts like I'm going to leave or something." I said talking to myself.
For some reason I've started having conversation with myself more than often since we moved here.
After about 30 minutes of sitting in the car being bored I saw something the size of an ape moved on the other side of the football field. It almost looked like one of those moon creatures the people at my old school talked about. Wait a minute, where was it that they said those things were being sent to again? I actually think it was earth. Crap!
I tried to unlock the door but it wouldn't budge so I did the only thing left to do, bust his window out. I left my things in his car seeming a though I really won’t be needing them anymore and ran across the field after the beast.
‘Kyle you know those moon creatures?’ I said contacting Kyle
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