» Fantasy » Arbithea, Nicole K. Garrett [e book reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Arbithea, Nicole K. Garrett [e book reader TXT] 📗». Author Nicole K. Garrett

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in my mind.

‘Yea, what about them?’ He said immediately responding.

‘They’re here at this school. I just saw one of them on the other side of the football field heading into the woods.’ I said.

He didn’t respond so I just sighed and ran in without him. If he got mad afterwards then so be it, it’s his own fault.

I quickly ran through the trees getting closer to the beast but still trying to stay as quiet as possible. For what felt like 20 minutes of chasing after it, the moon creature stopped in an clearing and circled around it chanting words in which I never came to understand when I lived in Arbithea.

The creature running on all fours speed up and started to chant faster. I looked around the clearing for some sort of distraction and found a boulder sitting on the far left of me. I ran over towards it and pick it up with all the strength I had and threw it at the creature.
The boulder came down on its leg making the creature howl in pain. After its temper tantrum over a probably broken leg it stood and searched around the clearing for its victim.

While its back was turned I found another boulder and threw it at his head causing it to stumble forward. I then ran over to the smallest tree and picked it up to throw it, but the creature turned around and caught it looking straight at me.
"Um hi, such a lovely evening to be throwing trees isn't it." I said trying to build up enough time to run. The creature's face became distort as it screeched at me. I covered my ears before I went deaf from the high pitched noise.
"Okay, that was completely childish. I only asked you a question." I scuffed at the beast. It got back on all fours and started to run after me screeching louder. My eyes widened as it charged at me ripping almost everything up out of the ground.
Because I was extremely fast I made it out of the woods before it did.

I ran across the football field to Bryce's car where he stood gawking at the window I broke. "What did you do to my car?" He whined.
I ran up to him and jumped in the car. "Get in." I yelled as I saw the creature getting closer. After I noticed that Bryce wasn’t unless I gave him a legitimate reason I said it again but louder. He clinched his jaw but got in the car anyways.
"Hand me the keys." I instructed holding my hand out. He gave me the keys hesitantly and looked across the field at the moon creature.
"W-what is that?" He stuttered pointing at it.
"What, that huge beast running towards us?" I asked playing confused. "Oh that's just an old friend. We're playing tag and right now he's it." I said pulling out of the schools parking lot just as the creature was about to land on the car.

Chapter 4

I had no idea where I was going and the moon beast was tearing up everything around it. I had to get it away from civilization. Bryce was completely silent, I couldn't even tell if he was breathing or not."Bryce, I'm gonna need you to breath please," I glanced over at him quickly. "I don't need a death on my hands." 

He sucked in a huge breath as if he just emerged out of the water and held it for a couple of seconds before he fainted. 

"Are you kidding me dude, " I said. "Great!" I reached down on the floor and felt around for my phone before I found it.

I decided to call Simon since he knew how to destroy these things."Hey how's school-" he started.

"There's no time for that." I said frantically.

"Kenya, what's wrong? Where are you?" Simon

 "Simon those moon beast are here, on Earth, and they're chasing us." I turned down a dirt path that looked like it hadn't been used in years. It was so uneven it made Bryce gain consciences.

 "I'm on my way, just try to get somewhere safe." Simon said then hung up.


Bryce looked behind the car once he realized what type of situation we were in.

"Hey," I said to get his attention. "I'm about to make a really sharp turn so you might want to hold on." Bryce gripped his seat and closed his eyes. Like I said, I turned sharply around a tree, jerking the back end of the car. I stepped on the gas a speed through the woods losing the creature.

 "You can open your eyes, I've lost it." I said to Bryce. He opened his eye but kept his tight grip on the seat.

"Um, I hope you're okay with your car being sort of ruined." I said to Bryce. He didn't answer. It's a good thing he won't remember any of this after we erase his memory. It's one of the many powers my dad has that comes in handy with me. Bryce started to ease up a bit seeming as though he hasn't seen the creature yet. That was probably the worse move he could've made, because right as I was  about to turn so I could find a way out of the woods the moon beast jumped out of the trees and flipped the car. 

I'm positive the car did about four  flips and there's a wonder how we could've gotten out without any broken bones, or even dead. Once I finally came to, I realized the car had landed upside down against a tree and also that I was still alive.

 "Bryce, you still alive." I asked looking over at him. He mumured and opened his eyes to look over at me. "Good, i dont needa death on my hands." I flipped myself back over and kicked the window causing it to shatter. "What are you doing." Bryce asked bewildered. He flipped out of his seat.

 "How else are we suppose to get out ." I stood up and straightened my clothes. "Duh." He crawled out after me.

 'Kenya, we've found the moon beast. Are you okay.' I heard Kyle in my head. Oh now he wants to answer.

'Yeah I'm okay. It flipped the car that me and Bryce were in, and we just got out.' He didn't reply for a while so I reached back into Bryce's car and grabbed my phone.

 'Stay by the car I'm coming to get you.' He replied.

I walked over to Bryce who was sitting down leaning against the his broken car. Sitting down in front of him I looked him over to see how much damage he had to his body. He had a long cut that went down the side of his face that was bleeding and across his shoulder blade. His pants were ripped and showed all the other cuts that were bleeding on his legs. He also had a gash across his chest from when his window had broken. The rest of what I couldn't see was probably starting to bruise. I'm surprised he's not freaking out or even mad about his car like I thought he would. Probably in shock or something.

"Are you doing okay?" I asked. He took a deep breath and looked up at me.

"What are you?" He more than demanded. His expression changed from confused to scared to angered. "I'm human..." I said, unconvincing. He opened his mouth to reply but stopped short as his eyes moved to look at something behind me. I turned around and saw my brother driving towards us. Standing up I offered my hand to Bryce who brushed it away and helped himself.

 Kyle screeched to a stop and quickly got out of the car, slamming the door behind him. "What on earth were you thinking!" Kyle yelled at me gripping my shoulders and shaking me. "What else was I suppose to do! You didn't answer me!" I pushed him off of me. "This new planet has gotten you drifting away from me and we haven't even been here a full day!" I could see the anger leaving his face as every rushed word came flying out of my mouth.

 "We need to leave." He said. My breath hitched as I felt a wave of worry and regret hit me like a gust of wind. I had no idea where it was coming from until I looked at Kyle's face. The regret and worry I was feeling was coming from my brother. It was one of the powers that we were suppose to share if I were a boy, only I wasn't able to do anything like this before. This isn't normal, I knew I was different but not like this. I don't know what's happening anymore.

I stared at my brother bewildered, not knowing what to do. "Kenya?" Kyle asked. I came out of my trance and quickly got in the car so that I could go home .

  The drive home was silent.  I never turned to looked at my brother or Bryce who was seated in the back, looking clueless. I stared out the window into the never ending woods that we passed. In the reflection I could see Bryce looking in between Kyle and me. I could tell he was frightened and had no idea of what was going to happen to him. I almost felt sorry for meeting him, but then again we were going to alter his memory so that it only seemed that he got into a car accident.

 I hadn't looked to see what type of condition I was in, because I was a always a very quick healer, so whatever cut or bruise I had would be gone the next day. When my parents found out about this, it never fazed them. Sometimes i think my parents know something that they don't want to tell me, but I would always brush it off. 

 My left temple was bleeding from when my head smashed into the window and starting to dry a little. My arms were scratched like I'd been attacked my a dog and already starting to heal. My knees were scrapped and so were my knuckles from the one-on-one I had with the moon creature. All the minor injuries were healing now while the gash in my head would take all night.

'Kenya?' Kyle asked in my head. I could still feel the heaviness of worry and regret from him.

'Kenya, look I'm sorry I didn't answer back the first time and got angry with you for runnins off.' I didn't reply.

'It was my fault you ran off in the first place. This wouldn't have happened if I had went with you.' He said.

He was silent for a while and when he realized that I wasn't going to reply he didn't say anything else.

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