» Fantasy » This Is My Kingdom Come, Megan Rees [ready to read books .txt] 📗

Book online «This Is My Kingdom Come, Megan Rees [ready to read books .txt] 📗». Author Megan Rees

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the rising anxiety in her stomach.


She then heard voices coming from inside. One sounded rather fierce, which Luna recognised as Robert Chase within moments. Worry took it’s toll as the voices got louder before quietening down as they exited. Robert had the front, while another officer followed him.


Behind them was Ash, flanked by two officers.


“This is your last chance, Ashley,” Robert warned him icily, handing one of the officers a key. “Next strike and you’re out for good. Clear?”


Ash just scowled. “You deserve to die painfully, Councillor Chase.”


“Don’t you dare give me such flippant replies!” Robert snapped, seizing the brown haired boy’s shoulder harshly and pushing his fingertips down, making his nephew let out a slight groan of pain. “Councillor Airing and I will be keeping a close eye on you. Any slip-ups and you’ll know what’ll be coming.”


The black haired man nodded to the officers and released Ash, allowing him to stumble off towards the cabins. Luna approached him from behind and placed a gentle hand on his back to steady him. “Don’t allow him to overpower you, Ash. I know you’re stronger than that.”


“I have spent a month reliving my childhood. Any strength has been beaten out of me.” Ash responded darkly, not looking up to meet her gaze.


“You can’t expose yourself as vulnerable,” Luna went on. “You have to hide your fears. Like I hide my fear of heights by climbing trees. I understand your problems are much more complex than mine, but I want to help you in any way I possibly can. If you need to talk, you know where to find me.”


Ash just nodded. “Thank you, Luna.”


Cody smiled gleefully at Ash. “I’m so glad you’re out of prison now! You can show me all your little tricks!”


“We need to develop your powers first so you don’t go crazy. Do you know what power you possess yet?” Ash asked kindly.


“Awesomeness, obviously!” Cody chirped.


The brown haired teenager let out a short laugh, amusement dancing in his dark green gaze. “Naturally. Now, if you run along and collect up some wooden swords and a bite to eat for me, I’ll give you a quick lesson. I just need a quick word with your sister.”


As the blonde haired boy skipped off happily, Ash turned to face Luna and gave her a weak smile. “It’s good to see you, Luna. I apologise for my tone earlier when you were just trying to help.”


“It’s completely understandable in your circumstances,” Luna assured him. “You’ll heal some of the worst of your scars soon. Just hang in there, okay?”


“You can’t escape from the greatest of pain. You have to live with it forever,” Ash sighed softly. “Anyway, have you heard anything from The Lodge?”


“Celeste’s Pack is thriving well – she holds command over nineteen werewolves and seems to be enjoying living among other werewolves. Jason and Isabelle are hoping to move into The Lodge permanently on request of Nigel and are doing okay as spies, but I think Isabelle still has feelings for Atlas. Adele misses everyone terribly, but she’s enjoying life. Leon is trying to get in contact with Celeste’s friend Annabelle who he met when we were saving you from the Land Of The Lost, but he’s not having much success. Cassie and Will wish you happy birthday for a month ago and they sent a present over which I’ve got in my cabin,” Luna relayed back. “I have a small present for you also.”


Her friend looked oddly touched. “You didn’t have to get me anything. I only turned fifteen – not a big deal.”


“You’re in your last year of childhood, so I think that’s a pretty big deal,” Luna pointed out. “There’s also the fact that I’m now your girlfriend.”


“There is that fact, yes, but I’m still surprised. That means I have to get you something for your birthday now.” Ash teased.


Luna laughed lightly, just as Cody returned carrying two swords and a small brown paper bag. “I got you a blueberry muffin!” he announced.


“Thanks, Cody,” Ash replied, taking one of the wooden swords and the muffin. “Now, I’ll show you one of the first moves I learnt…”


As Luna settled down to watch the two Purebloods, she couldn’t help but think of Robert’s daunting warning. “Councillor Airing and I will be keeping a close eye on you. Any slip-ups and you’ll know what’ll be coming.”


This horrific man had somehow exposed Ash in some of the cruellest ways possible, even into his teen years where he was almost an adult.


How could he possibly live with no guilt for his actions towards his nephew?

Chapter 3 - Dangerous Miracle

Once Oscar and Evelyn had returned with the stag, Oscar had gone straight back to the castle to check in on his aunt and uncle. There were rumours about that Queen Rosalind had gone into labour while the Prince was out hunting, which had slightly concerned him. Is she okay?


“Where on earth have you been, your Majesty?” a plump woman with a blonde ponytail inquired as he reached the great wooden gate.


“Am I not allowed freedom, Daisy?” Oscar retorted, narrowing his brown eyes. “Anyway, what are these rumours flying round that Rosalind has given birth? Old Denis at the market was saying something about it.”


“It is true, but it’s not looking great at the moment,” Daisy sighed. “She has given birth to twins.”


“Then surely you should be rejoicing!” the brown haired Prince exclaimed in surprise. “What’s wrong with twins? This is wonderful news! We have two new members of the Royal Family!”


The maid bit her lip and folded her flabby arms. “They’re so frail, young Prince. Their survival rates aren’t looking great at the moment: they could die. Rosalind isn’t looking too well either.”


“Doesn’t the palace doctor have powers to cure sickness?” Oscar pointed out.


“He cannot allow someone to defy death, child.”


“Can I see them?”


“Certainly. Right this way.”


Oscar followed Daisy into the palace and down the long hallways, which was almost like a trip down memory lane for when his parents had ruled over the mighty kingdom. He could remember the day when his father had taught him how to fire a gun and he’d broken a window, but his father had been very patient and repaired the window using his powers as a Pureblood. He could remember his mother dancing down the exact same hallway on Christmas Eve when Oscar was about five. She had been a very graceful woman in her time.


Then came that awful day ten years ago.


Oscar had just turned six when terrorists broke into the palace. They were unemployed and had been for some time, so they wanted revenge. About twenty of them had snuck into the sleeping castle, killing two guards and one of the footmen. The Prince hadn’t heard the gunshots previously until he heard angry shouts coming from down in the kitchen. He’d woken up with a start then and wondered out – curiosity killed his cat multiple times and this was one such occurrence.


He had seen a terrorist with a loaded gun aimed straight for him once he’d come out of his room. He had been frozen with genuine terror, but his mother had shielded him and consequently was shot in the head right in front of her son.


The little boy had run then, all the way to his parent’s bedroom where his father was. The King himself was asleep, so Oscar had decided to wake him to tell him about what happened to the Queen.


He was unresponsive.


Then Oscar eventually found that his father had been shot in the heart.


Thinking about the memory had made Oscar feel a little shaky, so he stopped and straightened himself up, ready to present himself in front of his aunt and uncle. His honey brown hair wasn’t exactly tidy and neither were his clothes or hands, but he had to make haste. This could be the last time he’d see Rosalind alive.


When Daisy opened the door, Oscar stepped in and saw a small huddle of doctors around a small bed near the window murmuring a few inaudible words. Rosalind was on another bed opposite, her face pale and curly red hair sticking to her head. She lifted her head when her nephew walked in. “Oscar,” she quivered. “Why are you here?”


“How are you?” he asked anxiously.


“Tired. I’m not sure how the twins are, though. They haven’t even told me what gender they are,” Rosalind scowled. “As their mother, I should know. Go and find out for me, will you?”


“Where’s Stefan? Isn’t he with you?” Oscar questioned, narrowing his brown eyes suspiciously.


The Queen gestured to the window. “He’s checking up on something outside. He’ll be back in a moment. Could you just go and find out about my little children, please?”


The Prince cautiously made his way over to the doctors, his eyes wary. “How are they?”


One of the doctors shook his head, stepping to the side to reveal two newborns wrapped in satin, their eyes tightly closed.


They were both completely motionless.


Oscar reached out to place one hand on the closest child’s head, which was pale skinned much like Stefan and small like Rosalind. It even had their mother’s angular cheekbones.


Moving round, Oscar placed his hand on the other child’s head. This one had blonde hair as Stefan did, but bore no resemblance to Rosalind at all. It was completely their father’s child.


The child suddenly spluttered a cough, opening their wide eyes to reveal a sky blue colour. It opened it’s mouth and let out a wail of hunger which made the doctors rush over and inspect it. Rosalind let out a gasp. “My baby!”


“Hold your horses, your Highness. We still need to clarify a few things before we can let you hold them,” a doctor explained. “Would you mind if Oscar held it for a while so we can check it over?”


The Queen sniffed, but bowed her head. “Very well.”


Oscar wanted to reject due to anxiety, but he had completely no say in the matter as the young child was passed into his arms, it’s tiny legs kicking about in the air. Despite his nerve of welcoming his little cousin into the world, he felt quite calm holding the tiny little bundle.


“It’s a baby boy,” the doctor announced cheerfully. “Healthy one at that. He was fortunate to survive that ordeal.”


The door suddenly flung open and a tall stone-faced man with thick curly blonde hair and a long red robe walked in. “How are they?”


“One child was far too beautiful for this world and did not pull through, but one survived. You have a healthy baby son, King Stefan.” the doctor informed him.


Stefan had a rather menacing grin playing on his lips as he stared at Oscar, almost as if he was gloating over the fact that his own son would one day rule over the High Kingdom.


Nice try, but I’m next in line. Wait a couple years to see what happens then.


“I would like a private word with my wife, if that is at all possible,” Stefan asked, his black eyes thoughtful. “I will also hold a great feast to honour this wonderful news. I’m sure Matilda doesn’t have her hands full to help out with this, does she Oscar?”


“I haven’t the faintest idea, but I’ll find out for you.” Oscar offered, placing his cousin

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