» Fantasy » Balance, Kayla Williams [read after .txt] 📗

Book online «Balance, Kayla Williams [read after .txt] 📗». Author Kayla Williams

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are such a pig!," I teased.
"Oh yeah! I'M the pig...," he laughed.
"You are so mean!," I giggled. I plopped myself down in the chair next to him and grabbed a slice of pepperoni. I scarfed it in a few bites, because it turns out that I was starving.
"See, I was right!” he said. I just shook my head and got another piece. We all finished the pizza and moved onto the cake. It had chocolate fudge inside and I savored every bite. Somehow the conversations were actually normal, with mom not preaching again. She is one to talk, with how she got emancipated and lived with her boyfriend at age 17. I don't even bother to bring that up. Devin had to get on home and spend some time with his mom.
"See ya tomorrow Devin," I told him as I hugged him goodbye.
"Goodbye sweetie," he said and he gave me a quick kiss. I closed the door and went upstairs to my room. I flopped onto my bed and grabbed my journal that was set on my wooden nightstand. I flipped open the purple cover and turned to one of the empty pages.

Dear Diary,

I am a high school graduate as of today! We all celebrated at my house with pizza and cake. Devin was so sweet today. He did tease me a lot, but he always makes up for it. We have been together since sophomore year. I still remember the first time I saw him. I was going to my locker to set it up for the year. He ended up having a locker right next to mine. He made a bunch of jokes at how I was so neat and organized. I just teased him back for being so messy. He was so cute to me. He asked me out on just the second week of school. So, it's almost been three years! I wonder if we should rent an apartment together... It would be easier to afford if we split the payments, and we are both 18. I kinda want to ask him...Though, what if he gets weirded out or something? Well, we've been together for a while, my family has accepted him, and he loves me. So, he shouldn't feel smothered right? I'm just kinda afraid to rent an apartment by myself. Plus, who knows who I'd get stuck with if I stay in a dorm. What should I do? Maybe I should just come out and ask him... I know, I'll ask him to come on a date with me tomorrow and I'll be extra nice to him. Butter him up... Then he'd feel guilty if he didn't agree... That does sound kinda devious though. Hmm.... It IS a pretty good plan. Well, it's not like he's agreeing to anything bad.

Chapter 2)

"It is 6:30 in Jackson Mississippi and it looks like we'll be getting some rain tonight....," the announcer on the radio said. I turned off my alarm and rolled back over onto my pillow. I forgot to turn off my alarm now that it's summer. I still felt so tired, so I pulled the cover back over my head to shield my eyes from the sun.
The light was pouring in from my window, and I could still see it through the cover and my eyelids. I gave up and flung the cover off of me. Yawning, I stepped out of bed and almost stepped on my Husky, Blizzard.
"Blizzy! What are you doing sleeping right next to my bed? Why didn't you just jump up on the bed? You would have been warmer," I told her. She rolled over onto her back and she flicked her paws at me. Blizzy's tongue was sticking out, so I just shook my head and smirked. I trudged sleepily downstairs and went into the bathroom. I flicked on the light and stared at myself in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot from sleeping. I splashed some water on my face, trying to wake up some more. My hair was frazzled so badly that the only way to repair it was to shower. So I got in, and I made sure I used a lot of conditioner. The water was so refreshing as it hit my face and warmed me up. I sighed and thought about seeing Devin today. I got out and wrapped myself up, then there was a knock on the door.
"Avery, are you in there?" my mom called.
"Yea, you can come in, I got a towel on," I replied. She came in and started brushing her hair.
"So, since it's Saturday, what do you want to do?" She asked and smiled at me.
"Well, I had a plan to go on a date with Devin. Like a celebration date for graduation, if that's OK," I said with a question in my voice.
"Yea, I think that'll be fine. I didn't have anything special planned. I guess then your dad and I could go on a date too," she said thoughtfully.
"That's a good idea Mom. Relaxation...," I agreed.
"I should probably put on something nice and tell your father," she told me. I smiled at her and started brushing my teeth. She left and went into the kitchen.
I put on my clothes and then started combing my hair. It looked much nicer now that it got some moisture. My watch said it was almost eight so I was sure that Devin was up by now and that I could call him. I picked up my cell phone and found him in my contacts. I listened to the ringing for some time until I finally heard something.
"H-hello..?," Devin said in a sleepy voice.
"You're not out of bed yet?," I questioned.
"Um... No? Should I be? It IS Saturday you know," he said in a smart alecy voice.
"Yes, Devin I KNOW what day it is. I'm not stupid. So, what are you going to do today?," I said trying to be nicer in the later sentence.
"Probably nothing," he said through a yawn.
"Oh, well, OK....," I said defeated.
"Sweetie, is something wrong?," he asked in a concerned.
"Kinda...," I replied in a little kid voice.
"Tell me babe if I did something. Please tell me. I did kinda snap at you,” he admitted.
"You didn't really do anything wrong... I'm just, disappointed," I explained.
"What is it?" he wondered.
I sighed into the phone, and told him, "Well, I wanted to go on a date with you today and have some fun. Though, you seem like you just want to lie around and sleep."
"Oooo sweetie! It's not like that! I just didn't know you wanted to do something. You should have just asked me. Why didn't you?" he asked.
I kinda giggled at how sweet he was being. "Well, I just didn't want to flat out ask you... you'd feel obligated...," I said. He sighed, and I could somehow hear the smile in his voice, "Oh yes, I am so mad now at you for forcing me into this. It's just all so sudden. I don't even know a knowledgeable response to this," he pretended to be furious.
"So.... can we go somewhere?," I kinda pleaded.
"Didn't you hear me? I am so upset with you...," he said then he burst out laughing. I laughed along with him. How can he turn a situation around like that so easily?
I guess that's how we've stayed together so long. He always keeps us laughing at each other.
"Where do you want to go?," I questioned in a funny tone.
"How about we walk out to the park, have lunch, then go to a movie? It seems pretty nice today." He said thoughtfully.
"That would be great. I did hear that it would rain tonight though. We should be able to get back before then I think. Are you too tired to be out all day?" I asked.
"No, I think I'll be OK. Though, I didn't get much sleep," Devin told me.
"Why did you stay up?" I said in a concerned voice.
"I didn't think I'd need to get up early, remember?" He said jokingly.
"Oh, right, sorry... So what time should I meet you?," I asked.
"I'll just pick you up in a little bit. Just give me some time to get ready," he explained.
"Alrighty, I'll see you then sweetie," I said agreeing with his plan.
"Bye Avery, I loooovvve you," Devin cooed.
"I love you too," I said sweetly. I pressed the end button on my cell and sat down in my black desk chair. I smiled, being excited about seeing him and going out on such a nice day. I really hope the rain doesn't come early, because otherwise we can't go to the park. I wonder where he wants to eat for our dinner. I hope it's somewhere nice. I went downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I smelled bacon and biscuits cooking on the stove. I sat down at the glass table and took a drink of the orange juice that was already poured. My mom brought over a plate with two strips of bacon and some biscuits with honey drizzled on them.
"Ooo! honey! Thanks Mom," I awed.
"Mmhmm. Your welcome," she said. Mom went over and got herself a plate and sat down across from me. The flowers in the middle of the table made it hard to see her.
"Where did the bouquet come from?" I asked.
"Oh, your father went to the florist this morning. I guess he’s in the same kinda mood as me," she said happily. They were a bunch of daisies and roses of many shades in a clear glass vase.
"That was sweet of him. With all these guys being so nice, you'd think it was Valentine's Day," I laughed.
"Yep, I'm surprised there doing anything when they are not obligated to," she smirked.
"Exactly, Devin has actually been really nice to me this morning," I agreed
"So, did you guys figure out what you are doing for your date?" Mom asked me.
"Yea, he’s going to pick me up soon and then were going to the park to walk around. For lunch, he is going to take me to a restaurant. Though I don't know where," I explained.
"That sounds like a good idea. It's very nice out today," she said. I forked a piece of biscuit and shoved it in my mouth. Then I heard a horn from outside.
I looked out the window and saw Devin's red truck. I smiled and said, "There he is now, bye Mom, thanks for the breakfast."
"No problem Avery," she assured. I went to the window and held up a finger to say I needed a minute. I went to put my black sandals on, and I grabbed my leather purse. I skipped outside and smiled at him being silly. Getting in the truck, I saw he was wearing the black collared shirt I gave him for his birthday.
"Sweetie, you're wearing the shirt I got you!" I exclaimed, giggling.
"Mhmm, I thought you'd like that," he said. I leaned over the seat and hugged him. He put the truck in drive and started down the road. It definitely wasn't raining yet, because there were white fluffy clouds in the sky and the sun was shining. I could see a breeze as the trees waved a bit. As we came to a stop sign, passing McDonald's, I saw Mark and Lawrence.
"Hey, look, your friends are over there," I told him.
"Oh yea, I see them. Let's go say hi real quick," he said, pulling into the McDonald's parking lot.
"Hey Devin!" Mark waved. The vehicle rolled to a halt
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