» Fantasy » Balance, Kayla Williams [read after .txt] 📗

Book online «Balance, Kayla Williams [read after .txt] 📗». Author Kayla Williams

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at him and pursed my lips, as if I was pondering it. Though I was really just waiting for him to help me.
"Are you having a hard time deciding again?" Devin mocked. I rolled my eyes, and noticed that the light coming in from the shades along the wall had gotten dimmer. I scrunched my eyebrows, wondering if it would rain. The forecast had said there could be a chance of a gloomy day.
"Did you notice how it seems to be getting darker outside?
"Yeah, I noticed when I saw you staring at something," he said, quirking an eyebrow.
"I was looking at the windows," I explained.
"Um..., yeah, and it is totally coincidental that there is a table of young guys in tight shirts in the same direction?" he laughed. I just gave him an annoyed stare as he chuckled. I looked back at the menu, skimming the side platters.
Devin finally caught his breath and asked, "You want some help?" That's what I've been waiting for.
"Um, sure," I said nonchalantly.
"How about we split one of these appetizer plates that has like 3 different kinds of sides on it?" he suggested.
"That sounds good, what should we get?" I questioned.
"There's hot wings, mashed potatoes, shrimp, onion rings, chicken strips, and fried mushrooms," he added.
"I'll pick the onion rings, and you pick the other two." I said.
"Alright, how about hot wings and shrimp?" he picked.
"Sure, now what for dessert?" I asked.
"You... must decide that sweetie" he said with a sly grin. What the heck is that about?
"Um...," I stammered and avoided his gaze by looking back at the menu. I've decided that Devin got a little too much sun. I thought this was quite funny, and I smirked to myself. I scanned the choices for something chocolaty. There was this delicious looking fudge cake with ice cream, so I pointed at it to show Devin.
"Hmmm," he pondered and nodded, still being creepy. It was like this dessert thing was a choice that would determine our fates. I waved at our waitress that we were ready. Anilee came back over, still pretending to be peppy, even though I knew something else was on her mind. She set down our drinks and looked at us expectantly. Devin ordered for us, and Anilee smiled before she took off. I took a deep breath, calming myself. "What is it sweetie?" he asked, concerned.
"I don't know, I just don't feel right. Maybe it's the weather," I suggested.
"Yea, it is getting pretty dreary out," he agreed.
"At least it's like that now, and not while we were at the park," I said, optimistically. Devin took a swig of his soda, looking at me at the same time with sad eyes. It was pretty cute. I laughed a little, and then stuck out a fake pouty lip.
"Sweetheart, you can't be sad on our date," he frowned.
"I'm sorry Devin. I've been having a fun time though," I told him. I started to hear the sound of water on the windows. Sure enough, the weatherman was right. I sighed, because the rain was bringing me down.
Our food came after my stomach growled at me for the fourth time. Everything was delicious, and I was still wondering during every bite what was so special about my dessert. The waitress took our empty plates, and Devin looked over at me with an expecting grin. I squinted my eyes at him as though I was getting aggravated. Anilee brought over my fudge cake, and it had sparklers stuck in it with "Congratulations!" written in white icing. She lit the sparklers and I smiled, because this was a nice surprise from Devin.
"Awww! This is so nice babe!," I exclaimed. He just kept on smiling, with his lips and his eyes. Anilee left us, while I watched as the sparklers fizzled out.
Devin clapped and said, "Your eyes looked so beautiful in the sparklers light." I leaned over the table, watching out for the cake, and kissed him. Devin pulled out the sparklers, and handed me a fork. The cake looked so perfect sitting there on the plate, I almost didn't want to eat it. My taste buds won over me though, and I took a bite. The combination of the ice cream, chocolate syrup, and the cake itself was amazing. I chewed extra slow, closing my eyes. "Let me guess, its a chocolate wonderland in your mouth?" He joked.
"Maybe...," I confessed.
"Can I have some....?" he asked.
"I'm not so sure," I said sarcastically. Devin grabbed a fork and got a piece on his fork. He slowly started to put it in his mouth, as if it was a huge deal. I quirked an eyebrow at him. He finally took a bite, and I stole his fork. I giggled and held it up in the air. Devin laughed, still with food in his mouth. He almost choked on the cake, and started coughing. Which, just made me laugh even more. It went on like that till the cake was finished. We just couldn't be mature for even one date. We left and jumped in the truck. My legs squeaked on the seats, because of the rain. My clothes were soaked, and my hair was frizzing out.
"So, what movie are we going to see?" Devin asked.
"Oh I don't know, let's figure it out once we get there," I suggested. We got to the theatre and decided to see something romantic. Devin bought me some gummy bears and popcorn. We got into the theatre, as pretty much the only ones there. We sat in the back, and I leaned my head on his shoulder. The movie went on for a while, making me sleepy. When it was over, it was actually starting to get late. I looked at the clock on my cell with the dim light reflecting onto my face. It was 5:00 already. We walked slowly out to the parking lot because I felt really tired even though it was still raining a little. Yawning, Devin started the engine. This of course, made me yawn as well, just like it always does.
"Well, I think I'm going to take a nap, if that's alright with you," I offered.
"Yea sure, sweetie," he allowed. So, I dozed off as Devin drove me home.

Chapter 3)
(Devin's perspective)

I woke up feeling water hitting my face and pain in every muscle of my body. My eyes were blurry, so I couldn't make out where I was. I rubbed my eyes, and felt blood on my fingertips. I gasped, and my eyes finally came into focus. I was in my truck, the glass was shattered, and I was in a ditch. Oh god no! This has to be a dream! I looked to my right, and saw Avery lying in the seat with cuts in her face. One of her legs was twisted a way it shouldn't be, and her face was covered in blood. My mind filled with shock, and I didn't know if I should touch her. I pulled my cell out of my pocket and dialed 911. I explained the situation, ordering an ambulance. As soon as I hung up, my eyes blurred again from tears. I couldn't even believe what was happening, and I didn't know if Avery was even still alive. After a while, the ambulance arrived. They checked to see if Avery still had a pulse, and then they loaded her onto a stretcher.
"Wait, is she going to be alright?" I asked in a shaking voice.
"Well, she's still alive. That's the good news," He explained. A nurse came over to me and started tending to my wounds. Then she told me to get into the ambulance with Avery. My brain went out of focus the whole ride to the hospital. My thoughts were screaming in my head, demeaning me. This was all my fault. I felt like bursting out and crying, but I just couldn't. Not now, not while people were around me. I had to be strong, I just had to get through this. I limped through the hospital as the nurse directed me to our room. Two other nurses wheeled Avery on her stretcher and carefully placed her on the bed. She was unconscious, with bruises, cuts, and a broken leg. We had gotten lucky. We both could have died in the accident. If I just hadn't fallen asleep at the wheel, we would both be at our homes by now. I used Avery's cell to call her parents, and her mom instantly started crying. They hung up on me, knowing it was my fault. A nurse came to take Avery for an x-ray on her leg, to see how much damage there really was. By then, Avery's parents, and my mom were there in the waiting room. I went out and hugged my mom. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying. She asked me some questions about how Avery was, then I went back into our room. I sat there on the hospital bed for about a half hour. I watched the black and white clock on the wall the whole time. I didn't even think about watching T.V., I didn't think hardly at all. When the nurse brought Avery back, she was in a wheel chair. Avery looked at me and smiled.
"Avery! You're awake!" I exclaimed. It felt like my heart had just stopped beating, because I had been so worried about her. I hadn't known when she'd be conscious again...
"Yes, sweetie. If you are careful, I'd like a hug," she suggested.
"Of course," I whispered. I gingerly put my arms around her, noticing all the tiny stitches on her face. The nurse helped her up on the bed and she lied down. The part of her leg that was sticking out of her gown was swollen and red. The nurse left, after asking if Avery wanted anything to eat. "Do you know?" I wondered.
"The nurse told me everything babe. I'm not mad at you or anything," she told me.
"Well you should be....," I stammered.
"I can't be mad at you. You know that," she said sweetly. I hung my head and stared at the floor, feeling shame. "Though, I was really shocked when I woke up, and everything hurt. I wished you would have told me you were so tired. I would have stayed awake, and none of this would have happened.
"I feel terrible....", I said weakly. I turned away, even though I heard her try to get my attention many times.
After a while, a doctor came in to set Avery's leg in a cast. He was pretty old, and any hair that was left was gray. He wore old style glasses with brass rims.
"Hello, my name is Dr. Fidelie. How are you?" He asked Avery.
"I'm sore, and I’m not unconscious anymore," she giggled.
"That's good, and you?" he looked at me.
"I'm doing just fine," I said through gritted teeth. The doctor looked through his papers quickly.
Avery scrunched her eyebrows together, looking confused.
"Well, I'm sure you both will know more very soon. Avery, I'm not going to set your cast just yet. I'm going to have a word with your parents. I'll be right back," the doctor excused himself.
He left the room, and when the door finally shut, I was startled. I looked over at Avery, and then at her legs. We didn't speak until Dr. Fidelie came back, and Avery's parents came too. "You see, Avery is in a very critical condition. Can I tell her, Mrs. White?" the Doctor questioned in a hushed tone. She nodded through tears. He looked over at Avery, and he
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