Complicated, Creature Moon, Raven Sterling [the first e reader .TXT] 📗

- Author: Creature Moon, Raven Sterling
Book online «Complicated, Creature Moon, Raven Sterling [the first e reader .TXT] 📗». Author Creature Moon, Raven Sterling
Everyone ran out the room in their groups. Raven slowly got up she was so mad her fangs popped out She quickly closed her mouth. Creature, Peter and Victoria walked up too her. Victoria spoke first " So whose house are we doing it at cause we cant do it at mine." Peter spoke next " Not at mine what about you Raven" Raven quickly shook her head no still hiding her fangs. Everyone looked at Creature with a grin on her face " My house today at 6pm dont be late" Creature spoke while writeing her adress on slips of paper and handed them out. She walked out of the room. "Well see you guys there" Peter said and walked out the room. Raven and victoria looked at eachother "Owe great" Victoria said and walked out the door leaving Raven.
Raven walked home poking at her teeth she didnt know what was going on this hasnt happen before. She was unware of being watched. Raven shuffled her feet as she walked not looking foward too visit Creature. Before you know it Raven was on her way too Creatures house. She deicided too walk it wasnt that far. When she got there there was only one house on the street which she guess it was Creature's house. The house was huge but broken floor and wall boards. The stairs was practically broken in the front of the house and dead trees filled the yard. The grass was dead a black spiked fence went around the house itself. Raven stared at it for a while. She went up too the house and knocked. Creature opened the door with an evil smile on her face and signaled her too come in.
Chapter 3Raven looked around the house. There was torn up couches and dust everywhere. Raven looked at the spiral stairs and saw Peter sitting on the stair steps with Victoria. " Well now that we are all here, anyone have any ideas what to do for our project" Victoria said speaking first. She seemed annoyed. " I say volcano" Creature answered. "What about you raven?" Peter asked trying too look cheerful and that he wanted too be there. Raven shrugged cause her fangs are still out. She looked at the worried. "Volcano" Creature kept saying over and over again. While they argued Raven looked up the stair case and saw a figure of a boy standing and watching them from the top of the stair case. Raven took out her blood bottle and drank out of it and stared at the figure for a while but soon interupted by Victoria saying " Right Raven" Raven was ignoring all of them she had no idea what they were talking about. She quickly nodded and looked back up the stairs but there was no figure too be found. She deicided too do some investigation of her own. " Creature where is the bathroom?" she said then quickly shut her mouth forgetting her fangs where still out. "Upstairs 4 door too the left" Creature responded grinning. Raven quickly ran up the spiral stairs. She made it upstairs looking around.
A long narrow hall with at least 20 doors on each side of the hall. Raven looked around. She began opening doors. She opened one of the doors. A huge library with books everywhere and huge tall shelfs filled the room. "Whoa" she whispered. "What are you doing in here" Creatures voice crept into the room she quickly turned around. " I dont enjoy vampires in my personal rooms. Raven stared with huge eyes she didnt know what too say. "You might wanna put your teeth back in kid" Creature said with a grin on her face. Raven opened her mouth and poked at her tooth as if she was a little kid and her tooth was loose. "Im not a kid and i cant put my fangs back in. Raven sat on a near by chair. " Don't worry im a freak too" Creature said as she sat next too Raven. " No your not" Raven said crossing her arms and staring at the floor. " Im a glitch" Creature said proudly. "Whats that?" Raven asked. Creature's face drowned and frowned. "I'll just show you." Creature sat up from her seat and stood in front of Raven. Raven looked up. Creature ran towards Raven. Raven flinched but then Creature disapeered. Raven stood up and looked around.
Creature waved from a courner. "Basically i can teleport" She said and leaned on the a wall. "Owe great" Raven murmered too herself. "You know im right here" Creature said sitting right next too her. Raven screamed and fell off her chair as Creature laughed her head off. As Raven fell she hit a bookshelf and books fell off onto her. Creature kept laughing. Raven popped her head out of the book pile. "That wasnt funny" Raven snapped at Creature. Ravens voice quickly drowned and she stood up. Raven stared at the door way her eyes big. Peter stood and asked "Are you guys okay? I heard screaming" He looked at Creature. "What?" Creature answered too his gaze. Raven dusted off herself. "Well, me and Victoria thought making a potato clock would be cool for the project. As he spoke Creature stood up."That is the most lamest idea i ever heard" Creature said as she went up to peter. "Is lamest even a word." Peter said testing Creatures anger. Creature opened her mouth but was quickly cut off by a scream from downstairs. "God Damit" Creature said and she ran downstairs with Raven and Peter following.
They ran down the stairs too Victoria tied up. "What the heck happened?!" Peter ran down too Victoria. He took out his dark dagger and cut the rope at her wrists and ankles. "I saw a fucking shadow and and" Victoria said while stumbling on her words. "Spit it out already" Creature said not really caring. " There was this shadow of someone and asked who was there and.. and" Victoria bursted out crying and she contuiued between sobs "Its face was like a nightmare with huge pointy teeth and tentcals comming too get me and huge vicious eyes." Creature grinned "That was my brother" she said twirling her hair. "Comon Creature this isnt funny" Peter snapped at her. "Im not joking thats my brother Alex" As creature said the word Alex Ravens eyes widen. "Come out Alex" Creature yelled. Alex trotted down the stairs. With a black hoodie and jeans. "What do you possibly want" Said Alex annoyed. "Thats not him." Victoria answered and before Creature could answer Peter spoke. " Ok maybe your imaginating things Victoria"
"Lets just meet at the park tommarow." Victoria whined. Raven wanted too say something then Creature intrupted her. "Park 7:00pm tommarow." She said then shoved everyone out the door. Tommarow was the weekend and doing school work on a weekend wasnt really her plan. As everyone walked home Raven saw Peter across the road talking too a tall man in a suit. They looked as they where yelling at eachother she closed her eyes and focused on them. " I'm done Peter you need too give the money in by tommarow or deal off" The tall man yelled shielding his face with his shirt collar. " I will i just need more time" Peter asked pleading Raven couldn't hear the rest. She quietly stood and like some things it was stuck in her head. She tried too think of other stuff but when she got home she sat down on the sidewalk and let her imagination go wild.
Raven began too think the what if's like.." Was it a drug deal" or "Maybe they are secret agents" and even "Maybe they are crimnals" Raven could'nt take it any longer she had too know and istead of asking of the phone like a civilized person, she decided too follow. The whole night she followed Peter and the tall man, like a lost puppy she followed Til they stopped. They Finally stopped in a grave yard. The tall man gave Peter a bottle filled with some orange liquid. "In and Out quick dont cause damage" The tall man spoke pointing at the old chamber of secrets which was an old libary. Peter walked in and Raven sneeked in after. They walked strait through the long booked filled hall way. Dust filled the room and it seemed it was getting harder too breath. As the air got thinner so did hall way but Peter went head on. The hall way got darker and she couldn't where the bginning and end was or where Peter was. She heard a huge glass breaking sound but as she ran she bumped into a wall at the end of the hall. There was no Peter. she slid down the wall at the end of the hall too the floor Til her shirt got hooked on something on the wall. Raven tugged on he cought shirt til her shirt broke and the door opened too a huge libary. She walked into the huge room and saw Peter. "Why did you follow me" He spoke angry.
I didnt answer the words couldnt come out. He stared with hate and right then raven knew she had made a huge mistake. "Raven, I am doing things that you do not need too be envoved.. once your in you cant get out" He spoke staring into her eyes. "Raven i care .." He was cut off by the roof rumbling. Dust off the ceiling fell off into raven hair. Her and Peter stared at eachother. He grabbed her hand and ran out towards the exit. The place started crumbling to bits one by one pieces of the wall started too fall down onto them like rain. Peter started too dodge every piece still dragging raven behind. They ran till a peice blocked the door. Peter looked for a place too escape. Raven looked around then at peter. He took off his belt and hooked it on a pipe sticking out of the wall and climbed up too the open hole in the ceiling and then looked down at raven expecting her too follow. Raven did as same and met peter at the top. He gave her a boost up and she crawled out. She looked down at peter he couldnt reach the edge of the sides around the hole too saftey. He looked at her and she looked back down they both knew that he wasnt getting out that way. His grip began too slip and he looked back up at Raven with only one hand holding him. She grabbed his arm and tried too pull him up herself but it just made the situation worest. Peter finally gave his last glance at
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