Complicated, Creature Moon, Raven Sterling [the first e reader .TXT] 📗

- Author: Creature Moon, Raven Sterling
Book online «Complicated, Creature Moon, Raven Sterling [the first e reader .TXT] 📗». Author Creature Moon, Raven Sterling
It was a raining day and a young 17 year old vampire was staring out her school window watching the drops of rain fill the window as the others students talked amoung themselfs.She was pretty but dark. Most of the boys didn't talk too her cause half of the time she was too shy to answer. Most kids didn't evem know her name was Raven nor did they care.The only friend she had was a Brown hair girl who was strong and demanding named Victoria.She was there whenever Raven needed her or whenever Raven needed someone too talk too but with her secret being a vampire and all her friend didnt know all about her.
As Raven watched the rain slide down the window the teacher directed her attention too the front of the room.Raven looked up and saw a boy about 17, who wore a blue T-shirt, and his hands in his ripped jean pockets and tossed his dirty blonde hair too the side. Raven frozed and stared she had this feeling she has not felt in a long time, she couldn't remember but she felt warm inside she couldnt help but smile and gazed at him as the teacher directed him too the the desk in the front of the class. Victoria looked at her friend and stared then followed her eyes too the new boy writing notes and frown.
The teacher exused the class too talk among themselfs, Immedently Victoria Spranged up and darted too Raven hiding her face with her dark black hair. Hiding her feelings and secrets. Victoria slammed her hands on Ravens desk and got her attention and pointed at the new boy and said in demand "You like him don't you!" Raven looked down and gently said "no". Victoria stood and turned around relized that they were being watched.A girl came from the shadows her name was Creature no one liked her and she didnt like anyone, some said she was evil. Creature stood from her desk in the back ofthe room and began too walk towards Victoria and Raven. Victoria stood in front of Raven. Creatures light blond hair flowed and her scar across her face became more noticable.
Raven slouched in her chair, trying too hide. Creature narrowed her eyes at Raven and went too her ear. The class went silent. Creature whisperd into Ravens ear. " I know who you are... I know what you are and if you keep making googly eyes at him or hurt him you will know what true pain feels like. The conversation was quickly ended when the new boy grabbed Creature by her shoulder and tugged her back. He looked into Ravens eyes and put out his hand and greeted her with a troubling smile " Hi im peter." Raven opened her mouth but was quickly Rejected by Victoria as she stepped in. Peter Frowned and walked away as Raven looked up at Victoria with hate in her eyes.
The bell began too ring and everyone ran out the door.Raven ran out and looked around for Peter and saw him sitting on a near by bench with is head down, murmering too himself. Raven could tell something was up. She quietly walked up to him and sat down by him. She stared at him for some reason she felt sad that he was this was not a normal feeling, she asked what was wrong. Peter gently put his hair up but avoiding eye contact with Raven. Raven saw tears in his eyes. He coverd his face with his hands and spoke "After a while you learn the diffrence between... holding a hand and falling in love" He paused and contuiued "You begin too learn that kisses dont always mean something, promises can be broken... just as quickly as they are made and... sometimes goodbyes are forever."
Raven stared at him as he went on " I came too this school too stay with my girlfriend but... she didnt want me anymore... we been together for a long time but i never relized that it would feel like this when... your hearts broken." Raven stared at his eyes no longer with tears but with hate, there was a change in mood in the air.He stood and turned towards her.His eyes began too soften and he walked away pretending nothing happened. Pretending he didnt tell her his feelings nothing happened. Raven felt bad for him she watched him walk out slamming the door behind him. Raven stood there processing everything she stood up and began too walk away but kicked something with her foot. She looked down and saw a black dagger shining at her. She grabbed it and stuidied it. She looked at the handle a dent with the letter "P" into it. She quickly relized it was Peters. She quickly stuffed it in her bag.
Raven was on her way out when someone was blocking the door. A young boy her age with black hair and striking green eyes he waved and smiled wearing jeans and a grey hoodie. She never saw or met him before, she thought he would move and maybe he was waving at someone else behind her thats what happens most the time but the more she went closer the more she relized he was looking at her. She finally got too him but he wouldnt move. He leaned on the door and smiled at her. "Hey gorgeous" he said. raven was flattered and all but no one ever said that too her. She opened he mouth too speak but was cut off by a yelling from behind her down the hall. "Hey firty boy lets go" a voice she reconized it was creature. Creature quickly tugged the boys arm and walked out as the boy struggled too get too her. Raven stood out the door as Creature dragged the boy too a car and said "Get in Alex" and shoved him in. Raven watched them drove off with Alex looking embrassed.
That night Raven was in her bed laying and staring at the ceiling with Peters dagger too her heart thinking. about him, and yet again she had the same feeling of her heart beating fast and felt all warm and tingling inside. She havn't felt this is quite a long time she could barely remember the last. She didnt know what it was. SHe stared and gazed at her plain white ceiling which became a movie screen, and the main attraction was peter and his words the words that made her think.. he might of trusted her.
Chapter 2The next morning Raven woke up lazy as ever and walked downstairs. She looked at the time she freaked out owe no shes late for school. She ran back too her roomand dug through her drawers she had absloutly nothing too wear but a super over sized T-shirt and a ugly green plaid skirt. She slipped them down quickly put her shoes on and grabbed an apple and ran out the door. The bus was about the leave the stop. She stuck Peters Dagger in her pocket and ran after the bus. The bus wasnt Ravens best part of the day being teased and poked, forced too sit with the younger kids. She hated it but it was her only way too school. She usally had her own seat no one dared to sit next too her and her friend victoria didnt ride the bus. Raven could just suck everyone too nothing and take there blood when she was mad but the outcome wouldnt be so great. Even when she wanted too she just grabbed her bottle and drank animal blood from it. Luckly no one asked what was in it.
It was a normal day but when everything was fine she heard from a little kid "I see london is see france I see Ravens underpants" Raven quickly looked at her skirt and saw the dagger making a huge hole. She quickly covered it with her large T-shirt. Of course the little kids where laughing there heads off. She tried too hide it best she could then she heard a faint voice of a figure standing in front of her " Can i sit next too you?" She slowly looked up.. it was Peter. She kindly smiled and blushed embrassed.She scooted over and made room for him too sit and he sat. "So whats up" He gazed into her eyes which made it worest cause her face was practically a tomato. " Owe I-I um I found your dagger" She said quickly as she could and handed him the dagger. He stared at it Raven relized that his whole face drowned and went serious. He then looked up at her. "You didnt tell or use it right?" he asked, Raven responded with a nod. He did a faint smile and looked away and as he did Raven tried too fix the rip in her skirt. She looked up and down checking if Peter didnt see anything. She heard someone behind her burst out laughing... she slowly turned around and saw the boy from yesterday .. Alex. He smiled and winked at her. He saw her panties if she could she would smack that smile off his face. He was enjoying it.
Peter then turned around she looked up and smiled he didnt notice anything.Finally which seemed for a long time they reached the school. Raven dashed too her locker looking for something too change into,she grabbed her gym shorts and quickly ran too the bathroom and put them on. As she ran too her locker she stuffed her skirt in the locker. As she reached for her text books something smacked her butt she quickly turned around and saw Alex whisper too her " I liked the skirt better." and walked away with a grin on his face. "What the Hell" Raven murmerd. Raven began too walk too class.
Raven seated herself in her seat in the back of the room and began too look out the window. "So gym shorts are the new style huh?" The voice of Victory came behind her. She glaced at her friend grumpy. "Whoa whoa sorry dude." She gesterd her hands up " Bad morning huh?" Victoria slid in the seat next too Raven and put her bag down. Victoria began too talk but was quickly silneced by Raven in her head as Peter walked in to his seat it the front of the class room. Raven stared zoning out. The teacher walked up too the class and began too talk. "Ok, class today we are having a project but, in groups of four." She spoke as she took a clipboard off her desk and stood in the front of class and contuiued too speak. "Ok I made everyones groups already. Our first group is.. Peter, Raven." As she spoke Ravens eyes lite up she was with Peter the teacher began too speak. " Victoria, and Creature." Raven looked at Creature and she looked back with a grin on her face. The teacher said the rest
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