» Fantasy » Desired, Abigail Livinghouse [books to read to improve english .TXT] 📗

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at you then she’ll be equally as pissed at me for supporting you.” Nick exclaimed in defense.


Gabriel sighed, and I could nearly see him running a hand through his golden hair. “I really don’t care anymore, what I care about is making sure Rafaela is protected at all times–”


“And that’s exactly what you’re doing.” Nick interrupted him mid-sentence.


“Look”, Nick said in a softer tone this time. “The whole reason we’re keeping her here is to make sure she’s safe and protected. As long as she is, you’re doing your job exactly the way you’re supposed to. Trust me, I know Zale. He’s one for dropping in unexpectedly, or dramatically, or both. He’ll want to attack at the most least suspected moment. Right now, we suspect him, which means he won’t be dropping in any time soon. Rafaela’s going back to school today, and we’ll both be nearby, my kid goes to the same private school as her. She’ll be perfectly safe. Everything’s fine, and everything will stay that way.” Nick assured in a soothing tone. There was silence for a few moments, before Gabriel spoke.


“You’re not one for advice, but that was pretty damn good.” He said appreciatively.


Nick chuckled. “I’ll take that as a thank you.” He said.


And I took that as my cue to come in. “Hey”, I said, walking into the living room as if I hadn’t heard all the yelling.


“Am I going to school today or what?” I asked, looking at them. Both of the boys were staring at me as if I had just taken my top off and flashed them both. Seriously, their eyes were nearly bugging out of their heads. I scowled.


“What?” I asked, my eyes resting on Gabriel.


He was looking at me in almost an observatory way, as if he was trying to find something. For a split second I thought he had realized that I had heard his and Nick’s conversation, and my heart picked up speed. But then his brief flicker of intuition faded, causing my shoulders to dip slightly in relief, and he nodded.


“Yes, you should get ready. I brought over some of your clothes last night, so hurry. We’re later than I had hoped.” He said, shooing me away. I nodded, gladly leaving them both alone and hopping in the shower.

Chapter Four



“She heard us.” I said as soon as Rafaela was in the bathroom. Nick nodded.


“Yeah, I know. Think she’s worried about what’s going on?” He asked seriously, his blue eyes hard. I shook my head.


“I don’t know. She’s angry, but she knows that this is serious, so she’s not complaining.” I said in a weak tone. “I wish I knew when we could get her back home.” I said.


Nick sighed, leaning his head back on the sofa, looking just as exhausted as I felt.


“Dude, I know. I feel the same, but we can’t take her back until we know for sure that Zale’s going to stay away from her.” He said for about the thousandth time. I rolled my eyes, my own annoyance making its way to the forefront of my mind.


“I know, I know.” I said, going over and plopping down into one of the kitchen chairs.


I rubbed my eyes, keeping my hand over them and resting my elbow on the table. I was a little worried about sending Rafaela back to school without being right next to her, but I knew I couldn’t babysit her like this. I had to let her live her life like I was doing before all this happened. The only problem was, I wouldn’t be able to keep track of who was around her, which frightened me, considering if Zale wanted to do something unexpected, wouldn’t that include showing up at Rafaela’s school? And if it did, what would I do to keep her out of his grasp?

Chapter Five



I was now sitting shotgun in Nick’s black Mercedes, Gabriel behind the wheel and driving without even looking at the road. It was hot out, so we had all the windows down. Today I was wearing short black shorts, black gladiator sandals, and a lacy BVB shirt. Yeah, I listen to Black Veil Brides. You don’t like it? Fuck you.


Anyway, I had my hair pulled back into a ponytail, my layers framing my face. I wore my usual piercings and dark makeup, and shielding my eyes were normal name brand sunglasses. Hey, just because my parents have money doesn’t mean I spend it all the time. I might be a bitch, but I’m not a snob.


Gabriel was dressed according to the heat, wearing tan shorts, and a dark sleeveless blue shirt. His hair was blown back by the wind coming in through the windows in the car, and his light green eyes were hidden behind dark sunglasses. With the sleeves of his shirt cut off, his muscles were really noticeable. Even though he was thin, he had really nice muscles. Like, nice enough to call them yummy. I nearly laughed at myself. God, I was admiring my guardian angel and thinking he was hot? Wow. Yep, I’m going to hell. Must be that angelic charm of his, I hope anyway . . . Shaking my head, I leaned my elbow against the door, reclining back in my seat.


“So, do I have any directions? Anyone suspicious I’m supposed to stay away from or keep my eye open for?” I asked, making a joke out of the whole situation. However, Gabriel took off his sunglasses, giving me a look saying that he did not appreciate my jokes.


“You should always keep your eye open for strange people.” He scolded. I let out a laugh.


“Oh yeah? I didn’t with you.” I countered.


Now he was really giving me a that’s-so-not-funny-just-stupid look. I rolled my eyes at him, even though he couldn’t see it through my glasses.


“You don’t have to do anything different than what you’d normally do.” He said, answering my question.


I shrugged. “Whatever.”


With another annoyed glance, Gabriel pulled into the school lot and parked.


“Okay, I’ll pick you up, and then maybe I’ll be able to take you home.” He said, cutting off the engine.


My eyebrows rose in surprise. I knew that Gabriel and Nick were wishing for me to get home as soon as possible, but I didn’t expect it to be this soon.


“Really? So soon? But I love sleeping on a pullout couch in a guy’s apartment.” I whined, while Gabriel snickered.


“Yes, I’m afraid so. It’s not definite, but it is a possibility to be able to return you home today.” He informed, and I grinned, opening the door to the car.


“Cool. I’ll see you then.” I said, grabbing my bag and jumping out of the car.


“I’ll be close by if you need me.” Gabriel said.


I nodded and shut the door, heading into school for the first time in a while. Didn’t I tell you that I’m used to partying and clubbing each night which includes sleeping in and missing school? Yeah, which means my teachers are going to have hell to pay for me. Wonderful. In short terms, I’m fucked.

Chapter Six



I wasn’t in the halls for five minutes before I heard someone call my name. I turned, expecting a scolding teacher or angry ex-friend, but instead seeing a scowling boyfriend (or ex-boyfriend, I’m really not sure where we stand at the moment). Conner came up to me, his expression sour.


“Where were you yesterday? I texted you like twenty times.” He said in an aggravated tone.


 I had gotten his texts of course, I had just chosen not to read them. Conner was  a problem I wanted to deal with later, since other things (angelic things) were taking up my attention currently. But seeing as he was standing in front of me now, I suppose this problem would have to be addressed unexpectedly.


“I was a little busy.” I said lamely. Conner’s scowl deepened in disbelief.


“You always have your phone on you no matter how busy you are. Why aren’t you talking to me?” He asked, his tone rising with his temper.


I pursed my lips, not wanting to set him off. Conner might be undeniably gorgeous and I’m not gonna lie, a fucking awesome kisser, but when he’s pissed, oh, then he’s pissed. And you do not want to be around him when he’s angry. So, using careful caution with my words, I said.


“I was out last night, and since I was a little hammered and dropped my phone, I couldn’t get back to you. So sorry.” I said, my tone a bit more biting than it should’ve been. And by the hardness of his brown eyes, I could tell that I had said the wrong thing.


“Come here”, Conner said gruffly, and before I had time to react, he grabbed my wrist and shoved me into the boy’s bathroom, dragging me into the handicapped stall and locking the door behind him.


He flung me against the wall, my head hitting the tile with a loud and painful thump. I shut my eyes, groaning when I saw little bursts of white stars behind my lids. I kept my eyes closed as I felt Conner’s hot breath on my cheek, while his hands pressed into my shoulders, keeping me trapped where I stood.


 “Why have you been ignoring me Rafaela? You know I don’t take well to being ignored.” He growled in my ear, licking my lobe when he was done.


I winced, but didn’t dare move away. I hoped that he would stop at just tonguing my ear and no other parts of my body.


“I wasn’t trying to ignore you, I just needed some space.” I murmured quietly, keeping my eyes down and away from his face.


“Look at me.” He demanded.


I pursed my lips, but didn’t act quickly enough, for he grabbed my chin and shoved my face

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