» Fantasy » Desired, Abigail Livinghouse [books to read to improve english .TXT] 📗

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you’re not dead.” She grumbled, and I laughed.


“I’ll be there in a few.” She said, and before I could say anything more, the line went dead.

Chapter Thirteen



The sleep that came wasn’t exactly that great. It wasn’t that I had a nightmare, but it wasn’t one of those frolicking-in-a-meadow–type dreams either.


 It was strange. It first started out with me actually in a meadow, but it was dark. All the flowers around me were dead and there wasn’t a single person there besides myself. I was wandering around when I heard someone call my name, and I knew exactly who it was before I turned around.


 Gabriel stood in front of me, an uncharacteristic grin on his face. Something strikingly different about this dream Gabriel than the real Gabriel was that he had his wings extended, was dressed in all white, and there was a faint iridescent glow to him. Barely noticeable, but in the darkness of the meadow, it very much stood out.


 Also a huge difference was that this Gabriel’s wings weren’t the raven black color that I had grown accustom to, but they were a clean and pure white, and I realized that his wings were what gave off the faint glow. They were long, glorious, and very soft-looking. Just staring at them made me want to move forward and feel as if the feathers were as satin-smooth as they looked. The temptation to touch his wings was hard to contain. They held an allure that was almost tangible, and nearly irresistible.


  Before I could say anything or close the distance and be able to feel his beautiful wings, Gabriel was in front of me, his smile gentle and kind.


 “What are you doing in this wasteland, Rafaela?” He asked in a smooth and approaching tone, unlike the real Gabriel’s harsh and demanding voice.


 I wasn’t sure if I liked this soft side of Gabriel more than the commanding one that was reality. However, I didn’t think much about that. I was too busy pondering what to say to him. Why was I here? I had no idea. It was a dream after all, and some part of me knew it was a dream, for this fantasy Gabriel was just that, a fantasy, nothing like his real life self. Shaking away those thoughts and focusing on what was going on at the moment, I looked up into the jade green depths of dream Gabriel’s eyes and gave him the most honest response I could.


 “I don’t really know.” He laughed at that, a deep, joyful laugh of someone without a care in the world. Another difference between dream Gabriel and real Gabriel.


 “Well, that’s certainly not the outfit to be here in either.” He said, laughter still in his voice.


 I scowled, realizing that I had no idea what I had on and looking down. I was surprised to see that I was dressed in a lacy black nightgown made of silk. I had on no shoes, my hair was in loose natural waves down to my waist, and it wasn’t died multicolored, it was my natural black. I immediately licked my teeth with my tongue, feeling the absence of my piercing and many others. Looking back up at dream Gabriel, my scowl deepened.


 “I look funny.” I said, grimacing.


 Gabriel laughed again and shook his head, taking my shoulders in his hands. His grasp was strong and firm. It made me feel safe, as if no one could get to me as long as he was here.


 “You look beautiful.” He said, leaning down until our foreheads touched.


 I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath through my nose. The smell of mint filled my lungs, and something else, like the clean smell of the ocean in the morning. Suddenly, before I knew what I was doing, I was touching Gabriel’s wings, running my hands through the feathers, feeling that they really were as soft as they appeared to be if not softer. Just like before when I had felt his beautiful wings, I became locked in some sort of trance, one that was filled with warmth and an addictive haze too sweet to resist. I closed my eyes, sighing in content.


 I felt myself begin to teeter, stuck in the hypnotic quality of Gabriel’s wings. But before I could fall, I felt his hands reach out and grip my arms, then move behind my back, folding me in an embrace that was more than just friendly, there was something personal about it that held a whisper of desire. I opened my eyes, looking up and realizing that I was no longer touching Gabriel’s wings, but had my hands pressed against his firm chest, his steady heartbeat under my palm. He was gazing down at me, his eyes the lightest shade of green I had ever seen. A warm smile spread across his face, as he began to slowly lean forward, his lips inching closer to mine.


 This dream felt so real, so very, very real that I had to remind myself that this was just a dream, and nothing more. So, since this was a dream, I might as well go along with it. I moved forward expectantly, and not a moment later did Gabriel’s lips brush against mine. 

Chapter Fourteen



The kiss was soft, and sweet, nothing too hot that would make it inappropriate. However there was a hint of secrecy to the kiss, something that suggested it should not be seen in public, that this moment was just for us, and no one else. I pulled away afterwards, looking up in mild surprise. Why would I be surprised? This was all a crazy fantasy cooked up by my subconscious, how could I not expect something crazy to happen? Because in reality, this would never occur.


Gabriel and I would never be in a dying meadow where he is the only bright light shining. We would never be so close and intimate that we would share such a secret kiss as this one. In fact, this kiss was so secret it was imaginary. I took a breath, shaking my head.


“Gabriel.” I murmured, as he watched me with quiet intensity.


“Yes?” He asked, his voice low and whispery, awaiting another kiss I could tell from the way his eyes seemed to sparkle as I looked at him.


“This isn’t right.” I said, breaking the moment and the silent promise that hung in the air as thick as fog.


The mood was shattered, as well as any hope of more kisses or intimacy between dream Gabriel and I. Nope. It was over, and I was ready to wake up.


“Rafaela”, Gabriel gripped my arm, holding me close to him as if he sensed it was time for me to go. “This could not be more right. You have no idea of how much I love and care for you. I risk my life every day for you, but you’re worth all the strife and worry. You’re my everything, and always will be.”


Before I could respond or make my hasty retreat, he pulled me in close and pressed his lips to mine one last time, before I woke abruptly, gasping from the true intensity of the dream. Again, it might’ve just been a dream, but damn if it didn’t feel real then I don’t know what real is. 

Chapter Fifteen



I sat up and swung my legs over the bed, taking a moment to get my breath back before heading into the living room. Nick was there, with a soda in his hand and a sandwich in his other. I wondered if that boy was born that way, always with food and a drink.


“Hey”, I acknowledged. He turned and grinned at me.


“Hey gorgeous, I was wondering when you were gonna wake up.” He complimented before taking a bite of his lunch.


I folded my arms over my chest and shrugged. “I’m not exactly awake.”


Nick sat up straighter. “Well I can help with that.” He winked and I made a disgusted sound in the back of my throat, observing potential parts of his body that I could punch.


Before I had a chance to make my move, Gabriel came in from the balcony and closed the door softly behind him, placing a cell phone on the coffee table.


“That was Aria.” He informed Nick, who stood up completely and dropped his sandwich on the table next to the cell.


My eyebrows came together as I wracked my memory at the mention of the girl’s name. I could’ve sworn Gabriel had brought her up before, but I wasn’t positive.


“What did she want?” Nick asked. He sounded worried. Huh, that was unusual.


“She’s coming here. Now.” Gabriel said gravely, and Nick’s eyes widened.




"What's the big deal?" I asked as Nick frantically ran to the balcony, flung the door open, and jumped off just as he unfurled his wings.


My eyes nearly bugged out of my head watching him fly quickly away from the apartment.


"Where the hell is he going?" I turned to Gabriel, who was pacing across the small space. "Gabriel?"


"Aria is one of my best friends from back home." He provided, even though that still didn't answer my question.


"I-I know. I know about Aria." I said, my cheeks heating up as I admitted that I had already "seen" who Aria was.


His cool green eyes assessed me in surprise before he shook his head. "Doesn't matter. The point is, she doesn't know you're here."


I shrugged, still not understanding what all the chaos was about. "So what? So she meets me, big whoop. I don't bite."


Gabriel stopped his pacing and glared at me. My sarcasm had gone right over his head and he just seemed pissed. As usual.


"This is not a joke, Rafaela. Aria will have my head when she finds out that I haven't been able to keep you safe. Truth be told I don't know

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