» Fantasy » Midnight Angel, lauren watts [e book reader TXT] 📗

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in love with her again what if she not different this time what if she even more weaker then the time before' then the second person turned around showing me his face, it was daniel and he sed in a rushed tone' she different i felt it in the kiss tonight i know i cant fall in love with her but i cant help it she the one ive always wanted to be with'then with a sigh the other person sed' well if she is different this time means she gonna get her powers and what if she kills herself with these powers what if she isnt strong anough yet and with a shudden rush of wind daniel turned to the figure and sed' were in trouble, they know where she is'.
just then i woke up clutching my pillow it was i didnt know what to do this dream has scared me so i grabbed my phone and dialled the number and then i heard his voice'Lollypop what up it what happend' i sed ' nothing well ive had a dream and something happend to tonight im scared luc im scared in case if this time it real'sounding worried lucas sed' right im coming over now ' and withing 10 minutes of waiting a knock was at the door lucas was stood there and he swung his arms around me that when i relised he was just in his boxers and i sed' you've got no clothes on luc, you could have put a t-shirt on your freezing; so i pulled him in and hugged him and he came upstairs with me and held me in his arms rocking me back to sleep we have always been this close but then i woke up lucas was asleep with his arms around me when i figure came next to me and strocked my cheek and sed' awh how cute you've finally different but your not gonna live im going to make sure you die before you turn 16' then the figure faded and i buried my face into lucas chest waking him up he could feel the tears running down my cheeks and he kissed my head making me feel much more safe like he was an angel, like he had been sent to keep me safe.
2 days later, i woke up to a call it was lucas he was singing happy birthday down the phone to me and told me to be ready he be round mine soon to pick me up, since that night the figure of that person hasnt reapperd but it has me wondering who would want me dead; just as i was thinking there was a knock at the door i opend it to find daniel leaning agaiest the door frame' he sed happy birthday angel' and went to kiss me but i leaned away i sed' im sorry i just have this thing that happend to my last boyfriend i dont want to hurt you ' just as i finshed he pulled me in for a hug and had his lips on the top of my head when he pulled away and sed' dont worry just please let me be more then friends with you angel' i looked up into his gloden shaded eyes and kissed him softly he placed a necklace around my neck it was deep read colour stone he sed 'it a rare stone i saw it and remebed you cause your heart your love is as rare as this stone to me' i looked up and smiled' and sed wow cheesy line' but i smiled and kissed him and sed' but i loved it' he smiled and wrapped his arms around me and sed' so what is my angel doing today' i sed ' ive gotta go come see me later' just then lucas apperd outside.
i was at the beach with lucas holding the stone necklace daniel had given me i was smiling but then i blacked out there was this figure not one but two both standing before me one was daniel with his heart warming looks and his body to die for but there next to him was lucas smiling makeing my knees go weak they where both pleading for my love just then a third figure apperd and daniels eyes shot open and sed' no!! you lost her heart before to me your not haveing her just then a knife dug throw my heart isntanly lucas broke down and killed himself but daniel walked over to me and sed' dont worry you cant die your differnt your my love just as i red mist was going over my eyes lucas scared lauren and i woke up he sed' lauren you fell in the water but i couldnt save you but he did' and lucas was pointing next to me holding my hand was daniel i sed how did you get here' he kissed my cheek and sed you needed tto see something and i know you did but i cant explain right now what that vision meant my angel so can you wait til the time is right' i knodded and smiled but then daniel got up and stood face to face with lucas they knew each other you could tell by there body language i sed what are you to doing; they looked at me then they throw each other down on the floor daniel screamed' she is mine ive kissed her so many more times then you have then lucas shouted' well i had her heart before but yoy ruined it there was blood on there faces it wasnt until they saw me crying did they stop and lucas ran wilst daniel craddled me.
i was asleep and i woke up in the back of a car it was moving i rubbed my eyes and sat up daniel smiled and sed' hello sleepy head how are you feeling' i sed slowly 'erm sick i think im hungry' just at that moment we drove into my street and daniel parked outside my house and carried me in i stood in the kitchen and grabbed a glass of ice cold water and slipped my top of i had the bikini on with my shorts when daniel walked in and stood behind me and kissed my back i ran my fingers down his neck and he sed' that necklace shows of your pale skin it makes you look more and more of an angel ' i smiled and turned around and kissed him softly but the kiss got more passionate and he picked me up and sat me on the side and started rippping his top of when i sed 'do you want to do this' he kissed me and bit his lip and sed' ive been wanting this for so long now' and he slipped off my shorts and i pulled his jeans off when he carried me upstairs and pushed me agaiest the wall and then layed me on the bed, this was the start of the love,painfilled,heartbreaking,realtionship cause i knew deep down that i was gonna hurt me like i hurt my last boyfriend, how he died because he loved how i didnt know i was linked to daniel i wasnt normal and i was about to find that out, his fingers ran over my skin it was all a blur all the passion his kiissed on my bare skin when i woke up the next day with my head on his chest and his fingers running down my spine i relised there was no going back i was falling in love with daniel and i was about to find out how much trouble i was in not with my family but with the people in the shadows as they had been watching him and saw into daniels heart that he had fallen in love with me and they was coming to get me.

Chapter 4

the sun was beaming down on her bare backthe waves crashing agaiest the tips of her toes, the cold soft feeling then a hot blaze on her neck what was happning there was fire in front of her eyes her heart was empty she felt ripped apart what was happing to her was this a sign not to fall for daniel was this the dream she had been dreading the one were it says leave daniel dont fall in love with him dont hold him anymore push him away go to that school but before the voices could get deep inside her head she woke up with the sound of her window opening someone was coming into her bedroom but who was it then a strong scent of a warm honey and milk warmed the insides of my nose, a soft smile spread across my face then his strong hands slid up my arms then his soft almost silk touch wrapped around my wrists then his lips touch the side of my neck and i slowly opened my eyes without looking i knew who it was just by his touch his scent i softly moaned in his ear'Daniel What are you doing her?' i heard his breathing slow down and a smile appear across his face and he softly sed'i missed this, i cant stay away i need to be here with you not with them; daniel had almost been away for 3 days he had to go to a special family meeting he wouldn't tell me what he was doing just he wouldnt be able to see me for a week for my own safety, i grinned and knew this meant he wouldnt be here long so i softly sed'so how long do you have before they see you are gone'and i rested my head on his shoulder and watched his face and he sed'well they wont know i slipped away i dont want to go back,can i stay here for the night please'i looked up to his face he big golden eyes made me melt even more into his arms his rosey lip, that most girls would dream of kissing where shaped into a soft smiled across his ice pale skin by looking at his skin you would think as soon as you touch his skin it would be ice cold,but it wasnt it was as warm as the golden sands in the summer time as warm as the fire in the wintery night his smile grew more across his face when he saw my expression of his warmth of his skin;i sed'of course you can...i need you without you near me i feel this emprtyness light a dark endless tunnel'and i looked up to his face and gazed right into his eyes and i sed softly but strong anough to make my point'dont leave me please dont leave me' he smiled and placed his hands on each side of my face and looked into my eyes making me sink into his body and sed so softly'there no power in this world to make me go away not even'then this blank epression appeared across his face i took his face between my hands and sed 'daniel what is it tell me what is making you think that could take me away'so he slowly looked up at my face and kissed my lips lingering in the space between us and he slowly sighed and sed'lauren what im about to say can you just promise you will listen you wont judge and most of all you wont leave me'i sed sloly keeping all contact with him looking deep into his eyes'i promise,nothing will make me stop loving you'he sighed and sed'im scared this will not normal, i dont mean normal like unqie bit special i mean not normal lauren im not human im a angel but before you judge and say stuff im not just a normal angel im a

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