» Fantasy » Midnight Angel, lauren watts [e book reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Midnight Angel, lauren watts [e book reader TXT] 📗». Author lauren watts

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Midnight love

it was a cool summer night the breeze gently hitting the back of my bare neck just then he slid his hand down my back and whisped in his cool,bad boy tone'Angel,I''ve Missed You', a big grin slid across my face and i slowly turned around and wrapped my hands around the back of his neck and touched his lips softly againest mine moving them slowly to the beat of my heart when i pulled away and looked down when he touched my chin sending shivers down my spine and Said'Angel dont worry i'll always come back for you',just then he deep, midnight black wings appered from behind him telling me it time for him to go so i pulled his cotten grey t-shirt which showed he toned body off and i whisper so softly in his ear 'please come back i cant stand it here alone anymore without you he..' but before i could finshed my sentence i was falling and he called 'LAUREN!!' out loud i was falling and he jumped in lighting movement to catch me but his hand slipped and i was falling into the depths of the darkness....
i woke up gasping ive been having this dream since a year ago when i had the accident but lately the dream has been getting more and more real like once when i woke from the aganising dream i had black long silk to the touch feathers in my hand but soon as i blinked they were gone i just thought my mind was playing tricks i never thought that this dream was more then a dream it was my futuere.

Chapter 1

i breathed sighing at the back of the room i was 15 year old girl trapped at the back of the classroom just then i heard 'Lauren Your Here!!' without looking i knew it was my best friend lucas we've been close since i stated this school 2 years ago, he had tight,wavy,short blond hair which always made me smile his deep blue eyes and his smooth lined lips, he was a very tall lad he was 6ft.2 he always over towed me as im only 5ft.1 but he would always laugh and call me his little lollypop which always made me blush, he walked over in his chilled out walk he always had this effect on people he could make anyone smile just by smileing himself he walked over and sat right next to me and Said in his soft, velet like voice'So how my little lollypop today?, stil on for the beach at the weekend?' i smiled and closed my eyes and Said softly to him'Aye im fine just had that dream again and of course im still on for the beach been looking forward to it all week!' you see it was my 16th birthday at the weekend and lucas wanted to make a big day out of it; most people would acually ask if he was my boyfriend he would smile and blush and say'were just very close',you see he did ask me out but i told him of this trouble i've had with my last boyfriend i would prefer to be best friends and since that day we have been stuck to each other he would stay at my mine in the spare bedroom sometimes and we would stay up all night long talking,just then he Said'great!! im looking forward to making this the best birthday ever for my little lollypop' with a big grin on his face, but just as he was about to say something a tall boy with brown almost golden hair walked in, he was tall slim built and had golden eyes as soon as i looked at him he caught my gaze and smile then turned around the walk to the teacher.
mr walker was a great teacher he was how would you say creative, he walked over to me and lucas with the new boy behind him and Said 'lauren this is daniel he is new here i was wondering if it okay if he can sit next to you' that when i heard lucas sigh and kissed my forehead and Said'gonna miss ya lollypop' i smiled and Said 'meet me outside later' that when daniel sat down next to me and all the girls in the room sighed seeing the new bad boy heart throb sit next to me, little lauren the special one.
He smiled and Said in this deep voice that made me melt just talking to him 'so he is your boyfriend then?' i Said looking shocked 'no me and lucas are just best friends, anyway that abit nosey we have only just met and your asking such things that are personal', he grined and Said 'well i want to know everything about you and strocked my cheek just then a vision shoot through my mind,the feeling of his skin agaiest mine ive felt that before but where have i felt it before then i heard daniel saying'lauren,laureennnnn' but before i could say anything he Said something that would shock me'Angel are you okay'.
i sat there looking at him then i forced out this little sound saying'did you just call me angel' he bit his lip and Said' well it just you look like a angel' as soon as he Said that i was blushing and smiling and he Said' so lets get to know each other,angel' smiling i Said'well my name is lauren watts im from hull im 15 nearly 16'but just as i was about to say what i liked he Said'You love indie/emo bands you love the colour purple you prefer penguins out of the animals in the world' makeing him laugh to himself alittle bit ' i Said stuttering' h...howw did you know that' smileing he tocuhed my hand and Said' i can tell just by looking into your eyes' just then the bell went and i Said 'wait! didnt get anything about you and he smiled and grabbed my hand and wrote his number on my hand and Said' call me tonight, promise?' i Said okay i promise to call you and he hugged me and ran out the room, i walked out to lucas who swung his arms around me and picked me off the ground and Said 'lollypop, ive missed you..' but then daniel shouted 'angel' and waved at me and i blushed and waved back lucas sed' so what with the whole angel thing?' i sed calming'dunno, he just came out with it apparently i look like an angel' and lucas did his smile that made me weak in the knees and sed 'well your more like a godess'.

chapter 2

i got home and sat down in the big empty house, my mam and step dad where away on work and werent back until 2 weeks and my little bro and sis where in hull with my step nanna, so i sat in the house when i got up and walked into my room and tied my hair back showing the black long hair beneath my red hair and then i slip into my pjs just when i caught a glimsp at my hand and saw the number so i sat on the side in the kitchen and dialled the number hoping he wunt answear but he did his soft voice sed'Hello, who is it' i sed nothing but then he sed'Angel is that you' so i sed'yeah it me, just wondering if i can get some stuff about you for that paper thing at school' but before i could ask anything he sed 'have youu had anything to eat' and i sed softly ' no, but im just about to have something' but then he sed 'can i come over i'll cook you something, if that is okay' so i smiled and sed'okay' so i gave him my details but it sounded like he already knew them and just before he put the phone down he sed' i wont be long my angel'.
so i layed down in the darkness of my bedroom with my ipod full blast when a loud knocking noise was at my door so i got up slowly and walked down the stairs and opend the door to a tall boy, his hair shining like gold in the moonlight and a smile grin on his face and he sed' angel you dint say you was gonna get dressed up'and laughed and sed' cmon in and smiled' and he sed' cute pjs' and he gave me a tight hug; he was dressed in a dark grey fittimg top that showed all his body and his dark levis on and slowly he ran his finger on my neck making me melt but i pulled away and walked into the kitchen and sat on the side watching him cook when turned around and sed' it nearly done ' and he smiled he wunt tell me what he was making just that i would love it and that when he showed me what he had made it was lasanga and scoulpes, the one thing my grandad would always make me until the day he passed away i smiled and sat down next to him and we started to eat then when i finshed i sed' so before we clean up, can you tell me something about you?', and he sed' well im daniel im from ireland i like indie/emo music' but out of no where i sed 'what do you like in a girl?', he sed looking shocked ' well...hmmm i like them to have a big mind, think outside the box someone who dosent like going with trend and has there own little thing especially girls with red and black hair sends me crazy' i blushed i was sat on the side helping him clean up he was washing and i was drying just as we finshed he walked up to me and stood between my legs and look right into my eyes when i sed' daniel..have we met before cause i feel i know you' then a smile apperd on his face and slid his hands next to me pulling his body closer to mine when he sed'perhaps we have perhaps we met in a previous life', that when i felt something drawing me to kiss him and he pull my face close to mine and placed his lips onto of mine and moved them slowly and picked me up and i wrapped my legs around his waist and slipped my hands down his back when i pulled away and sed'ive only just meet you and were kissing' he sed so calmly'yeah but i feel this connection something telling me to not let you go that your different your special.
i sat back down on the side of the counter and looked at him he tucked my hair behind my ear and sed' angel i have to go now but this fun' and he looked at the wall notcing a small note and he sed' it your 16th in 2 days i looked at him and sed 'yeah why'and he smiled and sed nothing then came over to me and had this worried look in his eyes and looked staright in to mine and pulled me in for this long passionate kiss and pulled away and sed'im gonna miss ya angel' and before i could say gopdbye to him he was gone, like a spy of the night, daniel had become a part of the dark.

chapter 3

there was a full moon in the sky a figure was stading in front of me but then another one appered then one sed' you cant fall

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