» Fantasy » The Change, Mathew Harrison [well read books .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Change, Mathew Harrison [well read books .TXT] 📗». Author Mathew Harrison

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knew Phil and Kate-his twin- very well, but I never met the older sister. I debated on whether or not I wanted to join them, and while I was in the middle of that I passed a black Mercedes and I caught a glimpse of the most beautiful redhead I had ever seen, and she was staring right at me, with an almost hungry look in her eyes. All I could see of her though the window was that she had emerald-green eyes, with artfully curled hair, and a heart-shaped face. I looked away very quickly, certain that it was my imagination and I really didn't want to get bitch-slapped for staring. As I walked away however, I couldn't shake the feeling coarsing through me. That girl, I thought, looks like a barbie doll. I decided to avoid approaching Phil at that moment, I was notoriously shy, and I didn't have the confidence to approach Phil's friends, since they were all on the football team and I didn't want to get any crap from Phil about the tryouts that were going on the next day for the freshmen team.

As I was walking to the door I glanced back at the parking lot, and I saw a girl, just a couple years older than me and it seemed she was staring straight at me, and I sensed that it wasn't my imagination this time. She had black hair that was cut to her chin length, brown eyes, a slim yet built body structure, and a strong facial structure. She was the opposite of the girl in the Mercedes in my opinion. I thought That girl looks like a GI Joe, compared to the Barbie doll red-head. It was true, this one looked like she could easily kick my ass, the other one looked like a gust of wind would knock her over. Of course it wasn't like I was one to talk, I was so skinny a seventh grader could probably kick my ass. I shook my head and kept moving not wanting to draw the attention of anybody, and walked through the door. School had already been in session for a month now, so I walked to my first period class, first in the room as usual, sat down, and plugged in my headphones. There was still a good fifteen minutes left until class started, so I desided to listen to my I-pod for a while. I relaxed to the sound of Nickelback playing in my ears until I felt something hit the back of my head. I jumped, ripping out my headphones in the process, and glared behind me. Unsuprised I saw Phil leaning back in his chair, pointing at the clock, which indicated the bell had rung, so after I gave him the finger, I prepared to sit through what was likely to be another boring lecture when the door to the class opened. My heart doubled in its rate, it was the girl from the Mercedes.

I watched her talk to the teacher for a minute and the teacher said something to the girl sitting next to me, but I had no idea what it was. I was absolutely fixated on her! She was wearing a tight denim skirt, fishnets, heels, and a white crop top that was EXTREMELY tight on her chest. I felt myself get hard, and I couldn't find it in me to care. The next thing I know she is approaching my desk and I thought, OH SHIT she is so going to slap me!  However I still stared, and she sat down in the chair next to me, I was shocked because I thought there was someone else who sat next to me, but the minute I looked in her eyes I didn't care, I couldn't even remember my own name.

"Hi," the girl said, "I'm Lilly."

"H-hi L-l-illy" I stuttered like an idiot.

"What's your name?" she asked, I felt a strange compulsion to please her, to do anything she wanted.

"My name is Jake, it's nice to meet you!" I said, a strange new confidence flowing through me. I took her hand and kissed it, tasting something like stawberries on her skin. I pulled my face away from her hand and smiled at her, but kept her hand in mine. Somewhere in my confused thoughts I thought, Damn it, you're being to forward! Tone it down a couple notches!

She smiled, and withdrew her hand from mine, but she suprised me by resting it on my leg. I gulped as she said, "It's a pleasure to meet you too!"

My cock, already straining to rip through my jeans, tightened even more. For a virgin, I had uncommon sexual restraint, but if I could have moved, I would have jumped up and taken her right in front of the entire class.

"Do you want to go out tonight?" she asked, "There is this place in the woods I like to go to at night, we'll have a lot of fun!" I felt her hand sliding up my thigh, touching the base of my erection, and I felt the blood boil in my face. "We can meet by the school gate, what do you say?"

The confidence I had felt moments before quickly vanished, "Uh s-s-ure" I stuttered yet again, God what is wrong with me! , I struggled to keep my voice steady, "what time do you want to meet?"

She smirked as if she heard what I wass thinking and started rubbing her hand up and down my thigh, I felt ready to explode right then and there, she leaned in close and whispered, "I was thinking around ten." I felt her warm breath against my neck, I didn't want this to end. I smiled and gave her the thumbs up, and she pulled her hand off of me, and turned around to look at the teacher. She glanced at me again and said, "I'll meet you at your house". I was so estatic that I didn't even notice that she already knew where I lived.

 I glanced around the classroom to see if anyone noticed our little exchange, and as far as I could tell, the only person who had was Phil. He usually gives me so much crap about my shyness that I would have expected him to be as estatic as I was, but he looked furious, and as my mind finally started to clear, I could have sworn that I saw his eyes flash a bright blue. Somewhere deep in the back of my mind I wondered what his problem was, but at that current moment, I couldn't care less. I have a date! I thought with a grin.


Phil's POV

I watched that leech's entire performance, even the part where she was rubbing up on my best friend. When she had turned away from him, he had looked around to see if anyone had noticed, and when he saw my face, confusion blossomed there for a second, then he shrugged as if he couldn't care less. I growled quietly, so quiet in fact that the parasite couldn't even hear me. I had a sneaking suspicion that she had used that power of theirs "compulsion" or whatever the fuck it was called, and that had basically put his balls in to her purse. Not only that, but I was sure that he noticed my eyes change color for an instant. He looked as if he blamed his imagination, but there was no way to be sure, his heart rate was already jumping from the sexual tension he had from the encounter with the girl. I sat there for the rest of the hour clutching my pendant in my hand, focusing my mind to a chant that helped betas control the shift during their first few years as wolves. I hadn't needed to use the chant since I was ten years old, but I hadn't felt fury like I was experiencing since then. 

The three things that cannot be long hid, I though slowly, the sun... the moon... the truth... I kept repeating the thoughts trying to keep my fury and the shift in check. I decided during lunch, I'd sneak off to the boiler room and let it out, since it was sound proof, and I needed to be able to focus. After I had calmed down enough to where I didn't have to worry about my claws coming out and going through the screen, I took out my phone and texted Emma and Kate. I decided that they needed to know what was going on.

Kate texted me back first, Don't do anything rash, it won't do him any good if we are exposed. I sighed, of course she would worry about our true nature being exposed, even though we weren't the exact interpertation of what werewolves were thought to be, if the humans discovered our existance, we'd be doped up with Wolfsbane faster than Kate went through men, and sent to the science labs to be studied. Emma texted me while I was thinking my less than kind thoughts about human nature.

Meet me in the boiler room as soon as the bell rings, it read and I rolled my eyes. She had no idea I was planning on going there during lunch, but at least I would have an opportunity to shift and let off some of the stress that was eating me. I responded, K. The bell rang a moment later and I saw Jake hurry off to his next class, Lilith stalking after him. I stood there for a minute, trying to reign in my fury, and failing that I ran straight for the boiler room, my claws had come out and my teeth were legthening as well by the time I made it to the door. I practically ripped it off of its hinges in my haste, not caring who saw me. I felt my face start shifting as I closed the door and my mind started to blur, thoughts of Jake popped into my mind, the usual reaction when I was trying to anchor my humanity, but the fury was too strong. I blacked out, and the next thing I knew, I hear my sister's roar which bites through the blackness and I felt myself return to normal. I look up at her and see that she shifted fully, her facial structure wolf like, as well as her claws were fully extended and her eyes were bright red. Seeing that I was back in control, she let go of the shift, her eyes returned to her human brown, her claws and fangs retreated, and the bones in her face returned to her previous appearance.

"That was close Phil!" she growled angrily, "If I hadn't came in here right after you, you would have killed someone, again!"

I snarled, not appreciating the reminder. "It was seven years ago Emma!" I shouted, pissed, but more in control than before, "You know damn well I hadn't learned any control at that point and that pussy just wanted to keep running his mouth!" She should remember that situation, the son of a bitch was trying to blackmail her after all.

"True" she admitted, "but it wasn't as if I didn't have a plan to deal with it. YOU decided to approach him and get him to stop talking, YOU are the one who got pissed and shifted, and YOU are the one who now has the eyes to show for it!"

It was true, since I took that poor bastard's life, my wolf eyes have gone from a luminous yellow to a cold blue. It was supposed to be a sign of the damage delt to my soul since I took an "innocent" life, even though I still thought the pecker-head deserved it. I bowed my head, feeling the anger fade to a deep sorrow, and replied, "You're right sis, I'm sorry. However we have bigger problems right now! The leech is going after Jake, she is meeting him at his house at ten tonight, we have to stop her!"

Emma sighed, "Invite him over to our house dumbass! He's over enough as it is." I fought back a chuckle, but I couldn't hold it back, so it went on and on until I was in full on hysterics. Emma shot me a look that promised a slow and painful

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