» Fantasy » The Change, Mathew Harrison [well read books .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Change, Mathew Harrison [well read books .TXT] 📗». Author Mathew Harrison

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Lilith waited in her Mercedes, for the boy that she had glimpsed the day before to step off of the bus. She was impatient as she waited, knowing that there was a certain shyness about him that crippled his ability to approach people, wich meant he sat alone at the back of the bus. She knew enough about human nature to make this assumption, without using her mind reading ability, and was entirely confident about it. She was still unsure of why she was doing this, since there were plenty of other men in the world, and many of them better than this one in almost every way, and yet, even though she only got a glimpse of him, there was still something about him that called to her.  She meditated on that, trying to determine what it was, and as the last of the students were removing themselves from the bus, she saw him. Even with the way he kept his head down, and appeared invisible to the other students, he was easy for her to find him.

He was an attractive young man, about average height for a freshman but he had a very slim build. His blond hair hung shaggily, concealing the blue eyes that she saw yesterday, and made it easier for him to hide from the view of people.

As he slowly walked past her car, she caught a wiff of the boy's scent and felt her incisors lengthen. She struggled for a moment with the impulse to pounce onto him and drain the blood from his jugular. Even though she was a six-hundred year old vampire, there was something about this boy's blood that pushed her restraint. She held her breath for a moment, and he glanced at her, as if he could sense the danger coming from her, but quickly looked away. She sighed and smirked, Sometimes having the appearance of a teenager has its benefits. As the boy was walking away, she took a deep breath through her nose and winced. His scent was still strong to her, but she winced due to the anamilistic scent she picked up.

 Shit!, she thought her eyes darkening as a feral growl, too low for the humans to hear, erupted from her chest. A girl who looked the same age as she did turned around and smiled at her, her eyes flashed a bright red and claws extended from her fingers, and just as quickly disappeared. Lilith knew as soon as she smelt it that this girl was a werewolf, and an alpha if the color of her eyes were anything to judge. She lost hope in being able to keep this boy as her mate when the girl looked to him and then back at her. Lilith stepped out of her car and stood directly in front of it as the girl approached with a knowing smirk growing across her face.

"Hello Lilith" the girl said in a sweet voice that Lilith already knew meant trouble, "it's been a long time."

Lilith blinked, confused for a moment, "Have we met?" she asked.

The girl's eyes flashed red for an instant before she growled and said, "Does the name "Simmons" mean anything to you?"

Lilith paled and several obsene phrases shot across her mind. The Simmons were a powerful family of werewolfs that had been in the town of Chicago in the nineteenth century. The majority of the family had been wiped out over the next two hundred years, to where there was only one small group of the family left. The last time Lilith was here, about ten years ago, she had brutally murdered the Alpha in the family, he went by the name of Dennis. His mate was long dead, and she could have sworn that the children were thououghly unconcious at the time. There were two daughters and a son, the names as well as their faces were still fresh in her mind. Lilith tried to push her way into the girl's mind, and encountered a barrier as thick as steel.

"Emma!" she growled. Emma laughed a humorless laugh and bowed.

"Didn't think you would recognize me", she smirked, "of course I always forget that vampires have almost perfect memory."

"What the hell? I thought you were a beta, if you were an alpha I would have smelt it on you!" Lilith groaned, "I knew I should have drained you and your brat siblings like I did your dad!"

Emma laughed, with actual humor this time and said, "I was a beta but there is something interesting you should know about werewolves Lilith," she leaned forward her eyes glowing red again, "when we are born of an alpha parent, the eldest child inherits their power once that parent dies. So you practically did me a favor ten years ago."

Lilith blanched, she remembered as she left the house that day, the snarl the girl made when she had fled, the sudden power she sensed coming from the house, "So you mean to tell me," she started, "that once I put your father down like the rabid animal he was, you became alpha of the pack?"

"Wow, I guess you aren't as stupid as I thought!" Emma said sarcastically, at the same time exaggerating jazz-hands.

Lilith growled and flashed her fangs, "Watch it bitch! Keep in mind, I tore your dad's fucking throat out, and he was also an alpha. That means that I could easily dispatch of you." she knew that this was an empty threat, and that the only reason she killed the bitch's father was because he was drunk off his ass that night, however she likely didn't know that. Of course, the father was quite small in comparison to his daughter, the daughter was easily a foot taller than Lilith, and Lilith knew enough about wolves to know that the size of wolves influences their strength.

Emma shrugged, "You probably could, except for the fact that my siblings, as well as the rest of my pack are standing right by the school doors, and if they see you move an inch, they will all jump on you at once." she then smiled and let out a soft howl. Lilith looked up and saw six pairs of eyes, two of them luminous gold, the others a cold, steely blue. She knew that a wolf had killed before if it had blue eyes, a kind of damage to the soul the rumor was. All but two pairs of eyes returned to normal as they still stared at Lilith, the two pairs still glowing blue were attached to faces that she recognized, Fuck me! she thought as she tried to enter the minds of the pack members and encountering a similar barrier to the one she noticed with Emma, The siblings really have changed!

Lilith sighed and willed her fangs to retreat, "So what do you want? If you wanted me dead, you would have already dosed me with the Juniper berries I know you have and tore my head off." She felt no fear in that statement, she caught the scent of the vile substance on the girl, and yet she was still standing, so that meant the gil knew at least one of her weaknesses, but didn't want her dead. Yet she thought sourly, so that means she wants something from me. The fact she couldn't hear their thoughts was starting to piss her off.

Emma smirked, "I want you to feel what I felt when you killed my father, when you took something special from me. I know you are after that boy, my brother Phil is really good friends with him actually, so I will settle with making sure you will never have him!" Her eyes glowed red again and she tensed as she saw the look on Lilith's face.

This bitch really thinks she can keep me away from him?! I will make him mine, then I will make him tear her family and her pack apart as she watches. And then as she watches everything she has fall apart I will make him kill her too! she thought with a blood thirsty satisfaction.

Emma laughed again, and Lilith had to fight the urge to tear her throat out with her nails. "Oh you won't be able to turn him, I'll turn him into one of us, so that way you will have no chance to, and after he has control over the shift, I will have him rip your head off and burn the rest of your body until it is nothing but ashes into the wind." Emma gloated, "It sounds like I'm going to be late for class Lilith, we'll continue this later, after Jake has been turned into one of us!" she sped back to her pack and they walked into the school.

There is no way in HELL Lilith thought,that I will let that happen. She walked after them following the boy's, Jake she corrected her thoughts, scent to his first hour. She stood outside the door for a moment, steeling her resolve to not drain him. Getting into the class was easy, she just approached the teacher and stared directly into his eyes, "Hi," she said to the teacher, "my name is Lilly and I am a new student in your class." She focused the power of compulsion into him as she entered his mind and he nodded to her in agreement. I will do anything to please her. he thought blankly.

Fool she thought and after making sure he didn't hear that thought, she continued, "You are to seat me right next to the boy Jake, and not expcet me to do any school work or anything, but you will give me a perfect grade in here and not cause me any trouble, understand?"

The teacher shook his head slightly in confusion, but the said, "Of course Lilly, we're happy to have you here! Sarah go sit over at the empty spot across the room! Lily sit next where she just got up from, right next to the boy in the white t-shirt." She looked over to where she was going to sit and saw that the boy was staring at her. She could smell his arousal, and it pleased her to no end. I haven't even impressed my power on him yet, she thought, and he is already posesses strong desire for me. This is going to be easy! Lilith smiled and approached the desk she was "assigned" and after she sat down, turned to Jake and smiled at him focusing her powers again.

"Hi," she said in a velvet voice, "I'm Lilly".

Chapter 1

Jake's POV

I stepped off of the bus, last as usual and sighed, You've got this! I thought to myself, What's the worst that can happen? I hated school, I hated the feeling of being in a large crowd, where disaster was likely to happen. I walked towards the door with my head down, and I noticed my only friend in this town Phil standing by his twin sister and their friends right by the door. Phil and I knew each other from Alabama, him and his siblings were in the same foster home I was in, since I was five. When I was sent back to Chicago with my new foster family, him and his two sisters came with. Phil and his twin were the same age as me, while his older sister was two years above us. I

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