» Fantasy » Think it Through, Chalen D. [books to read in a lifetime TXT] 📗

Book online «Think it Through, Chalen D. [books to read in a lifetime TXT] 📗». Author Chalen D.

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under the covers with andy. andy put his arms around trying to make chase mad is my guess. "what the hell is going on here?" my dad demanded. he pulled me out of andy's arms and into his own. everyone stood up. chase fixed his shirt and megan smoothed her bun. "i'm andrew, sir you must be Mr. carelle." andy said offering his hand. "he's the neibhor, dad." i said. my dad let me go and i stood next to megan, who grabed my hand and held it tight. my dad shook his hand. "we had our own beds, and then chase came over and needed a place to crash," andy explained. "why didn't you slep with megan analise?" my dad asked. "i'm a wild sleeper sir." megan said. chase laughed and i stepped on his foot, my dad not seeing any of it. "i'm seeing marty for lunch, we have somethings to go over." my dad said. "can i trust you to be left alone with my daughter and megan?" he asked, the boys. "yes, sir." they said. we all blew out a sigh as my dad got into his car, and drove away. i looked around at everyone, as they watched him leave having a scard look to thier face. megan was exactly two inches taller than me with blond long curls. chase and andy were the same hieght. chase had brown hair that was falling into his eyes, witch were green, and hipnotic. andy had black hair in a shagy emo-ish cut. he had bright blue eyes that i never seen before, and with all my moves iv'e seen a lot of blue eyed people. andy took me and megan by our hands and we went in his house and locked the door. we all staired at chase outside. he gave us a sulte and left. " he gets under my skin." meagn said. "assholes will do that." andy said. he was in the kitchen raiding his frige for food. "good, whatta' you got im about to wither away," meagan said, poking her head under his arm and into the frige. the funny thing is we are all skinny, but can't seem to get enough food. "fuck yeah," megan said grabing some left over brownies. she showed me the brownies. "mother fuckers!' i yelled taking a brownie. andy poured out milk and we went back to our beds. " i knew you wouldn't leave me out in the cold." chase said jummping out of a bush. "fuck, us!" megan said dragging out the fuck, a little. he took my brownie. "mother fucker! how the hell are you going to take my brownie!" i yelled. megan kicked his shin and my poor brownie went flying. "whoa, shit!" andy yelled. "got it." andy said holding up the brownie. "are you okay?" i asked taking my brownie. "im fine," chase said. "not you dick licker my brownie." i said. andy and megan laughed. "aren't you and andy supposed to be in school?" chase asked megan. "never you mid!" meagan said. "we aren't going back to school untill tomorrow thats when analise is going back." andy said. " what about you?" i asked. "i wont go till you go sweet peaches." chase said. "lucky me." i said eating some brownie. we all went home to get ready for the first day of school. "okay, so i'll drive you and andy to school today yeah?" megan asked the next morning. "yeah, i'll go see if andy, is up." i told her. "good then, i'm on my way." she said. i ran down the stairs and through the sliding glass door that led to the deck. i saw andy and chase outside. andy had chace by his jaket, and chase had andy by his. " I'll be fighting for her." chase said. "as will i." andy said. "andy?" i called. arms crossed around me. andy hugged me. chase began to take his jaket off, but andy was already putting my arms through his. chase pulled his jaket back on and glared at andy. andy smiled down at me, and rapped his arms around me. "i missed you analise." he said. "i missed you andy." i said. chase smiled at me and i smiled back. he walked to us and i retuned his high five. "come on guys!" megan yelled, waving. her eyes widened as she saw chase but didn't say anything. we all got in the car, and drove to school. as we got out of the car, andy took my hand i smiled at him and we began to walk to the court yard, when chase grabed my other hand. "okay, now that you all have your classes, get to class." the principal said. everyone laughed and went to class. "is it just me or is chase and andy firghting for you?" megan asked. "you saw that?" i asked. "it's not hard to tell analise." megan said softly. by the time chase got to the tree me, andy,
and megan were standing under the tree. "dude!" megan yelled. me and andy laughed at her expretion. she ripped open her bag and pulled out a newspaper, and showed it to us. in a bright red circel, was the next consert for black veil brides. "we have to go!" i said. "were can we get tickets?" andy asked. "my uncle is working as a bouncer he can get us in for free!" megan said. "uncle marty?" i asked. "no, uncle ronny." she said. i smiled at the name. when andy saw chase he put his arm around me. i raped both hands around his waist. "so what's goin on?" chase asked. "nothin'" i said. "do you like black veil brides?" i asked. chase stared at andy. "not my thing."chase said. andy smiled. " so i got in a new skip, he's a big high bond." chase said eyes on me now. "lets go after him tmorrow." i said. " i have plans with andy after school, and with megan tonight." i said. "deal." chase answered he kissed my cheek and looked at andy. "bye megan." he said. "bye." megan said, although it sounded like a question. i put my stuff in my room and ran across the deck and into andys arms. he picked me off the ground. "i want to dye my hair." i said when he put me down. "what color?" he asked. i liked how he never told me what i wanted was a bad idea. i pointed to his hair. "bitchen." he said, smiling. he took my hand and led me through the house to his bathroom. i sat on the sink. andy put on some gloves and shook the black hair dye. "ready?" he asked. "do it." i said. "flip over." he said i flipped my hair over and he began with my roots. we sat in the kitchen when megan came in. "oh shit, thats cool." megan said looking closer at my hair. "i was coming over here to ask andy to dye my hair." she said holding a purple hair dye box. "right this way to andy's barabor, aka my bathroom." he said. andy took the bottle from megan and led the way to his bathroom. i took megans hand and wiggled it, to let her know it was okay. she let out some air and nodded. "okay, done, stay like that for 25 mins, and analise lets rinse your hair." he said. he did the water. "k bend over." he said. "ew you got it in my mouth." i said. "keep your mouth closed, and hold still, i have to get the damn thing out." he said. "were's that white stuff?" andy asked. "on the floor." i said. he put the conditionair in my hair. "ow, it stings," i said refering to my eye. "hold still let me get it out." he said. megan gave him a rag and he wipped the conditionair out of my eye. "bend over and keep your eyes and mouth shut, i'm almost done with you." he said. the door flung open and a woman came in mouth open eyes wide. she looked around and saw that andy was dying our hair. " i though you guys were, never mind." she siad. "mom." andy said. the door closed. we all laughed and andy did the rest of my hair. he did megan next and then we got in my car and drove out to eat. after we ordered chase slid into the booth next to me. "joy." andy said. chase raped an arm around me, i didnt mean to but i pulled myself closer to the warmth his body held. "cute." andy said. megan took a bite of her bread stick to keep her mouth from talking. chase pulled my legs on to his. i was getting irratated, that he was doing this to andy. i pulled my legs down, and looked at him with a look that said stop. we ate and went to the parking lot. andy dragged me close to him and put his forehead on mine, we made a shrunched up face at eachother, and chase let out some air. andy smiled, and held me. "so i think we should go back to andy's." megan said, trying to get rid of chase, to get rid of some of the tention. chase left. we went to andy's room and slept in his bed. i was the first to wake up. i found myself in the kitchen, shivering. fingers, toes, nose and lips numb. "analise." andy said. he put a robe around me and took me into his arms i wasn't cold anymore. he looked down at me. "are you okay?" he asked. i nodded. "your lips are blue, i knew i should of turned on the heater." he said, and with that he kissed me. at first i was afraid. i didn't know if this kiss was revenge on chase or if he wanted me for himself and he was proving it to me. he was warm and i pulled myself closer. he kissed my nose and my forehead and then my lips again. "i don't like chase." he said. "i know," i said. "i like you, and your mine." he said. i smiled. "i know." i repeted. he kissed me again. "guys," megan sputtered. i ripped my robe off and raped megan in it. i cought her in time before her knees hit the ground. "where are you going?" i called to andy as he ran down the hall. "i'll be back!" he called back. "i have the heater on." andy said a min later. he picked up megan and took her to the heater. she was herself in minets. "thanks." she said. "my house has the heater on all the time, my dad gets allergies in the cold. " i said. "to analise's" megan said. andy picked me up and ran through the cold into my house h3 set me down and went back for megan. we got ready and drove to school in andy's car. i rode with chase, and we drove to the, skips house. "if you just had my back like i said, we wouldn't be here." i said. we stood locked in a shed, all becuse of chase. "this is all your fault, and i cant call andy, because our phones, were taken." i said. "andy." he said. "why not call megan?" he asked. "How are we going to get our guns and tazers back?" i asked. "you care for andy." he said. "i care for everyone." i snapped. "you love andy though." he said. "now is not the time, i will beat your ass fucker." i said. "i'm sorry." he said. he hugged me. we heard the lock being tooken off, and andy stepped in follwed by megan. "why didn't you protect analise?" andy demanded, towering over chase, wich looked strange cause they're both tall. i hugged andy trying to calm
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