» Fantasy » Think it Through, Chalen D. [books to read in a lifetime TXT] 📗

Book online «Think it Through, Chalen D. [books to read in a lifetime TXT] 📗». Author Chalen D.

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What would you do if you felt like you finally belong somewhere?

Okay, this is how it goes, we move fix things and then move again and fix things again and so on. And by we I mean me and my dad. My mom cheated on my dad with my ballet teacher. I told my dad it wasn't a good idea to put me in his class, but scine he wore tights my dad thought he was gay. Boy was he far off and he soon found out. I was 15 at the time I'm 17 now. My dad's job consists on taking on bussnises that are falling apart. Thats were he comes in and fixes things. there hasen't been a thing he couldn't fix. my parents are good looking people so you could say i'm lucky. i have long straight brown hair from my dad, big brown eyes from my mom, and everthing else from only god knows where. "don't worry kid, this will be easy." my dad said. we were in the moving truck driving to another paying job. "huh?" i asked taking out my ear phones. "i said it will be easy." he said with a luagh. "always is dad." i said with a smile. my phone rang and i looked at the name. "you should talk to her."
my dad said. "no." i said hitting iggnor on my moms call. "alright." he said. "so," i said changing the touchy subject. "what is it this time?" i asked. "a bail bonds agencey." he said. at that we pulled up to the house. it was gray with a brown roof. it was abnormaly large like always and trees were everywere. the house next door was also large but blue. "woah," i said as i got out. "as usuall." my dad said. we went inside. there was a pool in the back along with other things, and a brown wodden dock that conected our house and next door. "super." i said. there was a ballet studio. great. i got my dads drill and took the bars from the wall and dragged them to the street. my dad was sitting at the table, i sat down with him. "i'm ready." he said. "ok all the bills have been payed for the first month, i can go and enroll in shcool on wensday and the cars will be here in an hour, so i guess we can go assess the damage." i said. my dad laughed and we took the rental car to the bonds office. there was a woman on the phone, she was pretty. she hung up when she saw us. a man came out and greeted my dad. "kid." the woman said hitting the lid on the box of doughnuts on her desk. i took a doughnut thanked her and sunk into the sofa. "the most problem we are having is our bounty hunters." the man said. a girl with blond hair came in the office, "uncle marty these are hard." she whinned. "megan hes drunk half the time." marty said. megan stuck her lip out. "she's all we've got." marty said by the way of explaning that he needed help. " give the file to analise." my dad said nodding torward me. i stood. the blond reached for the file. "never mind i'll just do it, i'll threaten him." she said taking a gun. "that won't do much." i said. "and why not miss know it all?" she demanded. "first off princess thats a flare gun." i said. i got a gun from the shelf. "this is the gun you want." i said. "i like you, kid, can you go with her?" marty said. i srugged and went outside. we drove to the skips house. i read his file. "open up i can hear you in there!" megan yelled knocking on the door. "go to hell blondie!" was the response. "look out." i said. she backed away. i kicked the door open and went inside. "bond inforcment!" i yelled. "what the hell?!" the guy yelled. i handcuffed him and went back to megan, who had her mouth hanging open. "ready?" i asked. "i have a job!" the guy said. "here." i said giving marty the paper that said the guy was in jail. the woman paid me and i split the money with megan. "were's my dad?" i asked. "he had to get going." marty said. "perfect." i said. the door banged open and a boy my age handed the woman, jane a paper. "who's she?" he asked nodding torward me. "she's the new bosses daughter, she's a bounty hunter dinomo." megan said. just then my dad pulled up and honked. "so what's the damage?" i asked. "they need money to hire bounty hunters to get the place running, and no one wants to work there." he said. the cars were there so i went shopping for food and made dinner. the next morning we went back to the office. i was dressed in gray jeans and a blue flannel and some black kicks. "we need a new bounty hunter and fast." marty was telling the boy and megan. "i'll do it." i said. "you will?" marty asked dumbfounded. "if megan will be my partner, so i can train her." i said. "deal." marty said. "no way, analise is mine." the boy said. i steped back when he said my name. "with me and analise working together skips will be recoverd faster then they come in and megan can go back to painting her nails." he said. "see ya" megan said. she ran for her car and took off. "this is chase your new partner." marty said. him and my dad went back to the office. "so any skips yet?" i asked chase. "hold on i need some food." he said. it was monday morning and i was about to blow a gasket. "so?" i said, after chase ate. "none yet." chase said. i got up and left. "analise!" chase yelled. "come on!" he yelled again. i took the short walk back to the bonds office. " jane is my dad here?" i asked as i poked my head through the door. she smiled and nodded because she was on the phone. " is my uncle here?" megan asked. she got the same responce. i sat at on the edge of the sofa. megan climbed behind me and took my poney tail in her hands. she undid the hair tie, and she devided my hair and french braided it. once she finished they came out. "i have to do somethings down at the station are you okay?" my dad asked. "yeah, i'll just go home." i said. " i wish you had friends." my dad said. "i'll go with analise, if she'll have me." megan said, she had a nervous smile. "come on." i said jerking my head to the car. "i'm sorry i was rude when i first saw you." she said. "you were doing something you don't like. when someone does that it tends to make them stressed and they lash out at people for no reson at all, it's okay." i said. "you're smart analise." she smiled. "thanks." i said. "can you get that?" i asked as the phone rang. i was mixing the cheese in to the noddles for mac and chesse. "hello?" megan asked putting the butter and milk in the frige. "yeah sure," she said handing me the phone. "hello?" i asked. "don't hang up allie." my mom said. i hung up the phone. "bad conection." i said to megan as she handed me some bowls. i grabed a blanket and megan followed me out onto the deck carring our bowls and her soda. i spread out the blanket, and we sat down to eat. "this is nice." she said as she opend her soda. "yeah except this deck conects to next door." i said taking a drink of my soda. "do you know them?" she asked. "no." i said. "well let me introduce my self, i'm andy." we both turned to see a guy. he had a bowl and a soda. "i saw you out here and i thought why not come over and hang, im kinda lonley." andy said. "aw!" megan said. we ate in scilence. we talked for an hour then megan had to go home and chase called saying he got a skip in. he handed me the file when i was seated in his car. he knoked on the door. "bond inforcement!" i yelled. he kicked the door open and we went in. "shit!" chase yelled. he ducked behind the counter puling me with him. "yeah!" the skip yelled shaking the gun. i shook off chase. and fell to my knees avoding another bullett. i pulled out my gun and shot him in the foot. it worked. the skip dropped the gun and grabbed his foot. "you shot my foot!" he yelled. chase grabbed the gun, and i put the skip in cuffs. "here." i said walking into the office. i gave jane the paper. chase followed me. "that was fast." jane said. "easy as pie." chase said. "anything else?" i asked. "nope." chase said. "are you hungry?" megan asked as i answered her call. "yeah." i said. "cool, let's go for some pizza, where are you?" she said. "at the office." i said. "i'm around the corner." she said and hung up. "you made a friend." chase said. i ignored him and climbed in megans convertibal. "so the best pizza in town would be Pizza in Heaven, but it's ubber exspencive." she said. "i have money." i siad. "cool, you buy piazza, and i'll buy drinks and matzarella sticks." she said pulling away from the curb. the back door opened and andy got in. "were too ladys?" he asked. i smiled. andy could pop out of no where. all i have to say is if he pops into my bathroom i'll pop him on his darn head. " Pizza in Heaven." megan replied. "perfect i'll buy the bread sticks and the nachos." he said. ten mins later me megan and andy were just getting our food. "megan do you want to spend the night?" i asked. her eyes shined. "of course." she said. "well, my dad bought some kind of bed that has wheels and we can bring them out on the deck and andy can have one too, if you want." i added. "wouldn't miss it." he said. we ate and then went to my house. "okay the beds are in the garage." i said we set the beds up outside, and then watched a movie. we went to sleep. i felt something hit my bed. "analise?" i heard chase ask. i sat up strait, as did andy. "who's he?" chase asked. "who's he?" andy asked. "friend and partner." i said rubbing my eyes. "what time is it?" megan asked. she was lying on her stomach head submurged in the feather pillow. "it's 1 in the morning. " chase said. "go away." megan mummbled. "why wasn't i invited to this sleep over?" chase asked. "you're my partner, not my friend, remmber you doidn't want to be friends." i said. he rolled his eyes at the memory. i rolled on to my stomach and pulled the blanket over my head. "i'm hurt." he said. i closed my eyes and tried to not frezz to death. "is there something you needed?" i asked. "yeah i lost my key and need somewere to crash." chase said. " and you thought of me?" i asked. "your my partner." he said. "lucky you, i'm going home." andy said. i through the covers off and jumped up. "no, don't leave. chase take my bed." i said. i climbed

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