» Fantasy » Porcelain Doll, Jordan Alexandria [book club reads .TXT] 📗

Book online «Porcelain Doll, Jordan Alexandria [book club reads .TXT] 📗». Author Jordan Alexandria

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answer with a nervous laughter and lean away slightly so I can see the side of his face.


Vasek turns his head and looking at me from the corner of his eye, his lips curl up in a cunning smile, "And when will that happen?"


"Well, that seems like a third date kinda thing, ya know. Awkard first date, kiss on the second, and the third is the I get butt naked, lay on the couch while you paint me kinda date." I nod, and stroke my chin and wink, "You could be my Jack."


Have I mentioned how much I love that scene in Titanic?


Vasek raises an eyebrow, "So that's all it takes, three dates and I can see you sprawled out naked on my couch? Or better yet, my bed?"


I roll my eyes and give him a light shove, "Honey, you haven't even gotten the first date yet."


He starts to answer with what I suspect is a smart rebuttal but a squeal and a flash of blonde hair that I suspect is Veronika distracts us both from the conversation.


"Come back here, you demon of a girl! Give me back my PSP, I just made it to level 30 and if it gets deleted by your stupid ass we're gonna fight!" The youngest of the brother, Marek, yells as he shakes a fist in the air.


What an adoring family...


Marek pauses when he sees me pressed against the wall by Vasek and smirks, "Man, you work fast, huh? Just woken up and she's already let you get to second base? Classy."


He flashes me a toothy grin and a quick thumbs which earns a growl from Vasek before he runs off to follow his sister while Vasek yells, "And she hasn't let me at second base yet!"


"Well, that was interesting," I mutter before looking up at Vasek.


He sighs and moves a few inches away before gently pushing me forward, "Go, get ready and I'll get Veronika so you can go shopping. If I keep looking at you with that bed hair you've got going on I think I'll take you back to my room so I can make it into sex hair," He pulls out his wallet, slipping a credit card into my hand, "Buy whatever else you want, just make sure Nika doesn't go overboard, she'll buy two malls out completely if someone doesn't stop her."


He slaps my butt and smirks, "Get a move on it, baby girl."


I roll my eyes and walk into my room, "Geesh, he's a handsy one, isn't he?"

Chapter 3


"Oh my god! This dress would go perfect with your body type!" Nika exclaims and thrusts the dress at me abruptly before moving behind me, shoving me to the nearest changing room and inside, "Now try it on."


"This is the 50th dress you've made me wear, Nika! Will you just pick one so we can go? We've been here for hours."


"Shut up and put it on, maybe after I'll buy you that smoothie you've been going on and on about."


After a bit more grumbling, I pull the dress over my head and blink,"Whoa, I actually look... Hot."


Nika bursts into the room the second after I say the words, blood spewing from her mouth and her eyes full of panic, reaching for me with blood stained french nails, "DESDEMONA, RUN!"


Gasping and just staring at her when she falls to her stomach in front of me, "Holy shit."


Kneeling down with an eerie calm, I pressed two fingers to her neck and pressed my eyes closed before running out, screaming, "HELP! HELP, SOMEONE'S HURT MY FRIEND! FIRE, ANYTHING!"


Two burly arms snatch me from behind, as a few other men step out of the shadows as I notice that the once lively customers and employees were now laying on the floor with their eyes closed, "What should we do with the leech in the changing room?"


A gorgeous man, walks out with dreamy eyes, sending a hard look to the one who spoke, "Nothing, we hurt her enough. While her family is dealing with their precious princess' injuries they won't notice we've taken their future kings beloved and queen."


I blink and glance around the room, gaping at all the scary but sexy men.


Are they serious? Who was the king? Who was the future kings beloved and who the hell was princess? And what did this have to do with us?

Dreamy eyes snaps his attention to me and smirks, "You caught our kings' attention, little dove, and soon you'll be thanking us when you realize we did you a favor getting you away from those blood suckers."


He looks over my head and to the man holding me whose remained firm but silent and gives him a slight nod that anyone could've missed if they hadn't been paying attention, a wild look in the pretty eyes and smile gracing his full lips.


"Nighty night." A voice murmurs before a blow to the head and a sharp pain make everything go dark.


**** DAYS ****

"Ugh, what the hell?" Holding my head and sits up slowly, glancing around quickly.


The room I was in was massive, the walls were green and the bed-frame was made of wood, it was very forestry like I was out in nature but it was beautiful and right side of the wall was a window overlooking the actual woods.


A girl about 12 or 13 scampers in with a tray and puts it down, twirling her short little pigtail around her fingers before looking at me, her ears pointed and eyes slanted.


Standing and letting the covers fall away, "Hello, um... Can you tell me what's going on? Who are you?"


She lets out a giggle, flashing her pointed teeth before putting a hand over her mouth and running out.

I frown and look down, finding myself in a sheer nightgown that barely touched my thighs and realize that someone has also stripped me of my underwear too, snatching up the cover and wrapping it around.


I shuffle to the door before opening it lightly only to see Dreamy Eyes looking at me curiously,"So, you're awake now, pretty bird?"


Nodding silently and clutching the door handle, suddenly unable to form words.


"Come, darling, our king wants to speak with you." Dreamy Eyes takes my hand andpulls the rest of the way from the room, leading me down the never ending hallway.


"Why am I here?" I ask quietly.


"Because, my king likes you."


"I've never even met a king before!Was it you who hurt my friend in the store? What did you do to those people?"


He lets out a pregnant sigh and looks at me with an annoyed look and tugs me into a huge ass room that looks like the outdoors perfectly; trees, flowers, grass and even a simulated ceiling that looked damn real sort of like Hogwarts thing going on.


"Holy fuck."


Dreamy Eyes drops my hand and starts to leave, "Stay here, the King will be here soon."

Chapter 4

After a few minutes of uncomfortable staring with the guy who walked in 20 minutes after Dreamy Eyes left. "So.... You gonna tell me what's going on or what?... This is getting a little freaky."


The attractive man with the dark features lets out a short laugh before closing the space between us and putting a hand on the small of my back.


"Um.... Do you mind backing the heck up? I don't even know you, you can just come and get all up in my grill like that." I murmur, getting flustered and leaning as far away as I can without falling backwards.


This guy is even better looking up close.


Stroking my cheek lightly and letting his lips lift up in a sly smile, a foreign accent gracing his words, "You're so beautiful," He rubs circles around my back and bends his head further down, his hot breath washing over my neck, "And all mine."


"I... Um... No, what? I'm not yours!" I burst out, shoving him away, "WHAT'S GOING ON! WHY AM I HERE?"


The man sighs that I'm now assuming is the king over what-the-fucking-hell kingdom, goes blank but I can see the frustration sexual and non in his eyes, turning his back to me and whispering to himself, "I thought you knew... Just like those damn leeches not to tell you about this after he claims that you're his beloved."


"See! this is what I'm talking about, tell me NOW!" I screech and start to pound my fists in his back.


The guy snaps around and graps my wrist with a glint in his eyes that wants to me run for te hills, "Calm the fuck down," Running a hand through his long locks his motions to a bench by the wall, "Sit with me and I'll explain everything to you."


Giving him a long suspicious look before sitting on the bench and turning to face him, "okay, im calm. Explain."

The guy rolls his eyes and nods, stroking the sprinkle of stubble on his jaw, "Do you believe in supernatural beings?"


Taking a long breath and looking at my hands, afriad of sounding like a looney, "Yes, I do. i only believe in forces stronger than our own like ghosts and fate, none of that bullshit like vampires and werewolves."


He nods and sighs, "Well, what if vampires and werewolves exist just not in the way humans think they do?"

"I'll give it a try, go on."

"It started out thousands and thousands of years ago with a man, a woman, and a witch. The woman and the man were madly in love, so in love that no even the fates could tamper with their lives and no witch could create a spell strong enough to break that love. Soon though, humans became jealous of their love and wanted to steal it as their own. so they tricked the couple, sending them to two completelt different halves of the world, captured so they could never see each other again. The humans thought that if they were far enough away from each other for awhile their love would dwindle and falter then eventually die out. The plan didn't work; the man escaped his prison and traveled over many seas to find his woman who was locked away in a tower but in one of his travels he met a beautiful young women who called to him like sailor to his boat. The pretty woman was a witch and it seemed like fate, she offered to help him find his love if he gave himself up to her completely for a night.


"He agreed to it but when the deed was done and he found his woman. The witch

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