» Fantasy » Porcelain Doll, Jordan Alexandria [book club reads .TXT] 📗

Book online «Porcelain Doll, Jordan Alexandria [book club reads .TXT] 📗». Author Jordan Alexandria

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became jealous too but because the power of their love couldn't keep them away from each other for long she cursed the two. The woman to an eternity of darkness, to have to live off the souls of others to keep on living, to have a beautiful face forever but that same beautiful body could not keep her pure and reduced her to nothing but a monster. The man so he would be a beast; cursed have a heart of a wolf forever, made to be an animal with the all the instincts of one because who could love a beast with the facade of a man? So the woman the man once loved couldn't bare to live after a years of taking lives of others and threw herself into sight of the sun but once the man heard howled to the moon with his pack and died of heart break."


The man stops and looks at me seriously, "But they were meant to be reborn over and over again, trying to find each other throughout different lifetimes."


I frown, "so what are you trying to say?"


"That is how the first so called vampires and werewolves were created."


"Okay... But what does this have to do with me?" I ask curiously.


"You are the woman but that boy," He snarls, "The one called Vasek is a vampire and I am a werewolf but one of us is the man who is meant to be with you. Understand?"


"H- How...?" I ask, standing abruptly.


"A prophecy from a coven of witches, centuries ago. We found you through the lineage of the woman and everything matched up so we knew you were the one but the little bloodsucker got to you before me since he already knew your family...." He gives me a curious look as I start to back to the door, "Where are you going?"


"Running." I squeal out before sprinting out of the room and make turns down random corridors before I run face first into a wall.


Chapter 5


Oh boy, this was so not a wall, I think to myself as I look up the to the face of some very creepy looking man.


"Oh, I am so so sorry.... I was j-just taking a light jog and I wasn't paying attention." I squeak out, taking a few steps back.


The creepy man grabs my shoulder with a harsh look in his dark eyes and gaunt face, his voice mocking, "Looked like you were running for your life to me."


"I- I.... Uh... Wasn't. I'll just leave now." I say, looking down at his hand before trying to look for escape routes.


The creep his hand on me tightly, digging his scrawny little fingers into my arm and gets ready to say something back but before he can get a word out a large arm circles around my waist and yanks me toward them, growling erupting from behind me,"Stay away from her, Lucifer."


The guy, I know as Lucifer, looks from me to the man behind me and lifts his lip up in a snarl before turning and storming down the hall, muttering profanties.


Spinning me around the man I suspected was the king looked me in the eyes, "Don't you dare run off again," He grabs my cheeks in his big hand and stares at me with an intense that makes me want to curl up in a ball, "And stay away from that man, understand? He's not good."


I blink and look at him, "Is he really Lucifer?"


The king shakes his head, "No, but he acts like it..." he takes my chin and bends down, "Just listen to me, lovely. You really need to be careful with him. "


"Okay.... I... Why are you bossing me around? I don't even know your name?"


The king smiles and strokes my chin, "My name is Obsidian but you, my love, may call me Dan."


I take a breath and nod, "So, let me see if I got this straight... My parents were going to marry me off to a Vampire because a propechy says he might be my soul mate and then you have your rowdy dogs kidnap me, hurt my friend, tell me some insane story of how we could be meant for each other but we don't really know yet and I just ran into some scary man named Lucifer... Oh and you're a king Werewolf while the Vasek is a Vampire prince?"


Dan nods and let's me go, giving me a peculiar look.


"Oh.... Okay...." I say before my eyes cross and I hit the ground.


The last thing I hear is Dans' clothes ruffling around as he bends beside me.


"I do hope this doesn't become a regular thing, my sweet girl."


Publication Date: 11-27-2014

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