» Fantasy » Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [epub e ink reader txt] 📗

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she and Luna were identical twins, or that Luna even existed. "Thanks for caring so much, Lu." His heart definitely was in Ariana's hands, and he felt he would be lost without her.
"She's my twin sister. Why wouldn't I care?" Luna replied.
Doc Swanson returned to the duo. "She'll be okay after a long nap." He told Derrick, and Luna squeezed his hand again.
"Her mind is exhausted." Luna remarked.
"How could you tell?" Derrick asked, not really sure he wanted to know the answer.
Luna looked at Ariana's silent body and whispered quietly. "I sensed it."
Ariana herself moaned from the table, and began to stir.
"If you still want to keep yourself a secret, Lu-Lu, I suggest you'd better leave before she wakes up." Doc suggested.
Luna thought for a minute. "She'll know soon enough, I'm sure." Luna's pager went off in her pocket and she looked down. "Saved by the boss. Shannon needs me, so I'll be off."
Luna left just in time.

Ariana's eyes flickered open, and she began to sit up.
"Whoa," Derrick breathed as he caught her before she could fall. "Careful, love."
Ariana shook the cobwebs from her head. "What happened?"
"You fainted, I believe." Doc told her. "If you remember, I am Doc Swanson, the Chief Medical Officer here at the System."
Ariana remembered. She had seen him for her physical on her first day at the System, and recalled meeting his daughter Dana. The short, but smart doctor knew all there was to know about treating any of the human body's ailments. Ariana nodded. "I remember. Nice to see you again, Doctor Swanson."
"Yes, and the name's Doc Swanson, or just Doc. I'll need to see you in a couple of days, just to make sure you're okay."
"Thanks, Doc." Derrick said as he helped Ariana stand.
"You're welcome, Reading and Sister. Reading, get her straight to bed to rest, got that?" Doc commanded, smiling.
Both of them nodded, and left the office. Derrick leading Ariana by the arm to Fourth Floor and their room.
"Thank you, Derrick." Ariana's voice was barely above a whisper.
"Don't try to talk. Wait until after your nap." Derrick advised, kissing her tenderly on the lips.
She didn't object.
When they reached their room, he sat her on the bed. After he slipped her glasses off her face, she immediately fell into a deep sleep as her head hit the pillow.
Before leaving her side, Derrick stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. "Dream, my beautiful Ariana. Dream of your perfect world." He stared at her lovingly. "Remember, I will always love you."
At that, a small smile crept on Ariana's face.
After all she had told him about herself, he would have to say they were both glad Ariana was at the System. No more abuse, no mean mothers and being treated like a slave, and no more running away.
Derrick grinned as he thought of himself as well. He was happy living at the System Not a day went by he didn't think of his old life and family, though. They were always in his thoughts. Right now, he could care less about them.
Both he and Ariana were finally where they both belonged: In a more perfect world.

Chapter Eleven:
The Truth Is Out!

Ariana and Derrick headed to Shannon's office two years later. Ariana sensed something was going to happen that would change both their lives forever. They held hands, talking as they walked.
They reached the computer room and walked across to Shannon's office in the corner. They let themselves in and saw Shannon smiling, with Shadow watching in a corner.
What did Shadow have to do with anything? Ariana asked herself.
"’The time has come,’ the walrus said, ‘to talk of many things.’" Shannon quoted with a grin. Shadow shook his head and held his laugh.
Ariana and Derrick looked at each other, then to Shadow before looking at Shannon strangely.
"What was that all about?" Ariana asked, laughing.
Shannon looked to Derrick. "It's time to tell her of you-know-who."
Derrick was confused. "Who?"
Out from behind Shannon's back came his old partner, Luna!
"Me!" Luna smiled, watching her twin's reaction.
Derrick and Shadow smiled at each other.
Ariana gasped, confused. "Who are you?"
"I'm your identical twin sister, Ariana." Luna replied with a smile. She looked into her sister's eyes. "My name is Aluna Star Sister. You and I aren't only twins, but Ancient Mystics. The two of us are also Shannon's cousins."
Ariana stood in front of her, silent.
At first glance, anybody could have made the mistake of telling them apart, but close up, you could see the differences. Both girls had long red-blond hair and sparkling silver-blue eyes. The only difference was Ariana had to wear glasses while Luna did not.
"Well, sister? Aren't you going to say anything?" Luna remarked, hands on her hips.
"Nice to meet you, I guess." Ariana managed to choke out.
"She guesses." Luna addressed Shannon, Derrick, and Shadow.
"How long have you been here? I've never seen you here before." Ariana asked her new twin sister.
"Long before either of you, with the exception of Shannon, of course." Luna answered.
"Of course." Shannon laughed. Ariana was about to say something, but Shannon interrupted her. "Hold that thought. I've got another surprise for you."
Shannon left and went to her metal cabinet.
"What could it be?" Ariana asked under her breath. She looked at them.
Luna smiled, Derrick didn't have a clue, and Shadow shrugged.
In a few minutes, Shannon came out with a jewelry box in her hands.

Derrick could see the inscription, AM. Must mean Ancient Mystics, he concluded as he watched Shannon with Ariana. Luna gave her sister a small, silver ring with an opalescent jewel encased in it. She stared at it in wonder.
"This was a gift from Enchantra herself." Luna explained. "It'll help you gain and use more of your powers. You'll also be able to go into the Dream Realm with it, not to mention the necklace around your neck."
"Lord Guardian himself gave that to me.” Ariana touched it lovingly. “It's called the Dream Locket."
"I know. I have one too, but I never wear it." Luna replied, trying to be the boss. She held out her hand, and so did Shannon.
"Why are yours different than mine?" Ariana asked.
"Because we are of the younger twin, Challandra." Luna told her.
Ariana smiled, realizing the truth. "Does that mean I'm older?"
Reluctant, Luna nodded.
Shannon was too excitable. "Well, put it on. Then tell me how you feel." She ordered playfully.
Ariana did so, and they watched.
"Derrick, you're her Earthly Protector, right?" Luna asked, and he nodded. "Listen closely and be aware of what happens to her, whether you're with her or not."
Derrick shrugged, "Okay, I guess."
All eyes were back to Ariana and the ring. The ring started to glow while Ariana stared at it. "What's happening? Somebody tell me!"
"Just relax." Shannon led her to a seat. "Sit down and close your eyes. Mistress Enchantra will come to you and explain everything about the Ancient Mystics."
Luna sat down next to her. "Later, I'll tell you anything you need to know about our family."
Shannon took the boys aside. "The two of you can do this too. Only the Apprentice, the Dream Realm Immortal-male who’s in charge of training the two of you to be the twins’ Earthly Protectors, will approach you. He'll tell you how to protect them, and all that. He came to Lord Guardian when it was time, and gave him two necklaces."
Shannon pulled first a mid-size pewter unicorn, inside the mold of the earth. In the unicorn's horn, was a tiny jewel that matched Ariana's ring. She gave that one to Derrick, and Shadow an almost identical one. His had a jewel identical to Luna's on the horn. Each pendant itself hung from a black leather string.
Derrick immediately recognized it from the necklace in his dreams.
"These are for the Earthly Protectors of Ariana," she looked to Derrick. "That's you. And Luna," Shannon looked to Shadow with a smile. "That's you, Shadow."
"When and as you wear them, you will be able to be in touch with she who has that jewel, the Dream Realm, and be able to go there just by thinking about it." Shannon replied, finally finishing. "How's she doing, Lu?"
Luna did a thumbs-up sign. "Like a fish to water, as expected."
Shannon rubbed her hands together. "Great."
"I don't really understand the more complicated powers, such as traveling through time and mind-swaps, but I get the rest of it." Ariana replied. "All thanks to Mistress Enchantra and Aluna of course."
"It's Luna, and thanks." Luna corrected. She grabbed her sister by the hand and the two of them were out the door. Shadow followed.
"It feels great to hear Ariana has found herself a family." Derrick remarked.
"Once she gets to know Luna as we do, she'll wish Luna had never been born." Shannon laughed, and Derrick nodded, joining in.
Yep, Derrick thought to himself. All was going to be much better for he and Ariana.
In fact, it was going to be perfect.

Shadow waited for him outside the door. Derrick had the Pendant around his neck while Shadow still held his own. “Hey, Shadow. What did you think of all that?”
Shadow shrugged. “I thought it was interesting. Cool, even.”
“Are you going to put it on?” He asked, nodding to the necklace in his hands.
Shadow looked at it. “Yeah, I am. As much as I love Luna, I will do anything for her.” Shadow placed it around his neck with ease. “There, happy?”
Derrick laughed. “I guess so.”
They walked together out of the computer room that adjoined Shannon’s office. The mood was still, for Shadow was quiet and Derrick didn’t want to say anything just yet.
“Hey, Derrick, are you mad at me or something?” Shadow asked him. “I remember the day I brought you here. You needed a friend, and I wanted to be that for you. But, well, you haven’t been talking to me much, you know?”
He nodded. “Yeah, I know. No, I’m not mad. I was just confused, that’s all.”
“About what?”
“About you.”
“What do you mean?” Shadow asked, stopping. The boys sat at the picnic table outside and continued talking.
“I don’t know. I guess I was envious of you at first. Before Ariana, you know I was Luna’s partner for two months, right?” Shadow nodded. Derrick continued to his relief and dismay. “Well, we had a short-lived relationship, and turned out to be good friends. She told me about you, and at first, I was jealous.” Derrick paused, staring into space. “Now that I have Ariana to love, I never really gave it a second thought.”
“Why are you telling me this now?” Shadow asked him, curious.
“I just thought it would be the right thing to do.” Derrick replied. “I want to be friends with you, and watch after the twins with you. I guess I don’t want any hard feelings for us in our friendship together.”
Shadow smiled. How noble.
“No sweat, man. I’ve forgotten it already.” Shadow told him. “I just want to ask you about Ariana.”
“What about her?”
Derrick never looked more alive, thought Shadow. “She seems like a pretty honest, nice enough girl. Tell me all about her. That way, we’ll know each other, and the other twin. Get it?”
Derrick smiled and his face turned red as he described her.
First his Dream Girl, then his girlfriend, now his pride and joy.
Shadow felt the same way about Luna.
The two girls may have been identical twins, but the two guys that mattered
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