» Fantasy » Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [epub e ink reader txt] 📗

Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [epub e ink reader txt] 📗». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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"I hate to leave you."
"I hate it too, Ariana." Luna agreed. "We all do."
"If it was meant to be, my Love, than it was meant to be." Derrick whispered in Ariana's ear. He turned to Luna and gently kissed her cheek. With a hand cupped under her chin, he replied. "As for you, Aluna. I will never forget the greatest best friend I could ever have."
Luna hugged her twin and Derrick for the last time, before racing to Shadow's and her quarters in tears.
"Come on, Love." Derrick said softly in her ear. "Let's go."
He let her lean on him as they mournfully strolled to their own quarters on Fourth Floor. In silence.


"Where are we going to go, if not together?" Ariana asked as she packed her single backpack.
"No matter where we are, we will always be together." Derrick assured her.
"Really?" Ariana asked, drying the remains of her tears from her face. She searched his eyes for deception, which she knew wouldn't be there. He was too honest for that.
Derrick dropped a sweatshirt and walked over to her. He gave her a long kiss and a comforting hug. Derrick faced her, looking deep into her eyes and fingering his special necklace. He took her hand and kissed her ring gently, squeezing both hands in a gentle, loving embrace. Derrick pointed first to her chest, then to his own. "We will be together always in here."
The two of them hugged and kissed once more before they continued packing.
Derrick wondered a lot about what was going to happen to him and his dear, sweet Ariana Moon after they left the safety of the System's dorm. Sure, he had a home to go to, with parents, brothers and a sister; but what about Ariana? All she'd ever known were mean foster parents and abusive homes. She had no place to call her own home. She was too old for any orphanages or even foster care, and she was much too nice to survive on any city street alone.
There came a knock on the door five minutes later.
When Ariana opened it, in front of her stood a good friend Loraine "Love Joy" Joyce. Love Joy and Ariana wore identical looks of sorrow. Love Joy cleared her throat before her tightened voice squeaked out, "Ariana, you'll be coming with me."
"Let me say goodbye to Derrick first, please Love Joy?" Ariana pleaded.
Love Joy knew how much Ariana and Derrick cared for each other, and nodded her head in approval.
Ariana turned to Derrick and looked deep into his eyes. He was sitting on her bed, and she joined him.
Will you miss me, my Romeo? Ariana thought to him silently. A tear escaped her eye.
Derrick wiped the tear away with his finger. More than you'll ever know, my Love. Derrick sent back.
He took her hands and they shared a last loving, soothing kiss.
I will always love you in my heart, my mind, and with my soul. They sent to each other as they kissed.
They parted and she rose.
"Take good care of yourself, Ariana Moon." Derrick told her sadly.
"I'll try, Derrick James." Ariana replied softly with a grin. She let a tear run itself down her cheek.
The young lovers hugged each other tight before Ariana let go and grabbed her backpack. She turned her back for a second, and then turned her head to meet his shadowed eyes.
Whenever you need me, Ariana sent before leaving him. Just dream and I'll come running.
Derrick nodded.
She blew him a kiss and was on her way. He closed the door behind her.
He was alone again. Depressed, he stood and walked to the balcony where he and Ariana often had deep, intense conversations about anything under the moonlight.
Leaning over the railing, he stared into the beautiful California evening sky. He thought about both twins, Ariana and Luna; his family back home in Hill View, half-way across the country, and how lonely his life was going to be without his precious Ariana. Besides, he thought, how was he supposed to be her Earthly Protector if he wasn't anywhere near her?
Sure, he'd be able to dream and see her, but it wouldn't be the same. He'd only be touching a fantasy.
Sigh. Derrick pulled two pictures from his back pocket. One was of his family, taken way before they began to fight.
The second held just as much meaning, for it was of his Ariana Moon at her Sweet Sixteen party two years ago.
Just thinking about her made Derrick's dark brown eyes water with emotion.
Derrick Reading knew one thing: He sure was going to miss her badly.


Aluna Star Sister was confused. She knew her family was in Hill View, Michigan, even though she’d grown up here in the System. Dixilynne Ryan, before dying six years ago, was her grandmother. Luna and Dixie kept the secret of the family from Shannon and the other officers for as long as possible. Until she told Shannon her dreams and visions three years ago, her cousin hadn’t known they were related. Now she was going home. Why wouldn’t her twin be joining her there?
Luna had kept in touch with her family since she was old enough to write letters. She was glad to be returning home.
Then again, she’d miss the agents of the System. Shane “Shadow” Morehouse the most. She was excited, yet depressed. So many thoughts went through her mind as she opened the door to the room known as the Ginger Room. It was across from Fourth-Floor, where Luna knew her twin and old partner were stationed.
As soon as she walked in, Shadow met her eyes. “Hey Lu, ready to go?”
“Go where?” Luna whispered in a daze.
“Out to eat with Derrick and Ariana.” Shadow replied. He kissed her lips, pulling back to look at her eyes. “Have you been crying?”
Luna pulled away from him. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
She went to the closet and pulled out a knapsack. She began packing some clothes for the ride, along with some sentimental items.
“What are you doing?” Shadow asked, stepping so he was next standing next to her.
“I’m packing.” Luna tried sarcastically, only she stared. Dropping the shirt she was holding, she sat on the bed and began to cry all over again.
Not in front of him! She thought to herself. I don’t want him to be hurt.
Shadow sat next to her, hugging her close and letting her cry on his shoulder. “What’s wrong, Luna?” He whispered in her ear.
How should I tell him? She thought.
Luna calmed her tears before telling him. “I’m going home.”
Shadow stared. “That’s great!” He replied happily. “Why are you crying?”
“Because I’ll miss you like crazy.” Luna said. “I love you so much, and I don’t want to leave you, but I have to. I have to readjust to life with my parents and siblings. I haven’t seen them since I was five.”
Shadow hugged her. “It’ll be alright, Luna. We’ll be together again in no time, you just watch.”
He sure sounded optimistic! Luna thought with a small smile.
“There.” Shadow replied. “I got you to smile.”
Luna laughed lightly. “I guess you did.”
They kissed again, with Shadow whispering. “I love you, Luna.”
“I love you, too Shane.” Luna returned.


In the end, Ariana was sent to Hill View, Michigan to begin her search for her family. Derrick went there, too, back to his family.
How scared she was to be on her own in a rough part of a city she never really knew?
How glad he was to finally be back home, to his family? Derrick just wished his beloved Ariana could be with him, for he missed her already.
Ariana walked the unfamiliar streets and thought much she, too, miss her dear, sweet Derrick. She hugged herself at the thought.

As for Luna, she was sent back home, not two miles from Derrick in the same city of Hill View. Lord Guardian told her not to tell Ariana where her birth parents and home were, for her sister needed the practice of survival on her own. It was just a matter of time before the three of them were to meet up again for the rest of their lives.
They just had to wait.


In the rich district of Hill View, Michigan, Mark Grey paced his room, waiting for his sister Caroline Parker to come out of the bathroom. He looked around the room. His clothes were everywhere, and he wasn't able to tell the difference between the dirty and the clean. He grabbed a sweater and a pair of black jeans, changing into them from his night sweats.
"Come on, Caroline! Hurry up!" Mark yelled as he pounded on the bathroom door ten minutes later. "You're gonna be late for school!"
"Hold on, Mark. I'll be out in a few." His sister spat out.
Mark groaned, frustrated. Why did she do this every morning? For a few snobby friends at the Academy? Caroline always begged to have a ride to school from Mark. The butlers and chauffeurs absolutely refused to cart her around. She was mean, bossy, snobby, and plain stuck up.
Thank goodness, she wasn't really his sister. He'd be in terrible trouble.
With little complaint, Mark drove Caroline to Hill View Academy. Of course, with every turn, Caroline continued to talk up a storm. Fortunately, Mark was able to ignore her.
He drove home in silence. Breathing a deep sigh, he opened the door to the house and began his day.

Chapter Thirteen:
Worlds Apart

Ariana was in a sleazy part of a city she didn't know.
Sure, she vaguely remembered being born somewhere in town, as well as definitely having a home and family. She just had to find them.
Trouble was; she didn't recall where exactly in town.
Ariana sighed and held her backpack tightly. She fingered what money she had in her pocket, making sure she still had it. Sure enough, all one-hundred dollars were still there. Love Joy had given it to her, courtesy of Shannon, before dropping her off.
She wandered the lonely streets in search of a shelter to lay her head for the night. It was getting colder as the autumn eve wore on, and Ariana was becoming more frightened as she walked. She played with the heart necklace Derrick gave her for her Sweet Sixteenth two years ago as she walked the lonely streets of Hill View. This place was quite new to her, yet she somehow knew where she was going. She also knew where she’d been, and sighed for the companionship of her loving boyfriend and twin sister. Ariana may have had money in her pocket, but she still felt she was poor like the many street vagrants she saw as she walked. She turned her Empathy off, so she didn’t Feel strangers’ thoughts and emotions. She focused instead on the road ahead.
The Hill View Mall was still open, and she went inside to warm up.
It wasn't too late to grab a quick bite to eat, but first, onto the bookstore. Smiling, she stepped inside Read More Books. Her eyes found a small, clothbound notebook with a ribbon bookmark and the figure of a mythical unicorn on the cover. The unicorn reminded her of Lord Guardian, so she purchased it. Heaving a sigh, she exited and headed toward the food court.
Her stomach growled loud enough for a stranger to stare. Ariana blushed and turned away. She found a restaurant and sat at one of the tables. After ordering a meal, she took out her pen and the new notebook. She opened
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