» Fantasy » Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [epub e ink reader txt] 📗

Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [epub e ink reader txt] 📗». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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Master in his realm, which everybody calls the Dream Realm." Ariana started. "He has his own part of the Dream Realm we call the Dominion. It was in the Dominion I found out about him."
"What about him?"
"You don't want to know. Trust me." Ariana looked away in thought. What if these girls could escape, just as she escaped when she was little? A vision of Katherine Hawk smiled at her, nodding her feline head. "How would you like to see what else the Dream Realm has to offer? It's more good than evil."
"How will we get there?" Sarah asked.
Ariana smiled. "Girls, hold hands and close your eyes. I'm going to teach you an escape chant I used to do when I was a little girl."
They listened. Tart got off of Ariana's lap, letting her stand.
As soon as the girls' eyes were closed, hands held to her sister, Ariana herself closed her eyes and opened her mind.
"I am the Young Guardian of the Dream Realm. With this chant, I send these girls to my world when they wish to escape reality. Each will have a power, each a separate destiny."
Ariana outstretched her arms and opened her eyes. Waving her hands over each girl, then the group, she chanted.

"Moy Yam Tor Ham Day,
Take me away.
My heart, my soul, and all I seem,
Take me now to the Realm of Dreams!"

Still holding hands, the girls repeated her to the letter.
"You are my girls. My Children of the Oracle." Ariana replied. "May only happiness come your way, and harm be driven from your lives. Blessed be."
The group repeated in a chorus of whispers. "Blessed be."
Ariana took a deep breath and sat back on Tart's bed. "You can open your eyes now. When you go back to sleep, call the chant in your mind, and the Dream Realm will come to you. Many creatures called Companions will come and guide you through it. If you're lucky enough, you'll meet the Elder Lord Guardian."
Each girl hugged Ariana, kissing her on the cheek. It felt good to be able to help them escape from the hells of the hand of Mrs. Gertrude.
After a month of torture, Ariana finally decided to escape, and search for her real family. The girls helped her out, keeping the secret mission from Madam Pain. Before she left, Ariana gave them each a kiss and reminded them of their Dream Realm escape.
It was late at night when Ariana made her move. Once each of her Children of the Oracle had a magic friendship bracelet, she quietly left the orphanage.


Ariana could have sworn she heard a female voice calling to her. It was three days after her escape from the orphanage.
She turned and saw a woman resembling the earliest memory of her mother. "Momma?" She whispered.
The woman ran up to her and gave Ariana a big hug. "My long-lost daughter! I have finally found you!"
Ariana was surprised, confused, and happy all at the same time.
Finally, here was a woman who thought she, Ariana, was her long-lost daughter.
Could this really be her mother?


Luna Woods played with the rock in her hands. Her thoughts had brought her to Clements’ Pond, a favorite Hill View thinking spot. It had been two months since she’d seen Ariana, Derrick, and Shane. The Dream Realm Crusaders had disbanded, with the three of them – Ariana, Derrick, and herself – thrown out into the real-world on their own. She knew she had a family, but Lord Guardian didn’t want Ariana to know.
She could sense her mother standing above her, but didn’t look. “Hello, Mother.”
“I knew I’d find you here.” Susan Woods announced, sitting next to her on the grass. “Care to talk about it?”
“Not really.” Luna said, making the rock levitate in her hand.
“Is it about Ariana?” Susan asked softly.
Luna looked at her, throwing the rock into the pond. “I miss her, and fear for her safety at the same time.”
“That’s only natural.” Susan said. “You are a distinct pair of twins.”
“Did you and Aunt Sharon ever separate long enough to miss each other?”
“Of course.” Susan supplied. “She’s in Charlton now with her horse ranch. I barely get a moment to talk to her with the way my law practice is going.”
“What about like us?” Luna asked. “The two of us never grew up together, yet I always knew she was there, somewhere.”
“We never had to be separated for as long as you and Ariana.” Susan supplied. She stared into her daughter’s now-silver-blue eyes. Since Luna had changed her eye-color to ocean-blue long ago, it came as a warning. “That’s not what’s bothering you, is it?”
“A demon has been watching her since she found out about her powers.” Luna said. “This dragon-mistress’ name is Sabrina, and she seems to think Ariana stole her power away.”
Susan’s eyes widened, and she couldn’t speak for a moment. “Sabrina, the Dominionite Maiden?”
Luna nodded.
“Be careful, sweetie, okay?” Susan warned. “You don’t know what kind of evil plan she has up her sleeve. None of us do.”
Luna nodded again, turning back to the sight at the pond. Susan left her side.
It was only a matter of time, Luna thought to herself. I hope we can handle it!

Chapter Fifteen
...To a Perfect Fantasia

Derrick Reading settled himself at his desk. He pulled out a picture from his wallet. It was of his beloved Ariana Sister at her Sweet Sixteen party.
He gently touched the picture's face with a saddened sigh. He missed her so much!
Where was she right now? He thought as he fingered his necklace with closed eyes. What was she doing at this moment?
In his mind, he called the Dream Chant. Within moments, he appeared in the Dream Realm in front of a hedge of bushes.

Derrick's eyes searched for Ariana but couldn't find her.
"Great.” He muttered under his breath. “I'm lost in the Dream Realm."
Someone tapped him on the shoulder, making him turn.
"May I help you, Dreamer?" A Balinese cat asked him.
"Have you seen Young Guardian?" He asked her.
"Nay." The Balinese told him. "Who are you to know of her?"
"I'm her Earthly Protector. My name is Derrick Reading." He introduced. "Who are you?"
"I am a dear friend." She said sweetly. "My name is Katherine Hawk."
He was amazed. "You're Katherine Hawk?"
"Aye. Why does that shock you?" Katherine laughed.
"I've heard nothing but good things from Ariana about you, but I've never actually met you face to face." Derrick explained.
"Now that you have, what do you think?" Katherine twirled in front of Derrick. Her long hair whisked with her, making Derrick smile.
"Wonderful." Derrick replied. "Where am I now? Is Ariana with you? She told me you were Banished to our world to search for your sister."
"Believe it or not, you are in the Dominion." Katherine replied. "You arrived in front of the Garden entrance. Ariana is still in the Outer Realm."
Derrick nodded, but a question plagued his mind. "What do you mean Ariana's still in the 'Outer Realm?'"
"That is what the Companions call your world." Katherine said. "Would you like to see an image of her at this moment?"
He nodded excitedly. "You can do that?"
"Nay, but the Sisters can." Katherine replied. "Surely you have heard of the Ancient Mystics?"
Again, he nodded. "I wouldn't have been able to come here without their help."
Katherine purred, taking his hand. "Come with me."
Within moments, both Katherine and Derrick were in front of the Ancient Mystic Palace.


The strange woman led Ariana to a limo, which was waiting at the side of the road.
"How lovely it is to finally be reunited with you, my dear?" The woman hugged her shoulders. "It really has been years since I've seen you!"
She droned on, without really stopping to take a breath. Ariana climbed in the limo after her, not really listening to the strange woman.
Ariana sensed something wrong, but pushed the feelings aside in her mind. If this woman really was her mother, why should she complain? She had a home, finally, in Hill View, Michigan. Even Katherine sensed something, but decided to keep quiet.
The limo passed an arched sign reading, "Parker Mansion." Ariana gasped in admiration when she saw it. Never before had she ever lived in a place like this! At least, not as someone’s daughter. It was going to be wonderful to explore every crevice, just to learn more about her past. She didn’t sense Luna anywhere near the mansion, which bothered her. Wouldn’t this be her twin’s home as well?
Ariana reached for the door handle when the limo stopped, but someone had already opened it for her. She smiled, with a shy, "Thank you."
"Bonnie, this is Edward, our chauffeur." Her new mother introduced.
Before she could correct her on her name, she and Edward met eyes.
"Pleasure, Miss Parker." Edward tipped his hat and winked, which made Ariana giggle.
"Pleasure's all mine, Edward." Ariana replied with a curtsey.
"Enough chatter with the help, darling." Her new mother replied, agitated. "Come along."
Ariana squeaked out a tiny, "Yes, Mother."
They walked inside and an elder gentleman stood, awaiting his Mistress' orders.
Mrs. Parker handed him her purse and coat. "This is Charles, our head butler." Mrs. Parker replied. "He'll take that awful bag of yours and lead you to your old bedroom. It's across from Mark's, if you remember, dear."
Charles reached for her bag, but Ariana said. "No thank you. I'll take it myself."
He nodded tightly.
"Oh, don't bother with him." Mrs. Parker replied. "He hasn't spoken a word since we hired him. Marvelous worker, though."
Her mother gestured for Charles to take Ariana upstairs.
Ariana followed closely behind the elder butler as they climbed the wondrous staircase.
I wonder why he's never spoken. Ariana thought.
She tried reading his mind to get a clue, but came up with silence.
That usually happens when someone is deaf! That's it -- he's deaf!
He opened the bedroom door for her. She made sure she met his glassy brown eyes before she signed, "Thank you."
Charles smiled. "You know sign?" He signed back.
Ariana nodded, signing each letter of her name. "My name is A-R-I-A-N-A. Mother called me ‘Bonnie.’"
"I'm glad someone in this house has taken the time to learn sign language." Charles signed before he left her. "We'll talk often? It's lonely when no one around knows how to talk to me."
"Yes, we will. Anytime you wish, Charles." Ariana signed with a smile. "Again, thank you."
"You're welcome, Ariana." Charles signed, leaving her.
Ariana stepped inside the unfamiliar, but spooky room. She immediately received a vision of a young girl with long white-blond hair and a white robe on. To Ariana, she looked like a ghost trying to reach out to her in desperation.
The girl was in trouble, but Ariana didn't know who it was. She stared into space, trying to communicate to the strange ghost-girl in her mind.
As if to answer, the girl made the door slam behind Ariana, making her gasp.
"Hey! You could break a guys' nose that way!" Ariana turned when she heard the voice cry.
A gust of wind blew through the window, making the drapes blow wildly. The strange ghost disappeared, and Ariana was too distracted with the male voice to think anything of it. Before responding to the strange male voice, she placed her bag on the bed and walked over to close it.
"Sorry about that.
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