» Fantasy » Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, H. Chambers [android based ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, H. Chambers [android based ebook reader txt] 📗». Author H. Chambers

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to decide exactly what to do and exactly who would do what. They would need the next three days to prepare.



The auditorium was ideal for the show. It was normally used to give lectures outside and encircled a reasonable size arena. A small platform had been built to one side for Eldin, and at the entrance the two wagons had been set with a screen between them for the performers to hide behind.

Eldin loved his wizard costume, a bright red cloak and cone shaped hat both with lots of yellow suns and moons sewn on them. He stood on the platform, a little way back from the 'cauldron'. He hoped Felspar had got his quantities right this time as during rehearsal Eldin had nearly been blown off the platform. The audience were settled. Jed, Burrell and Decker were at the front squeezed between Aharen and Caleb. There was a buzz of excitement as everyone waited for the show to begin.

Eldin raised his arms to the sky, in his right hand he held a wand and his left was clenched. He waited for silence.

'Once upon a time to come,' he began. 'There was a lord who sought to conquer our lands, only a fool would dare such a thing, only a fool would dare to take on the WIZARDS!'

Eldin threw the powder from his left hand into the cauldron, a large red plume of smoke erupted from the cauldron, perfect.

From behind the screen Will appeared dressed all in black with a black wig. His face was painted, a macabre clown face. He walked to the centre of the circle brandishing his wooden sword.

'Who dares to mock ME, the mighty, great and powerful Cur,' said Will.

'We all do,' said the wizard gesturing to the whole audience.

'Do not underestimate me, wizard,' Cur retreated behind the screen to boos and hisses from the audience.

Clover and Echo trotted into the ring and stopped in front of the audience and bowed. Moving in opposite directions they began to canter around the circle, stopping at the same time to turn on the spot. Bella entered the circle dressed as an old witch walking with the aid of a staff.

'Ah my beauties, what troubles you?' said the witch in a very witchy voice.

Clover and Echo moved to take positions on either side of her.

'Is it the wolves?'

The horses shook their heads.

'Is it a man?'

The horses nodded their heads and stamped on the ground with their front legs.

'A man so despicable even his own brothers want him dead?'

The horses nodded their heads again.


As one both horses rose onto their hind legs and kicked their front legs in the air.

'Ha, do not fret my beauties I have plans for that one, in his dreams,' the witch cackled as she directed that last comment at the three men sitting uncomfortably between Aharen and Caleb.

Jed, Burrell and Decker were not happy. They had all had a very strange dream last night involving a witch, they had been separated from the others and now were being made to watch something that would have had them hanged in Thantos.

The witch lifted her staff in the air and turning she aimed at the wagons. A firework shot in the sky and exploded into stars. Huge applause came from the audience as they walked from the circle.

Glint and Ami stealthily walked into the circle, wooden swords at the ready, looking left and right.

'Keep your eyes peeled, I fear Cur's men are close at hand,' said Ami.

'Do not worry Princess, I am the fearless Glint, the greatest swordsman in the land!' Glint did a few dramatic sword thrusts the last of which sent his sword flying in the air.

'You are right Glint with you by my side, what in the world would I have to worry about?' said Ami picking up Glint’s sword for him.

From behind the wagons Garth and his three men appeared, each with a wooden sword in one hand and a leafy branch in the other. Their faces were painted white with black circles around their eyes. Snapper came out with them. They began to creep up behind Glint and Ami.

Glint lifted up his hand, 'Wait, I hear something,' he said.

They both turned slowly around. Garth and his men were standing stock still with the tree branches in front of their faces pretending to be trees. Snapper sat with his front paws covering his eyes.

'I can't hear anything, do you think they are close?' asked Ami.

'I don't know, lets hurry,' replied Glint.

Glint and Ami started walking around slowly, with the four men and Snapper behind tracing every step. Every now and again Glint would raise his arm and stop. Each time when they turned around the 'trees' had halted and Snapper was sitting with his eyes covered. After the fourth time Glint did not raise his hand before turning. The men held up their swords, Glint heroically jumped in front of the nearest man and pretended to stab him in the stomach.

'Die,' he shouted.

The man fell to the ground. The other three followed a similar fate, although the last one did have to wait awhile before being touched and told to die as Glint got a bit theatrical. Finally Glint turned to Snapper, touching him with the end of his sword.


Snapper rolled over on to his back and began kicking his legs, got back up, staggered a few more steps, then dropped again, back up he staggered again, dropped, back up, staggered, dropped, up, down, up. Glint stood with his hands on his hips, on one of Snapper’s 'ups' he looked at Glint, snarled and then lay down.

Applause and cheering filled Glint’s ears. Before the cheers had subsided Breaker entered and began playing the fiddle, the soldiers rose from the ground and began swaying to the music. Glint and Ami began clapping, urging the audience to join in. Next the soldiers began to dance, swishing their branches in time to the music. Eventually they all followed Breaker back behind the screen to more rapturous applause.

Aharen nudged Jed, 'Great dancers'.

Jed didn’t react, in fact he didn’t even appear to be breathing. Aharen grinned across at Caleb, the plan was definitely working.

Eldin stood back on the platform.

'The great forest of Pandean lies behind you, such magic, such wonder, so much mystery, let us glimpse into that world,' he announced with as much authority as he could muster.

Ebblin and Ghale rose from behind the screen, towering above everyone else they walked into the circle.

'TREE GUARDIANS!' Eldin shouted.

It had taken Bella, Ebblin and Ghale, plus two woodcrafters to make the costumes and stilts but it was worth it. Even Gadolin and Igmy who were watching from the trees behind the wall were impressed.

'Hehe,' laughed Igmy, 'they think we look like that, I wish I could join them'.

'No Igmy, now don't give me that sad look,' said Gadolin.

The 'Tree Guardians' stood slightly apart in the circle not moving.

The witch, bent and limping with her staff for support, walked past them up to the audience. Her face partially hidden by the hood of her cloak.

'Haha! You think you are all awake,' the witch crowed. 'Wrong my pretties, you are in a dream world, my dream world. Here, I control your souls!'

With that she hid behind Ebblin’s stilts.

Cur entered looking confused and lost. Beautiful flute music began to play, Bella reappeared no longer in her witch costume, moving seductively to the music. Will was pleased he had his face painted to hide his blushes for what was about to happen.

Bella's arms and hips had Cur mesmerised. She approached slowly, tantalisingly swaying her body. Just as she was in Cur's reach the trees came to life, taking a hand each they swung Bella gently in the air, over the top of Cur and placed her down close to the screen. The music stopped.

'What trickery is this?' shouted Cur.

The 'Tree Guardians' turned menacingly towards Cur, long spears now in their hands. Cur began to back away, they followed. Cur stumbled and fell backwards to the ground. They raised their spears ready to strike but Bella ran over positioning herself in between them.

'No don't hurt him,' pleaded Bella lowering her head to kiss him. At the last second she rolled over onto her cloak and stood up, staff in hand. Her head covered, bent and leaning on her staff she cackled hysterically.

Cur stood and starred in horror, then dropped to his knees, his head bowed. The 'Tree Guardians' grabbed hold of him and rather unceremoniously began to drag him out of the ring.

The wizard raised his hand and everyone stopped.

'Once upon a time to come,' he started seriously. 'There was a lord who sought to conquer our lands, only a fool would dare such a thing.'

On his last word Eldin shot his hands into the air and the sky exploded with fireworks. The effect was awesome, the initial fright the audience got was followed by clapping and shouting.

Once Cur was behind the screen the rest of the actors came to take their bows. Glint and Ami rode Clover and Echo. Ebblin and Ghale came out juggling wooden swords. Snapper came out with Will and stood next to Bella. Bella took off her witches cloak and Will his wig. Taking it in turns they all bowed to the audience and then left the circle.

'Are you alright?' asked Gadolin.

Igmy sat up, he had been clapping excitedly, but when the fireworks went off he'd got such a fright he'd fallen out of the tree.

'Wow!' was all Igmy could think of to say.

image Chapter 16

Tremlin and Hawke stood on the docks waiting for the horses to be brought off the ship. Despite Aberrling's assurances that King Hylaw had left Landra totally undefended, they had brought with them a small army and six Nefkins. As they stood next to each other it was obvious they were brothers, both in their twenties, both with striking red hair, both formidable fighters. They were also both united in their purpose, the downfall of their half-brother, Kerdred. Their plan was simple, let Kerdred take on King Hylaw, hopefully they would kill each other. It didn't really matter though, the brothers would be patient and when the time was right, would finish off whoever was left. Once Daranel was theirs, they would cut a track through the old forest joining Daranel and Thantos. So far with the help of Aberrling everything was going to plan.

Aberrling sat on the creaky old chair; why he had come into Eldin's old room he did not know. He wasn't quite sure what to do for the next few hours. He patted the hidden pocket in his tunic, the phial of poison gave him comfort. The ships were probably in the harbour by now. People would be panicking, stall holders hurriedly packing up, children herded indoors, doors and windows barred. When Hawke and Tremlin finally stood on the dock would there be anyone left on the streets? Aberrling tried to picture the scene, how many men had they brought? How many Nefkins? How many horses? It had been his plan to leave Landra undefended, to let Hawke and Tremlin just take over the city.

After King Hylaw had left, Aberrling had called a council meeting where he had told them he was going to resign, as yet again his advice had not been heeded. King Hylaw had left him in an impossible position. Should Kerdred's brothers decide to invade the city, Aberrling would have no choice but to allow them to take over. Aberrling felt his performance that day had been impressive, ranging from extreme anger and frustration to despondency and misery. The council at first were horrified by the idea of allowing an invader just to come and take

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