» Fantasy » Pack Gems, Kuro Kusai, WhiteWolf Aura [little red riding hood ebook .TXT] 📗

Book online «Pack Gems, Kuro Kusai, WhiteWolf Aura [little red riding hood ebook .TXT] 📗». Author Kuro Kusai, WhiteWolf Aura

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was replaced by a look of hatred.She lunged for Gaby, but two pairs of hands shot out to hold her back, Mason and Daren held her arms tight.

Kaden was not in the mood for this, "Oh yeah? This 'bitch' is about to wipe the floor with that whore!"

"Gabriela!" Axel yelled at the girl, "You're dismissed!"

Gabriela shot Kaden and Taylor dirty looks as she placed the chicken platter on the counter, and walked out.

Kaden was immediately released, but the tension in the air was stifling.

She started to walk out, but Axel grabbed her arm, "Kaden, please." His eyes pleading.

She thought about it."What's in it for me chico?" She smirked, knowing only one thing would make her consider it.

Taylor laughed, following Kaden's thought process.

Axel chuckled as well, "Steak. Juicy, delicious, medium-rare goodness."

Kaden's smile fell.Damn. He was starting to get to know her.Not good.

She sighed, "Fine, but I ain't got shit to wear."

"Oh, don't worry, I've got it covered."

She had a bad feeling about this.


~Taylor's POV~

"This place really is beautiful…" Taylor wistfully thought outloud with a content sigh.

It was regretable she wouldn't witness the struggle and seeing off of Kaden and her date.

But being that all eyes were turned on her friend, she took the opportunity to sneak out because noone was watching her...and more importantly, the back doors.

She was sitting in the sun on a stone bench overlooking the rolling hills that had begun to change from a rich, lush green to a soft, mellow green.

She reached a plucked a few tufts of grass blades out of their roots, twisting them between her fingers while she thought.

Pretty soon they were going to have to go. It was obvious that Mason and Axel's shaky control was waning.

Ever since Kaden had been kidnapped they had been annoyingly protective and very eager to point the blame at each other.

Taylor shook her head, trying to keep her thoughts not on their current troubles but a solution.It really was too easy to sit and wallow though.

She noted the blades between her fingers, a few already hurrying to change into golden strands of yellow and brown instead of the soft greens.

She let the strands fly on a gust of wind.It was decided, it was time they left.

With both Axel and Mason's one track minds, they expected them to join their respective packs and with that act become separated.

That wasn't happening. It was true both of them had warmed up to the quirky wolves, but it wasn't to the extent of giving up their freedom and friendship.

The large cottonwood tree rustled in the wind making her raise her eyes to the leaves as they danced for her attention.

But they were denied even that simple action as the wind carried a scent foreign to the grassy expanse.

She stiffened.

"So you finally noticed." Mason's cocky voice sounded from the branches high above her head.

"What are you stalking me?" Taylor raised a palm to shade her eyes from the sun so she could search for him.

Even while sneaking out, thinking she had been in the clear, Mason had caught her.

He snorted, "Don't flatter yourself. I just happened to be lounging in this tree before you came wandering out here all alone—something I told you not to do, by the way."

Taylor felt like being childish and retorting something along the lines of,'You're not the boss of me! Nyah!'

But she chose a more dignified approach,"I assumed I could handle myself. At least until my alarmed girly screams for help summoned backup mere yards from the house."

Mason laughed, shaking the branch he was lounging on; letting Taylor know where he hid amongst the thick leaves, "You? Girly?"

He laughed more as Taylor tried to decide if she should be insulted or not.

She was never one to like being called girly…but to say she wasn't…well, that wasn't good either.

"So, what brings you strolling out here looking so serious?" Mason asked, oblivious to the moral dilemma he brought up in her mind.

"Ah. Nothing too interesting, "Taylor shrugged hoping the statement was vague enough to not smell like a lie.She looked down at her feet hoping to hide her face.

A muted thud made her snap her eyes back to the tree Mason had been in to see he had jumped out of it and was making his way over to her.

She briefly wondered if Kaden was fairing better than her at this moment.

Chapter 24: Love from the Left Field Part 2

They heard something shatter, followed by "No way in hell I'm wearing a fuckin' dress!"

Everyone could hear Kaden's scream of protests from the living room.

It'd been going on for half an hour.

The ones remaining at the house had all decided to spend the night; offically declaring it pizza and poker night.Something both packs had seemed to do quite alot ever since Taylor and Kaden came into the picture.

"No way she's wearing a dress." Akira muttered, arranging his hand.

They were playing small practice games to pass the time before everyone gathered later in the evening.

Aaron smirked, "Bet I can take her in a dress."

Darren looked over at where the pup sat, hands held securely close to his chest and effectively hiding his cards, "Well, if you're willing to bet. I'm game."

A thud came from Axel's room, then a muttered curse from Kaden.

"Fine." Axel said, confidently.

A few minutes later they heard the door open.

Axel stepped out, adjusting the collar of the leather jacket he wore over a black satin button down shirt. As he continued to walk, he adjusted the belt on his black slacks, which were well accented by the black Nikes he wore.

Darren wolf whistled, "Lookin goooood."

Axel looked up from the jeering and smiled, hair slicked out of his face. "You ain't seen nothing yet."

Kaden stepped out next, her long brown waves of hair parted to one side. Her skin made good contrast with the turquoise of the halter top that tied around her neck and went down to her belly button, hugging her curves. She also wore a black skirt and a pair of mid-calf leather boots that made soft clip-clop noises as she walked across the hardwood floor, a jacket nesting in the crook of her arm.

"What did I do to deserve this?"

"Because I believe Taylor had claimed, 'You are evil!'. And something along the lines of 'karma being a bitch.'" Akira retorted, making Darren choke on his beer.

"Well, babe, you should thank karma, cause you look fiiine," Added Connor.

Kaden shot him the bird as she walked out the door, Axel at her heels.

~Taylor's POV~

This was always what made Taylor the most nervous.The way Mason looked at her…she felt like prey being stalked as he made an easy lope over to her.

"Really?" he plopped down on the vacant bench spot next to her, forcing her to move from the middle to the edge so they didn't touch.

Taylor studied his features to see if he believed her, or if he simply had grown bored with the subject—neither, unfortunately.

His golden eyes were sweeping across her face, looking for any disproving signs that he wouldn't find.

He had one eyebrow quirked up slightly to show he didn't believe her in the slightest. His lips curved into a soft grin that was usually reserved for when he was trying especially hard to goad her. The wind tousseled his hair, making his already mildly orange hair have a flame like quality.

"You have a leaf in your hair." Taylor noted flatly.

He tilted his head up in a haughty manner, "I know this. It's all the rage these days, you ignorant shewolf."

A laugh escaped her lips, making her scowl slightly at herself.She was still mad at him from last night, he wasn't about to charm his way out of that.

The simple sound spurred him on more, "Would you like me to design some leaf fashion fit for you, milady?"

"No. Leave." She regained control of her icy tone.

He sobered, resting a chin on his hand, propped up by an elbow resting on his knee, "What if I'm really quiet?"

Taylor rolled her brown eyes as she thought up a reply.She wasn't going to get rid of him and this was the best deal she was going to get, "Fine, whatever."

He beamed at her and looked like he was about to reply with a thanks but caught himself and instead mimed locking his lips and throwing the key over his shoulder.

Again she fought the urge to laugh and did her best to ignore him as she looked out at the landscape again.As she had been thinking about before; they should leave soon.Where would they go this time?Far away from these demanding dogs, that's for sure.

Said dog eased his head into her lap, startling her from her plans yet again.

"What do you think you're doing???"

.::. Kaden's POV .::.

The restaurant they arrived at was aptly named,The Blind Tiger Brewery and Restaurant.Steak and booze.

Axel knew her.

And damn well.

The whole place smelled of alcohol and meat.

"How many in your party?" The host asked.

"How many people do you see?" Kaden grumbled at the man.

The host looked like he was going to retort with something rude, but then he looked over at Axel and recognition dawned in his eyes, "Oh, Mr. Armstrong, would you like your private table?"

"Yes, Julian," He replied, giving the host a small nod.

They were sat down at a secluded table, the seats were comfortable and cushy.

The host started to hand them Kaden a menu but she waved it away,"Sixteen ounce Sirloin. Medium rare."

The host looked over at Kaden like she was crazy, "Ma'am, that's our biggest steak, are you sure you wa—"

"Yes I'm sure. I ordered it didn't I?" She snapped.

The host jotted it down, and then looked over at Axel.

"I'll take two full racks of spare ribs, a large platter of fries and a pitcher of beer."

"Any appetizers?" He asked jokingly.

"Nachos." Kaden stated, "Beefy nachos."

The host looked over at Axel, then Kaden, and wearily replied, "…Okay...coming right up."Then he walked away muttering.

"Nice place." Kaden observed, looking over at Axel, he looked really well dressed up.

"I figured you'd like it."He looked back at her through a few strands of dark hair that had fallen into his eyes.

"So why are we here exactly?" She figured something was up since he'd basically bribed her into coming.

"I want to know more. About you. About your life. I want to know how to make you stay."

Kaden hesitated as she saw the intensity in his eyes, "Why?"

"Because I want you mine."

"Quit dreaming. I'm my own person."

"Will you tell me how you and Taylor survive the madness of not being in a pack?"


"Will you tell me how long you've been packless?"


Axel sat silently analyzing, then responded with, "Will you tell me about your Change fever?"

Kaden figured she could reveal that much because it didn't include a lot about Taylor, and nodded, "My old Pack, well, they turned me without permission because they thought I would end up being…special. A wolf that would make it easier for other wolves to survive their changes, but I ended up being a plain and pretty damn dominant wolf. They considered me useless, so for me to be of use…they tested things on me." Her voice faltered a little.

"What type of things?" he was leaning across the table now.

"Just drugs that would speed up the Change…drugs that would incapacitate wolves…how to make wolves stronger…it

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