» Fantasy » Vamp Huntress Hunted, Mariana Mendoza [best free ebook reader for pc .TXT] 📗

Book online «Vamp Huntress Hunted, Mariana Mendoza [best free ebook reader for pc .TXT] 📗». Author Mariana Mendoza

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force of her punch and rolling it through my body. I hear a crunch but I can’t tell if it was from me or her. I quickly grab her leg and throw her to the ground. I hear her grunt before she tries to punch me again.
“ Nice try but I’m better than you.” I whisper to her.
“ Really?” some behind me asks.
I turn around quickly but I don’t get a chance to see the man because bright fluorescent lights turn on from all over the room and while I was stunned for a few seconds, Ghost jumped and caught me from behind, holding a wooden knife to my throat.
The light blinds me completely because it was energy that came from the sun, which isn’t dangerous but it does weaken a vampire. It weakens to the point near poisoning when its a vampy thats as new as me is exposed to it. And that with the fact that I was feeding off of anything non-living, I was poisoning myself even more.
I quickly stopped myself from consuming the energy and just focused on feeding anything but the energy of the lights. I then began to rely completely on my nose and on my ears, shutting down my whole vision center. What I heard was amazing, something I had never experienced because I had never done this before. I not only could hear everything, it felt as if I could actually see everything (without color of course) because of the sound waves that bounced off of everything. I could even see the mysterious man.
He was about five inches taller than me and he was as thin as a cigarette and had big hair that wasn’t exactly curly. I couldn’t see any color, of course, but I could see that his features were soft and his eyes were a little big but in young way. His nose was pointy and his lips were thin. His arms and legs looked thin as bones themselves. Oh, and his lashes were long. Instantly off the bat, I somehow knew he was cruel and merciless and a big bag of shitty douche. I really wasn’t going to like him.
“ So, I have your friend Ami in my arms and I think she’d really like to go to the next world now. But look, she can either go there or be turned to one of you, with your help of course.” creepy man said. I made a sound in my throat that was in-between a hiss and a growl. The man laughed. For the record, I didn’t like to be laughed at, especially in front of my face.
“ So, what would you prefer, Kira? Your friends blood or yours?” He teased, placing a knife to my friend’s throat.
“ Don’t threaten me, it won’t end well.” I whisper to him.
“ Oh, I know! How about you get both their bloods my love?” Ghost said, a laughing tone in her voice.
Love? Wow, to think that two evil people can fall in love. Torture must be their favorite pass time, I bet.
“ Yes, take both their bloods and add two more tropes into our hall of fame.” he said in a dark tone. I tightened my lips and furrowed my brows a bit. I didn’t like where this was going. I mean, I might look great on a trophy case but that didn’t mean that I’d liking sharing that special place with anyone, especially Ami of all bitches.
“ I’m going to say this one, more, time. Do. Not. Threaten. Me.” I said slower, my voice sharp.
“ Oh, she has a temper!”
“ I wanna see how far you will allow me to knife your friend before you break or she dies. Your only two options are those so hurry and choose. I don’t like waiting.” Creepy guy says.
Right, like I don’t really have a short fuse. I then heard creepy dude begin to cut where her collar bone was. The smell of metal mixing with fresh blood angered me. This was not going to happen for long. I was sure of that.
I tried to pull away but I couldn’t because two things happened: One, the wooden knife began to cut my throat and two, the smell of my favorite blood type froze me in place. The desire to suck all that blood and cover my body with it was almost as powerful as my control. As each second passed, my own control began to weaken me. The fear that I could potentially kill my friend forced me not to even try to get near her. But the idea of doing nothing enraged me, blowing most of my fear away.
I was now gasping for air as my hunger began to grow and the energy from the non-living objects weren’t enough to keep me strong.
“ Look, she’s shaking! She’s hungry for her friend’s blood.” I faintly heard Ghost say to her lover.
I realized she was right, I was shaking. And it was growing by the minute. I felt something wild begin to unravel inside me. My vampire instincts wanted to take over but I denied them the control they wanted. I knew that if I let them take the reigns, I would lose myself completely and go and stay mad for the rest of my time until someone killed me.
I really didn’t need that right now.
But I couldn’t do anything because my iron strong will began to get eaten away by my wild vampy’s instinct’s thirst for what she wanted. For what I wanted. I was shocked to learn that that wild vampy was actually part of me. The part of me that I feared. And of all things that I didn’t want to do, I surely as fuck didn’t want to let my insane, wild part out of her cage. That just wasn’t my type of party.
“ Come on, Kira. I know you want to.” the guy teased.
Ghost laughed.
I wanted to snap back but I couldn’t since I was fighting with myself. I could smell the knife cutting deeper and deeper into Ami’s collar until it was just a few millimeters from her bone.
That was all it took.
I quickly found something ancient in my inner self. It was something I had never seen or felt before. In my mind, I could see a small ball that was a mix of silver and gold fluid. It looked silky and smooth….
And it was calling for me.
The urge to grab it was strong but I hesitated. It wasn’t until I heard Ami begin to hiss in pain did I finally make up my mind and called the ball to me. Little strings of liquid silver began to flow into me and spread all over my body. Once it reached my mind, I opened my eyes.
I could now see everything crystal clear. I began to shiver fast, and once I was shivering to the point that others wouldn’t be able to see it, I somehow knew that taking a step forward with the wooden knife to my neck wouldn’t kill me.
Because I went through it. I quickly turned around to see the Ghost’s surprise. It made me just a little more mad. I looked into her and saw the raw energy of her life force that had been fed by blood for just a few years. Somewhere in my mind said that that life force could give her energy that would last enough to not feed from Ami and to kill creepy guy. I walked toward her but Ghost took a step back. I glared at at her, freezing Ghost. I saw her shake in fear but I didn’t care. She had put me through enough hell that I just wanted her energy force. I walked to her again, this time with my hand held out. Ghost stayed perfectly still and in place.
Ghost quickly began to relax little by little until I got there. Once I was near enough to feel her warm breath in my face, I dipped my hand into her heart. My hand went through her skin like water. Her life source was bright but small and smelled really good. When my hand touched her energy source, I heard Ghost gasp.
“ My lady, “ she whispered to me. I looked up at her and saw that she was giving me a sad smile.
I caged her light with my hand and quickly pulled it out of her. I thought I heard a small string that held her life source in place snap. I quickly swallowed it. A burst of sweetness covered my taste buds. The ball felt silky and it tasted sweet and sour and salty all at the same time. I smiled when I swallowed it.
Ghost fell to the ground and the moment her body touched the floor, her bones and flesh turned to ash and earth. I looked down for a moment but quickly turned to creepy guy when he talked.
“ Holy shit.”
When I turned to him, he quickly closed his eyes. His hands began to shake so bad that he threw Ami’s body to the ground. When he did, the whole room fell to the ground, becoming into ash as well. I smiled at him. Dude gulped.
“ Thats what happened when I feed off of anything but blood.” I murmur to him.
The creepy guy then took out a small stake shooter and began to shoot me with it. I winced every time a stake hit my heart and stomach and shoulder. Each time a stake hit, I yanked them out. My body quickly healed with the help of Ghost’s energy light. I kept walking towards him but he backed away quickly.
That was when I noticed that he was a vampire. It surprised me a little but then I smelled that he obviously covered his essence by wearing a gold cross necklace.
“ You didn’t want me to know you were a vampire?” I asked.
He shook his head and then suddenly stood still the moment I reached him. He turned his face up to me, as if he was trying to look at me and gave me a big smile.
“ We’ll surely meet once again, Miss. Kira, now that I finally found you.” he whispered.
I was still trying to make out what his words meant when I heard a big swiping noise. I blinked for a second and when I opened my eyes again, he was gone.
Leaving a huge knife made gashing X that went from my shoulder to my stomach and hips. I was actually surprised that a vampire could have that quick of a reflex that even I didn’t know he had hurt me.
I then began to feel how deep he had cut. I gasped a little. My body began to heal itself but because of Ghost’s life light had finally stopped feeding me, I was beginning to think that I was royally screwed. I then turned around and looked down at Ami’s body. The sight of blood was enough to make me back away from her and bring me to my knees. I barely had energy left and I was too tired to feed off of non-living things. And to top it all off, my inner silver silk string was going back to mix with the gold looking fluid. Apparently, I was also too weak to call to it.
That was when I heard a huge door being knocked out. Really, Really? Just as I was dying, more enemies had to come?
“ Kira!”
Worse, the
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