» Fantasy » Jacob Black - True Imprint, Jessley [best romantic novels in english .txt] 📗

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then we can tell them both?” I suggested. “Brilliant, I’ll call him quickly” replied Jake as he pulled out his phone and dialling his dad. “Hey dad, you busy, can I come and fetch you to visit here at Nana’s place?” he asked. “Hold on, I’ll ask” he said turning to Nana. “Nana, dad wants to know if he’s staying for dinner?” Jake laughed. “Of course, he’s more than welcome” replied Nana as she and I went into the kitchen. Jake and his dad continued talking while Nana packed food out from the fridge.

“Okay, will see you shortly, going to fetch dad quickly” he said entering the kitchen. He kissed and hugged me and then was off to pick up his dad. “Can I make you something to drink?” asked Nana. “I’ll make it Nana” I offered as I went over to the kettle to fill it up. “So what’s the good news then?” asked Nana. “Oh, you going to have to wait for Billy to get here to get the news Nana” I responded smiling at her. “Oh” smiled Nana. I made us some tea while Nana started getting the food ready.

“So Kayla, how have you been doing since…” she asked. “I am doing fine Nana” I responded. “I mean how are you doing, you can hide your feelings from everyone else, but you can’t hide them from me Kayla, you have never spoken about your ordeal” she commented. “Nana….its not that I don’t speak about it, I still don’t remember much, but I have been getting little snippets here and there and I am not sure if its from my memory, but it’s scary” I answered looking a bit shaken.

“All I can remember is seeing this man that looked like Alex and feeling this loss when I woke up in hospital” I added. Nana came to stand next to me and comforted me. “Nana, why would Jake think this was his fault, I sometimes hear him waking up at night crying and saying it’s his entire fault, and then he wakes up and holds me closely to him?” I asked. “I don’t know my baby, but the memory will come back if you are meant to remember anything of that day” she said.

We heard a car pulling up outside and then shortly Billy’s voice and Jake laughing as the front door opened. “Hello” called Billy. “In the kitchen” responded Nana as Billy came wheeling around the corner with Jake in toe. Jake immediately came beside me and put his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead. “So kids, what the good news you have for us?” asked Billy not wasting any time.

“Dad, Nana, Kayla and I are expecting, we are going to have a baby, Carlisle did a scan and confirmed it, here are the pictures” Jake said excitedly handing them the pictures of the scan we had done. Nana stood there with her hand over her mouth, Jake smiled from ear to ear as Billy’s face broke out into a huge smile. “Congratulations my boy, Kayla” Billy said shaking Jake’s hand and Billy gesturing to me for a hug. I turned to Nana and I saw a tear escape from her eye as she smiled and hugged me.

Over dinner there were so many questions, like do we know what we are having, what the due date is etc, as the evening wore on I felt I was getting tired. We bid our goodnights to Nana and dropped Billy off at home who was still chatting about becoming a grandfather. As soon as we got home I showered and climbed straight into bed, Jake followed me shortly afterwards and we were asleep in no time.

Chapter 60

I was at the rock pools, this man approached me. He startled me because he looked just like Alex, but Alex was dead! Everything went black, what’s happening, why do I feel like I have been here before, was I dreaming, I asked myself?

I woke up in a dark and dirty place, some woman says something, who is she, and what does she want with me? I try to make a run for it, but she is so fast and strong that she grabs me and slams me into the wall. Then I was in a tunnel and pictures and images were flooding me, everything that happened on that fateful day came back to me. Jake and I were arguing about being pregnant, seeing Alex, but it wasn’t Alex, the pain, my arm and leg breaking, he hurt my baby.

I felt like I was drowning, drowning in my own blood, I could see my body, it looked broken, I saw Jake crying over my broken body. I heard a scream and felt my body shaking, only to be woken up by Jake who was shaking me awake. “Kayla, Kayla, what’s wrong, please wake up!” he shouted. I was shaking so badly, I was sweating and I had been crying. “Jake” I cried holding onto him. “You sound like you were being tortured or…” he couldn’t finish the sentence. “Jake, I remember everything, I remember it all” I sobbed.

Jake was so pale he was in shock, “you remember?” he asked. I calmed down and managed to tell him everything I remember of that fateful day up until he found me. Jake was so upset he was crying. “Jake is that why you have been blaming yourself, because I lost the baby?” I asked. “Yes, I do because if I wasn’t such a jerk, you would have been pregnant still” he said shaking he was so upset and angry; he got up to walk around to calm down.

“Jake, I love you and I don’t blame you, what happened has happened” I said as he came to sit with me. Jake held me in his arms and it was the longest time ever we cried and we promised each other that we would move on from our ordeal and look forward to a better future with our little baby.

Jake rubbed my stomach and kissed me, then we got back into bed and Jacob knew how to make me feel better. We slept in that morning as we only went to sleep just before the sun came up. Later we both phoned into work to let them know we wouldn’t be in. That day we spent relaxing and doing things together.

“What colour do you think we should paint the nursery?” asked Jacob out of the blue one day. “Not sure, especially since the sex of the baby is going to be a surprise” I replied. “How about a nice soft yellow or a mint green?” he suggested.

As time went on and months were going by I was getting bigger and enjoying my work as did Jacob whose business was getting busy. Jake was taking some time off to paint the nursery before baby arrived. I was already eight and half months pregnant and just completed the finishing touches to the baby’s room.

That afternoon Jake planned to spend some time with the pack, or according them they plan to kidnap him for the afternoon. Leah, Emily, Kim and Nana were coming around to the house to have a girl’s afternoon. So Jake and I were no sooner finished the room when some of the guys knocked on the door downstairs. “You can’t hide Jake, we can smell you” called Embry from downstairs. “We are upstairs guys” Jake called in response. The pack was as the door in no time. “Wow” is all you heard as they saw the room. “This looks awesome, I can’t wait to be an uncle” said Quil. “Yeah, the first one in the pack, eh Jake” commented Embry giving him a playful punch on the arm. Jake just smiled ear to ear as he admired our work on our baby’s room.

“Sorry to break the mood, but we gotta go” interrupted Seth. “Oh okay” answered Jake. “I’ll see you later, take it easy please” he said kissing me with his hand rubbing my belly. “And you take care of mommy, okay” he whispered looking at my belly, talking to the baby. I chuckled a bit, “go on get out of here and go have some fun” I said kissing him again and sending him out the door. Shortly after the guys left the ladies arrived on the porch.

Chapter 61

They had secretly planned a little baby shower for me, and instead of me dunking for apples we went for a softer touch. It was manicure and a pedicure I received as well as a facial etc, it was heaven. I felt so pampered with the spa treatment and I received lovely gifts, we had such a lovely time.

Nana was having a blast of a time, as I got up to tidy the table she helped me with the plates and we went into the kitchen and started packing the dishwasher, when a sudden sharp pain came over me. “Argh” I said. “What’s wrong?” asked Nana as she walked over to me. “Just a sharp pain, probably having too much fun” I said. “Sure you are okay?” she asked again. “Yeah, I think finishing the baby’s had just taken it all out of me today” I answered, then turned to continue to pack the dishwasher as the pain disappeared.

“Here let me help” offered Emily as she came in with some glasses and took a plate from me to pack it in the rack. “Thanks Em” I said going back to the living room to collect the other dishes and was near the hallway when I heard Emily “Oh no” she said. I turned to her to see what the problem was. “What’s wrong Em?” I asked. “Kayla, I think…” she was starting to say as I followed her gaze downward to where I was standing and there where I stood was a puddle of water.

“Nana!” I called as I walked back to the kitchen which confirmed the water was coming from me. “Kayla?” replied Nana as she walked back into the kitchen and her gaze catching the puddle I was standing near and the water dripping from me.

“Oh no, your waters have broken, Leah!” called Nana. “Nana?” Leah replied as she also came into the kitchen not watching where she was going slipped on the first puddle of water, but with her wolf instincts she found her balance before crashing into anything. “Whoa, what’s that?” she asked as she saw the puddle she slid in. “Leah, Kayla’s water just broke, you need to go and find Jake” Nana said. “On my way” she answered and sped out the door. “Is your bag packed?” asked Nana. “Yes it’s in the nursery…arghhh!” I said as the pain shot through my belly making me bend over the kitchen chair. “You need to walk” Nana said leading me around the kitchen table. “Kim please get Kayla’s hospital bag and bring it downstairs” asked Nana. “Emily help Kayla to walk around the table” she asked Emily as Emily came to walk with me, I held onto her arm.

Another pain over came me and I had to stop and bend over the chair to catch my breathe, the pains were coming and going but getting stronger. After stopping again to catch my breath, the door burst open and Jake comes flying into the kitchen. “Kayla, are you…oh its happening” he said in shock, Nana had to whack him around the head to bring him around. “Jake, you need to take her to hospital” said Nana. “Okay, yes, but I must get hold of Carlisle, he will meet us there” he said as he dialled Carlisle’s number.
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