» Fantasy » Wolves, Ash Faith [romantic novels in english txt] 📗

Book online «Wolves, Ash Faith [romantic novels in english txt] 📗». Author Ash Faith

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behind. There were two different fights going on, the pack fight and the Alpha fight. I had no idea what to do. I was so confident in kicking Ace’s ass but the moment he showed up, I ran. I didn’t want to hurt him, but I didn’t want him to hurt Jackle. The only way to stop it, was to stop it myself. I stepped out from behind the tree, and began to walk towards the Alpha fight. Go for the head of the problem. I opened my mouth, ready to distract them. “Hey! Mutts!” that was not my voice. I closed my mouth and hid back behind my tree. Coward. My wolf grumbled, depressed from not being given a chance to battle.

The battle had stopped. Whoever it was that said that, had pissed off two whole packs of wolves. Unlucky move. I scanned the small open field that was the battle field, but other than the wolves, there was no one else here. Then I realised where the wolves were looking. Up. I traced their gaze, as I realised what was going on, my memory took me back to the night all this madness began.

A flying person. No wings. Just, hovering.

I felt queasy, as the moonlight shone onto the face of someone I had literally just said I’d leave far behind. The prince. More reason to keep my ass hidden. He surely had thought I’d left town long ago now, I decided it was better he thought that way.

“You are dull enough to think you will be the only ones to live in a place like this?” Kade laughed, “You are fighting for a useless battle. No one will truly win.” He barked, his aggressive tone echoing as wolves began to shift back to human form.

“Prince of Vampires,” Jackal bowed, as he steadied his footing from his shift. “I had not heard that you resided here. Accept my dearest apologies,” I heard Ace scoff,

“Posh bastard,” Ace laughed at Jackal’s apologies to Kade.

“Shut your trap, wolf!” Kade snapped, as he flew, no, literally stepped his way down from his floating position above the trees. “You are at no position to scoff, I know who you are truly know. So, my choice is not in your favour.” Ace gulped. Jackal stood back up from his bow, masking his accomplishment to gain favouring with a professional blank expression. I guess Kade is a special person. But then again, that’s quite obvious, since the guy is literally a Prince. But I didn’t really treat him like it. Woops.

“Prince, if you wouldn’t mind elaborating what your choice of favouring would mean exactly?” Jackal’s question read my mind. What in the hell did Kade mean.

“The choice of who shares the territory of this town.  As known by its ancient name, Therelia.”

This is a joke. They’re acting like this place is worth their lives, like ‘Therelia’ was something special. There’s nothing special about this hell hole minus the fact that there’s a vampire pub owned by a vampire prince who lived in a vampire mansion in the woods. This was like some kind of story you’d say to a kid to make sure they didn’t go near something or place.

“I’ve been informed of 3 present Alpha’s in town, so instead of settling this with” Kade paused, with a look of disgust, “brutality… I’ve decided I shall split the territory into quarters. 1 quarter containing my residence, that you shall not enter without warning. And the other 3 to be set as one per Alpha. This will be a game of wits. The winner takes 3 out of the 4 quarters. I am being extremely generous, do not make any mistake to destroy this generosity.” He pulled out a massive roll of paper from the insides of his suit pants, ripping it into three parts, dropping them at the feet of Jackal and Ace and a third one at the tree I hid behind. He grinned my way before stepping back up and into the night sky.





He must have known I was there the whole time. That dramatic son of a bitch. As I stared at the sky angrily, a throat cleared behind me. How did someone get behind me? I turned slowly.

“Will you ever leave me be, or are you just obsessed with being around me?” a familiar lop-sided grin felt like a slap to my face as it greeted me. This guy seriously needs to be taught a lesson. That lesson should not include his shirt. Fuck. No. don’t think about that!

“Ace, don’t be a hypocrite. You’re a creep.” I press myself against the tree, making as much space as possible between us. “I see you still have no clue what personal space means, I would love to teach you. My way.” I said sarcastically.

“We’ve got better things to do,” Jackal’s voice came from behind the tree, I spun around the tree quickly to stand next to Jackal and get more space between myself and Ace before my two-faced temptations won me over. Ace clearly disagreed, taking a step ahead and leaning on the tree, with a face of new anger I hadn’t seen on him. Was he…. Jealous of Jackal? Hah! He seriously is!

“Going green, Ace?” I sneered, pushing his obvious temptations to continue his fight.

“Don’t tempt the boy, trouble is not to be caused if we want to win.” Jackal put a hand on my shoulder as I had done earlier. The word boy being used to describe Ace suggested otherwise.

“We?” Ace laughed, ignoring our jabs at his ego. “She’s not stupid enough to be with you at her own free will. Hand her over, and no trouble will be cause.” He stood back up on his own two feet, a murderous look on his, hot, face. Damnit, stop thinking like that.

“I say we,” Jack began to smile, “Because that is the correct word to use, considering our alliance. That we made. At our own free will.” Ace’s face flew with shock,

“That’s not possible she’s not….”

“I’m not what? Ace? Not strong enough?! I’ll have you know that earlier today I fought with the King of Vampires. And won.” I finished his sentence, boasting about the fight that was technically a tie. But I surely would’ve won anyway. I congratulated myself, earning more eye-widening from Ace.

Ace turned to Jackal, “I would’ve noticed. It’s not possible” but Jackal just smiled even wider,

“Then I guess you’re not very observant, especially of the moon stance tonight” Jackal sneered, suddenly turning me around and pushing me into the bright moonlight that had just before coated Kade.

“What was that for?!” I yelled, but the words came out as a whisper. I looked towards the moon, a red cloud beginning to cover it and change the colour of its light. I lifted my hand and it was red. Not just red. It was glowing. Different to the glow I left on Kade and Jack’s wounds that made me feel weirdly calm. It was a bright, angry red. I looked back at Jack and Ace, Jack was smiling proudly, but Ace was yelling something I couldn’t hear even thought he was just a couple of metres away from me.

I couldn’t hear him over someone growling. Where was that growling coming from? It was deafening.

But then I realised.

I was the one growling.

Chapter 40 >> Lana's view


“We’re close, be prepared.” one of my men informed me from behind me. I was glad we’d met up with them early, we had to be prepared for the battle together.

“Prepared for what? The Ace I know isn’t smart enough to pull together an ambush” The woman I allied along with laughed. But what if the Alpha she knew is different now. My wolf warned me, speaking my mind. As she chuckled, I heard the pang of a bow string as a thin object flew past her. My reflexes jumped, catching the arrow before it flung past me. I turned to see a drop of blood drop  onto her shoe, and watched as her hand flew to her nose that had a small scrape at the tip of it.

“You were wrong, by the looks of it” I dropped the arrow and stalked towards the direction of its travel. The messenger for Ace from earlier stepped out from the tree he’d hidden behind.

“That shot was meant for you,” He snarled. I snarled back.

“Run back to your Alpha, tell him we begin, Now!” I ordered, still trying to have a shred of decency for the code that they seemed to have abandoned by using a weapon. The man stood there and looked me straight in the eyes.

“He already knows,” a creepy grin crossed his face, “It’s already begun.” I heard yelling from my men and snarls from an unknown source. I turned around to see 2 wolves already fighting my men, some attempting to fight back with their bare hands, shielding those who were shifting. The training I had given them had clearly worn off. But where was the girl. My wolf reminded me. I searched the battle, but she wasn’t there. A growl from behind me made me spin on my heels. Ready to attack if I needed to. I smelled the Alpha before I saw him. He was in wolf form already. Two can play that game. I whistled, and took a step back as 2 of my best fighters appeared to guard me as I shifted.

Chapter 40 >> Lana’s view

Stop cowering and get in there, my wolf begged for me to appear from behind the tree I hid behind. There were two different fights going on, the pack fight and the Alpha fight. I had no idea what to do. I was so confident in kicking Ace’s ass but the moment he showed up, I ran. I didn’t want to hurt him, but I didn’t want him to hurt Jackle. The only way to stop it, was to stop it myself. I stepped out from behind the tree, and began to walk towards the Alpha fight. Go for the head of the problem. I opened my mouth, ready to distract them. “Hey! Mutts!” that was not my voice. I closed my mouth and hid back behind my tree. Coward. My wolf grumbled, depressed from not being given a chance to battle.

The battle had stopped. Whoever it was that said that, had pissed off two whole packs of wolves. Unlucky move. I scanned the small open field that was the battle field, but other than the wolves, there was no one else here. Then I realised where the wolves were looking. Up. I traced their gaze, as I realised what was going on, my memory took me back to the night all this madness began.

A flying person. No wings. Just, hovering.

I felt queasy, as the moonlight shone onto the face of someone I had literally just said I’d leave far behind. The prince. More reason to keep my ass hidden. He surely had thought I’d left town long ago now, I decided it was better he thought that way.

“You are dull enough to think you will be the only ones to live in a place like this?” Kade laughed, “You are fighting for a useless battle. No one will truly win.” He

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