» Fantasy » the-domnyom, Ali Saeed [top 10 non fiction books of all time TXT] 📗

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in front of the entrance, and stared wearily around her. As soon as she found her master, her face lit up with joy and a bright smile formed on her face.

and submitted to her master.

 Everyone looked at her with respect and gratitude, but Entus did not care about them or even look at them, and she walked with beautiful calm steps until she stood beside LINIAS . The girl shivered, never seeing her so close.

And I thought that she had gotten prettier many times since the last time I saw her. What a beautiful. What a sweet scent. But, what are you doing here? She wasn't the only one who thought this. But all those present. Even the boy himself thought of this, thinking that she was an angel who came down from heaven.

 The girl was about to tell her what was happening. But Entus , as if she knew their thoughts, answered with her actions, as she knelt before LINIAS. She said in a sweet and happy voice:

" Sir, I would like to speak with you"

Before answering LINIAS. The wooden scepter fell from the girl, and the three turned to her. The girl was as pale as a corpse, and with eyes filled with terror and fear, she said:

'Sir? Sir? What does this mean? Are you? Mr. Mrs. Entous? ...So you?...You are?'

-"He is the great and esteemed Emperor LINIAS of Vintos! The ruler of the fortress of Vintos." Entus uttered those words, looking at her as if she were looking at a disgusting worm.

-"The ruler of the magic castle of Vintos ?!"

LINIAS replied with concern at the girl's sight:

- " Yes, I am.. Didn't I tell you that?" And the girl went crazy as she jumped over the table. The table could not bear the weight of the girl and it broke, and the girl fell on the wreckage of the table in front of LINIAS . Lilia shivered and said: 

-" sir..Mr. LINIAS. No!. Your esteemed Majesty!. Please forgive your faithful servant and her unbelievable rudeness!!"

LINIAS was astonished by that miraculous leap.

He did not understand the reason for this act, as the girl did nothing wrong to justify this madness. He turned to Hicros, who was silent, as if this scene were anything but normal. And before LINIAS could say anything.


Everyone fell to their knees and stared at the ground in fear. Except for that boy who was standing trembling. The boy's face was disfigured and his facial expressions could not be seen. However, the amount of fear inscribed in him made LINIAS wish he had never met the child.

"Okay. I hope you all get up and go back to what you were doing."

Everyone rose to their places in silence.

Except for the girl in front of him who was getting paler. Tears started falling from her eyes. She was struck by many ideas. Will he kill her or torture her until she loses her mind?

It was the natural thing for masters to punish their followers and slaves as they wished. Even the citizens themselves were no exception to the cruelty that their rulers do out of whim or anger. How about someone who was rude to the king of this land, who allowed her to live in it freely.

Will he throw it out of this earth? Or maybe everyone will be thrown out of this land because of its insolence. If he does, they will either be killed or returned to infernal slavery. in addition to. She had heard many terrifying and frightening, unbelievable things about the ruler of the castle. Those thoughts made Lilia shiver nonstop. 

 LINIAS did not like these things and did not enjoy seeing them. 

 So he said:

"Will you come back to your place, girl?"

-"How.. how can I sit on the same level as you!. It is the right place for a person like me, standing in front of someone like you." Milion came and knelt beside Lilia and said:

- "Sir, the blame falls on me.

If you wish to impose your judgment on her, please place it on me in her place."

"Why would I do that?" LINIAS said that, not understanding what they were talking about. However, Milion misunderstood Linnaes' words and said:

It is the duty of a leader to bear the mistakes of his comrades.

Those words made LINIAS feel warm in his heart and said, smiling softly:

-"And who said I would do something to her or you or anyone else. I just want you to come back so we can just keep talking, that's it. She didn't do anything wrong either. Well. It doesn't matter anyway." He lowered his eyes to the girl and continued saying: 

"I didn't know your name?"

  She said :

"I am your servant Lilia , the deputy commander, and the honor is all mine."

“The leader of this place, do you mean Mister Million ?”

She said, "Yes."

 LINIAS said firmly:

" Entus , get up too, and make her rise."

 Entous rose to her feet, and lifted a Lilia of her neck like a dirty doll, and threw it on a chair. LINIAS wanted to reproach Entus for this cruelty but said nothing about it.

" You too, Mister Million , please get up"

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Million stood on his feet, and yet he looked strangely pale. LINIAS said :

"Your Majesty, sounds like a funny you can call me LINIAS if you want." 

 " Permit me to refuse that, Your Majesty"

"Okay, as you wish... why don't you sit down?"

" I am so comfortable, Your Majesty"

"Okay, okay, do what you like..."

LINIAS said , looking annoyed, and continued:

“Then you are a warrior , Mr. Million .”

"I am a knight, Your Majesty."

- "Oh!" LINIAS let out a cry of admiration and continued saying:

“Then you are like silver , Mr. Million .” Magic was divided into two main categories, the sorcerer and the wizard , or as some call it the holy magician. They are divided into many categories such as black magic, necromancy, witchcraft, nature control magic, and others. And if a warrior can use holy magic, he is called a knight, meaning that they are two classes in one person. If a knight could combine magic with the arts of a warrior, he would become invincible. Since it is a branch of the wizard or holy magician, it specializes in the use of light magic.

Which is the weak point of demons and dead beings. Such as the skins of the evening, and the sons of the graves, and the women who were hanged. skeletons , etc.


Milion knew Silver well as he had seen him by chance at the edge of the dark forest . At first he thought the man was sleeping on his feet. He had no idea what a man was doing here. Silver was wearing normal clothes. But what happened next made Million shiver. Silver grabbed a huge black marimreyah tree .

And uprooted it like a rose. In an instant , Silver and the tree disappeared . And after a million people told the story to Angus. The latter told him about the sleeping man.

Million said :

"No. I'm not that good, and I'm also not that good at using holy magic."

"But you can use healing magic, right."

" Yes, Your Majesty, but it is magic of the first level." 

" Why don't you use it to heal the people around you? Can't you?" 

Million 's eyes widened in astonishment, and he said in a trembling voice:

" I dare say, Your Majesty, that you are a high level magic user, so you do not know these lower things"

LINIAS did not understand anything of this hadith, so he asked him to clarify what he meant. Million continued : 


-"When someone is injured or injured. It can be healed by lower level magic. But once the wound has healed or a month passes without treatment after the injury, it is impossible to heal. When we call healing magic on the old injury, it cannot be cured because magic believes that the injury is It's a natural part of the body, and it's not people are here. But, I've heard, high level magic can heal these conditions."

And he was silent.

Why does he look at me like that? Is he afraid.. mmm. But that's strange. It wasn't like this before... there are things that are starting to get weird. He stared at his hands on the table and continued to think.

I need to make sure of a lot of things..but why don't I try it because I need to know what will happen . And he stared at a million and said:

"What is the high level you are talking about exactly?

Million replied :

-"It's the highest level of magic. The fourth or maybe the fifth, Your Majesty."

LINIAS looked nervous at this answer as he could use 3rd level magic. But, much before that, he could only use first level magic.

It was for the same reasons many people had, that he had no one to teach him magic. Since LINIAS lived alone in the forest since his childhood, and of course his life as Salem did not know magic except in novels and films. 

So he had to teach himself. But. It was very difficult as he seemed to be floundering in the dark. even so. He managed to master level one magic, after dozens of years.

 It was then that he met Rivera. Rivera was no ordinary woman as she lived thousands of years, and she could use sixth level magic, which was legendary until now.

She was the teacher, who told LINIAS about the ancient world, and about ancient myths. Where animals and trees could talk at that time. And about the ten layers of magic, which have vanished from history, and no one can remember them or have access to them.

Since Rivera was a wizard. Or a Holy Magic, like LINIAS , she taught him until he quickly reached the third level. However, LINIAS could not reach higher levels, as he lacked more magical power. Magical spells required more magical power the higher the level .

 For example if the first level enchantment as a big rock. The second level magic is like a mountain in terms of its attack power and the magical power required to achieve it. 

In contrast, second level magic is as weak as a small rock in front of third level magic, which is like a mountain compared to it.

And so on all levels. And since Rivera no longer remembers the ancient ritual of raising magical power. She made LINIAS use regular and familiar exercises for it.

However, there was no benefit. LINIAS realized that he had reached his limit in magic.

So he returned to the thing he was so good at, which was his outstanding physical strength. That's why he was nervous, when Million told him he needed high level magic


LINIAS knew now, that he could use the ten layers of magic thanks to the new power he had gained. But it was only in his mind or only theory. He has never tried it. Can he. Or maybe it's just imaginary things in his head. So now he decided to give it a try, and see what happens.

 LINIAS gestured to the boy to approach him. The boy stood in front of him unlike the previous one. He looked down in fear, as if he was going to be tortured by what he was doing earlier.

LINIAS put his hand above the head of the boy who trembled at that moment.

"You don't have to worry, boy, but, I'm sorry that you're going to be a sampler." At that moment LINIAS released the highest levels of magic and the highest levels of healing magic]Great Healing .[

A bright white circle appeared above the boy's head, and within it were many emblems, and letters spinning around.

Everyone stared at that circle with twinkling eyes. It was illuminating and comforting souls. Then the boy began to glow in all colors, and his body began to recover. As if time is going backwards.

His tan skin covered his angelic face, his lips and teeth grew, and his ears grew like plants sprouting from the earth.

The burns disappeared with his hands, and the index fingers and thumbs of his right hand grew. His purple eyes sparkled with life. The spell disappeared after three seconds, announcing the end of its work.

For the boy to stand among them, has become a sound body. Everyone held their breath. They were staring at the boy with wide eyes, as if she was going to fall out of her socket, as they had never seen such magic that could heal these wounds.

The boy raised his arms in front of his face, turned them over and examined.

For a moment he trotted to the corner of the room, stood in front of a small mirror and examined his face.

Then he looked to the sides and behind him, to make sure, that there was no one near him. And when you make sure of it. He peeked inside his pants between his legs and broke down in tears.

LINIAS began to sweat in terror as he believed that a magic spell had cured the boy, but in return. His penis was taken away.

Anything is possible in magic, but this was disastrous.

He wanted to use it on everyone, so how about if all men became like a boy. I will surely be the enemy of every man in this place. No . Even women will not have mercy on me. He thought, if there were newspapers in this world.

He would have found the big headlines: The burned land. King of Crazy He cut the men's balls. In a raging popular revolution, the people They cut king balls . The people have defeated tyrants. People live without balls. Justice has achieved!!

. Under the title is a picture of a group of raging women, clutching LINIAS balls and brandishing them on TV. On these fantasies, he shuddered:

"Uh, that's good.. and since it's working I'm going to pass it on to everyone, so please gather the people out.. Can you?"

Million said excitedly :

-"Leave it to me, Your Majesty. Do you bring

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