» Fantasy » the-domnyom, Ali Saeed [top 10 non fiction books of all time TXT] 📗

Book online «the-domnyom, Ali Saeed [top 10 non fiction books of all time TXT] 📗». Author Ali Saeed

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be embarrassing."

"These wretched ones do not know how fortunate they are to receive your mercy."

Hicros said :

"Don't you feel pity for these poor people?" .

She said :

- "Pity? , I am the one who needs pity, for hundreds of years, and I have been tormented and burned with caustic fire, and I am still tormented until now, but no one has mercy on me and no one has pity on me." LINIAS stared radiantly as x-rays. LINIAS rolled his eyes, and stared down anxiously.

  In fact. LINIAS did not understand what Entus said , for he thought that it was natural in her madness, and how else could she say that she suffers even now while standing before him.

He thought seriously that he would cure her mind soon as he now had a huge amount of insane spells, including mind magic. 

Hicros sighed .


LINIAS had set the distance in his mind, in preparation for the magic he would cast, of course the tenth layer magic would be like the previous spell. However, he must now double its size and power. Since he will be using this powerful spell, for the first time in his life. He felt excited.

His smile widened. He opened his arms in front of him, as if preparing to take a dear person in the arms. He didn't need to do that. But he felt that this situation corresponds to the imaginary state in which he is now. He unleashed his magic to the limit.

- ] Massive Magic – Great Healing ! [ And the sky shone 

That magic circle appeared above LINIAS' head . In an instant, it swelled and expanded until it obscured the entire sky of the area.

 LINIAS stared up at the sky, dumbfounded. He hadn't imagined it would be this big. But the symbols and slogans that were wrapped around themselves, made him even more astonished and bewildered. He knew these symbols perfectly. These symbols are the letters of the Arabic language . 

When he inquired about these letters, Hicros and Entus told him that these symbols were the symbols of the ancient language of magic .

 This answer made him flounder in a whirlpool of bewilderment and wonder.

He examined himself, and found that he had not lost as much magic power as he had expected. Rather, it seemed that he had lost something very little. He looked back down with a distracted, wandering stare. and muttered says:

"I don't understand anything anymore."





Everyone looked at their new master, rising above their heads thanks to the magic of flying. Followed by his followers, and vanished into the night sky.

 lilia said , looking up at the sky.

"What does the master want to do? I mean the emperor?"

 Million replied :

-"I don't know...but he said he would cast a spell on everyone, as you heard before." Lilia approached and whispered in Million 's ear : 

-" But, this is ridiculous. This thing can't be done.. We are in the thousands. This is crazy, also why did it fly in the air?" 

Million replied, whispering anxiously:

"I don't know anything...but stop saying these things. You will bring disaster upon us with your foolishness."

 She said :

- "But. But- ". Lilia was about to speak, but her tongue and mind froze at what happened above her head.

Everyone held their breath, looking at the entire sky that shone with a beautiful white light. Breathtaking splendor. For a moment there was silence in the place, and only the crackling of firewood was heard. And under the white light. Everyone looked like an army of skeletons . A woman let out a shriek. It sounded like a death cry. 

-"It's the moon. It will fall over our heads!!" It was as if that voice had awakened and scattered their souls, to spread chaos in the place. Some of them screamed. Some are crying. Some laughed out of fear. Mothers held their children in their chests, shedding tears that had turned into terrible fear.

Some scattered panicked scattered like rats. Some of them fled inside the buildings. The place became a complete mess.

Even so, they couldn't look away from the sky. Milion and lilia , and the people who had witnessed this earlier, were looking at the sky with eyes as wide as saucers. Their foreheads were sweating, and they were all smiling like crazy. If they hadn't seen that white circle before, they would have done the same as the people around them.

" Impossible! Who is this man!" A woman among them said, tears welling up in her eyes from the intensity of fear.   

A man followed her, saying: 

"The rumors are right! He's a monster!"

Another said, laughing hysterically:

- " As expected from the lord of monsters. the castle of Vintos!" 

Lilia said trembling, holding a million from behind like a baby: 

-"It's like a legend in ancient times. No wonder he annihilated Verna because she disgusts him." She held her throat in terror, and burst into tears, imagining the torment awaiting her from the savage emperor.

Million said :

- " He is the legend! He wasn't lying, he really annihilated Verna!"

  Everyone started glowing brightly.

They stopped what they were doing. They stared silently at those colors flowing from their bodies. And they forgot their fear at that moment, as they felt warm.

And everyone was cured. Everyone regained their previous intact bodies, even the black puddles evaporated and were no longer a trace. 

The incantation in the sky faded back to the darkness of the night. As if what happened moments ago was a strange illusion. But what happened to them was confirmation that what happened was an absolute truth.

Fear and crying changed to tears of joy and gratitude for their new master.

They all shrieked of gratitude, shedding tears again.

- 9 -

LINIAS could hear the voices below and said:

-"I want to go, and tell them to go back to what they were doing...But frankly, I'm ashamed of what these poor people might do to me."

 So.. Hicros , can you tell them please? Also tell them that they will be offered pure water shortly.. Oh.. and the fish. Yes, they will be given fish.. a lot of them.. Tell them that, and I will wait for you here.”

Hicros said with a smile:

- " Concept ". It quickly descended downward, as if falling under gravity.   

LINIAS turned to Entus , she was still looking at him with those radiant eyes, and said :

" What is there?...". 

She said :

"No. Nothing. But, if you'll excuse me, why did you tell them those words?"

LINIAS said :

-"What I said was the truth that they knew... I told them that so that they feel belonging to this country, and to know that they are no longer slaves."

She said :

'No. I know exactly what you meant, but. I don't know why you did it. Frankly, you should have said nothing to them yourself. Or come down to the same level as they are. The ruler should be above everyone else, and they should just lower their heads gratefully. This place is filthy, and I can't stand the thought of you walking in this place."

LINIAS laughed from the bottom of his heart. Entus stared at him with eyes filled with love, as he looked beautiful in front of her eyes. She had an overwhelming desire to hug him so tightly that he would break his bones!

 LINIAS said :

-" What you said is really strange. We used to live in the jungle, and jungle life wasn't much different than that. But a leader who doesn't walk on the same ground as his people. is nothing but dirt." 

I hate these people who claim to be leaders. How can a leader know what his people are suffering, while he lives above the clouds. For this.. I have to live in the place where my people live. This is the duty of a leader, Entus. Or would you prefer that I speak to you from the top of the castle, while you are looking at me from the ground?”

She said :

"It would be very unfair, and I could never bear it. So... please don't do that."

LINIAS said gloomily :

-"Just an analogy... it was a joke, and you don't have to look at me like that."

"Oh. I knew you were kidding, I know you're not that cruel, but you look more beautiful than before today."

 He smiled and said:

"Really.. Thank you for your praise.. Maybe because of these clothes.. but I'm not more beautiful than you."

 She said, her cheeks flushed:

" No, I'm not at all beautiful and handsome." 

 He said :

-"Now this is a funny thing you say about me.. I can't be more beautiful than you. It is enough to ask anyone, and they will tell you that I am ugly compared to you."

She said :

-"That's impossible. You are the most beautiful man in all the earth!. So please don't say that again. It hurts me here." She placed her hand on her left chest. 

-"You always exaggerate, Entus... it was the truth. So...don't tell me the obvious."

She said, her face red as an apple.

- "Am I really beautiful? Do you think that I am so beautiful?"

LINIAS sighed , and began to wonder to himself: What do you want to achieve ? She used to come up with strange strange topics every time.

He said :

"Didn't I tell you, don't ask me obvious things."

 -" this means ?" .

He said :

"Yes. It's as I said."


-" Then... who is more beautiful, me or that ugly one?" LINIAS felt he had stepped on a mine, for he knew what you meant by ugly. He looked at her and thought: Is it all in order to reach this question? 

However, he could not say anything about this. If he says you are more beautiful. He might have known. That what he will say. He's going straight to Rivera , who'll go crazy at those words, and she'll crack his head with that. And if Rivera said the most beautiful. She may burst into tears and may even tear her hair. No. He was confident Entus would do it. She was losing her mind over these things. He muttered, Don't they have anything better to do...Women have something in their heads." 

She said :

"Did you say something, sir?" At that moment an idea flashed in his head, and he thought to take advantage of the last word I spoke. Of course she will refuse to do so, and the conversation will go in another direction entirely, and he will not have to answer the question. He smiled in his heart.

And he said :

"No. I didn't say anything.. So... Entus . I don't want you to call me my sir anymore... It annoys me."

At that moment , Entus smiled a devilish smile, and stared at him with sly eyes, and said:

"Do not avoid answering my question, sir."

 LINIAS was frozen in the air. He felt like he had been kicked between his legs.

Women are monsters!!. With that in mind, he looked down to buy some time for Hicros to return.

 But Entus continued:

" It seems that I was right in my words.. Also, I will not stop calling you sir, even if you order to cut off my head, and you know my answer very well.. My lord, my soul and my heart.. Hmm!" Entus coughed . She stared at her master. As if devouring him and drinking him with those eyes, she hoped that her master would say something about her deliberate last words. But, her master was looking down. As if he hadn't heard anything. She continued, disappointed:


"Then what is your answer, sir?" .

He mustered the biggest compliment he could muster and said:

"Frankly, you are all beautiful. And each one is beautiful in a different way.. like two shining flowers. Each flower has its own beauty and its own scent. I can't judge or differentiate the two of you. Therefore, I don't want you to ask such a question. And in order that you don't ask me again or My words cause some annoyance to the others, I say that all the women of Vintos Castle are beautiful. Is that understandable?!"

She said, bowing happily:

-" Concept ".

LINIAS wanted to know the reason for the happiness on her face. But he knew it would give him a headache, so he said:

"Why did you come to me?"

 Entus raised her head. She blinked her eyes as if she did not understand what it meant. LINIAS continued :

"You said a while ago that you wanted to talk to me."

She said :

"Oh! That's right. I forgot, please forgive me."

Then Hicros rose to them and said grimly:

"It's good that you did not go, Commander. The place was in a mess from the intensity of crying. Anyway, I told them, and they convey praise and thanks for everything you have given them."

LINIAS said :

"Thank you , Hicros.. in fact I didn't give them anything, it was a magic spell, and the magic power I lost will come back quickly, so I didn't lose anything or offer anything." Turning back

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