» Fantasy » Young Guardian Trilogy, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [e book reading free txt] 📗

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and then put my hand to my chest, with the other on hers. “And in here. Dark Magic bothers all, even if no Magic.”
I didn’t understand right away. “What do you mean?” My eyes strayed to the Mirror once again. Its image wasn’t my own, nor hers, but a black, clouding rainbow. I stared at it, watching the swirl of different colors flow clockwise.
“Da child speaks truth when she say ah am a Jamaican witch-doctor’s daughter.” She told me. “Ah am a lot like you, M’Lady Reading. The Magic flows in my blood, too. Different name, but the same.”
I looked at her, making her continue. She sat on my bed, smiling up at me.
“Come sit, M’Lady. Listen to my story.”
I obeyed, still trying to push all feelings of Dark Magic aside in my mind and soul.
“Da day I met Kelly, she was scorched from fire.” Delilah began. “In my mind, ah could feel da Magic in her growing. At da time, I was to have my twins, Caitlin and Zachary. Kelly knew this, feeling my stomach. I was amazed to find she knew of Lord Guardian as well.”
My attention was hit. “You know Lord Guardian O’Dell?”
“I know him by Lord Guardian. Only few are allowed to call him by his name.” Delilah said. “And only his successor can get away with it.”
She gave me a look, knowing. She tapped my leg and smiled sweetly. I could feel the magic in her own system flowing by the look in her large brown eyes.
“Not to worry. All yah secrets will be kept. My sons and daughters know nothing of it.” Delilah assured me.
“Thank you, Mrs. – I mean, Delilah.” I replied.
“I gave da child Papa’s stones for a reason, M’Lady.” Delilah began. “She is haunted by the Master’s son, even today. Da stones keep her safe from the Merchant’s horrid arms.”
“How could I have missed that?” I whispered to myself. “Was I so into my Earthbound life, I hadn’t realized that the darkness was still there?”
“You were not to blame, M’Lady.” Delilah said quietly. “Da Dark Magic will always be with you, throughout your life. You must believe in da strength of your power enough to be able to defeat it.”
The image in the Mirror continued to swirl. The feelings I got from it were intense. I closed my eyes to feel the pain of my Dreamers, but instead, the picture of Adrienne’s wicked smile flashed in my mind.
Delilah tapped me out of the daze.
“What you see?”
How could I explain to a complete stranger?
“Madame Whitehead in yah thoughts.” Delilah replied. “No need to be Magic to see dat.”
“I still don’t understand why Derrick didn’t tell me he had a daughter.”
She looked at me. “He don’t. Dat girl is another’s. Only she knows who da father is.”
I was silent.
“Who do you believe? Your husband, Earthly Protector of so many years, or some woman ye don’t even know?” Delilah asked. “Ah say, believe yah own heart.”
I stared at her, and then played with the ring Aimee gave me.
“M’Lady Aimee gave ya dat?” I nodded. “She smart woman. Care for all she meets. Dat ring meant much to her before she reunited wit ya.”
“What did it mean to her?”
“Her best friend was still out there, waiting to be found. Its stones meant for Mystic Jewels reminder. She now has magic of her own to share.”
“Unicorn Magic.” I said. “The magic of love for the earth.”
She looked at her watch. “I gotta go now, Young Guardian.” She stood. “See ya in da Dream Realm.”
I smiled, knowing I would. “See you later, Delilah. Thanks for the lecture.”
She waved a hand “Anytime, M’Lady. Goddess Bless.”
There was a saying I’d never heard aloud before. “Goddess Bless.”
With that, I headed down the stairs and out the door, to my best friend. Though the feelings of Dark Magic bothered me even now, I ignored them. It just wasn’t important enough.
Story: #1:
Truth of Happiness

That night in the Dream Realm, I found Kelly playing with Celine at Stargazer Castle.
“Kelly!” I called to her, and she turned to greet me.
“Hi, Momma!” Kelly cried, hugging me. “Celine and I were just playing Bang-Ball. Wanna play?”
I grinned. “Later, honey.” I turned to Celine. “Where’re your parents?”
“Inside, Young Guardian.” Celine pointed to the Castle. “Mommy’s in the house.”
I headed directly to the front door, leaving the two girls to play. Before I could knock, Katherine herself answered.
“I knew it were you.” Katherine teased, purring in happiness. She hugged me. “Come in, Young Guardian. I have been wondering about you.”
“Good to see you, too.” I laughed, following her inside. “What have you been wondering about me for?”
“Lord Guardian says you took Amethyst through the Mirror.” Katherine said.
Uh oh. “He isn’t mad, is he?”
She shook her head. “Nay, not at all. Just curious as to why take her to the Animal Kingdom when you could have come here?”
“I guess she missed it.” I shrugged. “We used to go there shortly after we met you.”
“Aye, I know.” She said.
Katherine made a platter of vegetable slices appear. “Care for a snack?”
I shook my head. “No, but thanks anyway.”
She made it disappear, saying softly. “Oh well.”
I stared at my friend as she fell silent. The look on her face turned distant. “Is something bothering you, Kat?”
She looked up at me. “Oh, Ariana. I have been having intense visions I cannot explain.”
“Sounds interesting.” I told her. “Tell me about them.”
“Well, one of them, I see a pair of kits, not unlike Kit and I, being cared for by an older, more powerful feline boy.” Katherine whispered. “I dare say it aloud, for Wolf is concerned for me. He has yet to see me with Magic of my own. Perhaps this is only a beginning for me?”
“Perhaps.” I said. “Where are these visions taking place?”
“That is it. I do not know. It seems very familiar, but I have never been there before.” Katherine told me. “What do you make of it?”
That was a hard one. I had to think of that for a moment before responding.
“Whatever it is, it’s laying on your conscious, Kat.” I told her. “Maybe if we explore, your empathic powers will trigger, bringing you closer to whatever it is you’re seeing?”
“Good idea, Young Guardian. But where to start?” Katherine replied.
“Let’s take the girls and start in the Canine Wood.” I suggested. “They each have their own power, right?”
“Aye.” Kat agreed. “Let’s go.”
We walked outside and found the girls standing, side by side, waiting for us.
“We sensed it, Momma.” Kelly announced, smiling. She took my hand, and Celine took her mother’s.
“We go now.” Celine announced.
Katherine and I looked at each other and grinned, thinking the same thing. They were so much like us when we were young.
Hard to believe we each have kits of our own, yes? Katherine sent to me, smiling.
I nodded.
The four of us went deep into the Canine Wood, finding nothing. Then, using Magic, we thought of what we wanted to find, closing our eyes. When we opened them, we found ourselves in the Province Wood, near the old Garden. The Garden was where Kat and I had escaped to often to get away from our pains and troubles. It used to be in between the Dominion and the Province, until the Dominion Wall fell after the Crusades.
Immediately, I sensed something. “Kat.”
She turned to me, nodding. “I sense it, too.”
“We are close now.” Celine announced, beginning to walk into the Wood.
“Do not go far, Celine.” Katherine warned her. “You do not know what lays in there for us.”
“I will be careful, Mommy. I promise.” Celine stopped to say, and then ran off.
Kelly ran after her. “Wait for me, Celine!”
The girls were soon gone, and I didn’t want them out of our sights for long. We followed, and the intense feelings began to grow.
Katherine had to stop, holding her head in pain. “Ahh!”
“Kat,” I stopped and stooped where she was knelt down. “We have to find out what’s going on.”
She looked at me. “Can not – Hurts too much.”
I took her hand. “No matter, we have to do it. For the girls.”
With Katherine nodding, I helped her stand.
“After all, we are Crusaders.” I reminded her, making her smile.
Again, we were on our way.
Deep into the Province Wood, even I had to stop.
It was silent, and the girls were in front of us, holding hands.
I had to close my eyes and open my mind. Something was out there.
The three of us stood, while Katherine was the only one to be brave enough to face it.
“Come out Companion, please. We will not harm you.” Kat said into the air.
I do not doubt that, my friend. His voice rung in my mind.
Katherine looked at me, hearing it, too. She turned back to the trees.
“Come out then, and introduce yourself.”
Only if you promise not to faint when you see me.
“Why would I faint?”
I will explain later. His words cut in my head, but he did finally come out.
I gasped. “Who are you?”
He stepped closer to us. “They call me Braken Joel.”
Braken Joel? Who was this Balinese? I stood silent, as did the girls, watching as Katherine and Braken Joel stared at each other for a moment.
“Braken. That was my father’s name.” Katherine told him.
There was something familiar about him – his eyes were silver-blue of the Mystics, yet his demeanor suggested a lowly Companion. He was a Balinese cat, as are Kit and Kat, but he was different. He dressed in rags, frightened of us when we called him out of the shadows.
“It was mine as well.” Braken Joel said softly. “We are siblings?”
Katherine shrugged. “I do not know. I could ask the Sisters for you, or you could come with me.”
He shook his head. “Sorry, but I wish no part of them.”
He was a Companion, not wanting anything to do with the Sisters? That was odd.
I craned my head. “Why not? The Sisters may know who you are.”
“That is it, they do.” Braken Joel told us. “What is your name?”
“Katherine Hawk-Stargazer.” Katherine announced.
“I’m Ariana Reading, the Young Guardian.” I told him quietly.
“Kelly Reading, the Enchanted Child of the Dream Realm.” Kelly said with a grin.
“I am Celine Stargazer, Katherine’s daughter.”
Braken Joel continued to stare at Katherine, pondering her words.
“A Hawk and a Stargazer?” He whispered.
“I have kept my family name in memory of them.” Katherine looked down at the ground. “They were killed in the Wars.”
I felt for my friend. She lost her family about the same time I had.
“And what of Stargazer – is that not a canine name?” Braken Joel asked.
He must know something about the Dream Realm, to know the backgrounds of a name.
Katherine nodded. “Aye, so what?” She announced, getting brave. “We do not care who knows now that the Crusade is over.”
He was silent, coming closer to us.
“The second Wars.” He whispered, and then looked up at Katherine. “You are a forceful young Companion, are you not?”
“I never used to be. I guess growing up with Uncle Orthos did have its slight advantages.” Katherine replied. “Are you sure you do not want to join me at the Palace?”
“You know, Katherine, I do.” Braken Joel smiled. “I just may learn something.”
Kelly and I looked at each other, knowing it was time for the two of us to go. In the blink
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